
Junior College, Decatur, secretary-trea– surer; Mrs. George W. Boswell,andherhus– band, Dr, Boswell, professor of English at Ole Miss, executive director, They were among about 100 members or the Sociecy att– ending the recent annual meeting held at the Universicy or Southern Mississippi. (USM Photo Service)

FOLKLORE SOCIETY OFFICERS---Serving the Mississippi Folklore Sociecy as leaders for 1970-71 are, from left: Dr. Jack Smith, Universicy or Southern Mississippi assistant professor of English, editor of the Folklore Register; Dr, James Webb, chairman or the Universicy of Mississippi Department of English, new president: Mrs. Webb, Ovid Vickers, professor or English at EastCentral


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GETS EAGLE BADGE _ David Wright, son or Dr. and Mrs. Char~es Wright or ~catur, re– ceived Eagle Scout rank in services at the United Methodist Church m ~atur. David has he~d the offices of patrol leader and senior patrol leader and has 26 merit badges. Dr. Wright is president of East Central J1n1ior College.

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