2016 Combined
WEEK OF _ !I. . ! /--1f- _Q J/ ..-,;.. /_\/J_....__
~ DECATUR Robichaux to headlines First Pitch By ECCC sports inbrmation Robichaux is enter ing his 22nd season at ·
among active NCAA Division I head coaches in career vi~ tori es. Robichaux bas an active membership with the United Way as their Acadiana
Members of the 2016 East the helm of the Ragin' Central Community College Cajuns and has spent baseball team will receive 30 years overall at the special recognition Saturday, Division I level.
Jan. 30, when the a.ilnual First Pitch Dinner is held on the Decatur campus. Activities begin at 6:30 p.m.
During bis tenure, ~bichaux has guided Louisiana-Lafayette to
spokesman. He is ded icated to giving back to the community, with frequent vis its to youngsters at the Chil dren's Hospital in Houston, as well as other various civic a,c.. tivities in Lafayette and throughout·Acadiana. Robichaux received bis bachelor's degree in health and physic& education from McNeese stat~ in 1986. He is married to the former Colleen Dailey of Iota, and they have three children - Ashley, Justin and Austin - and five grandchildren. Tickets to the ECCC First Pitch Dinner are $30 for adults and $15 for children age 12 and under. For more information or to purchase tickets,i contact Coach Neal Holliman, 601 635-6374 or cajl toll free, '0'17 462-3222, ext. 37 4. His e-mail address • is nbollimanc@eccc.edu. - /
11 NCAA Regional appear in Mabry Memorial Cafeteria ances, tour·Super Regional in preparation for the new appearances and the 2000 season, which begins Tues- College World Series. His day, Feb. 9, as the Warriors teams have also clinched five host Bishop State Com.mu- Sun Belt Conference regular nity College in double-header ·season crowns and three Sun action beginning at 2 p.m. at Belt Conference Tournament Clark-Gay Memorial Baseball titles. Complex in Decatur. Robichaux has received Neal Holliman, now in bis ABCA South Central Region 10th year as Diamond War- CoachoftheYearhonorsfour rior head coach, anticipates times in his career. He has another great turnout for the also been tabbed the Sun Belt First Pitch Dinner, which fea- Coach of the Year four tJmes tu.res Tony Robichaux, head and the All-Louisiana Coach coach of the Loui.siana- of theYear six tJmes. Lafayette Ragin' Cajuns. . Robichaux became the 51st "We are very excited to coach in NCAA Division I his have Coach Robichaux as out tory to post 1,000 careerwins geest speaker," said Holli- on Feb. 28, 2015, with a 6-5 man. "It is obvious he has victory in Birmingham, Ala., built a great program with against the Alabama Crimson the success ULL has exJ)eri- Tide. · enced. This should be one of In 29 seasons, Robichaux the best nights in our prcr has a career record of 1,037 grarii's hisj~>I_:.v." ~ _ _ 669-1 and J"anks in the To 20 ci - 01011'..t '.'))I'
WEEK-OF\ _ tj \ -- ]~. / ...L...-.:.;... l .\f__.__
ECCC baseball players sign scholarships Five East Central Community Arkansas University; Matt Mitchell, College baseball standouts signed a pitcher and outfielder from Lake National Letters of Intent to play at High School, Delta State University; four-year colleges and universities. Dylan Snypes, an infielder from They are, from left, Peyton Cain, a Wayne County High School, Oral pitcher from Newton County High Roberts University; and Channing School, University of Tennessee at Wall, a pitcher from Louisville High Martin; Michael Davis, a catcher School, University of North from Clinton High School, Southern Alabama. (EC Photo)
' WEEK.OF J l\ \'\ U .CJ l. ) . \ l 1 f-0 \ VJ
East Webster's Crowley signs with ECCC
By Jim HolderJan. 15, 2016
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East Webster's Crowley signs with ECCC
CUMBERLAND, Miss. {WNA) - East Webster pitcher Kolby Crowley signed with East Central Community College on Friday. Last season, Crowley had 55 strikeouts and just 12 walks in 51 innings with a 1.62 ERA, as the Wolverines won a state title.
Crowley didn't even start pitching until his sophomore season.
"I think it was more of the talent than the skill aspect you know I had no idea I could pitch and came into a situation one day and I did very well I've been climbing and climbing ever since and I did and I've progressively gotten better," Crowley said.
1/18/2016 t
MERIDIAN STAR --------- 00\ \\1 l cue\~ r ()\~V~
Hebron Christian pair sign baseball scholarship offers
Adam M1rnch1no January 16, 2016 8 51'25 PM
PHEBA -- Hard work.
Todd Griffin knows plenty of student-athletes have invested countless hours at practice and in games boning their skills. But the Hebron Christian baseball coach believes Channing Tapley and Payton Griffin have worked just as bard or even harder to attract the attention ofcollege coaches. From football, to boys basketball, to baseball, Tapley and Payton Griffin have Jh·ed the life of most small-school lligh school students, moving from sport to sport "ith little time to rest or recover between seasons. All the while, both standouts bad the dream to play baseball at the next le\·el. In addition to playing the sport at Hebron Christian, Tapley and Griffin have packed their summers "ith travel baseball games the past few years in an effort to test themselves against some of the best players in the region. All of that hard work paid off Friday, as Tapley and Griffin signed National Letters of Intent to play baseball at Mississippi Delta Community College in Moorhead and East Central C.C. in Decatur, respectively. Todd Griffin, who also is Pa}t on's father, has watched both players mature for the past fh-e years. He has no doubt they both ,~;n blossom in college. 'There is no doubt in my mind that when they make it to the next level that nobody is going to outwork them," Griffin said. "They have taken it upon themselves to get bigger, faster, stronger, and have been in the weight room the past two or three years on their own a minimum of two to three days a week. They are just dedicated and committed to being the best they can be.'' Griffin said that mentality bas carried o,·er to the "offseason," when so many players spend two to three months tra,·eling e,·ery weekend to showcase their skills. He sa.id travel ball helped Tapley see better pitching and his son face better hitters, which has prepared them to become college players. He joked the biggest challenge both young men might face is making it to 8 a.m. classes. Payton Griffin said bis time with the Golden Spikes last summer helped him earn a scholarship offer. He said lhe travel ball team's first tournament was at East Central C.C. He said he spoke to the East Central C.C. coaches following the event and received an invitation to visit the campus. Griffin, who is 6-foot-3, i92 pounds, said be traveled to East Central C.C. one day in October after football practice at Hebron Christian and threw a bullpen. He was surprised to receive a scholarship offer. ·All the hard works pays off,· said Griffin, who hopes to be a starting pitcher at East Central C.C. 'Working out in the offseason and during the summer, throwing in the bullpen, and working at
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Weekof_\~l \1-++-+/ l~lf _
practice has all paid off. It was a lot of relief when I committed and when I signed because I know I can enjoy my senior season and know I don't have to try to go out and impress anybody."
Tapleysaid he remembers having fun as a freshman at a showcase e'"ent at Mississippi Delta C.C. He said Mississippi Delta seemed to be at all of his tra\·el ball tournaments with the Mississippi Drillers, a team based out of Meridian, and that he hoped coach Michael Avalon would offer him a scholarship. He said his summer ball coach told him that Mississippi Delta likely would make that offer, which came just after the 2015-16 high school year started.
wit felt good. It felt like all of the hard work and working out paid off and you were getting the chance to play at the next level," Tapley said.
Tapleysaid baseball has been the sport he hoped to play in college ever since his freshman year. He said he has traveled throughout the region \•ith the Drillers and Team Mississippi, which is based out ofMathiston, in an effort to build his resume. Tapley said he hopes to get an opportunity to pitch and to play third base in college. He said his success at the plate in the summer helped him secure a scholarship opportunity. That being said, Tapley and Griffin also know they will have to work even harder to have the same kind of success in college. Coach Griffin doesn't feel that ''"ill be a problem because he has seen both players rise to each challenge. He believes the chance to play at Mississippi Delta C.C. and East Central C.C. "ill moth'3te both young men to prove they belong. "We know they can play with them because they have proven it the last two summers playing at that level," Griffin said. "I think these two kids are just as much of an athlete as someone who plays at a 2.A or a JA school (in the Mississippi High School Activities Association). "It feels good. We have had a lot of kids with athletic ability leave here to go to public schools for sports, so it does feel good. In my mind, it tells others we can do the same thing. We can compete and do the same thing you can do."
But Griffin said e,·ecy1hing goes back to the hard work, dedication, and commitment Tapley and Payton have shown in their high school careers to make their dreams become reality.
Follow Dispatch sports editor Adam Minichino @ctspartseditor
Adam Minichino is the Sports editor for The Commercial Dispatch
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l /\1 I\.\(' WEEK OF~~~~~~---..i..-
Devils' Clement signs with East Central CC Published 6:01 am Sunday, January 17, 2016
Cooper Clement had plenty ofoptions when it came to where he could continue his bascbalJ career at the next le\'el, but there was only one clear frontrunner the entire process.
East Central Community College was that frontrunner.
The Water Valley shortstop made it official Friday morning, signing with ECCC and choosing to spend the next two years in Decatur.
"After visiting some schools and stuff, I just liked the way the coaches were (at East Central) and the way they talked about building up their program," Clement said. "I felt like they would have a really good chance to win some games and playing time and i,i:uff like that." Clement was also considering Southwest Tennessee Community College, Blue Mountain College, Hinds Community College and Northeast Mississippi Community College along with a few others. The relationship between Clement and East Central had an organic beginning as he nor Water Valley head coach Kary Bridges knew any ofthe coaches to help lure them up to check out Clement play. The senior's play in the field and at the plate last season did the talking for them. Clement was the Blue Devils' most productive bat, hitting 471 to lead the team \\ith the most RBis among returning players with 18. "He's just a very good infielder, swings the bat well," Bridges said. "He"s a guy that embodies our program with being a talented player but works hard and plays the game the right way and respects the game. He's a guy "ith a lot of talent but has the intangibles that's going to make him an even better player.· Versatile signee Clement's infield talent is not exclusive to shortstop as he wJS also the Blue Devils' No. 2 pitcher behind ace Skyler Defer last season. With Defer gone due to graduation, the role oface could be Clement's - a more prominent role on the mound that East Central could find valuable, though Clement prefers staying between second and third base. During the offseason, Clement and the rest of the Blue Devils intensified their weight lifting program, using the Ole Miss baseball team's weight program. Bridges wanted his team to gain a little grit, and Clement feels it will pay dividends in his final season. "I got to know (Ole Miss strength) coach (Ben) Fleming a little bit up there last summer," Bridges said. "They are great with that, and I felt, we've always lifted, and this was Cooper's first year not playing basketball, so he"s been able to be down there with us to lift. I felt we lost some toughness. I thought we needed to ramp it up a bit. We got stronger." At shortstop, Clement had a fielding percentage of .917 and recorded six errors all season with 28 putouts and 38 assists. ·1 know they know I pitch, but they were looking at me for middle infield and that's what I want to do," Clement said.
With the decision of his future taken care of a month before the season begins, Clement is focused on just one thing and one thing only.
·rm not even worried about it," Clement said. I'm worried about winning a state championship. The whole team is."
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RECRUITlh" 4 from NCHS sign with ECCC baseball
special day for his seniors. 'We are very proud of these guys," TuJJos said. "They have worked hard over the years and are veiy deserving of this. Coach Holliman is ex cited to get them and he is getting four good ones. They all bring a little something dif ferent to tbe table." Edwards may be the steal of the group. The shortstop/pitcher hit .398 as a junior with 33 runs scored and 16 RBis. He had 19 stolen bases. He bas a .366 career average since the eighth grade and has scored 133 runs on 164 bits and has 81 career stolen bases. On the
By Robbie Robertson sports@newtoncountyappeal.com
Four Newton County play ers will continue their base ball trek together, taking their talents to East Central Community College. Jacob Edwards, Cain Cleveland, Tanner Elders and John Ross Griffin all signed on Wednesday to play base ball for Neil Holliman at East Central. It was a special day for tbe four young men, who have been playing together since they were four years old. All four played on all-star teams through the years. Newton County coach Wyatt Tullos said 'it was a
\/ewton County baseball players J ohn Ross Griffin, Tanner Elders, Jacob Edwards and Caln Cleveland all sign letters of intent to play baseball at East Central Com mUlllty College on Jan. 20. Brent Muzet rhe Newton County Appeal I
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Week of ~\ -J1-.!:- '1-L+j - jf{ -J---.,1 I v:_.__-
RBis and eight stolen bases. "I'm excited to represent my community for a few more years and play with my friends," Cleveland said. 'Tm glad to be traveling with nw friends. I've known .uc coaches at East Central for a long time. I've been to camp with them through the years and they are good guys." John Ross Griffin rounded out the group. He hit .256 last year, scored 20 runs and had nine stolen bases. "A bunch of my buddies were going, and we've been playing ball since we were lit tle kids," Griffin said. "I wanted to continue to play with them. We have known each other for a long time and know what each other is thinking."
man and pitcher Tanner Eld ers with him. Elders had a standout year on the mound last year, going 8-2 for the Cougars with a 1.55 ERA with seven complete games and four shutouts. He had 52 strikeouts in 63.1 innings pitched and bas a 15-6 career record. "I'm excited about playing with them," Elders said ofbis teammates. "We have been playing together our whole lives. It will be fun to continue to play with them. Jacob and I play shortstop and third and have good chemistry to gether. It was a hard choice, but it's close to home. And I will still be with them." Outfielder Cain Cleveland bit .344 as a junior and scored 25 runs on 31 bits and had 14
mound, Edwards was 6-2 last year with a 1.79 ERA and four complete games and struck out 62 in 58.2 innings pitched. "It was a tough decision to come here, but I'll be close to home and playing with my friends," Edward said. "Just being able to play baseball these guys that I've been playing with since we were 4. We know each other pretty good. And I've known Coach Holliman all of my life. I know a lot of the guys there, and I think we will have a blast playing there." Edwards will also bring his infield partner, third base
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Smile and sign: (Back row) Assistant coach Greg Gault and head coach Ryan Ellison were on hand along with grandfather Russell Bennett (seated left) and father Jeff Bennett (seated right) to watch Hunter Bennett sign to play baseball for East Central Community College in Decatur, Miss. on Monday. (Photo by Stephen Dawkins I Advertiser)
0 \\'\Gf i C\ Q\ \ ~O \\OQ~(f \\'J_ ~ earn
2016 National Signing Day: UCA
Ja~lon Lofton, 6-1, 180, Cornerback East Central C (Miss.) High School: 2013 AJI State· 20.13 All D' t . amprons. AJI Region Track (100m 4x200 4 , Ch · •
. -
ommunrty College, Decatur.Miss. Forest
rs net· 2013 N rth/S
o outh All Star game; 2011 3A State East Central Community College: 2015 2nd ~~a~1~~~). 2~13 All District Soccer player. 3.2 GPA of Texas Bowl; Finished in the top 10 ·rn th tate, 2015 Playoff Appearance· 2015 Heart e country. '
------ Micah Parten, 6-2, 300, Offensive Line. East Central (Miss.) Community College, Decatur, Miss., Northwest Rankin High School, Flowood, Miss.: North/South AJl-Star 2013; All-Metro 2013; All-State 2013; Playoff appearance 2011, 2013; Team Captain 2012, 2013. Honors Student, 3.4 GPA. East Central Community College: Team Captain 2015; Playoff Appearance 2015; Heart of Texas Bowl 2015; Ranked 10th Country 2015.
Keep up with THE STAR, HERALD newspaper on your favorite social media netv.urks. Lil • --------- WARREN INKS WITH WARRIORS WED. 02/0312016 • 5:15PM BY STAN BEALL French Camp Academy Panther Brooks Warren signed a National Letter of Intent to play baseball for East Central Community College last Thursday Seated with Warren are head baseball coach Nathan Wright to his right and his grandmother Rene Warren to his left. The content you're trying to view 1s available for Premium Content Subscribers only. Online subscription options are available for as low as S2 50 per month and are complimentary lo all existing print subscribers of The STAR-HERALD If you're an existing subscriber (print or d191tal) and already have your Username and Password, click here: http://bit.ly/1A5nouA If you're an existing print subscnber and need to activate your onhne account, click here: http:l/bit.ly/1E479Ts If you're not currently a subscriber, click here for more information about our affordable online subscription options: http://bit.ly/1MinsOr APPEARED IN: ---------- CARTHAGINIAN NESHOBA DEMOCRAT ------- SCOTT COUNTY TIMES WINSTON COUNTY JOU~AL __ CLARION-LEDGER ---------- ------- ---- NEWTON COUNTY APPEAL SPIRIT OF MORTON ~~~~~~~~~~ MERIDIAN STAR ---------- 0 \\I tl ~ S'\t\f\~ Gf~ld .·\ltt WEEK.OF_f \_f..r..\. .). _ _. l4_l _W__.___l '_i.a__ -----~ Prospect Perspective: Tim Anderson on his history, opportunity and motivation I FutureSox C Search by keyword, author name, or title ) -· -------- Welcome to Chica&oNow. Futu reSox ~ our bloggers, ~ comments, or .Qi1&b. your blog idea. I 5i n Discussion I I Interviews P ch your id Profiles Rankings Videos Links AbouUContact Prospect Perspective: Tim Anderson on his history, opportunity and motivation Leave a comment l k By Matt Cassidy,' today at 7:50 am SUBSCRIBE BY EMAIL ex: john@hotmail.com ljl J Know when an article is posted, completely spam free, opt out anytime. tt.. Sox cor Be the first of your friends to like this • l lpj!ffft_,11 Tim Anderson swing mechanics - slow-mo video capture (Will Siskel I Future Sox) Tweets Follow ***The following article was written by Tim Anderson a shortstop and the current top prospect in the Chicago White Sox system, as a guest of Future Sox. This is part of our ongoing PrO§Dect Perspective serjes: articles written by the players themselves. Tim's path to professional baseball was anything but commonplace. His appreciation of the unique opportunity he was given keeps him motivated. When you learn more about how he got to where he is today, you may have a different view ofhis future as well as his past. We hope this gives our readers a unique view into a player's perspective on life in the minors. ••• lh Iii FutureSox.com @FutureSox One more Sox Top 10 Prospects list, __t this from @keithlaw, includes a head-scratcher with Leyer at 8 ($ Insider): espn.go.com/blog/l FutureSox.com @FutureSox Guest Post by top llWhiteSox prospect @TimAnderson7: His h idl"lr'\/ f\nnnrt11nit\1 P.J mf"ltiv.~tirm 3h _ _ One Chance: Making the most of life Tweet to @FutureSox By Tim Anderson RECENT POSTS Prospect Perspective: Tim Anderson on his history, opportunity and motivation I FutureSox 2/1612016 Prospect Perspective: Tim Anderson on his histor.y. opportunity and motiyation " Matt Cassidy on FyrureSox Posted today at 7:50 am Should the White Sox "go over" on international spending? " Man Cassidy on FutureSox Posted February 12, 2016 ar 6:36 am Adam Engel - Are we ready to call him a legitimate starting outfield prospect? » Man Lynch on Fururesox Posted February 4, 2016 at 8:13 am Prospect interviews from Soxfest 2016 " Brian Bilek on Futuresox Posted February 3, 2016 at 7:52 am Interviews from SoxFest: GM Rick Hahn & SD Nick Hostetler ,. Brian Bilek on Futuresox Posted February 1, 2016 at 12:29 pm the game of baseball. For much of the time, I was in love with the game of basketball. As a matter of fact, I took time off from baseball my freshman and sophomore years of high school due to two broken leg injuries. This time in my life was the lowest point in my sports career. I considered throwing in the towel; I just wanted to be done with baseball and basketball. There were many nights where I sat at home and cried to my parents, because I was so tired of getting injured in basketball. Yet, with the support of my family, I never gave up on myself. I kept fighting through this difficult time, and I was able to take advantage of several great opportunities. I still remember my first baseball game after recovering from my injuries. It was my junior year of high school, and I was told I would only play defense, in left field. I wasn't even in the batting line-up; the pitcher hit for me. As the season progressed, I worked my way up to hitting in the ninth spot. All in all, I finished my junior year with a pretty good season. TAGS Trayce Thompson (71J Chicago White Sox (67) Jared Mitchell (58) MLB Draft (53) Micah Johnson (52J Kevan Smith (SO) courmey hawkins (SO) Tyler Saladino (48) Tim Anderson (48) Andy Willcins (45) Showmore tags » TM Allderson 111rows one down ror H lcres! H;g'1 School (ohoto supploed by Aflce"SOn) Going into my senior year, I was excited for basketball to begin. I earned the starting point guard position at Hillcrest High School. I was so dedicated to basketball that I ended up missing the first half of the baseball season so that I could help my team win the 6A Basketball State Championship. When basketball season came to an end, I went back out to baseball. I had another satisfying season as the starting second baseman. Toward the end of the season, a friend of mine mentioned my name to the head coach of East Central Community College, Coach Neil Holliman. Coach Holliman came out to see me play numerous times and gave me the opportunity to further my career by playing under him at ECCC. My freshman year at East Central, I earned the starting spot at shortstop. I ended my first year with 30 stolen bases, a .360 batting average, and 4 home runs. That summer is when I really had a chance to make a name for myself. I had an awesome summer playing in Kansas for the Dodge City A's in the Jayhawk League. There I put up really decent stats. My sophomore year was such a blessing. It was unreal; I felt like every time I stepped up to the plate, I got a hit. After my first two games where I went 7 for 8 with 3 homers, I knew that I had a real chance to make baseball the sport of my future. I finished my sophomore year at East Central with a .495 batting average and 41 stolen bases. Overall, there were many rough days at East Central with Coach Holliman; yet, hands down, I can give him all of the credit for my success, even today. He saw potential in me. He molded me to become the man I am today. Each and every day, he pushed me to the max. He would always ask me, LATEST ON CHICAGONOW Wjll the Bears Play Tag wuh Alshon WTur.y1 trom 312 SPORTS by Bob Wai:1a posted today at 10:56 am Book Reyiew: Werewolf Nights. by Mari lkmill from The Bookahollc Bee by Bethany Price posted todayat 10:43 am DONNA DAY 2016; There Was a Time When Eyer.y Day Was Donna Day tram Mary 1)1er Mom by Mary Tyler Mom posted today at 10:28 am But Wbat If He..,,.... ? from From the Recesses of My Mind byHHHIs MyHero posted today at 10:08 am Is It Time to Sail to Cuba? from Live Your Dream: S;iQ I.alee Mlchlpn by GleM Mccarthy posted today ar 10:00 am POSTS FROM RELATED BLOGS mt Q> DO ~T- "p:~~= E?Q.oseq ,o au.E?fi .,t.~ Prospect Perspective: Tim Anderson on his history, oi: Holliman and the East Central Wamors were the best and toughest years of my life. After my second year at East Central in June 2013, I was drafted by the White Sox m the first round as the 17th overall pick. That one day alone changed my life forever. Two years before, if someone would have told me I was going to be chosen in the draft, I would have laughed hysterically. I can honestly say the route that got me here was not an easy one at all. I fought through so much adversity just to get where I am now. It's truly a blessing. Stepping into professional baseball, I have learned many meaningful lessons on and off the field. I have learned that you must always remain focused on your dreams, even if that means losing friends, or even family. There are going to be bad nights, but you have a chance to come out the next day and dominate. Whenever I step onto the baseball diamond, I always play as though I have a chip on my shoulder. I see and hear all the mix of opinions on my position at shortstop "he's not a shortstop" and "he needs to be moved to the outfield." These things keep me motivated. They keep me hungry. Everyday I'm inspired to prove everyone wrong. I have been given this one opportunity, and I will do everything I can to take full advantage. After all, one chance, one opportunity, is all it really takes to be all that you can be. .lJ11112016 APPEARED IN: CARTHAGINIAN ------ NEWTON COUNTY APPEAL --- MERIDIAN STAR ------ . SPIRIT OF MORTON NESHOBA DEMOCRAT SCOTT ~OUNTY TIMES _ _ __ WINSTON COUNTY JOURNAL CLARION-LEDGER - . cY11 ccJgo0cw. (Om -- WEEKOF _& IJrr KJL A )$:,, 2<4 , • } I b ·- JUNIOR COLLEGE East Central sweeps Lawson State CC From school reports nine runs in the first three innings to secure the victory early. ECCC blasted four home runs in the 10-1 win. Cole Prestegard out of Huntsville (Ala.) High School had a two-run home run in the first inning and a solo-home run in the third. Mitchell and Zach Parker out of Quitman High School both added solo home runs. Peyton Cain out of Newton County High School picked up his second win of the season on the mound. Cain bad four shutout innings, giving up one hit and striking out four. East Central's Diamond War riors will face Itawamba Commu nity College's Indians on Saturday, March 5, at the Clark/Gay Baseball Complex in Decatur. The double header is scheduled for 2 p.m. MORE INFORMATION Peyton Cain out of Newton County High School picked up his second win of the season Monday. single by T.J. Lockett out of Bibb County (Ala.) High School, and a two-run single off the bat of Will Kennedy out of Union High School. Mitchell, Davis and Kennedy had two RBI each in game one. Right-hander Channing Wall out of Louisville High School got the win in relieffor the Warriors. He pitched two innings, allowing no hits and no runs, while striking out four batters. Game 2, on the other hand, was far from a close ballgame. The Diamond Warriors scored DECATUR-The East Central Community College Diamond War riors swept National Junior College Athletic Association Division I Lawson State Community College out of Birmingham, Ala., 9·8 and 10-1 Monday. The Diamond Warriors' overall record improved to 10-4. Lawson State's record dropped to 7-4. In the close Game 1 matchup, ECCC had to overcome an 8-4 Lawson State lead with five runs in the bottom of the seventh inning for the 9-8 win. The comeback was sparked by an RBI double from Matthew Mitchell out of Lake High School, a fielder's choice from Michael Davis out of Clinton High School, an RBI APPEARED IN: CARTHAGINIAN NEWTON COUNTY_AP_P__EAL___ SPIRIT OF MORTON MERIDIAN STAR v.---------- NESHOBA DEMocRAT SCOTT ~OUNTY TIMES _ _ __ WINSTON COUNTY JOUJDW_ CLARION-LEDGER .- -- WEEK.Of Erb 2.C(. :41.LQ , ~rrr Rfl<:~R4LL ROUNDUP \Vtll Kennedy of Union. In game 2, Mitchell added a solo home run. Peyton Cain out of Newton County picked up his second win of the season with four shutout innings, giving up one hit and striking out four. ECCC sweeps Itawamba East Central defeated Itawamba in a doubleheader on Saturday. In B 13-1, game one win, Reagan Warren out of New ton County High School had two RBis. Playing errorless ball in game two, ECCC beat Itawamba's Indians 11-1 in a five inning run-rule game. The Diamond Warriors oYerall record improved to 12-4. Locals contributesin sweep East Central swept Lawson State (Birmingham, Ala.) 9-8, 10-1 on Feb. 29 in Decatur. ECCC had to overcome an 8-4 deficit with five runs in tbe bottom of the seventh in ning for the 9-8 win. The comeback was sparked by an RBI double from Matthew Mitchell of Lake and a two-run singie by APPEARED IN: CARTHAGINIAN --------- NEWTON COUNTY APPEAL_\_( __ SPIRIT OF MORTON ___ ...;.... ___________ MERIDIAN STAR -------------- NESHOBA DEMOCRAT ------- SCOTT COUNTY TIMES ----- WINSTON COUNTY JOUaNAL --- CLARION-LEDGER ------- ·' JUNIOR COLLEGE ECCC baseball wins series vs. Northwest From school reports rain. After resuming play March 14, each team immediately struck for three runs apiece in the fifth inning. East Central put the game out of reach with three more runs in the bottom of the sixth in the seven-inning affair. Dylan Snypes out of Wayne County High School had key hits in both the fifth and sixth innings for East Central. The sophomore sin gled home a run in the fifth and doubled home a run in the sixth. Warren had an RBI single in the fifth, and freshman Nathan Rose berry out of Purvts High School had an RBI double in the sixth. Left-handed pitcher Luke Yancey out of East Rankin High School picked up the win for the Diamond Warriors, throwing four shutout innings and giving up four hits while striking out five. East Central's baseball team will travel to Jones County Junior Col lege for conference action Wednesday in Ellisville for a dou bleheader beginning at 3 p.m. MORE INFORMATION LHP Yancey tossed four scoreless innings for ECCC, fanning five. added three runs in the seventh to takl' Game 1. Reagan Warren out of Newton County High School and Zach Parker out of Quitman High School led East Central's offense with two RBI each. Sophomore right-handers Josh Carpenter of Winona High School and Peyton Cain of Newton County High School both had strong per formances on the mound for the Diamond Warriors. Cain got the win for ECCC allowing two runs over on four hits over the first five innings. Carpenter gave up two hits, allowed no earned runs, and walked no batters over the final four innings. Game 2 was tied at zero in the bottom of the fourth when the game was postponed because of DECKl'UR - The East Central Community College Diamond War riors won their Mississippi Associa tion of Community and Junior Col leges conference-opening doubleheader against Northwest Mississippi Community College after Game 2 was postponed until Monday due to inclement weather. ECCC won the first game 7-3 on March 10. Game two was called in the fourth inning with the score tied 0-0. The game was completed March 14 with East Central win ning ~4. ECCC's overall record improved to 14-6 and the Diamond Warriors begin conference play 2-0. The 7-3 game one victory fea tured ECCC taking the early lead in the first inning with four runs. NWMCC responded with three runs of their own in U1e sixth to cut the deficit down to one. The Rangers' comeback was not enough to gain control of the ball game, as the Diamond Warriors APPEARED IN: CARTHAGINIAN _______ NEWTON COUNTY APPEAL ___ NESHOBA DEMOCRAT ------ SCOTT COUNTY TIMES---- WINSTON COUNTY JOUJINAL __ CLARION-LEDGER _______ SPIRIT OF MORTON,_________ MERIDIAN STAR _______ WEEK-Of },.-~\ b - I '-e° Jurn RA scored two runs in each of the sixth and seventh in nings to pull out the 5-4 win. East Central outhit Shel ton State in game one 9-8. Eight different Diamond Warriors had hits in the contest, with freshman Cole Prestegard out of Huntsville (Ala.) High School leading the way with a single, a dou ble, and an RBI. In the nightcap, the Dia mond Warriors fell to the Buccaneers 6-5 as Shelton State got the winning run in the bottom of the seventh, and last, inning. ECCC trailed 3-0 after three innings before plating three runs in the top of the fourth to tie the game. Shel ton State regained the lead fourth and fifth innings, be fore East Central tied it again in the top of the sixth. Shelton State would push across a single run in the bottom of the seventh for the 6-5win. Freshman Nathan Rose berry out of Purvis High School had two RBis on two hits to lead East Central in game two. The East Central Dia mond Warriors will begin MAC.JC Conference action Thursday, March 10, against Northwest Missis sippi Community College at the Clark/Gay Baseball Complex in Decatur. Dou bleheader action begins at noon. Lat~ inning runs allowed NJCAA Division I Shelton State Community College to sweep the East Central Community College Dia mond Warriors in a baseball doubleheader Tuesday, March 8, in Tuscaloosa ECCC's overall record falls to 12~ on the season. In game one, the Diamond Warriors took the lead early scoringone run in the top of the second. Shelton State responded in the bottom of the second with a run of their own. The Diamond Warriors regained the lead in the top of the fourth scoring three runs, but Shelton State NESHOBA DEMOCRAT ____ SCOTT couNlY TIMES---- WINSTON couNlY JOU~--- cLARION-LEDGER---------- APPEARED IN: cARTHAGlNIAN------ NEWTON COUNTY APPEAL _..::v:.i::_ _ SPIRIT Of MORTON _______ MERIDIAN STAR------ WEEK.OF ECCC ROUNDUP Jones Co. 8-10, ECCC baseball 4-0 won their Mississippi As sociation of Community and Junior Colleges con ference-opening double header after game two was postponed uDtil March 14 due to inclement weather. Reagan Warren out of Newton County led East Central's offense with two RBis. Peyton Cain of Newton County got the win for ECCC allowing two runs on four hits over the first five innings. Game two was tied at zero in the bottom of the fourth when the game was postponed because of rain. Warren had an RBI sin gle in the fifth. ECCC Tennis fallsto Jones County The East Central men's tennis team lost a close 5 4 match to No. 23 Jones County on March 16. In women's action, No. 17 ranked Jones County prevailed over the Lady Warriors' 9-0. Graham Murphree of Newton County boat Josh Hester, 6-2, 5-7 (10-8). East Central's netters return home in Decatur, Tuesday against Northeast Mississippi at 1 p.m. Despite outhitting Jones County Junior College 11 8, the Diamond Warriors fell 8-4 to the Bobcats in game one of a double header in Ellisville, Wednesday, March 16. Jones County also won the nightcap 10-0. Sophomore Matt Mitchell out of Lake hit an RBI single to help ECCC get the early lead in game one. ECCC baseball 7-6, Northwest 3-4 The Diamond Warriors ... APPEARED IN: NESHOBA DEMOCRAT ______ SCOTT COUNTY TIMES----- WINSTON COUNTY JO~JUW- __ CLARION-LEDGER_..;.,._ _ __ CARTHAGINIAN - - - - -;-zr::-::-_ NEWTON COUNTY APPEAL ___ SPIRIT OF MORTON _______ ME~DIANSTAR _________ ---- OUNTY APPEAL 11A PIC~ Michael Davis and Billy Cameron both homered to help ECCC in the sweep. Davis' solo home run in the fourth inning of game one allowed him to rack up two RBis. ~or Creighton got the win, st1'iking out two over 4 113 innings. In game two, Cameron homered in the second and singled in the third bringing home two RBis as well. Brock Morris threw five innings of shutout ball to earn the win. He allowed only five hits and struck out three. ECCC baseball downs Coahoma In doubleheader The East Central Di~ mond Warriors (16-8, 4-2 in MAC.JC) swept Coahoma(~ 14, 3-3) with 7-2 and ~2 wins March 20 at the Clark/Gay Baseball Complex. The Diamond Warriors' APPEARED IN: CARTHAGINIAN ------ NEWTONCOUNTYAPPEAL :;z: SPIRIT OF MORTON MERIDIAN STAR NESHOBA DEMOCRAT SCOTT '?OUNTY TIMES _ _ __ WINSTON COUNTYJOURNAL CLARION..LEDGER r -------- -- IEEK-OF . ·11\1~ \ \: ~i W\ (r· \ . • East Central takes pair from Co-Lin Pubhshed 10 40om Fnday, Apnl 8. 2016 DECATUR - The East Central Wamors took a doubleheader from the Co-Lin Wolves 12-6 and 11-7 Tuesday mght The Wolves are back home o Saturday hosting the Nonheast Mississippi Tigers Watch the actJon live on www.cohnalhlettcs com or listen on WMUJ 104 3 in Brookhaven East Central 12, Co-Lin 6 The Warriors took an early 3-0 lead in the first 1nmng as they sent eight players to tbc plate East Central tacked on another two more in the second before the Wolves plated a run m the top of the third Reed Taylor singled to lcfi to score Jeremy Moore who reacbcd base on a single to pull the Wol•es to 5-1 Matthew Mordecai Jeremy Moore The Wamors did not slow down in the third as a homerun scored t" o more runs extended the lead to 9-1 Co-Lin trailed by 10 after the founh inning as East Central plated an additional two runs The Warriors scored their final run in the fifth and extended their lead to 12-1 The Wolves battled bacl.. in the top of the s1~th T} ler McLeod ripped a line dri•e to nght field that scored Matthew Mordecai Champ DaHSOn brought McLeod home \\1th an infield single, while Jackson Tw111y scored on a throwing error to make the score 12-4 In the top of the ninth, the Wolves tried to make it mteresung Twmy drove in Kcwaun May, who drew a walk to lead off the inning. and Lee Smith brought in McLeod \\1th an infield smgle The late runs ulumately \\ere not enough as the Wohes 12-6 Moore led the Wolves at the plate with three singles McLeod (I RBI) and Austin Lrb} both finished the contest with a pair of smgles Mordecai doubled Ta} Jor. Davison, Smith. and T"iny all firushed ''Ith a single and one RBI Reagan Warren led the Warriors with three hits. Billy Cameron led the team with four RBis 01T1wo hits. Dylan Snypes, T J. Lockett, Manhew Muchel. and Brandon Clark all finished "1th two hits Jordan Antley suffered the loss for the Wolves from the mound giving up eight eamed runs on seven bits, walking two in 2.1 innings.JD E'ans finished the game allowing four runs on nine luts, stnkmg out l\\O and walking one m 5 2 inrungs Taylor Creighton got the win for the Warriors throwing five mrungs, giving up seven hits, one earned run, striking out four and walking three. East Central 11, Co-Lin 7 East Central plated the firsi run in the second game 1n the bonom of the second inning off of a single 10 nght field The Wohes 11ed the game m the top of the third after Jeremy Moore hn a sacrifice fly that scor.:d Kewaun May who reached safely on an error East Central poured m four runs m the bonom of the third stretclung the lead to 5-1 APPEAi CARTH 4/ 10/20 11 NEWTON COUNTY APPEAL ___ SCOTT COUNTY TIMES---- WINSTON COUNTY JOU~AL __ SPIRIT OF MORTON -------------~ MERIDIAN STAR _______ CLARION-LEDGER __ ~--- weekof_~~\ /3~/ J---YaL--L Jackson Twitty drove TYier McLeod in the founh to help narrow the gap 5-2 Reed Taylor drove in Matthew Mordecai late in the fifth 10 whittle the Warriors lead down to 5-3. But, East Centrol's offense exploded in the bottom of the fifth with six runs, and pulled away to an 11-3 lead In the sixth inning, Mordecai smashed a b'1'11Dd slam to left scoring Irby, May, and Twitty and cutting the Wamor lead to 11- 7 At the plate for the Wolves, Mordecai led with a double and a grand slam (4 RBis). Justm Oliver had a pair of singles Moore doubled for an RBI. Taylor and Twitty each finished with a single and one RBI apiece Also adding suppon were May and McLeod a single apiece Cole Prcstcgard led East Ccntrars 14 hit attack with four luts and two RBis. A host of other Wamors posted hits m the game Austm Douglas suffered the loss for the Wolves al10"1ng five runs (two earned) on five hits. stnl mg out five and walkmg three m 2.1 innings of work. Also seeing action on the mound for Co-Lin were Tanner Jones (two mrungs, four earned runs, sax hats, one stnkeout), Ryan Cullop (t\\O earned runs, one hn), and Austin Odom (two strikeouts and two luts, l 2 mnmgs) Luke YanCC) earned the mn for the Wamors after 1hroW1ng 3.2 mrungs He ga•e up two runs (one earned) on mo hits, walled three and struck out!\\'<>. Also seeing acuon "ere Tyler Ladner (one earned run, three hits, two strikeouts. I.I innings), Christian Bellew (three earned runs, four hats, l mmng), and Channing Wall (one hn, I inning) APPEARED IN: NESHOBA DEMOCRAT _______ CARTHAGINIAN - - - -- -- NEWTON COUNTY APPEAL.___ SCOTT COUNTY TIMES - ------ WINSTON COUNTY JOURNAL _ ___ _ SPIRIT OF MORTON._ _____ MERIDIAN STAR OTHE;v a.A l;vj®ili- (ffwJ " CLARION-LEDGER - -- - - - - - - WEEK-OF ~~ 1' \ \ t ( JiJ\\9 • I MACJC BASEBALL MCC, ECCC split Tuesday in battle of ranked teams From combined school reports the Diamond Warriors that drove in a run in the fourth inning. Meridian managed three runs in the top of the third and another run in the top of the fourth, but it wasn't enough to catch East Cen tral. Luke Yancey out of East Rankin High School picked up the win on the mound with four and one-third innings of work, giving up four runs on six hits, while striking out six. Hunter Mullis took the loss for MCC in Game 2. In Gaine 1, East Central trailed 6-2 heading into the top of the ninth when Meridian put up five runs to put the game away. The Eagles used two singles, two walks, a hit batter, and an error to score their ninth-inning runs. Freshman Brandon Clark of Neshoba Central High School picked up three RBI on three hits to lead the Diamond Warriors' offense in the opener. Taylor Creighton, a product of Quitman High School, took the loss for East Central. Nate Romani; helped the cause for the Eagles with a three-run homer, while Eason Weeks drove in a pair of runs on two base hits for the green and white. Dalton Smith and Daniel Hill each added two singles apiece, while Baylor Obert scored two runs on a base hit in the victory. MCC finished the opening game of the doubleheader with 14 total hits, while the Warriors were held to eight hits. Kyle Bayles got the win in Game 1 on the mound and also had three hits at the plate, driving in two runs. East Central will be back in action Saturday against Northeast Mississippi Community College in Booneville beginning at 2 p.m., before traveling to Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College Tuesday for a doubleheader beginning at 4 p.m. Those games will be played at D'Iberville High School. DECATUR -The East Central Community College Diamond War riors erupted for six runs in the bottom of the second inning en 1 route to an 8-4 Game 2 win and a baseball doubleheader split against Meridian Community College Tuesday. Meridian won game one 11-4. East Central is now 25-13 overall and 13-7 in MACJC conference action. The Diamond Warriors entered the most recent NJCAA Division II Baseball Poll April 13 at No. 20. The Meridian Eagles are 27-7 overall and 12-6 in league play and were ranked No. 7 in the poll. A three-run triple off the bat of sophomore Will Kennedy out of Union High School keyed East Central's big second inning in game two. Zach Parker out of Quitman High School added an RBI single in the second. Dylan Snypes, a product of Wayne County High School, also had a triple for APPEARED IN: NESHOBA DEMOCRAT ____ SCOTT COUNTY TIMES---- WINSTON COUNTY JOU~ __ CLARION-LEDGER ______ CARTHAGINIAN _______ NEWTON COUNTY APPEAL ___ SPIRIT OF MORTON _ _...._____ MERIDIAN STAR _....:r~/---::-_ -- L \ \ : ( 1 / / V. WEEK.OF -~...:...:...J.--l_J....L~· ECCC Warriors climb to second in MACJC baseball standings nightcap victory, Northeast took the early lead scoring once in the first inning, but could not hold on. The Diamond Warriors responded to the 1-0 deficit with two runs in the third on singles by Nathan Roseberry and Dylan Snypes and a two-run error. East Central added two more runs in the fifth on a single by Snypes, a double by Kennedy and a sacrifice fly. Snypes went 3-4 at the plate and scored two of the Diamond Warriors' four runs in game two. Peyton Cain got the win in the night cap allowing one earned run, four hits and strik ing out three batters over his six one-third ~gc. softball team allowing ECCC to take the early lead in game one. An RBI triple in the fourth inning by Billy Cameron put up the other run for East Central. Northeast attempted a comeback by scoring one run in the eighth on an RBI double by Hunter Bronson, before relief right-handed pitcher Channing Wall of Louisville High School ended the threat. Wall struck out the final three batters in the bot tom of the ninth to end the game. Freshman right-han der Brock Morris of West Jones High School picked up the win for East Central. He pitched one-hit ball over four innings while strik ing out three batters. In the ECCC errorless ttrom school reports The No. 20 nationally ranked East Central Community College baseball team moved up to No. 2 in the MACJC conference standings with its sweep over Northeast Mississippi Community College in Booneville on Saturday. East Central won game one 2-1 and game two 4-2 against the Tigers, improving its overall record to 27-13 and 15-7 in the confer ence. Northeast dropped to 10-10 in the MACJC and 19-19 over all. ECCC was set to visit Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College for a double header on Tuesday. A solo-home run off the bat of Will Kennedy began the scoring for the Diamond Warriors APPEARED IN: CARTHAGINIAN ------ NEWTON COUNTY APPEAL SPIRIT OF MORTON ---- NESHOBA DEMOCRAT SCOTT C?OUNTY TIMES ----- ----- WINSTON COUNTY JOUJiNAL y CLARION-LEDGER ' MERIDIAN STAR ---------
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