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Librarians Slate Regional Meet On EC Campus 1 1 DECATUR - The Central I East Regional meeting of the Mississippi Library Association will be held in the Fine Arts Building of East Central Junior College in Decatur at 1:30 p.m. on Wednesday, April 14 • 1 according to Mrs. Ann H. I Burkes. regional chairman. The featured speaker of the afternoon will be Dr. Lena Y. deGrummond, noted author of books for children and young people and curator of the extensive Children's Book Collection at the University of Southern Mississippi. A brief business session will precede the program. Assisting Mrs. Burkes at the regional meeting will be Mrs. Elaine McDonald of t h e Meridian Public School System, who is serving as co-chairman. Founded in 1909, t h e Mississippi Library Association reached a membership of 1,000 in 1970. Officers of t h e Association are Mrs. Edith H. Everett, Gulfport, president; Mrs. Iola J. Magee, Brookhaven, vice president; Bess \ Hollingsworth, Jackson, secretary; and James F. Parks, \ librarian of Millsaps College, ) treasurer. Six regional sections of the Mississippi Library Association were organized in Hl67 to strengthen the Association by providing an opportunity for librarians in different sections of ' the stat.e to hold a regional meeting between the annual conventions of the association.

ECJE Enrollment Summer School 263 Students East Central Junior College has a summer enrollment of 263 students. The breakdown on the day students is 99 freshmen and 96 sophomores in the academic field. The day vocational division has 40 enrolled and the night adult education has 28. A further breakdown on stu– dents shows that 127 are males and 136 are females. Summer school ends on Fri– day, August 13, with graduation exercises scheduled for 8 P.M. in the auditorium of the Fine Arts Building, Fall opening is scheduled for Monday, August 23. All students are scheduled to as– semble in Huff Auditorium at 1 P.M. ~rank Rives, registrar, re– minds students who have not completed admission require- . ments to do so at their earli– est convenience. The college admission forms may be ob- ~ tained from the registrar's 1 office. Students who plan to attend East Central Junior College this fall and have not taken the American College Test should meet all other requirements for admission. These students will be given the American College Test i prior to registering at the be- ginning of school. . · All indications are that East : Central will have a record ·, enrollmp!ent this falJ. j '}

37 Graduate At ECJC

Thirty-seven students parti– cipated in graduation exercises at East Central Junior College recently. ., Receiving the associate of arts degree were Jackie Bee– land, Johqnie Wayne ~omans, Richard L. Gilmer, Linda Fayen McAdory, George Vardaman Moore Jr., Alice Marie Mor– gan, Kathy Parker, MiltonDean Richardson, Gary Lynn Tune, Barry Ward and Paul Clifton

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