


Morton Girl Gets Awards At ECJC

Marcia Beard, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Marshall H. Beard, Jr., of Morton, received two awards at the annual Awards Day at East Central Junior Col– lege. Marcia received the Frencll award from Mrs. Elizal)ea Rowell, French instructor at ECJC. The award is given to the student who is excelled in class work and is outstmding in co– operation in the French club. She, also, received the Sec– ondary Education Te ache r award from the student Missis– sippi Education Association presented by Mrs. Ken Pouncey• advisor to the SMEA. The SMEA at ECJC selects a student who they feel deserves the award~ Marcia isa sophomore at EC. JC and plans to major in English at Mississippi College. Herac– tivities at East Central include: membership in Phi Theta KaP– pa, the ECJC Players, the col– lege choir, SMEA, French club, and the Baptist Student Union. Marcia served as tl'easurer of the Women's Council. She is a President's list scholar. She was elected as state officer of the Student Mississippi Educa- . tion Association.

STATE SECRETARY -At the 14th annual spring con– vention of the Student Mis– sissippi Education Associa– tion held in Jackson recently, Miss Marcia Beard of Mor– ton was elected state re– cording secretary. Miss Beard, a sophmore at East Central Junior College, is a c t iv e in the SMEA on campus. She served on the Homecoming Float Commit– tee and on the program com– mittee. She is also a member of Phi Theta Kappa, the ECJC Players, the college Choir, and B. S. U., and is secre– tary-treasurer oftheFrench Club" and treasurer of the Women's Council• . After completion of her work at East Central, she plans to attend Mississippi College where shewill major in English. Miss Beard is the daughter of Mr.and Mrs. Marshall H. Beard, Jr. of Morton.


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