2016 Combined

Week of m°1 g> ) 2DI (fJ


''I want to t~ank, first of ~ll, ~Y Lord and Sn~or. Jesus Chris~, tor blessmg me with the opporturuty. to attend East Central Commumty College. To my parents, words can- not truly express what you mean to me. Thank ;:o~ for your loy-e and sup- port and raismg :°!e up m the nur- ture and admomt1on of the Lord. Also! I want to.say th~ to a sup- port~g and lovmg family. "I smcerely want to thank mem- bers.o~the ~ard ofTrustees, college administration, faculty, and profes- sional and support staff for the co1:1lltless hours th. f ou put m on a daily b.

- ''No matter what the next step is , n each of our lives, whether it is :1n ifistitut. of hig1 . 1 J, ·arnin or o join the workforce, 1 Wlbh each ot y<. u nothing but the best. I am sure both of these paths, whichever one may be for you, will lead to some uncer tain times, but I am reminded of the words of King Solomon: "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and do not lean on your own understan<;ting. In all your ways acknowledge him, and be will direct your paths." He concluded with the words to "My Wish," made popular by country dreams stay big yow' worries stay small. You never need to carry m~re than you can hold and while youre out there getting where you're get ting to, I hope you know somebody loves you, and w.a~ts the. sa,r,ne things too. Yeah, this is my wish. In addition to Pace, other graduat ing sophomores participating in the commencement program were Diamondhead, invocation, and Elias Jimmie of Choctaw, benediction. Presenting the musical selection ''You'll Never Walk Alone/Climb Every Mountain" were graduating sophomores Louise Berryhill and Kirk Griffin both of Union, Taylor Lott of For~st, Hannah Mitchell of Lawrence, Ryan Mott and Kaylee Yates both of Decatur; Madelon Taylo~ of Louisville, Anna Claire Webb of N ..a ter md Pace. Nina LaBlue ot Conehatta playeC1 the trumpet. Pashien Kelly-Johnson of recordinL. ·ti~ t <> Rascal Flatts, which h ;rod wa& A r fellow graduat . "My wisli for you 1s that this life becomv .ill t hat y 01 ·au t it to. Your

Addressing his fellow grad11atet:> at East C1·ntral Communit: Vlllege's 87th Commencement held Friday, May 6, 2016, at the Nes~oba County Coliseum in Philadelphia, Ben Pace encouraged his fellow graduates to make the "EC Way'' a part of every day life. ''I believe that East Central has instilled in us a way of life in the EC Way," said Pace of Philadelphia. "From the moment many of us stepped foot on campus, we were taught to practice thi~ ~ott:o a.s a way of representing this institution. Now, we can adopt this mo~ as O';ll' way oflife so that every decision will be made with the EC Way, Excellence with Class, in mind." Dr. Teresa Houston, vice preside~t for instruction, presented the candi dares for graduation, and :E'CCC Pr( d n ) B"lly Stewart awarded det e an~ ..,..,.1. i· ~ ..!.u.. il! the ce1 · 10~ NPE> ~v 650 students api; l1e

the future.

"I am so privileged and humbled to stand here tonight. These last two years have fl.own by. Whoev.er said time flies when you are haVIIlg fun---- was sure right! My time at East Central has been honestly the two··- -- best vears o" l" v life SPIRIT OF MORTON______


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