WEr:K OF season with Saturday tournament
sive power for the Warriors; freshman Tommy Bost of Neshoba Central, described as an athlete with "outstanding talent-great power"; sophomore Kenyon Gardner of South Leake and a transfer from Jackson Sta te University who bat– ted .330, blasted four home runs and will probably start as a designated hitter and also be used at first base and left field; and freshman Justin Schmidt of Car– thage who will give EC another defensive replacement for Late– inning help in close games, Freshman outfielder Chad Lewis of Newton County will miss the entire '95 campaign due to injury.
close to 100 percent following off– season knee surgery. Dusty lve}, an All-South Divi– sion performer last season, is ex– pected to have another banner year and will probably start in right field. Ivey, a graduate·of Newton Coun– ty High School, batted .325 and collected five home runs.
1994. Clark said McGee has an "ex– cellent" throwing arm and shows a lot of promise for the future. Clark said three returnees are vy– ing for starting catcher, including Will McLeod of Louisville, Mike Hammack of Brusly, Louisiana; and Chris Bond of Newton Coun– ty. Bond batted .313 last season. In the outfield, starting center fielder Brooks Bryan returns after hitting .325 last season. Clark call– ed Bryan "one of the best out– fielde rs in the league." The Philadelphia High School product, earlier mentioned as a possible reliever on the mound, will pro– bably bat third. Clark said he is
Clark said left field is still "up for grabs" with seven players battling for the starting position. Those vy– ing for the starting berth include sophomore Ron CooR of Carthage, described as having "great speed and a great arm"; freshman Greg McBride of Newton, who is, ex– pected to provide plenty of offen- --
ECCC Baseball Team. 0 oAbove a re members of the East Central Community Col– lege baseball team for the 1995 campaign . Pictured a re (first row, from left) Brooks Bryan , Philadelphia; Chris Ezelle, Union; Mike Hammack, Brusly, LA; Shane McGee, Morton; Ron Cook, Carthage; Ricky John, Philadelphia; (second row, from left) Chris Bond, Hickory; Kevin Nelson, Clinton; Willis LaDy, Breaux Bridge, LA; Chad Ardoin, Hurney; Jason Wilkins, Enter– prise; Mitch Covington, Denham Springs, LA; Greg McBride, Newton ; (third row, from left) Matt Smith, Sidon; Chad Lewis, Little Rock; Craig Vowell , Philadelphia; Bucky Davis, East Chatham, New York; Todd Reeves, Decatur; Dusty Ivy, Hickory; (fourth row, from left) Ke– nyon Gardner, Walnut Grove; Tony Perozo, Lake; Justin Schmidt, Carthage; Joey Rigdon, Decatur; Germaine Chambers, Noxapater; Mark Davis, Enterprise; and (top row, from left) Tommy Bost, Philadelphia; Brandel Russell, Little Rock; Hank Thoms, Newton; Cary Lambert, Gonzales, LA; Raymond Johnson, Philadelphia; and Will McLeod, Louisville. Tbe Diamond Warriors are coached by Jamie Cla rk. (EC Photo)
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