1995 ECCC Newspaper Clippings
ECCC BASEBALL TEAM - Above are members of the East Central Community College baseball team for the 1995 campaign. Pictured are (first row, from left) Brooks Bryan, Philadelphia; Chrts Ezelle, Union; MikeHammack, Brusly, LA; Shane McGee, Morton; Ron Cook, Carthage; Ricky John, Philadelphia; (second row, from left) Chrts Bond, Hickory; Kevin Nelson, Clinton; Willis Lally, Breaux Bridge, La; Chad Ardoin, Hurtey; Jason Wilkins, E_nterprlse; Mitch Covington, Denham Sprtngs, LA; Greg McBrtde, Newton; (third row, from left) Matt Smith, Sidon; Chad Lewis, Little Rock; Craig Bowell, Philadelphia; Bucky Davis, East Chatham, NY; Todd Reeves Decatur; Dusty Ivy, Hickory; (fourth row, from left) Kenyon Gardner, Walnut Grove; Tony Perozo, Lake; Justin SChmidt, Carthage; Joey Rigdon, Decatur; Gennalne Chambers, Noxapater; Mark Davis, Enter– prtse; and (top row, from left) Tommy Bost, Philadelphia; Brandel Russell, Little Rock; Hank Thoms, Newton; Cary Lambert, Gonzales, LA; Raymond Johnson, Philadelphia; and Will McLeod, Louisvil– le. The Diamond Warriors are coached by Jamie Clark. (EC Photo)
WEr:K OF season with Saturday tournament
sive power for the Warriors; freshman Tommy Bost of Neshoba Central, described as an athlete with "outstanding talent-great power"; sophomore Kenyon Gardner of South Leake and a transfer from Jackson Sta te University who bat– ted .330, blasted four home runs and will probably start as a designated hitter and also be used at first base and left field; and freshman Justin Schmidt of Car– thage who will give EC another defensive replacement for Late– inning help in close games, Freshman outfielder Chad Lewis of Newton County will miss the entire '95 campaign due to injury.
close to 100 percent following off– season knee surgery. Dusty lve}, an All-South Divi– sion performer last season, is ex– pected to have another banner year and will probably start in right field. Ivey, a graduate·of Newton Coun– ty High School, batted .325 and collected five home runs.
1994. Clark said McGee has an "ex– cellent" throwing arm and shows a lot of promise for the future. Clark said three returnees are vy– ing for starting catcher, including Will McLeod of Louisville, Mike Hammack of Brusly, Louisiana; and Chris Bond of Newton Coun– ty. Bond batted .313 last season. In the outfield, starting center fielder Brooks Bryan returns after hitting .325 last season. Clark call– ed Bryan "one of the best out– fielde rs in the league." The Philadelphia High School product, earlier mentioned as a possible reliever on the mound, will pro– bably bat third. Clark said he is
Clark said left field is still "up for grabs" with seven players battling for the starting position. Those vy– ing for the starting berth include sophomore Ron CooR of Carthage, described as having "great speed and a great arm"; freshman Greg McBride of Newton, who is, ex– pected to provide plenty of offen- --
ECCC Baseball Team. 0 oAbove a re members of the East Central Community Col– lege baseball team for the 1995 campaign . Pictured a re (first row, from left) Brooks Bryan , Philadelphia; Chris Ezelle, Union; Mike Hammack, Brusly, LA; Shane McGee, Morton; Ron Cook, Carthage; Ricky John, Philadelphia; (second row, from left) Chris Bond, Hickory; Kevin Nelson, Clinton; Willis LaDy, Breaux Bridge, LA; Chad Ardoin, Hurney; Jason Wilkins, Enter– prise; Mitch Covington, Denham Springs, LA; Greg McBride, Newton ; (third row, from left) Matt Smith, Sidon; Chad Lewis, Little Rock; Craig Vowell , Philadelphia; Bucky Davis, East Chatham, New York; Todd Reeves, Decatur; Dusty Ivy, Hickory; (fourth row, from left) Ke– nyon Gardner, Walnut Grove; Tony Perozo, Lake; Justin Schmidt, Carthage; Joey Rigdon, Decatur; Germaine Chambers, Noxapater; Mark Davis, Enterprise; and (top row, from left) Tommy Bost, Philadelphia; Brandel Russell, Little Rock; Hank Thoms, Newton; Cary Lambert, Gonzales, LA; Raymond Johnson, Philadelphia; and Will McLeod, Louisville. Tbe Diamond Warriors are coached by Jamie Cla rk. (EC Photo)
L -I 5 -Cp_)
Diamond Warriors begin '95 " Play ball" may or may not be heard at major league parks this spring, but sounds of the national pastime will definitely be heard at East Central Community College where the Diamond Warriors begin season play on Friday, February 17. East Central has two single games scheduled on opening day: a rare 10:30 a.m. contest with Bevill followed by a 3:30 matchup against division opponent Jones County Junior College. An invitational tournament is on tap for the veekend on the Decatur campus and includes BevilJ, Jones, Wallace State and ECCC in the two-day competition. Dumas and reliever David Cox who set a school record for appearances. Both are continuing their athletic careers at William Carey College. Other top pitchers lost via gradua– tion include Tommy Holland and Jamie Morrow. Holland posted a 4-1 mark and Morrow now plays at Mississippi College. But Clark expressed confidence in returning hurlers Jason Wilkins of Enterprise and Todd Reeves of Newton County. Wilkins, who went 5-4 record last year and registered 19 strikeouts in one divi– sion game, enters the season as the top rated starter. Reeves, the only other sophomore pitcher, is ex– pected to work as a middle reliever. Although he has only two returnees on the mound, Clark said he expects a "big boost" from his freshman pitching staff which he describes as "excellent."
needed depth." Two first baseman return from ~ast season, who are Matt Smith of Sidon and Kevin Nelson of Clinton. Smith, who batted .310, is coming off shoulder surgery and is still not at full strength. Clark describes Nelson as the team's "most improv– ed player." A 2.69 hitter last year, Nelson will probably move to another position when Smith is healthy. Battling for the starting job at se– cond base are also two sophomores, Chris Ezelle o f Union and Chad Ardoin of H .:Irley and a transfer from Mary Holmes. Ezelle batted .269 last season and is expected to be the team'\ leadoff hitter. Returning at shortstop is Ricky John of Nes!· ba Central who hit .300 with three home runs last year. John will probably bat second in this season's lineup. Freshman Carey Lambert of Gonzales, Loui– siana, could :allenge for che short– stop position meaning John may possibly mo. o:c to :hird base. Clark said Ra}mond Johnson of Philadelphia expected to rerum at third base a· er mh~ing most of 1994 due to a "rok.en JaW suffered in the lta\\amoa ~eries. Johnson, "hom Clar describes as an "outstanding'" Fielder, IS also effec– the at the p e a::. he was hitting 19 when he sustained his injury. Abo sched b.;. to see playing ume at third bast .:.:. Shane ~1cGee, a freshman from Leake Academy. McGee i~ cou::m_ off elbow pro– blerru that mz_e him miss all of
Fans should once again witness an exciting brand of baseball under head coach Jamie Clark who enters his eighth season at the Warrior helm. This year's squad feature 14 returnees from the '94 club which posted a 29-20 overall mark. Coach clark obnoU51)' expects another successful campatgn from his talent-laden team. "Even though we lost 5e\eral ·ey players due to graduation. l feel we have an outstanding group ot sophomores and freshmen on this year's team. 1 am espec1all} plea.:.– ed with the new players and feel all of our recruiting needs were met,·' he said. One area of possible concern for Clark may be the pitching stali which he has had to "rebuild" due to t he graduation of several outstanding hurlers including All– South Division performers Scotty
Staff members include starters Hank Thoms of Newton, Mitch Covington of Denham Springs, Louisiana; and Willis Lally of Breaux Bridge, Louisiana; short relievers Brandel RusseU of Newton County and Mark Davis of Enter– prise; long relievers Germaine Chambers of Noxapater and Craig \ 'o\\eL of Philadelphia; middle relie\ er Tony Perozo of Lake; and spot relie1 er Joe~ Rigdon o f :-;e\non County. Clark o;rud Brook Bl)an of Philadelphia ''ill also be counted on during the pitching rmation. The ECCC head mentor~ he' "vel) pleased'' \\~th the talent from his inflcld, an area tha ..
WEEK OF iamond Warriors host
ball under head coach Jamie Clark who enters his eighth season at the Warrior helm. This year's squad features 14 returnees from the '94 club which posted a 28-20 overall mark. Coach Clark obviously expects another successful cam– pai gn from his talent-laden team. "Even though we lost several key players due to graduation, I feel we have a n outstanding group of sophomores and fresh– men on this year's team. I am especially pleased with the new players and feel all of our recruiting needs were met," he said. One area of possible concern
for Clark may be the pitching staff which he has had to "rebuild" due to the ~rraduation But Cla rk expressed confi– dence in returning hurlers Jason Wilkins of Enterprise and Todd Reeves of Newton County. Wtlkins, who went 5-4 last year and registered 19 strikeouts in one division game, enters the season as the top-rated starter. Reeves, the only other sopho– more pitcher, is expected to work as ·a middle reliever. Although he has only t wo returnees on the mound, Clark said he expects a "big boost" from his freshman pitching staff which he describes as "excel– lent." Staff members include
Sounds of the national pas– time will definitely be heard at East Central Community Col– lege where the Diamond War– riors begin season play Friday, Feb. 17. East Central has two single games scheduled on opening day, a rare 10:30 a.m. contest with Bevill followed by a 3:30 matchup against division oppo– nent Jones County Junior Col– lege. An invitational tournament is on tap for the weekend on the Decatur campus and includes Bevill, Jones, Wallace State and ECCC in the two-day competi– tion. Fans should once again wit– ness an exciting brand of base- •
(\ ~ ECCC baseball team
Vowell, Ph1ladelphia Bucky Davis, East Chatham, N.Y.; Todd Reeves, Decatur Dusty Ivy, Hickory, fourth row, Kenyon Gordner, Walnut Grove; Tony Perozo, Lake, Justin Schmidt, Carthage; Joey Ridgon, Decatur; Germaine Chambers,:;ES Noxapater; Mark Davis, Enterprise; and fifth row, Tommy Bast, Philadelphia; Brandel Russell, Little Rock, Honk Thoms, J-..,..--.,. OlJ=R~A ~ Newton; Cary Lambert, Gonzales, La ; Raymond Johnson, Philadelphia; and -Nill Mcleod, Louisville. The Diamond---– Warners are cooch(.-d by Jamie Clark.
Members of the East Central Community Cqllege bose· boll teom for the 1995 campaign include, from leh, first row, Brooks Bryon, Philadelphia; Chris Ezelle, Union; Mike Hom– mock, Brusly, La.; Shone McGee, Morton; Ron Cook, Carthage; Ricky John, Philadelphia; second row, Chris Bond, Hickory; Kevin Nelson, Clinton; Willis Lolly, Breoux Bridge, La., Chad Ardoin, Hurley; Jason Wilkins, Enterprise; Mitch Covington, Denham Springs, La.; Greg McBride, Newton; third row, Matt Smith, Sidon; Chad Lewis, Little Rock; Craig
Bevill in season opener starter s H...nk Thomas of New– t on, Mn . Covington of Den– ham Sp; gs, La. , and Willis Lally o· Beaux Bridge, La. ; short reh e.rs Brandel Russell of Newt County and Mark Davis 01 E-.terprise; long reliev– ers Genraine Chambers of Noxapater and Craig Vowell of Philadelp ~1a; middle reliever Tony Perozo of Lake; and spot reliever J y Ridgon of Newton County. Clark -aid Brooks Bryan of Academy. McGee is coming off elbow problems that made him miss all of 1994. Clark said three returnees are vying for starting catcher, including Will McLeod of Louisville, Mike Hammack of Brusly, La., and Chris Bond of Newton County. Bond batted .313 last season. In the outfield, starting cen– ter fielder Brooks Bryan returns after hitting .325 last season. Clark called Bryan "one of the best outfielders in the league." The Philadelphia High School product will probably bat third. Clark said he is close to 100 per– cent following off-season knee surgery. Dusty lvey, an All-South Division performer last season, is expected to have another ban– ner year and will probably start in right field. Ivey, a graduate of Newton County High School, batted .325 and collected five home runs. Clark said left field is still "up for grabs" with seven play– ers battling for the starting position. Those vying for the starting berth include sopho– more Ron Cook of Carthage, described as having "great speed and a great arm"; fresh– man Greg McBride of Newton, who is expected to provide plen– ty of offen sive power for the Warriors; fr eshman Tommy Bost of Neshoba Cent ral , described as an athlete with · "outstanding t a len tand great power"; sophomor e Kenyon Gardner of South Leake and a transfer from Jackson State University who bat t ed .330, blasted four home runs and will probably start as a designated hitter and also be used at first base and left field ; and fre sh– man Justin Schmidt of Carthage who will give EC another defensive replacement for late-inning h e lp in close games. ECCC Baseball Date Opponent Time Site Feb. 17 Bevill 10:30 a.m. Home Feb. 17 Jones 3:30p.m. Home Feb. 18-19 ECCC Tournament Feb . 22 E ast Miss.* 3 p .m. Away Feb. 28 East Miss.* 3 p.m. Away March 3 Northeast * 3 p .m . Home March 4 Itawamba 1 p.m. Home March 7 Gulf Coast 4p.m. Away March 9 Bossier Parish 3 p.m. Home March 11 Pearl River 1 p.m. Away March 16 Three-Rivers* 5 p.m. Home March 17 Thr ee-River s 1 p.m. Home March 18 Three-Rivers* 1 p.m. Home March 22 Copiah·Lincoln 4p.m. Home March 24 Jackson State* 3 p.m. Home March 25 South west 1 p.m. Away March 27 East Miss.* 6 p.m. Home March 28 Iowa Western 3p.m. Home March 31 Iowa Western 3 pm Home Aprill Hinds 1 p.m. Home April5 Jone:; 1 p April S Gulf~t 4 Aprilll B l Pbiladelpba will also be count– ed on dur::ng the pitching rota– tion. The E CC head mentor said he's "ver. pleased" with the tal– ent from his infield, an area that realJ •. needed depth." Two firs t bas emen return from la~~ -eason, Matt Smith of Sidon ana Kevin Nelson of Clin– ton. Sm:· 'l who batted .310, is coming o!.: shoulder surgery and is still no· at full strength. Clar k describes Nelson as the team · most improved play– er." A .26'9 hitter last year, Nel– son wil. probably move to another position when Smith is healthy. Battling for the starting job at se cond base are also two sophomores, Chris Ezelle of Union and Chad Ardoin of Hur– ley and a transfer from Mary Holmes. Ezelle batted .269 last season and is expected to be the team's leadoff hitter. Returning at shortstop is Ricky J ohn of Neshoba Central who hit 300 with three home runs last year. John will proba– bly bat second in this season's lineup. Freshman Carey Lambert of Gonzales, La. , could challenge ror t h e s horts top po s ition, meani ng John may possibly move to third base. Clark said Raymond John– ::...m of Philadelphia is expected to return at third base afte r m1ssing most of 1994 due to a oroken ja,v. Johns n
WEEK OF, ) , ~[ -CeS
ECCCWarriors Baseball Schedule Date Opponem Time Site
February 17 Bevill February 17 Jones
10:30 Decatur
ECCC Tournament February 18 Wallace, Bevill, Jones & EC Entered February 19 Wallace, Bevill, Jones & EC Entered February22 EastMiss. (Single) 3:00
February28 EastMiss. (Single)
3:00 3:00 1:00
Scooba Decatur Decatur
March3 March4 March7 March9 March 11 March 16 March 17 March 18 March22 March24 March25 March27 March28 March 31 April] AprilS AprilS April11 April14 Aprill9 April21 April22 April23 April25 April29
Northeast (Single)
Itawamba GulfCoast
4:00 3:00 1:00 5:00 1:00 1:00 4:00 3:00 1:00 6:00 3:00 3:00 1:00 1:00 1:00 4:00 4:00
BGossier Parish
Three-Rivers (Single)
Decatur Decatur Decatur Decatur Decatur Summitt Decatur Decatur Decatur Decatur Ellisville Decatur Decatur Wesson Decatur
Three-Rlvers (Single)
Jackson State (Single)
EastMiss. (Single)
IowaWestern IowaWestern
Hinds Jones
GulfCoast PearlRiver
4:00 6:00 2:00 2:00 2:00 1:00
Northeast (Single)
Itawamba Itawamba
Fulton Fulton
Hinds Jones
ALL GAMES ARE DOUBLE-HEADERS UNLESS NOTED ECCC Tournament February 18 10:00 *Ec vs. Wallace 12:30 Jones vs. Bevill* 2:45 Bevill vs. Wallace* 4:45 EC vs. Jones• February 19 1:15 Jones vs. Wallace 3:45 EC vs. BevilJ *HomeTeam ---Sunday- Flip for home
East Central starts season by From Staff Reports
team. I am especially pleased with the new players and feel all of our recruiting needs were met," he said. This year's squad features 14 returnees from the '94 club which pos ted a 28-20 overall mark. The pitching staff had to be r ebuilt, though. All-South Division hurlers S cotty Dumas and reliever David Cox are at William Carey College. Also, Tommy Holland and J amie Morrow have moved on. Enterprise na t ive Jas on Wilkins is the top -r e turning starter. Wilkens, who went 5-4 last season, struck out 19 in one game last season. Todd Reeves. t h e oth e r sophomore pitcher , is sla ted to be a middle reliever. Although he h as only two returnee~ on the mound, Clark said he expects. a ..big boost" from his freshman pit chmg .::taff ·which he describ e~ as could challenge for the shor t– stop p osit ion, meaning John may move to third. Clark said Raymon d Johnson of Phila delphia is expected to r e turn a t third base after mis s ing mos t of 1994 due to a broken jaw suf– fered in the Itawamba series. Three are vying to wear the "tools of ignorance" for East Central , including Will McLeod of Louis ville , Mike Hammack of ,Brus ly, Louisiana, and Chris Bond of Newt on County. Bond batted .313 last season. In the outfield, starting cen· ter fielder Brooks Bryan returns after hitting .325 last season. Clark called Bryan "one of the best outfielders in the league." Dusty Ivey, an All-S ou th Division performer las t season, is expected to s tart in r ight field. Ivey batted .325 and col– lected five home runs. Clark said left field is still "up for grabs" with seven play-
"excellent." Cla rk s aid he's "ve r y pleased" wit h the talent from his infield, an area that "real1y needed depth ." Two fir st baseman retur n fr om last season - Mat t Smith of Sidon and Kev in Nelson of Clinton. Smith, who batted .310, is coming off shoulder sur gery and is still not at full strength. A .269 hitter last year, Nelson will probably move to anoth er position when Smith is healthy. Battling for the starting job a t second base are also two s ophomores, Chris Ezelle of Union and Chad Ardoin o f Hurley_and a transfer from Mary HOlmes . Ezelle batted .269 last season and is expect– ed to be the team's leadoff hit– ter.
Replacemen t players may hear the words ~play ball., in major league parks. but the sounds of the national pastime will be heard by East Centr al Community College':- best this spring. The Warrior.:. had two games scheduled Friday, bu t thev were rained out. ECCC "a: to hol5t Be,•ill and .Jon e:s Countv An 'invitational tournament 1.9 on tap for today and Sunday on t he Decatur campu::- and include.; Bevill, Jones. Wallace Sta te and ECCC in the two– day competition Warrior head coach Jamie Cl a rk, in his ei~hth ea... on. aid he e>.-pects another , uc– ce-,.ful campaign from hE tal– ent-laden team. "Even thou2"h ~ e lo"'i. - e\ er– n! key pla:;ers due to gradua– t ion, I feel we have an out– tanding 2TOup of ,ophomore5 an d fr e , hmen on thi~ year·.:,
Returning at s h or tstop is Ricky John of Neshoba Central who hit .300 ·with three home r uns last year . John will prob– ably bat ~econd in this season's hosting tourney this weekend
East Mississippi BasebaH Schedule at Gu t Cent (2
East Central Baseball Schedule Bevill,
• p.m. 30 p m. 3 p.rn. ., p.m 2 t>m. 1 p.m. 2pm pm. c::-m 1 pm 3pm. 3p.ITI. p.m. 6p.m. 3PI!I. 4pl!l. 2p.m. 2p..m. 7 p.m. 4pm. 2 pm 6p.m. 2p.m. 3p.m. 3 p.m. noon 2pm. Spm. noon
Feb. 17 ~. 17 Feb.tll Feb. 19 Feb. 22 Feb. 28 Marc~ 3 March 4 Morell 1 MarCh !I Mlreh II March t6 March 17 March18 March22 MarCI\24 MMCI\25 Mare'l27 Mar.:l126 March31
10 30 a.m 3:30p.m
at Cop ""l.lnoc*>
EaSI C nual at .Iooft (2 East Cenl."&&
ECCC Tournament ECCC Tournament at East M1ss (s.ng e) at East Miss (S1ngte) Northeast ($Ingle) llawamba at Gulf Coast B<>sser Pansh at Peall River Thte6 A ...er~ !Sil>gle) T!oJefS Rm~IS Three Rr.-ers 5!11 • Cop
et li.nds
oto11Vh;"-em 1. aWestem
Apnll AprilS Apn18 'lprilll Apflll.t Apnl19 .lpnl21 Apnl22 Aprfl23 Apn 25 Apr•l 29
H:!K!s Jone4
Glt' Coasl Pearl Rtvet 8l Copiah·t.inQoln So lt~wamea 11awamba Hn M•v t1 14 A?PE. CA' :-.; :- lineup. Freshman Carey ' -- Lambert of Gonz a les , La., ~ ::' er s bat tling fo r the starting position. ·~ 'I -r: :r. c.:: ;...J 0 ......, rl<;: f/l I
r...,. 0 ~ ECCC baseball · s·q·uad off to 4-1 start ;:.... • ECCC 13, EAST MISSISSIPPI 5: The Warriors scored seven runs over the first four innings and added six more in the ninth as they won the Feb. 22 contest at West Lauderdale. Chris Ezelle had three hits. one of which was a three-run homer. Ricky John, Brooks Bryan, and Cary Lam– bert each had two hits for the 4-0 Wa rriors. Jason Wilkins (2-0) struck out eight in eight innings to get the win. He allowed only three hits. East Mississippi fell to 0-3. JONES &, ecce 3: The Warriors took a 3-2 lead into the bottom of the ninth in Thursday's contest at Ellis– ville, but an infield error and a drop– ped routine fly ball in the outfield proved costly as Jones took the win with a grand s lam with two outs. Raymond Johnson homered for the Warriors. while Ricky John and Tommy Bost both had two hits. Brooks Bryan tQ-11 took the loss m By MARTY STAMPER _..........._ Democrat sports ed1tor The East Central Communtly Col– lege Warriors are off to a 4 1 start on the baseball dtamond, wmning the East Central Rush Sports Medicine Tournament 1n thl' process. EC will host Northeast in a single game at 3 p.m on f'riday and Ita– wamba in a 1 p.m. doubleheader on Saturday before opening South Divi– sion play at Gulf Coast on Tuesday. ECCC 6, WALLACE STATE 2: The Warriors won tlwir season opener as Jason Wilkins< 1 0) allowed only two hits in seven innings while striking out eight. lie gave up only two walks. Chris Bond had two hits, one of which was a two nm homer. Chris Ezelle also had a pair of hils . ECCC 10, JONES 0: (;reg McBride led the 2-0 Warriors with three hits, one of which was a hom(• r un. I lank Thoms 0 -0) was the winning pitch– er. ECCC 9, BEVIll STATE 4: Joey Rigdon 0-0> got thl' ""111 and Ron Cook had a patr of luts as EC won its own tournaml'nl and unprovl'd to 3-Q Members of the East Central Community College baseball team are (front row) Brooks Bryan, Chris Ezelle, Mike Hammack. Shane McGee, Ron Cook. Ricky John, (second rdw) Chns Bond, Kevin Nelson, Willis Lally, Chad Ar– dom. Jason Wtlku:ts; Mttch Covmgton, Greg McBride. (third row) Matt Smith , Chad lew1s, Cratg Vowell, Bucky Davis, Todd Reeves. Dusty Ivy, (fourth row) Kenyon Gardner. Tony Peroio. Jushn Schmidt, Joey Rtgdon. Germaine Chambers, Mark Davis. (top row) Tommy Bost Brandel Russell. Hank Thoms, Cary Lambert Raymond lohnson. and Will Mcleod. I o ~~zo J.a.l ::COOH ~ f-1 ::r: (-< ~ ~ ~(/)~~ J.a.l r<'hl'f as EC fell to 4-1. .Jom•s improved to 1-4. p... ~ WEEK OF , ;) ) , · ) ri'5 - Area baseball games cancelled Today's junior college baseball games featuring Gulf Coast at Meridian Community College and East Central at East Mississippi have been rained out. The MCC-Gulf Coast game as tenatively been rescheduled for MCC Field for Friday at 2 p.m. The EMCC-ECCC game has been rescheduled for Wednesday, March 29 at 4 p.m. Next up for East Mississippi is a home game against Meridian Thursday at 2 p.m. East Central plays hosts to Northeast Community College in a single nine-inning game Friday at 3 p.m. The actton heats up over the weekend as East Mississippi visits Hinds Community College in Raymond for a three-game, two-day set, whtle East Central plays host to ltawamba Community College In t\vo seven-inning games Saturday with action beginning at 1 p.m. MCC pays a visit to Shelton State Community College in Tuscaloosa, Ala. on Sunday 1n a single nine-inning game at 2 p.m. APPEARED IN : SCOTT COUNTY TIMES UNION APPEAL WINSTON COUNTY JOURNAL MERIDIAN STAR ~ CARTHAG I NI AN NESHOBA DEMOCRAT NEWTON RECORD CLARION- LEDGER WEEK OF ECCC experiences both ends of twinbill sweeps ECCC had a double and a home run. Ivy was 2-for-2 with a double, while Ron Cook added a tnple. Willis lAlly < 1-0) allowed only one run over the first five innings to get the win. The Warriors improved to 6-3 with the sweep, while ltawamba fell to 2-8. 8 MARTY STAMPER Der"''ocra• soo"s ed tor The East Central Community Col– lege Warnors were swept by Xorth– east in doubleheader action Friday in Decatur before coming back to take two wins from visiting ltawam- . ba on Saturday. The Warriors brought a 6-3 record into this week's action. The Warriors were slated to open South Division play at Gulf Coast on Thesday before hosting 1994 Region 23 runnerup Bossier Parish in a 3 p.m. double– header Thursday. EC then visits Pearl River Saturday before hosting Three Rivers (Mo.l in a three-game set, March 16-17. "It's probably the toughest two weeks we've had since I've been here," EC coach Jamie Clark said of the nine games. NORTHEAST 4-10, ECCC 2-3: The Tigers of Northeast limped into Decatur Friday afternoon with an 0-8 mark, but swept the Warriors as EC fell to 4-3. Mitch Covington !0-1) took the loss in the opener despite allowing only one run through four innings before being lifted for this week's con– ference action. Jason Wilkins (2-U suffered the same fate in the nightcap as he was lifted after giving up only one run through four frames. Brian Reid of Northeast no-hit EC over the first six innings of the se– cond contest ECCC 10-10, ITAWAMBA 9-1: The Warriors trailed 9-2 after s• 2 innings before rallying to take Saturday's opener in extra innings. A four-run sixth brought EC to within 9-6 and a three-run rally in the seventh forced an extra inning. Brooks Bryan. who went 4-for-5, singled home Chris Ezelle. who had walked, with the winning run in the bottom of the eighth. Bryan <1-11 also was the winning pitcher with two innings of scoreless relief. Dusty Ivy was 3-for--t with a homer for EC. while Kevin Nelson had a pair of doubles. In the nightcap, the Warriors led 2-1through 3• ~innings and broke the contest open with six runs in the bot- APPEARED IN: tomof~hefourth. Cary !Amberthad CARTH.AGINIJ¥1 grand slam in the fourth . Nelson NESHOBA DEMOC RAT ,/ SCOTT COUNTY T:~E S UNION APPEAL :o•' RNAL WINSTON COUNTY ~ '-' MERIDIAN STAR NEWTON RECORD CLARION- LEDGER WEEK OF =)- (c C.(') East Cen a sweeps pairfrom ltawamba McBride, Nelson and Ivy all crossed the plate in their half of the inning. Bryan, ·McBride and Nelson scored in the seventh to t.ie the game at 9-9 and send it into an extra inning. In the eighth, Chi·is Ezell walked and after Ricky John was intentionally walked , Bryan singled home Ezell with the winning run. • East Centr a l 10. Itawamba 1: The Warnors got five good innings from Willi~ Lally, who got his first decision. : Michael Gable took the los" and fell to 0-2. Ivy was 2-for-2 with a dou– ble, Carv Lambert went 2-for- 2 with ·a grand slam home run, Nel~on was 2-for-3 with a double and a homer and Ron Cook added a triple to lead the Warriors nt the plate. The Indians picked up their lone run in the top ,of the first . ECCC got all the runs it need– ed when Nplson and Ivy scored in the second. The Warrior:; got six more in the fourth when Qook. lvy, Chris Bond, Hank Thoms , Lambert and Shane McGee all scored. The big hits in the inning were Cook .. s triple, Ivy's double :md Lambert's grand slam. East Central then closed out the scoring in the fifth on Nelson's homer. Chris Bond later :;cored the final run of the game. By Will Price The Meridian Star DECATUR - After losing a doubleheader Friday night, the East Central Community College Warriors bounced back to beat sweep Itawamba Community College Saturday. East Central took the first game 10-9 in eight inning::; then won the nightcap 10-1. The two wins put the Warriors at 6-3 on the season while the Indians fell to 2-8. Brooks Bryan, ECCC's fifth pitcher of the game, got the win and is now 1-0 , while Brad Stokes , ICC's third pitcher, suffered the loss and fell to 0-2. Bryan also went 4- for-5, scored two r uns and drove in the winning run. Dusty Ivy went 3-for -4, with a home run and Kevin Nelson had two doubles. Brian Pepper put the Indians up 1-0 with his homer in the second inning but the Warriors tied it in their half of the second on a homer from Ivy. ICC seemed to put the game away in the third inning when it scored five runs and then added another in the fifth for a 7 -1lead. But ECCC rallied, starting its comeback in the fifth when Ivy reached on an error and later scored. Aft.er the Indians took a 9-2 lead in the sixth , the Warriors cut the deficit to 9-6 when Bryan, Greg APPEARED IN: SCOTT COUNTY TIMES UNION APPEAL WINSTON COUNTY JOUR~AL MERIDIAN STAR ~~----- CARTHAGINIAN NESHOBA DEMOCRAT NEWTON RECORD CLARION -LEDGER WEEK OF Northeast sweeps The Tiger s went from ~n 0-8 start t o a two-game wm– ning streak, with a record of 2-8. "(Reid) sure shut u s down," East Central coach Jamie Clark said. "But we have no excuses, what h ap – pens happens. "We'll show up tomor row and play, we won't panic, we'll bounce back." The Warriors fell to 4 -3 and host Itawamba today at 1 p.m. The second game was scoreless until the top of the third inning, wh e n Northeast's Glenn Tapp got on bas e with a si n gl e a n d was brought home on a n East Central overthrow to first base. Neither team scored in the fourth and fifth innings but Northeast came alive in the sixth, scoring six runs off of three different Warrior pitch– ers. The T igers added thr ee more runs in the top of the seventh. The lone bright spot for East Central was breaking up Reid 's no hitter, as the Warriors scored three run s on two hits . See ECCC, Page 38 ECCC Continued from page 18 ECCC By .Ja rrod McDaniel The Mendian Star • Northeast 4, E a s t Central 2: The Tigers broke into the win column for the first time this season. Shaun McGrath got things started for Northeast as he scored in the top of the first off a single by Jared Jackson. The Warriors got on the board in the third when Ru;lry John was brought home on .:;.ogle. DECATUR- Anyone wh o missed "meet the playe r s" night at East Cen t r a l could at least ~atch _up on t h e pitchers Fnday mght. The Warriors used s even different hurlers as they fell to Northeast 10-3 in th e s ec– ond game of a double h eader . East Central fell 4-2 in th e earlier ball game. While the Warriors had their share of problems on the mound in the second game, Northeast p itcher Brian Reid had n one, a s he carried a no-hitter into the seventh inning. "We've been pl ayin g well as the week progr essed ," Northeast coach Ray Scott said. "We knew if we kept plug– ging something good would happen.'' It did. APPEARED IN : SCOTT COUNTY TIMES UNION APPEAL WI NSTON COUNTY JOURNAL MERIDIAN STAR ~ CARTHAGINI AN NESHOBA DEMOCRAT NEWTON RECORD CLARI ON- LEDGER WEEK OF '-· t -"S ((') - ast Central edges Three River The East Central Community College baseball team improved to 8-8 on the season by taking a 2-1 victory over Three River s (Mo.) Community College Thursday. East Central took a 2-0 lead in the =-eventh when Tommy Bost walked, then Ricky Johnc: g(J t a base hit that :scored Bost. Three River~ scored its lone run in the eighth inning. . ECCC pitcher Jason Wilkins (4-1) went the dis– tunce, allo\\;ng just five hits while striking out 10. He did not give up a walk. The Warriors got four hits in the contest, includ– ing a shot from Hank Thoms in the fifth inning that cored Ron Cook. ECCC lost right fielder Dusty Ivey for the re" of the season. He was hit by a pitch and suffered a broken left arm. The Wardors play Three Rivers in a double– header today that start." at 1 p.m. APPEARED IN: SCOTT COUNTY TIMES UNION APPEAL WINSTON COUNTY JOUR~AL MERIDIAN STAR ~v~--- CARTHAGIN IAN NESHOBA DEMOCRAT NEWTON RECORD CLARION -LEDGER '! • I, ~ ·: ,,, ,,, \1 EC Warriors fall to 7-8 with Three Rivers on tap ~ 0 ::.G t.I.l t.I.l 3: Bv MARTY STAMPER Democrat sports editor a one-hitter and struck out nine as EC knocked off the previOusly-unde– feated Bulldogs in the opener Ken– yon Gardner had a grand slam and Brooks Bryan went 3-for-4 to pace the Warriors. Chris Bond had a single and a double, while Dusty Ivey had two singles. Gulf Coast took the nightcap behind Doug Thompson's five-hitler. EC's only run came on a second in– ning home run by Kevin Nelson. Ricky John had a pair of singles for the Warriors. Thompson improved to 3-0, while Mitch Covington (0-2) took the loss. BOSSIER PARISH 5·6, ECCC 0-4: The Cavaliers took a pair of games from the Warriors Thursday in De– catur. Michael Whitlow tossed a no– hitter for Bossier in the opener. Brandel Russell <0-1) took the loss. Trailing 4-3 in the bottom of the sixth in the nightcap, EC loaded the bases with only one out but was able to score just one run. After the Cavahers took a 6-4 lead in the top of the eighth. EC had the tying run at second base but was unable to come up with the key hit. Warrior starter Hank Thoms < H J took the loss, despite holding llw defending Region 23 runnerup Ca\.'a liers to four runs in 7 plus lllllllli!S The East Central Community Col– lege Warriors suffered through a 1-5 week on the baseball diamond las t \\"eek, but did put a to-run whipping on prev iously-undefeated Gulf Coast. The good news is that the Warriors have road trips to South Division powers Gulf Coast and Pearl River out of the way. The Warriors host the tradition– ally-strong Raiders of Three Rivers in Poplar Bluff, Mo., in a five-game series this weekend. The teams open play Thursday with a single game at 5 p.m. with doubleheaders set for 1 p.m . on Friday and Saturday. EC takes a 7-8 record into the series. "Our pitching has been very good, but it takes more than that to win and we aren't getting the other things," ECCC head coach J amie Clark said. EC was no-hit and two-hit in last week's games and key defensive lapses resulted in one loss. ECCC 10-1, GULF COAST 0-3: The Warriors s pht a South Division doubleheader a t Pe rkinston on March 8. Jason Wilkins (3-1) tossed East Central third baseman Raym: •nd Johnson (left) of Philadelphia tags out a Bossier Parish runner in a rundow 1n Thursday's second game of a doubleheader in Decatur. EC is host1ng Three Rivers of Poplar Bluff, Mo., in five-game senes. Thursday-Saturdlly The Warriors are out to snap a five-game losing skid. EC rell to 7·6, while Bossier 111l· Pearl River led 7-0 in the opener Mitch Covington fell to 0-3 in tt proved to ll!l. . . before EC's Ron Cook broke up the nightcap as the Warriors failed · PEARL RIVER 7·5. ecce 2-0; T111• shutout with a homer m the top of cross the plate. Warriors dropp1•cl hoth games of t1 the seventh. EC stranded 10 runners South Division dnuhll•ht'ader nt in the setback. Brooks Bryan <1-2) EC fell to 7-8 overall and 1-3 in U South Division with the two losse 02 ~:c~~ I ' took the loss. l'oplarvillc Satur·day o~ WEEK OF -2.; 1.:) · C £.c_, Tournament Champs . .. The Diamoud Warriors of East Central Community Col– lege began the 1995 season by winning the ECCC/ Rush Sports Medicine Tournament which included teams from Wallace State, Bevill and Jones County Junior College. East Central posted a perfect 3-0 mark against the three visiting teams and received the above trophy following the two-da.) competition. Pictured during the trophy presentafion are ECCC officials Sammy Pace, athletic coordinator; Ricky Harrison, assistant baseball coach; and team members Jason Wilkins, a sophomore hurler from Enterprise, and Chris Bond, a sophomore catcher from Hickory. (EC Photo) Cheerleader tryouts at EC Tryouts for East Central Com– munity College's 1995-96 cheerleading ~quad!> will be held March 29 on the Decatur campus, announced Mrs. Virginia Pace, sponsor. Mrs. Pace said tryouts are scheduled to begin at 4 p.m. in the Brackeen-Wood Phy~ical Education Building. Prior to the tryouts, Mrs. Pace said a mandatory meeting of all cheerleader candidates is slated for 4 p.m. Wednesday, March 22 at Brackeen-Wood. During this time, procedures pertaining to the tryouts will be explained and routines will be taught. Students selected on the college's cheerleading sq uads receive a $450.00 tuition scholarship for each semester served. In addition to the selection of football and basketball cheerleaders, male yell leaders and a mascot will be chosen. For additional information con– tact Mrs. Virginia Pace, ECCC, Decatur, MS 39327, Ph. 635-2111 , ext. 239. APPEARED I N: SCOTT COUNTY TIM~S UNION APPEAL ./ WINSTON COUNTY JOURNAL MERI DIAN STAR CARTHAGINIAN NESHOBA DEMOCRAT NEWTON RECO RD CLARION - LEDGER Courtesy photo ECCC Baseball team selected- Members of the East Centrai.Cornmunity College baseball team for the 1995 campaign are, first row, from left, Brooks Bryan; Chris Ezelle; Mike Hammack; Shane McGee ; Ron Cook; Ricky John; second row, from left, Chris Bond; Kevin Nelson; Willis Lally; Chad Ardoin; Jason Wilkins; Mitch Covington; Greg McBrayer; third row, from left, Matt Smith; Chad Lewis; Craig Vowell ; Bucky Davis; Todd Reeves; Dusty Ivy; fourth row, from left, Kenyon Gardner; Tony P&rozo; Justin Schmidt; Joey Rigdon; Germaine Chambers , Noxapater; Mark Davis; and top row, from left, Tommy Bost; Brandel Russell; Hank Thoms; Cary Lambert; Raymond Johnson and W1 I Mcl eod of Louisville. APPEARED I N: SCOTT COUNTY TIMES UNION APPEAL WINSTON COUNTY J OURNAL CARTHAG I NIAN NESHOBA DEMOCRAT NEWTON RECORD _______ CLARION - LEDGER _ _ _ 1 ~ MERIDIAN STAR WEEK OF ECCC Diamond Warriors These student athletes front Leake County ore members and Ron Cook, both of Carthage, and ~rst bosemon Kenyon of the East Central Community College baseball team for the Gordner of Walnut Grove The Diamond Warriors ore 995 campaign From left ore center fielders Justin Schmidt coached by Jamie Clark ECCC players Third baseman Shane McGee, left, of lena and Tony Perozo of lake are members of the 1995 Ea5t Central Community College base– ball team from the area. Courtesy photo Chambers, Mcleod to play with ECCC Warriors - Pitcher Germaine Chambers, left of Noxapater and catcher Will McLeod of Louisville are Winston County members of the East Central Community College baseball team for the 1995 campaign. The Diamond Warriors are coached by Jamie Clark. APPEARED IN: SCOTT COUNTY TIMES UNION APPEAL WINSTON COUNTY JOUR~AL ~ MERIDIAN STAR CARTHAGINIAN NESHOBA DEMOCRAT NEWTON RECORD CLARION -LEDGER________ DONATES TO DIAMOND WARRIORS - The baseball program at East Central Community College received a financial boost thanks to a $500 contribution made by Sunflower Food Store in Newton. Sunflower bookkeeper Justin Mills (left} Is shown making the presentation to Dr. Eddie M .. Smith, college president and JamieClal1<, head baseball coach. (EC Photo} APPEARED IN: SCOTT COUNTY ::xss UNION APPEAL WINSTON COUNTY : OC R~A~ MERIDIAN STAR CARTHAGINI AN NESHOBA DEMOCRAT ...c../ ___ NEWTON RECORD __ v___ CLARI ON-LEDGER WEEK OF 3 ·c)(' Cf) ECCC PITCHING STAFF- Pitchers on the East Central Community College baseball team for the 1995 campaign Include (front row, from left) Germaine Chambers, Noxapater; tony Perozo, Lake; Joey Rigdon, Decatur; Willis Lally, Breaux Bridge, Louisiana; Jason Wilkins, Enterprise; Mitch Covington, Denham Springs, Louisiana; and (back row, from left) Hank Thoms, Newton; Brandel Russell, Little Rock; Mark Davis, Enterprise; Craig Vowell, Phlladelphl'; Todd Reeves, Decatur; and Brooks Bryan, Philadelphia. The Diamond Warriors are coached by Jamie Clark. (EC Photo) APPEARED IN: SCOTT COUNTY TIMES UNION APPEAL WINSTON COUNTY JOUR~AL MERIDIAN STAR CARTHAGINIAN NESHOBA DEMOCRAT NEWTON RECORD ___,!0.::::....__ CLARION-LEDGER _____ ECCC OUTFIELDERS • Outfielders on the East Central Community College baseball team for the 1995 campaign Include (front row, from left) Greg McBride of Newton, ron Cook of Carthage, Dusty lvey of Hickory and (back row, from left) Chad Lewis of Little rock, Brooks Bryan and Tommy Bost, both of Philadelphia; Justin Schmidt of Carthage and Ken··tln Gardner of Walnut Grove. The Dla· mondWarriors are coached b~ JamieClark. (EC Photo) .~~-~~,~~~rir~~~~~~~~~~ ECCC SLUGGERS · ex~ted to provide plenty of offensive power for the East Central Communi College Diamond Warriors this season are (from left) right fielder Tommy Bost and center field Brooks Bryan, both of Philadelphia; left fielder Greg McBride, Newton; first baseman Kevin Nelso Clinton; right fielder Dusty lvey, Hickory; first baseman Kenyon Gardner, Walnut Brove; catch Will Mcleod, Louisville; and catcher Chris Bond, Hickory. The ECCC squad Is coached by Jaml Clark. (EC Photo) APPEARED IN: ~~-- SCOTT COUNTY TIMES UNION APPEAL WINSTON COUNTY JOURNAL MERIDIAN STAR CARTHAGINIAN NESHOBA DEMOCRAT NEWTON RECORD / CLARION -LEDGER . ' East Cent ~ral finds cure in 'T:h:ree Rivers Bv MARTY STAMPER Democrat soorts editor ECCC 8·3, THREE RIVERS 0-2: The Warriors got a three hit shutout from Hank Thoms in the opener of I•'riciay's doubleheader sweep. 'I'homs <2-1) struck out nine and walked four in keeping the Missow·i squad off the scoreboard. Brooks Bryan led EC's offense with two singles and a double. Chris r~zclle, Hon Cook, Kenyon Gardner, and Will McLeod each had one single. Brvan had a two-run double in the fi1'St "inning and a one-run single in the fifth; He ended the contest by Urrowing out a Raider at the plate from center field. Handv Jackson< l-2l took the loss. In the nightcap. Chris Bond had a 1 wo-run single in the fourth to erase a 1-0 1!eficit on a home run hy Aaron New of the Haiders New tied the game al2·2 with a solo homer in lhe ~ixth. Cook druve in th'e winnmg run with u douhle in the bottom ol the cventl ns t The East Central Communitv Col lege Warriors broke out ol a· five game losing skid with a four-game sweep of the Three Rivers Raidt•r·s from Poplar Bluff, Mo.. in last week's baseball action. EC improved to 11-8. while Thrl'C Rivers fell to 6-10 on the year and 3-9 on their southern tour that included games with Meridian, ;\luscatinc East Central catcher Will Mcleod tags a Three Rivers runner at the plate for the final out in the Warriors's 8-0 win Friday. Brooks Bryan's throw from center field preserved the shutout. of an inning. Cook went 4-for-5 with two singles, a double, and a triple. ·Gardner v;as 3-for-4 with two doubles to go with his homer. Nelson was 3-for-3 with two singles and a double. Bryan and Ricky John both had a single and a double. LeRoy McCauley had a 5-for-6 afternoon to lead Three Rivers. The Warriors held a 15-6 advan– tage through six frames after a lwo– run single by Kevin Nelson and a solo homer by Kenyon Gardner. A three-run double by Brooks Bry– an in the seventh extended the lead to 1~7. Joey Rigdon <2 Ol got the win, while Bill Collyott (1-2) took the loss • lu gave up 11 runs in only a third c·nmpll'lt' tlw low··gam<' sweep. Hun Cnnk hild .1 Slllgh• and a tlmrhlt• HI tlw llllllllK Inch lVI' in :1 pair· of I'Ull'>. Wht•n yon ~~t·l 1' 1 111 tllC' Ill'S I, 1! l:ikt•:i ll I ttl Ill till' JIIC''ISIII'C' Ofl ," t•:t' t'I);LI: h ,Jhllllt' ('I; II k '4i1 1CI t•:l_~ l1111l t.)lull t•tl till' I(.Utlt •l'" ol :1 tl io•fltl in flu• tup ftl llu tu I w1th twu 'ltlllillll !Ill )' tJ( llllttlht·l ' httlllt IIIII h\' 1\illiil\ N•JW. w <"(. LLl i.U ,_j p,. uzzu p,. WEEK OF Warriors sweep Raiders By Albert Crowther The Mend1an Star DECATUR - The weather wanned Saturday afternoon. So did the East Central Community College baseball team. . The Warriors picked up then· fourth consecutive victory. over visiting Three . R~vcrs Community College, wmnmg a 19-15 slugfest. East Central improved to 11- 8 while the Raiders fell to 6-10. Three Rivers scored fir~t. get– ting three runs in th.e lop of the first inning, thanks m part to a two-run home run by Aaron --:.-----------"'--...-;...;;;;;;==.;;;...;;~-==-=--------.o..;;..;;'-,._;;__ __ __;;~ NeECCC came back in the bot- ECCC the mound for East Central. Bill Collyott (1-21 ~utTered the loss, allowing 11 runs on eight hits in two-thirds of an inning walking only one. : Cook led ECCC by going 4- for-5 with a triple, a double. two singles and two RBI. Gardner was 3-for-4 with a home run, two doubles and two RBI. Nelson was 3-for-3 with a double, two singles and two RBI. Ricky John and Bryan were each 2-for·l'i with a double and single. Bryan added three RBI. The Raiders were led b· ~cCauley, who was 5-for-6 ..: all singles - with three RBI South was 3-for-6 with a two run homer. a double. a sing1 and six RBI. Quire was ::l-for 4, New was 2-for-4 with a t wo run home run, a single anc two RBI. ECCC takes the field agait Wednesday at home at 4 p.m against Copiah-Lincolr Community College. Three River" ended its 12 game road tnp at 3-9. tom of the innin~ and scored 12 Continued from page 18 runs as 16 Wamors went to the------------ plate. . . The Raiders got five runs in . ~on Cook had two ~tts m the thE' top of the eighth on two mmng. a double and ~mgle, and hits. McCauley blasted a two– two RBI. run s ingl e to cut t he ECCC ··cook and rKenyon) 9ardner ~ead to 19-12. have great bat speed,. ~CCC The Raiders scored three coach J~ume Clark satd. ~~th runs in the top of th e nint h on teams h1t t~e ball well today. a ba s es-loaded doubl e by The Ratders narro\~ed the South to get to the final score. lead to 12-4 on an RBI-smgle hy East Central had 19 hits LeRoy McCauley in the top ofand Three Rivers had 13. the second. J oey Rigdon got the win on The Raiders scored two more runs in the top of the fifth on a two-run home run by Jason South to cut the ECCC lead to 12-6. The Warriors scored two nms in the bottom of the inning to increase their lead to 14-6, thanks to a two-run single from Kevin ~el.::on. ECCC scored a run in lhe bot– tom of the sixth on a solo homer by Gardner to increase it~ lead to 15-6. "ECCC has good pitching, a couple of runner~ wit,~ good speed and good defen~e. Three Rivers coach Stacey Burkey said. "They are a solid ball team.'' Three Rivers cut the lead to 15-7 on an RBI-single by Jeremy Quire in the top of the seventh. East Central scored fow· runs in the bottom of t,he inning to -A.=T,....--- increase the score to 19-7. · Brooks Bryan belted a three-run ___ _ double with lhe bases loaded to spark the scoring. See ECCC, Page 68 SCOTT COUNTY T!X~ S UNION APPEAL WINSTON COUNTY .; o:.:R.;A:... MERIDIAN STAR ---- WEEK OF ECCC Catchers .. . catchers on the East Central Co~ munity College baseball team for the 1995 campaign include (from left) Mike Hammack of Brusly , Louisiana; Chri Bond of Hickory and Will McLeod of Louisville. The Diamond Warriors are coach– ed by Jamie Clark. (EC. Photo) APPEARED I~: SCOTT COUNTY TI~:::s UNION APPEAL ~ WI NSTON COUNTY JOCK~;,.;:_ MERIDIAN STAR CARTHAGINIAN NESHOBA DEMOCRAT --t:--– NEWTON RECORD CLARION - LEDGER
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