
ECJC ·Hires New Choral Director

· hiring of William Lawrence (Larry) Jackson as choral director and voice instructor for the 1981-82 term. Jackson will fill in for Bob Heritage who has taken a one year leave to work on his Doctorate. Jackson received his Bachelor of Arts Degree from Freed Hardeman College, Henderson, Tenn. and a Masters of Music Degree from the University of Mississippi. He is presently working on his Doctorate at Ole Miss. Jackson has taught at Alabama Christian College in Montgomery, Ala. For the past three summers he has had a Performing Assistantship at Ole Miss Enabling him to perform in their Summer Produc– tions. Jackson also has participated in and directed several Pop groups. Along with his other duties at East Central he will also sponsor the Collegiar. ·. McNair, masonry. Robert I. Burton received an associate degree. Receiving Vocational Certificate from Neshoba County were: David Theron Bradford, auto mechanics; Jefferson Larue Lundy, auto mechanics; James Mingo, masonry; Billy Lee Chunn, welding; Marty Charles Lashley, welding; and James Michael Ware, welding. Vicki Salters received an associate degree. Receiving Vocational Certificates from Scott County were: Guy R. Kennedy, auto mechanics; Joe Ray Owens, aufo mechanics; Keith Wagner, auto mechanics; Ellis Benton, electricity; Gregory Randall Mapp, electricity, Myrt Alonzo Lyies, masonry; Johnny Malone Newton, welding; Billy Zack Nutt Jr., Welding; and Jerry Williams, welding. Receiving Vocational Certificates from Winston County were: Gary Devan Mayo, auto mechanics; Philip Scott Ming, auto mechanics; Antoine Stokes, auto mechanics; Hosea Haynes, electricity; Francis Homesbuger, electricity; and James Ruston Dooley, welding. .

Dr. Charles V. Wright, president of East Central Junior College, has announced board approval for the

ECJC Graduates 42 Forty-two students graduated . during East Central Junior College Commencement Exercises held on July 31 in the Fine Arts Auditorium.

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The Rev. Riley E. Burton Jr., pastor of the Decatur United Methodist Church, was the guest speaker. Forty vocational certifi– cates and two associate degrees were presented. Receiving Vocational Certificates from Leake County were: John Paul Jones, body and fender repair; Shane Juan McNair, auto mechan– ics; Gregory W. Hillman, electrici– ty; Tony Frank Savell, electricity; fohnny H. Langdon, masonry; Roddie Henry Fortenberry, wet- ' ding. Receiving Vocational Certificates from Newton County were: John~. Peoples III, body and fender; William Earl Ponder, body and fender; W. H. Smith, body and fender; Sammy F. Breeland, auto mechanics; Billy James Gooden, auto mechanics; Bobby L: Hoye, auto mechanics; John Jefferson Hardy III, cosmetology; Delores Diane Walker, cosmetology; Jeffrey Worrell, electricity; and Ray


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