

County Students Elected To ECJC Who's Who

from East Central where she is active in numerous campus activities . Ben Dance, son of Mr. and Mrs . James E. Dance Sr., was elected as a freshman favorite. Dance is active in campus life and serves his class as a representative to the Student Body Association.

Two Neshoba County students have been elected as class favorites at East Central Jun– ior College . Judy Clark, daughter of Mrs. Laucitta Clark of Philadelphia, has been elected freshman favorite. Miss Clark plans to attend MSCW after graduation

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SEA OFFICERS- Elected as officers in the Student Education Association at East Central Junior College for the fall term are Vickie Sullivan and Betty Nester. Miss Sullivan, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Billy Sullivan of Louisville, will serve as president of the SEA. Miss Nester, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Nester of Lake, will serve as president of the SEA.

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