1954-1972 ECCC Newspaper Clippings
secretary of both the Y-Teen and the FutureHomemakersof America. After graduationfromECJC Faye plans to attend Missis- sippi State University, where she will major in home ecQn0- mics.
LHS Graduate at ECJC Is Official Of Home Ec Club Faye Smith, daughter of Mr. md Mrs. Jasper Smith of Lou- mille, has been elected vice president of theHomeEcono- mics ClubatEast Central Jun- ior College. A graduate of Louisville High School, Faye served as Tommy Jones Elected Veep Of ECJC Class Tommy Jones, son of Mr. and Mrs. Guy Jones of Sebastopol has been elected vice president of the sophomore class a t Ea s t Central Junior College. Jones' activities a t East Cen- tral include treasurer of Phi Theta Kappa, scholastic honor- a r y ; vice president of the Bap- tist Student Union, and a par. ticipant in intramural basket- ball. While attending Sebastopol High School, Jones was presi- dent of the senior class, pro- gram chairman of the Beta Club and president of the Fut- ure Farmers of America. He was elected Mr. Sebastopol High School and graduated a s ;alutatorian.
Debbie Harvey, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Harvey of Forest, has been elected as Student Body Representative for 1 the sophomore class at El s t Central Junior College. Miss Harvey's activities at East Central include member- ship in Phi Theta Kappa, scho- lastic honorary; StudentEduca- tion Association, Baptirt S t a m dent Union, and vollyball, bar- ketball and tennis teams. While attending Forert Hfgh School, Mfrs Harvey war . r member of the Beta Club, elw- ted Mort Likely To Suoond, and awarded the Babe Ruth
BRENDA TUCKER Miss Tucker President Of EC JC Players
Brenda Tucker, daughter of Mrs. Lilla Tucker of Forest, has been electedpresidentof the ECJC Players at East Central Junior College. A graduate of Scott Central High School, Miss Tucker was a cheerleader, a member of the Library Club and the Future Homemaker of America. Miss Tucker was also a member of the chorus and the Girls* Ensemble. She served a s editor of the yearbook and was re&- pient of the home economics award for two years. East Central, Miss Tucker in two theatrical
IoAnie Lovorn I
1 Bonnie Lovorn, daughter o rs. Mary Ann Lovorn of Car age, has been elected secre ry of the freshman class a F a s t Central Junior College. A graduate of Carthage Rig1 chool, Miss Lovorn was ember of the Beta Club, Pel lub, senior band talent queen nd president of the Leake Li
dua t i on , Miss to attend Missis- versity and major
Che r y l Hatcd Is Ms j or e t t e
I n ECJC Band Cheryl Hatch, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. nfcclain Hatch of Forest, has been selected as a majorette with the East Cen- tral Junior College MarchinB Band. Miss Hatch graduated from Forest High School with honors in 1970. She was a member of the Future Business Leadersof America, the Beta Club and the Forest High School Band. She served as head majorette during her senior year and was a member of the chorus,
Wanda Comans, daughter oi Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Comans >f Sebastopol, has been elected rrice president of the ECJC Players a t East Central Ju- nior College. A graduate of Sebastopol Higt School, Miss Comans was reci. pient of the chorus award an was named most mischieviour and friendliest girl. At East Central, Miss Co- 1 mans is a member of the Pe Club and is serving as vic president of the Student Edu.
Margaret Warren, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Horace War- ren of Forest, has been elected secretary of the ECJC Players at East Central.Junior College. A graduate of Forest High School, Miss Warren was a member of the Band Council, e nWorette and a member of the Future Business Leaders of America. She was also a member of the Future Home makers of America. After graduation, Miss War- ren plans to attend Mississippi State University.
Sessions New President Of ECJC Class
- 1 ,L&/&q Paul Simmons President Of EC JC Alumni - - At a business meeting of East Central Junior College Alumni Association during Homecoming weekend at ECJC, Paul Simmons was elected president of the alumni group. Jim McKay was elected vice- president from Winston Coun- ty. Other newly elected officers are Don Howington, vice-pres- ident; Mrs. Thomas W. Thrash, secretary and treasurer; and county vice-presidents - Olen Nicholson, Leake County; John Risher, Neshoba; Carl Cooper, Newton County; Doyle Mc- Mi~llan Scott Countv. 1'
Morton Girl Is Editor Of ECJC Annual
I , , 'yft,
Mickey Sessions of Forest a s been elected president of the sophomore class of East Central Junior College, O t h e r o f f i c e r s include Tommy Jones, Sebastopol, vice president; Barbara Sue Ezell, Decatur, secretary; CindyCor- nelius, New Ca r l i s 1e, Ohio, treausrer; Joe LeeAnthony, Se- bastopol, SAE representative; and DebbieHarvey, Forest, SBA representations. Sessions participates in nu- merous activities at East Cen- tral. He served as president of the freshman class. Jones is treasurer of Phi Theta Kappa, scholastic honor- ary; vice president of the Bap- tist Student Union; active in in- tramural basketball, a nd re- ceived the Sophomore c l a s s scholarship. Anthony is a member of the s P i r i t committee and after graduation he plans to attend Miss. State University and ma- jor in political science.
Susan Shoemaker, daughterof Mr. and Mrs. WillieShoemaker of Morton, has been named editor of the Wo-He-Lo, col- lege annual, at East Central Junior College. A sophomore, Miss Shoe- maker is social chairman for the B a p t i s t Student Union, manager of the 1969-70 basket- ball team, treasurer of the Wo- men's Council and secretary of the Student Education Associa- tion. A graduate of Morton Atten- dance Center, Miss Shoemaker was active in the Junior Gard- en Club, the Beta Club, Fu- ture Homemakers of America, and The Pep Club.
Miss Hanrey is a member of tist Student Union, and a Phi Theta Kappa, the Student her of the volleyball, b Education Association,the Bap- ball and tennis teams - - - - - --
MIKE HORNE, son of Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Horneof Morton has signed a full basketball scholarship with East Central Junior College at Decatur. Mike, a 6' 4" forward, was a 3 year letterman on the Morton team. He is a member of the Fellowship of Christian Athletesand attends the Kalem Methodist Church. Mike's future plans are to major in Physical Education and English. He plans to become a basketball coach. E.C.J.C. he will continue ""'L hi itudies at Mississippi College.
NEW COACH - Waywood Reeves is the new girls bas- ketball and track coach at Forest High School. Anative of Walnut Grove, he gmd- uated from Walnut Grove School, East Central Junior College, and Mississippi College. In addition to coach- & duties, he w i l l teach classes in math. He coached 6, $+?P "st Terry before, $$im&g:&q, * . -* *. ' ii ,&!&& .s* yT* 4 A:"%..*.%
I JOE LEE ANlXaIW Joe Anthony Elected To ECJC Office
Karen Cooper A 'Favorite' At East Central
Karen Cooper of Carthage has been elected a sophomore favorite a t East Central Junior College. Miss Cooper is a member of Women's Intramurals and the ECJC Players. Other winners in the annual / Who's Who contest include Lucy Young, Morton, Miss / ECJC and Mickey Sessions, 1 Forest, Mr. ECJC. Sophomore favorites include Barbara Sue Ezell, Decatur; Cindy Cornelius, Ohio; Joe Lee 1 Anthony, Sebastopol; Mark Hatcher, Louisville; L a r r y Snowden, Newton. Freshman favorites include Annette Brignac, Forest; Judy Clark, Philadelphia; Betty Nes- / ter, Lake; Freddie Bagley, Forest; Ben Dance, Philadel- phia; and Jack Evans, Decat- ur. Gwyn Hardin, sophomore of Sebastopol, will serve as May Queen and Wanda Duke, Jack- I son sophomore, will serve a s maid of honor. Joe Tadiock of Pulaski was / elected Most Handsome. I
BETTY BQRSEY 8 . *Betty Dorsey
Jm ib A n m e Son of W. 43m3 ms* x d . K , d * Ylaswpcill. has bsen elected %I- dmt lk&~ Associatlm rewe- sentat&e for the WBbOmBr01 class at ]East CentFal Junior w q e . At East Central, An t hw is a member cd the s m t W- teritt~e. A graduate dSeb&sbogof kW, Anthony was m active patacipant In many actMties. He %ern&as vlce msidBnt, d the Future F m e m al Amertca, YFiCe psident d the b6lulS, as a class ~ f f l a r and m s elected Yamg Man of tfre, Year. kwhfmy was valadictmian d hfs class, a member of Who's WIm, Q t t f S q Twww d b e r i a :and received nu- memw aQ3nlet.f~ awards,Hewar rwipient d the Msbw am* English awafdand~ingaward. After gradation, Anthmw plans to attend the Unfv%rsi@ QQ BIEIssisrippi Law Sehd and rnS$lb~ippi Stat 0 wvemil3' with a i h a j o r ia political
, -Named Reporter Of ECJC Players Betty Dorsey, daughter of , Mr. and Mrs. James H. Dorsey of Edinburg, has been elected reporter of the ECJC Players a t East Central Junior College. ' A graduate of Edinburg High School, Miss Dorsey was in . v Who's Who, editor of the year- :'hook, a class officer, a mem- :_her of the paper staff,_a Li- -:brary Club office?, a member -.of chorus and of the" Future -*flomemakers of America. Miss _:Dorsey was also an honor grad- ::,uate and a participant in the - : ~ e ~ k e County Junior Miss Pag- \. kant in 5969. At East Central Miss Dorsey '; is a member of the ECJC .=Players, on the annual staff, a member of the Baptist " m t union and the ehoir. ,
the Senior Dramatic Club and the Tiger Roars. During his senior year he was elect- ed the senior class favorite and best all round in the Who's Who. To prove his capability a s a leader further, Sam was elected president of East Central's freshman class in 1968. The office of vice president will be filled by Travis Kelly. Travis, the son of Mr. and
Nanell Evans Elected ECJC SBA Officer Officers of the Student Body association of ECJC were re- cently elected in campuswide balloting. They include: Sam Bounds of Lawrence, presi- dent; Travis Kelly of Car- thage, vice president; Nanell Evans of Liffle Rock, secre- tary; and Dottie Horn of For- est, treasurer. Sam Bounds, whowas elected president of the SBA, is the son of Mr. and Mrs. R;W. Bounds of Lawrence. He will succeed the outgoing presi- dent, Barry Irons. Gradua- ting from Newton HighSchool, Sam was the president of the Senior Piarc and hol~nged - v- - -
staff of the Tiger Howl.
Liberal Arts, was cretary of SBA. daughter of Mr. a 0. Evans, finished at Little Rock with
tive years, secretary and late president d 4-H, and vic president of the Beta Club She was a member of t h ~ band and served for threc years a s drum major. Alonl with the other honors, shealsc received the Math award f o ~ two years and the Englisl award for one year. Next year's treasurer wit be another liberal a r t smajor Dottie Horn of Forest. Dottie the daughter of Mrs. Jeal Horn, displayed many out, standing talents and abilitie~ all through high school. Shc was a member of the Futurr Teachers of America, the Fu ture Homemakersof America, Beta Club, F Club, basketball and track teams, andthepape staff. She was also a clas, afficer and went to Girl' State.
At East Centri editor of the school newspaper Tom-Tom, and was elected t theClassified Hall of 1 Fame. as a junior at Sou
thern, Linda is entertainment editor of The Student Print2 campus newspaper, and is member of the Southern Jow nalism Society and the G@$ Hurst Chapter of the Stden Education Association. She wb elected to serve as recordiq secretary of the Mississipp, State SEA. With a double major in English and journalism, sh is minoring in secondary edu cation. The L. & A. Contracting Co has been in business for mor~ than 20 years, operatinginman, Southern states, withheadquar ters in Hattiesburg. Member of the firm are 0. L. Sims president; Ray A. Sims, vic president; and Harley L. Sims secretary-treasurer. The scholarship of $500 wa established by the companylas s umme r, to be administera through the USM Foundation and is designatedfor "a capabl and deserving USM student.' One of more than 60 "name' scholar IS at Southern, it i * . , . ..
L i nda La t hem I s F i rs t Rec i p i en t O f Scho l arsh i p Linda M. Lathern, daught4 of Mr. and Mrs. Jim B. La- them of Sehastopol, has been , chosen by a special faculty com- mittee to be the first recipient of the L. &A. ContractingCom- pany Scholarship at the Uni- versity of SouthernMississippi. A graduate of SebastopolHigh School and East Central Junior College, Miss Lathemwas vale- dictorian of her class at both institutions, and achieved maw
"I I7
Pre-Mtu Student At ECJC Named Class Favorite Mark Hatcher, son of Mr. d Mrs. Garner Hatcher of Louisville, has been selected a sophomorefavorite in re- nt elections at East Central A pre-med student, Mark is tive in campusactivities. He a member of the ECJC yers, and was a member sf cast sf 'The Man Who e to Dinner" and will be
the spring
ECJC sophomore
STUDENT BODY OFFICER- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Jefferson Blackwell Union and a 1963 gr Union High School, Central Junior CollegeStuden Body Association for ne was a member of athlete, she participa basketball and track for fou years. At East Central s has been a member of P Theta Kappa and the Tenn and Track teams. Lucy Young of Morton serve as President of Student Body, with Deb Pearson as Vice Preside and Melinda Stuart of Sco Central a s Secretary. Th is the first time in the histo Student Body officers will b girls. + I, graduate, Miss Bla ceived the Annual
' (I
i a
. Sonny Hardy ' I s Summer ' BSU President Sonny Hardy, son of Mr . and j Mrs. Curtis Hardy of Rt. 4, $ Union, has been electedto erve i as president of the Baptist Stu- dent Union during summer 5 school at East Central Junior ; College. Hardy has been active In D;p during the past summer.
STUDENT BODY PR&- DENT--Richard Eakes, son of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Eakes of Philadelphia, has been elected as president of the StudentBody Association at East Central Junior College, Decatur. Eakes is active in numerousactivities at East Central. He will serve as president of the SBA for the school year 1971-72.
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:t A s s ~ r n h l v i n AIIPUS~.
j TFE ~ L A R I ~ J ~ E R 2ty-i.- JACKSON DAEY NE ws k v * Sqgday, December 6, 1970
Tommy Jones To Receive Scholarship Tommy Jones, son of Mr. anu Mrs. Guy Jones of Sebastopol, has been named recepient of a scholarship at East Central Ju- nior College. The scholarship was donated by t h e 1969-70 scholarship committee. Tommy is an active partici- pant in t h e Baptist Student Union at East Central. Hegrad- uated f r om Sebastopol High School as salutatorian of his class. In high school, he partici- pated in track, footballandbas- ketball. He was a member of the Beta Club and of the Future Farmers of America. Honors he achieved in high school include agriculture I, 11, math, biology,Americanhis- tory, government and English awards. Qualificationsfor t h e schol- arship were (1) must be a re- turning sophomore, (2) must have a 3.5 or better average, (3) have a good mo r a l char- acter, (4) be receiving no other scholarship, (5) e x h i b i t the traits of a good citizen, and (6) have a definite need for finan- cial assistance.
5' SHERRI W'HINNERY @SM Scholarship I Given Carthage's Sherri 4a Whinnery 'HATTIEXBURG - Sherri Re- gina Whinnery, daughter of Mr. and !Mrs. R. H. Whinnery, Car- bhage, has been named recipient de a scholarship for 1970-71 at the University of Southern ,Missis- @pi awarded by Mr. and Mdm. Fred R. Adams, Jr., of Jack- son. fMiss Whinnery is a graduate a$ Walnut Grove High School and East Central Junior College ifi Decatur, receiving ah A. A. degree. While at EICJC, she was elected to Phi Theta Kappa, 1 junior allege academic hon- 1 wary fraternity, and ohe the i Ball of Faime. I i I :At Southern she is a junior, I majoring in home economics, and a Dean's List sleholar. : 'The scholarship is one of two I annual awards to "capable and $serving students in the best 5 interest d the university" by ? Vr. and Mrs. Adams, both of m h m are USM alumni.
Is Featured In Article
A receltt edition of the Rankin County Press contained a fea- ture article on Gwen May, daughter of Mr. andMrs, James May of Forest. Gwen is Rankin County's As- sistant Extension Home Econ- omist and has been working a t the Rankin County courthouse since June of last year, After graduating fromForest in 1965, Gwen attended East Central Junior Collegeand later MSCW, graduatingwitha degree in Home Economics Education. ' ~o l l owi ngthat, she moved to Brandon and began her job a t $he courthouse. Gwen says her work offers , $he opportunity to work with young people. "We deal with more than 700 young people in the county in all areas of home and community life." 'We need a 4-H club in every community. With such, we could provide constructive activities f o r our youngpeople rather than leaving them to manage with the turn of the wind," Gwen says about her work. "If our adults v Ild take an interest in the lhvper development of their young, we could establish 4-H and other responsible organ- izations everywhere." Gwen plans to continue her career in youth development and ~ O D ~ S to begin work on her Master's in Home Economics o r Child Developmenta t MSCW.
Billy Rowzee, Outstanding College Athlete Billy Rowzee, son ofMr.and Mrs. Bill Rowzee of Decatur has been selected to appear in the 1970 Edition of Outstanding College Athletes of America. This honor is presented to America's top athletes who have made outstanding re- cords in academic studies a! well a s in sports. Billy is completing his sophmore year a t ECJC where he has ex- celled academically as well a s in football, having been named to the Honorable Men- tion All State Team in 1969 Billy was also an outstand- ing athlete a t Decatur High School having'lettered in foot. ball 4 years, serving a s Cap- tain his senior year, and he lettered in track 3 years. Other extra curricular acti. vities in high school includec science club, class officer during junior and senior year, Boy State Representative, member of Junior Play, paper staff and Most Handsome. Billy plans, to attend Miss. State next year.
In ECJC Plby
I (
The EC Players are preparing for their fall production, "You Can't Take I t With You." The play will be presented Nov. 22 and 23 at 7:30 p.m. in the Fine Arts Center. Advance tickets go on sale No*. 15. Contact
Bruce Peterson, ECJC. I n the above scene the cast members are: Mitch Crowder of Car- thage as 6-Man and Windell Carter of Car-
EC PLAYERS - are preparing for their fall production "You Can't Take I t With You." The play will be presented November 1 22 and 23 at 1 : 3 0 p m in the Fine Arts Center. Advance tickets go on sale November 15- Contact Bruce Peterson, ECJC. In the above scene, cast members are!Debra Shoemaker, from Lake I as Alice, and Dewayne Dent of Sabastopol as Tony Kirby.
kV4: ' 3 f ; * ~ " s'r c . x it +, i &$$!$
thage as Donald.
,, .,. .
T HE CARTHAGINIAN, ,.. ...,, ..,., ,.,.,.
SCOTT COUMTY T IMES (Combined with progress Herald) Luke, Neshoba, Donna Kemp, EC JC Beauty Carthage; Cindy Cornelius, * New Carlisle, Ohio; Brenda Pageant Set Rhodes, Selby; Barbara Sue Ezelle, Decatur; Faye Smith, Louisville; Nancy Wall, December 10 Meridian; Sharon Wilkins. Watertown, Mass. direction of Mrs. Marian John Polk, program director Thornton, music instructor, of radio station WMSU, Hat- and Gilbert Sornmers, band tiesburg, will be the emcee. director. The set is being Twenty-six girls a r e entered designed by Jerry Crawford, in the pageant which is based an a r t student. Pagean t on the theme of "The Beautiful Director is Linda Iathem, Seventies." Contestants a r e public relat~onsdirector, and Ba r ba r a Bounds, Kitty Bruce Peterson, speech and Wagner, Newton; Pam Bray, drama instructor. Chunky; Deborah McElhen- Judges will be out-of-town ney, Decatur; Joyce Boxx, persons who will be announced Carol Crapps, Glenda patson, a t the pageant. Morton; Gwyn Hardin, Admission is free. East Central Junior College will hold its annual beauty pageant a t 8 p.m. Dec. 10 in Huff Memorial Auditorium. Music and entertainment for the pageant will be under the
[bast ~ e n f i a ! a 1 seauty Fete oesday Nignf DECATUR - East Central I((JuniorCollege will hold its an- nual Beau@ Pageant Tuesday at eight p.m. in the Huff Me- mor~alAuditorium. 1 The theme for this year's pageant is "The Parade of Roses." Contestants, according to pageant director Mrs. Ruth Hull and assistant director Mrs. Jessie Mae Everett are: Mari- lyn Anderson, Kathey Barrett, Donna Bates, Judi Boswell, Pan1 Chancellor, Cindy Corne- lius, Gwyn Hardin, Patty Hat- cher, Paula Hollingsworth. Dot- tie Horn, Cindy James, Glenda Jones, Susan Madden, Deborah McElhciiney, Benita Nanney, Debbie Pearson, D e b o r a h Pierce, Mary Carol Stroud, Sonya Weaver, and Sherri Whin-
S e b a s t o p o 1; Beth Mapp,,? Gwyn Tolbert, Linda Wicker,:? Forest; Betty Nester, ~ a r y : Carol Stroud, Debbie Pearson,'$ Lake. Others include Janis Bryan,:.. Gloria Hill, Sylvia Hill, Ginnyi Slaughter, Philadelphia; ~ a v &
WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 3,1969 1 ECJC Beauty I Contest Se t Tuesday Night assistant director Mrs. Jessie Mae Everett are: Mari1.m An- derson, Kathy Barett, -Donna Bates, JudiBoswell, Pam Chan- cellor, Cindy Cornelius, Gwyn Hardin, Patty Hatcher, Paula East Central Junior College Hollingsworth, Dottie . Ho r n, will hold its annual Beauty Pag- Cindy James, Glenda Jones, eant Tuesday, December 9, at Susan Madden, Deborah McEI- 8 o'cl henney , Benita Nanney, Debbie Memorial Auditorium. Pearson, Deborah Pierce, Mary The theme for this year's Carol Smud, Sonya Weaver, pageant is "The Parade of and Sherri Whinnery. I
r. and Mrs. Jimmy Bush om Bay Springs, Mrs. Joseph onald Fa11 from Bay Springs,
Pageant Contestants Vying for the title of Most Beautiful at East Central Junior College are these four lovely young ladies from Leake 1 County. They are, left to right, Janet Barham, Wanda Brooks, Cheryl Thornton, and Stephanie Cook. The sixth annual beauty pageant is scheduled for 7:30 p.m. January 13, 1972, in Huff Memorial Auditorium.
assistant director Mrs. Jessie to director Mrs. Ruth Hull and ,
= ,- - .
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Mor ton Housewil.. Gets Scholarship
Mrs. Billie Davis Watson of Morton has been awarded a R. B. Thomas scholarship to Mississippi College for the 1971-72 school year, Dr. Charles W. Scott, dean of students, announced recently. Mrs. Watson is the daughter 3f Mr. and Mrs. Dennis H. Davis of Winona. She is married to Glen Watson of 1 Morton and they a r e the parents of three children, Zlenda, Craig, and Sheree. Mrs. Watson is one of a p proximately 68 students awarded scholarships for new students entering the college in September. The R. B. Thomas Scholarships were established under the terms of the will of
4OBA DEMOCRAT, Philadelphia. Mississippi, Thurrday,
named as recipients for 1969- 70 in a recent announcement by Mrs. Charles S. Thomas of Greenville, MCPT scholarship chairman. A11 of the awardees will devote at least one year teaching in Mississippi schools for each $100 received. A May graduate of East Cen- tral Junior College, Mary Gail entered Southern this fall as a junior, majoring in mathe- matics in secondary education. At East Central, Mary Gail achieved a 3.91 quality point average on a 4.0 scale. She participated .in the choir, in- tramural~, stage band, MayDay and homecoming activities. She was also a member of the Kappa, Alpha Alpha Epsilon, Music Educators National Con ference, and the StudentEduca
the late Mr. R. B. Thomas of Hattiesburg. The terms are I MRS. WATSON made by the Financial Aids I on the jury in Scott County in Committee of the college , working with Mr. Dan Hall, 'Tiecent graduate from Easl director of the Church Music Department of the Mississippi Central Junior College, Mrs. & ~ a ~ t i s t Convention Board. Watson graduated with Honors Mrs. Watson is an active and was active in many extra. member in many civic and curricular activities. Oc community organizations. She Awards Day she was given an Award of Merit in Journalism devoted 15 years of service to She is a member of PTA work and served as Morton United Methodisl secretary, vice-president, president of the Morton PTA Church. and District Certified Leader. -
TTIESBURG -- Mar'y Gail tion Association. n, daughter of Mr. and . William Ernest Fulton of. profes'sion, Mary Gail said, ' , 3, Philadelphia, has been believe that I can findmy great- arded a scholarship by the est fulfillment a s a teacher ississippi Congress of Par - by showing students that educa- ts and Teachers. tion comes not only from learn In choosing teaching as he
In 1966-67 she served as state citizenship chairman on the Miss. Congress of Parents and Teachers board. As an active worker in the community, Mrs. Watson has served as 4-H leader, Brownie leader, held positions of leadership in the Cancer Crusade, Morton Garden Club, Morton Band Boosters Club and the Home Demonstration Council in Scott County. In 1966Mrs. Watson was 1st alternate in the Mrs. Mississippi for the Mrs. America Pageant, and in 1967 was named to the Mrs. America Panel, a national honor. She has served as judge and advisor for beauty contest. Mrs. Watson was one of the first women in history to serve
(SCOTTCOUNTY TIMES Combined With The Progress Herald) Due V
At East Central
Homecoming activities , at hast Central Junior College are set to get off with a bang Saturday afternoon with a parade through downtown Decatur. The ECJC Marching Band under the direction of Gilbert Sommers and the Decatur High School Marching Band under the direction of John wood will participate in the parade. Floats from each of the clubs and organizations on campus will also participate in The parade is scheduled to begin at 4:30 p. m. according to Thomas Thrash, parade chairman. Other members of the parade committee include John Lovett, Willard Clay, Larry King, Mary Gean Hudson, Beth Fuleher, and The alumni business session will be held at 5:15 in the Fine Arts Center Auditorium. Election of officers for the coming year will be made at this time and plans for the formulation of an ECJC Foundationwill be discussed at the meeting. An alumni registration desk will be set up in the lobby of the Fine Arts Tickets for the game and for the alumni banquet may be purchased here. Tickets for the homecoming game are $2 for adults and $1 for students. Banquet tickets are $1.75. Immediately following the business meeting, the annual - the parade. Keith Fulton. Center.
alumni banquet will be held in Mabry cafeteria. The banquet is scheduled for 6 p. m. The Alumnus of the Year C. A. Carter will be recognized at the banquet. Kick-off time for the East 1 Central Warriors vs. the Holrnes Bulldogs is scheduled for 7:30 p. m. on Warrior Field. Nancy Wall, sophomorefrom Meridian, will be crowned homecoming queen during half-time activities. Other members of the homecoming court include Betty Nester, Lake, maid of honor; Brenda Rhodes, Philadelphia; Jackie Blount, Decatur; and Cindy Sparks, Forest, sophomore maids; Jeanne Williams, Philadelphia; and Stephanie Cook, Carthage, freshmen maids. Overall chairman for homecoming activities is Shelby Harris and student chairman is Richard Eakes. Courts committee members are Mrs. Smie Barnett, Mrs. Lynda Burroughs, Betty Link. Registration commi t t ee members are Raymond Mc- Mullan, Mrs. Martha Graham, Vicky Sullivan. Members of the decoration committee are Clinton RusselI, Joe Clark, Mrs. Desma Kilpatrick, Mrs. Irene Wagner, Cheryl Hatch, and social chairmen from the women's dormitories and proctors from the men's dormitories. The committee for the decoration of the dining hall is composed of Mrs. Alyne Simmons, Betty Nester, Nancy Wall and members of Phi Theta Kappa. The welcoming committee is composed of Mrs. Ann Burkes, I Ovid Vickers, Raymond Mc- Mullan, Mrs. SusieBarnett and Bruce Peterson.
Scott Students
Sophomore Nancy Wall will reign over homecoming ac- I tivities to be held on the / campus of East Central Junior Miss Wall was elected queen during a recent campus election. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Havard Wall of Meridian. Miss Wall is secretary of the Student Body Association a t East Central. Servingas maid of honor will be Betty Nester of Lake. Sophomore maids include Jackie Blount, Decatur; Janis Byran, Philadelphiq; and / Cindy Sparks, Forest. Fresh- men maids are Susan Tingle, Stephanie Cook and Jeanne Homecoming activities will begin at 4:30 p. m. Oct. 16 with a parade through Decatur. This will be followed by an Alumni Business meeting a t I College Oct. 16. Williams, Philadelphia.
' 1 East Central i Homecoming Court I s Told
. ~
I 1
East Central unior College wjll observe its annual home- coming Saturday, October 25. Classes to be honored will be 1939, 1949, 1959, and 1969. Ac- tivities for the day will include a parade through Decatur at p. m., an alumni business eeting at 5 p. m. in the li- ary, ari alumni banquet at p. m. in the cafeteria and a otball game agianst Pearl iver with the presentation of e homecoming queen and her urt at half-time. I A Leake countian, Miss Kar- en Cooper of Carthage, is a nlember of the court. Alumni Association Presi- ent Master McMullan has an- ounced that Mr. Arthur Win- Lead will be honored at the lumni banquet as the college's lumnus of the Year. Mr. Win- tead attended East Central, ien New County Agri. High chool, from 1962 through 1926. [e later served on the board
orf trustees of the college from 1936 to 1943. In 1942 he was elected to serve in .U. S. Con- gress, a post which he held for 22 years. At present Mr. Win- stead is serving as Commis- sioner of Public Welfare in Mississippi. Homecoming Queen Deborah Pierce will be crowned at half time of the football game. The queen's court includes Maid of Honor Nona Butler, Sophomore Maids Dottie Horn, Patty Hat- cher -and Patsy Nester, and Freshman Maids Karen Coc er, Paula Hollingsworth, a Debbie Pearson.
Tingle, Philadelphia; ,ind Ste ~ h a n i eCook, Carthage, fresl j man maids.
Begins With parade coming Overau activities cha rman is Shelby I r horn Hay ~ o m e o m i n ~ activities at 1 set up in the lobby of t l e Fine 1 ris a i d student chairma, i East Central Junior College are Arts Center. Tickets f9r the 1 Richard Eakes. Courts commil set to get off with a bang game and for the alumni ban- 1 tee members are Mrs. Susi day afternoon with a parade through downtown Decatur. "4uet may be purchased here. , Barnett, Mrs. Lynda Burrough? The ECJC marching band un- Tickets for the homecoming 1 Betty Link. Registration con der the direction of Gilbert game are $2 for adults and $1 / mittee members are Rayinon Sommers and the Decatur High for students. Banquet tickets McMullan, Mrs. Martha Grz School marching band under the are $1.75. ham, Vicky Sullivan. direction of Jghn Wood will par- Immediately following the Members of the decoratio ticipate in the parade. Floats business meeting, the annual committee are Clinton Russel! from each of the clubs and or- alumni banquet will be held in Joe Clark, Mrs. Desma Kilp: ganizations on campus will also Mabry cafeteria. The banquet is trick,. Mrs. Ireme Wagner, Ck particpate in the parade. scheduled for 6 p. m. The Alum- eryl Hatch, and sqcial chaipne The parade is scheduled to / nus of the Year, C. A. Carter, from the women's dormitorie begin at 4:30 p. m. according: to will be recognized at the ban- and proctors from the men' Thomas Thrash, parade chair- quet. dormitories. man. Other members of the Kick-off time for the East The committee for th- decal parade committee include John Central Warriors vs. the Hol- ation of the dining hall is con! Lovett, Willard Clay, Larry mes Bulldogs is scheduled for posed of Mrs. Alyne Simmgn: King, Mary Gean Huclsc~n,Beth 7:30 P. m. 9n w ~ a l o r Field. Betty Nester, Nancy Wall ant Fulcher and Keith Fulton. Nancy Wall, sophornor:, from members of Phi Theta Kappa. The alumni business session Meridian, will be crtfivned ha- The welcoming conlmittee i will be held at 5:15 jn the Fine mecomirlg. queen during half- composed of Mrs. Ann Burke? Arts Center Auditiriurn. Elec- time actlvltles. Other members Ovid Vickers, Raymond McMul tion of officers for the coming of the homecoming cr:urt in- lan, Mrs. Susie Barnett, an year will be made at this time / clude Betty Nester, Lake, Maid Bruce Peterson. and plans for the formulation of' of honor; Brenda Rhodes, Phil- an ECJC Foundatiun will be adelphia; Jackie Blount, Deca-
ECJC ROYALTY--Looking over phanie Cook, Carthage; Susan Tingle, plans for homecoming activities to Philadelphia; Betty Nester, Maid of be held at East Central Junior Col- honor, Lake; Cindy Sparks, Forest; lege Oct. 16 are members of the and Nancy Wall, queen, Meridian. homecoming court. Seated, left to right, Standing are Jackie Blount, Decatur, are Brenda Rhodes, Philadelphia; Ste- and Jeanne Williams, Phialdelphia. -
~ o c a l Students In East Cent ral Horn ecoming Sophomore Nancy Wall will reign over homecoming ac- tivities to be held on the campus of East Central Junior College Oct. 16. Miss Wall was elected queen during a recent campus elec- tion. She i s the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Havard Wall of Meri- dian. Miss Wall i s secretary of the Student Body Association at East Central. Serving a s maid of honor will be Betty Nester of Lake. Sopho- more maids include Jackie Blount, Decatur; Janis Bryan, Philadelphia; and Cindy Sparks, Forest. Freshmen maids a r e Susan Tingle, Stephanie Cook and Jeanne Williams, Phila- delphia. Homecoming activities will begin at 4:30 p.m. Oct. 16 with a parade through Decaturt This will be followed by an Alumni Business meeting at 5:15, Al- umni banquet at 6 p.m. and the homecoming game with Holmes Junior College at 7:30 p.m. C. A . Carter, 1971 Alumnus of the Year, will participate in the parade and will be for- mally recognized at half-time activities.
Queen Wall Heads ECJC Homecoming Sophomore Nancy Wall will reign over homecoming activiti- es to be held on the campus of East Central Junior College Oct. 16.
'Miss Wall was elected queen during a recent campus elec. tion. She is the daughter of Mr and Mrs. Havard Wall oi Meridian and is secretary of the homecoming game with Holm Student Body Association. Junior College at 7:30 p. m. Serving as maid of honor will C . A. Carter, 1971 Alumnus be Betty Nester of Lake. Sopho- the Year, will participate in t more maids include Jackie parade and will be forma Blount, Decatur; Janis Byran, recognized a t half-time acti? Philadelphia; and Cindy ies. Sparks, Forest. Freshmen Classes of '31, '41, '51, '81 a maids are Susan Tingle, Ste- '71 will be honored. - phanie Cook and Jeannc '--- - - - - - Williams, Philadelphia.
Homecoming activities will begin at 4:30 p. m. Oct 16 with a parade through Decatur. This will be followed by an alumr business meeting a t 5:15, alum ni banquet at 6 p. m. and th
18. ~ r o m ECJC r At tend NHAC Eighteen future Home Econ- omists from East Central Junior College left Thursday with their sponsor, Mrs. Ruth _ Bull, for @'_National Home * Appliance Conference a t the I - Roosevelt Hotel in New Or- leans, La. The program for the twenty- third educational conference will emphasize changes in space age homes, and is de- signed for leaders ineducation and consumer information. The nationally recagnized s ~ e a k e r s exhibits and in- formal discussions outline the rules of educators, editorsand industxy in working tagether to inform and educate thecon- sumer in our rapidly changing society a s space age tech- nology moves into the home. The theme of the conference, THE INSIDE STORY, willpre- sent a two-way exchange between manufactuers and consumer representatives. Those attending from East Central are: Neshoba County- Maudine McAdory, Genie Cal- lahan; Newton County- Brenda Jones, Frances Breckenridge, Glenda McMullan, Jean Eth- ridge and Barbara Bonds; Winston County- CindyCrow- son, Faye Smith, Jude White, Karen Lee and ConnieMassey; I Scott County- Kathy Ezelle, Carmen Riser, Jackie Stegall, I and Glenda Jones; Leake Cou- ( nty-Pam Freeney and Sherri Whinnery. = . = '
Bufkin, Benny Buggs, Terry East Central JC case, Lenora Kelly, Rupert honor roll Killens, Margaret Mayes, Geraldine Miller. Glenda Ni-
chols, James powell, Patricia Reese, Margaret Roach, Cha- rles Scarbrough, Vivian Scoggin, Ronnie Shoemaker, Gordon Smith, Gary Tune; Sophomores, Alton Comans, Ronnie ClarkJohnson, Tommy Gene Jolly, Lawrence Land, Daniel Lindsley, JanMeaders, Chris Morgan, Robert S, Te- rrell, James Thaggard; Voca- tional, Calvin Cleveland, Harry Holt, John Knocken- muss, Jimmy Dale Page, Gary Spears and Willie Walls.
The following coun& students we listed on the honor roll at East Central Junior Coll- ege according to Frank Rives, registrar. (4.00 President's List) Freshman, Nenette Leather- wood, Betty Lynn Nester, Da- vid Wright; Sophomores, Wanda Blackwell, Jacquelyn Edwards, Barbara SueEzelle, Melissa Heard, Deborah Mc- Elhenney, Birdie Nell Mc- Mullan, Gerald Taylor; Voca- tional, Harold Hicks and (3.50 Dean's ListIFresh- men, Jerry Crawford, Barba- r a Deaton, Sandra Mason, Bruce Taylor; Sophomores, Barbara Bonds, David Cleve- land, Glenn Dennis, Hilda Ed- wards, Thomas A. Johnson, Linda Lewis, Jesse Moore, Debbie Pear son, Charles Waggoner and William Earl Wheeler. (3.00 Honorable Mention) Freshmen, Thomas M. An- derson, Carrie Blass, Janice ~ a m e s Rainer. Th i r t y - s e v e n s t u d e n t participated in graduatio exercises a t Ea s t Centra Junior College recently. Receiving the associate ot a r t s degree we r e J ack i e I Beeland, Johnnie Wayne Comans, Richard L. Gilmer, Linda Fayen McAdory, George I Vardaman Moore, Jr., Alice Marie Morgan, Kathy Parker, Milton Dean Richardson, Gary Lynn Tune, Barry Ward, and Paul Clifton Welch. 1 Vocational students who received certificates include Eddie Alexander, John At- I chley, Dwayne Burkes, Dennis Burroughs, Edward Cleveland, Glynn Cook, Bflly Eave s , Charles ~ a v e i , E r n e s t I Ferguson, Clarence Ha r r i s , Larry Henry, Mark Jordan, Purwood Knowles, J immy Madden, Bobby McDaniel, Ronald McMillan, Omer I Pa r ks , Warren Richmond, Grace Sherrod, Gary Spears, Willie Walls, Felix Wash, J r . , Johnnie Wilson, and John B. Wright. Brenda Thorne received a ] intensive business certificate -- - - - . -- iF ,at- v. i *-+ i EAST CENTRAL SUMMER GRADS ARE LISTED ''c+'-~
L\e C a r C/WX;T :+#& w
Zountians Moke East Central Honor Roster Eight countians attendink Cast Central Junior Collegc verc listed on the first semes er honor roll and eleven other: vere accorded honorable men ion. Released this wee by Regis X rar Frank Rives, t e scholar y Leake students are: Specia Distinction with 4.00 average, - Wilson Ray Perry, fresh man; Danny Ray Babb, Har vdy Lyun Federick and J a n e ~l'itcher,vocational and part time students. Those with 3.50 averages an1 claiming distinction were: Jud, I Nell Clark, Evelyn Cooper an1 Billy Glenn Lindsay, all fresk men; and sophomore Sherl Whinnery. Given honorable mentio were: Reba J. Goolsby, Wand Kay Harrell, Sherrianne Hornt Deborah Ray, Patsy Thornto and Julius Turner, all fres1 men; Michael Edwards, Cec Ray Jordan, Tommy Robert: Elizabeth Slay and Sandr Waggoner, sophomores.
aycettes met last night in the home of Mrs. Gus Vallas and Mr. Bruce Peter- son, instructor a t E.C.J.C., h a s guest speaker. Next meeting will be December 8th a t 7:00 in the h-?le of Mrs. Joe Clark.
Scott Students Are Chosen At East Central Three Scott Comb' students have been elected officers of the freshman class at East Central Junior College. Those elected include Fred- Buford Calhoun of Forest, was elected president of the fresh- man class. While attending Forest High School, Bagley was elected Mr. Forest High and Most Valuable Back. A national merit semi- finalist, Bagley graduated a san honor student. Bagley is presently Serving as quarterback on the ECJC Warrior Team. Miss Weems, daughterof Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Weems of For- est, is also a graduate of For- est High. Shewas elected trea- surer of the freshman class. In high school, Miss Weems was a member of FCY, Future Homemakers of America, Fu- ture Bu s i n e s s Leaders of America, on the paper staff, Y-Teens, basketball, t r a c k , PAY and chorus, She plans to attend the Uni- versity of SouthernMississippi and major in art. Miss Nester, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Nester of Lake, was elected Student Body Association representative. While attending Lake High School, Miss Nester was vale- ditorian, homecoming q ue en, Most Beautiful, Miss LakeHigh School; editor of the annual and president of the Future Home- makers of America. She was also the recipient of numerous athletic awards. After graduation from East Central, Miss Nester plans to a t t e n d the Un i v e r s i t y of SouthernMississippi. .. - - - - - - -- .c: r die Bagley, Rita Weems, and >y IJe@.Nester,. , . .- ,-__- ui.4 - &fey, som of+*. anti S--&
Honor Students 'l *omScott Ar East Central . -sst Central Junior College or the first five weeks of ummer school are as follows: President's list, students ving a 4 point average; Card ,ee Sessums, freshman; iobbie Ruth Jones, Brenda ,ynn Marler, Sarah McDill, lebecca Lynn Walsh, ophomores. Dean's list, students having a 1.50; Katherine Ruth Greener, dartha Sharon Marler, Ed- vard J . Rhodes, freshman; Joe J. Brown, Mary Jane Car- )enter, Cheryle A. Hatch, ophomores. Honorable Mention, students .vith a 3.00 average; Susan Brown, Brenda Joyce Martin, Martha Jan Norton, Lauris G. Sessums, Jr., Johmy Smith, reshman; Richard Buford ustin, Jane h n Franklin, ieorge mo r e , J o h n Stuart, 'ranny Thompson, Robert Varren, Kathye Washington, ophomores. Part time students on the resident's list are Nana L. Iuff and Louise Sessums, both reshmen.
~ t t county Honor Students I
JAN WALlW, d.ughhr d Mr. and Mrr. Jaws E. W.2- tml,ofUnionh.,imnekcl. ed historian of the brio Eeonomkr Club at East c m tral J do r Collw. A gaduate of Uldm Hi#b School, MiuWd h n was vrl- 4dwi.n of hor dm, a ~ o i t I I e ~ E *
KAnn McELHtNHEY, &. Mr. andMrs. 60. PW McElhcmy of h t w , has kun d.ctrd tr0aSur.r of th. Home Economics Club d Bast Contral Junlor Col- m- A gr.dua)s of h c & r High Sdrool, MissMcElhcnneywas D member d ?On Sot. Club. At East Central, Mlr Me- Elhmmy k an tho prpw ,tM. m-
nomks Club, prrddent d th. Junior Gardon Club, a d 8 mmkr of tha m a Ckk. gh.w.raheth@rrdpkn,of - Ilw Amer4arn Hstory Award and Homo BaonomicsAwal.
attad Mirriuippi Stik Uni. I After grukr.tion_ trom E.rt Central, MissWalton ~kns to
I PRESENTED PLAY - - The East Cen- cast members were, standing left to r a l Junior College players presented right, Randy Brown, Robert Barnett, 5 their fall production, "You Can't Take and Bobby Breazeale, all of Philadel- It With You," Nov. 22 and 23 in the phia. Seated is Carolyn Carter of Fine Arts Center. In the above scene, Philadelphia.
Scott Students In Comedy At East Central The East Central Junior College Players were to present TheMan Who Came To Dinner a t 8:30 p. m., December 2, in Huff Memorial Auditorium. Tickets may be obtained at the door. The play is about a man who came to dinner and stayed for several weeks with the Stanleys. While he is staying with the Stanleys, a number of people come to visit him resulting in hilarious ex- citement and confusion. The cast includes Sandra Measles, Morton; Lucy Young, Morton; Debbie Pearson, Conehatta; Scottie Terrell, Decatur ; Brenda Tucker, Forest; Danny Dansby, Quitman; Mark Hatcher, Louisville; Betty Link, Sebastopol; Wanda Comans, Sebastopol; Junior Gammill, Union; Brenda Rhodes, Decatur; Melinda Nanny, Forest; Julie Smith, New \ Orleans; Anita Fulton, Preston; Ralph Gordon, Little Rock; Dan Jordan, Louisville; Dwight Rigdon, Neshoba;. Dwight Pilgrip, Neshoba; Milton Critz, Philadelphia; Joe Lee Anthony, Sebastopol; Junior Moore, Harperville; and Tommy Sanders, Newton. .. .
:HE EC PLAYERS are preparing for their fall production -*You Can't Take It With You." The play will be presentee November 22 and 23 at 790 p.m. in the Fine Arts Center, Advance tickets go on sale November 15. Contact Bruce I Peterson, ECJC. In the abwe scene the cast members are: Sandra Measels f Morton as Mrs. Kirby; Dewayne Dent of Sebastopol as 'ant Kirby; and seated Bobby Breazeale of Philadelphia s Mr. Kirby.
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Alumnus Of The Year C.A. Carter, Jackson at- torney, has been named alum- nus of the year a t East Central Junior College. Mr. Carter, a member of the firm of Ca r t e r , ,Mitchell and Mitchell, was selected by the alumni association be- cause of his outstanding a- chievements in his selected field of endeavor. Born July 19, 1923, in Ne- shoba County, Mississippi, Carter is the son of Mr. and Mrs. C.A. Ca r t e r of Bloomo. Mr. Ca r t e r attended East Central Junior College in 1940-43. He received both his bachelor and master degrees in accounting from the Uni- versity of Mississippi and his training in law from the U- niversity of Mississippi School of Law. A member of the F i r s t Bap- tist Church of Jackson, Mr. Carter also s e r ve s a s a deacon. He is active in numerous civic and communi- ty organizations and is a mem- ber of numerus honoraries. Mr. Ca r t e r is married to the former Sue Haney of Ox- ford, and they have two chil- dren, Brad 15, and David, 12. Mr. Carter will b e re- cognized at the alumnibanquel to b e held at 6 P.M. Saturday, October 16, in the Mabrj Cafeteria on the campus oj East central ~ u n i o r College. A formal presentation of tht alumnus of the year will bt made during halftime activi- ties of the ECJC Warriors vs. the Holmes Bulldogs inn+- ball game scheduled for k off a t 7:30 P.M.
LW-. I/ C. A. Carter East Central .. :g?% I. E(' Alumnus Of Year I C. A. Carter, Jackson attorn- ey, has been named alumnus of the year a t East Central Junior / College. c a r t e r , a member of the firm of Carter, Mitchell and Mit chell, was selected by the alumni association because oj his outstanding achievements in his selected field of endeav. or. . Born July 19, 1923, in Nesho. ba County, Mississippi, Carter is the son of Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Carter of Bloomo. Carter attended Ea s t Central Junior College in 1940-43. He received his bachelor's and master's degrees in accounting from the University of Missis- , sippi and his training in law I from the University of Missis- sippi School of Law. Carter will be recognized a t the alumni banquet to be held a t 6 p. m. Saturday, October 16, in the Mabry Cafeteria on the campus of East Central Junior College. A formal pre- sentation of the alumnus of the year will be made during half- time activities of the ECJC Warriors vs. the Holmes Bull- dogs football game scheduled for kickoff a t 7:30 p. m. 4 r ru+&- /W*/*-,I;
ECJC Singers Schedule Winter Music Programs DEC91UR - The East Cen- programs arct scheduled for lral Junior College Singers un- Sunday, Dec 5. 7 ,2 m at der the joint direction of Mrs. the Decdtlr Buptist Church, Manon Thornloll and R. G. Tuesday, Dec 7 dt assembly 111 Fick have scheduled programs I the college auditor~um:dnd on 1 of popular and sdcred nluslc to Ii'ednesday, Dec. 5. they will be presented during the months record on WTOK-TV for the of Novem'uer and early Decem- program to be aired during the ber. 1 Chr~sDmasholidays. The Collegldns, under the di-1 Airs Alyne S~rnmons of the rectioll of Mrs. l'hornlon. wllll E,bt Centrzl Junior College En- present a plogran-~ of light mu- g!lsh D~partmcnl hds wr~tlen SIC for .;nnle of the h ~ g h schools 1 some original verse that she scrced by the East Central ~viilread during the presenla- Smiior Collegt. 4. . ..C 4h, Sd7--d ,..=,.m.=..-
Music Programs Are ~chedi led By E. C. Choirs The East Central Junior College Singers under the join! direction of Mrs. Marion Thornton and R. G. Fick have I scheduledprograms of popular and sacred music to be presented during the months of November and early December. The Collegians under the direction of Mrs. Thornton will present a program of light music for some of the high schools served by the East Central Junior College. Nov. 10 the Collegians visited Decatur, Hickory and Beulah-Hubbard I high schools. Carthage and Sebastopol were visited on Vov. 16 and Lake, Morton and Scott Central on Nov. 18. The college choir under the lirection of R. G. Fick will resent a program of sacred Zhristmas music. These Irograms are scheduled for Sunday,Dec. 5, at 7 p. m. at the )ecatur Baptist Church; ruesday, Dec. 7 at assembly in he college auditorium; and on Wednesday, Dec. 8, they will *ecordon WTOK-TV for the brogram to be aired during the :hristrnas holidays. Mrs. Alyne Simmons of the East Central Junior College Snglish Department has vritten some original verse hat she will read during the : presentation of the sacred
Nov. 10. the CollcgLtns n i t ~ s i tDecc~tur.Hlckory dnd Bet lah-Htlbbdrd hlgh school>. Cdrthoge dnd Sebdstapol \4'111 be klclted on Nov. 15 dnd Lahc 3Iortoii and Scott Ceiltral o Nov. 18. Tile college chod under t h durectlon of R. G. Plck wi present a program of sacrc Ch r i ~ t i l l a ~ mlirir' The<
ECJC' choi r t o sing in Un i on
The East Central Jr. College Choir from Decatur, under %he direction of Mrs. Marion Thorton, will present a prpgram 6f Christmas Music December 16th at 7:30 p.m. at the First Presbyterian Church of Union. This choir, thirti-five in number, will feature students from five adjoining counties and they will make a tour of these counties and present programs in some of the High Schools. They can also be heard and seen on Station WTOK - TV, Meridian, Miss., during December. ?* The public is cordially invited to attend this perfoi-mancc at the First Presbyterian Church.
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