
East Central Hosts VLCA Skill Olympics

Mac-hine Shop, Machine Drafting, Sheet Metal and Welding. Professional judges from throughout the district were on hand for judging categories in their respec– tive areas. First, Second and Third place winners in each contest were recognized at an Awards Ceremony that evening In Huff Audi– torium. Regina Duran, Richard Schoolar, Ginger .Thomas and Elizabeth Ann Whit– mire of Louisville, Sammy R. Gray, Jerry Richard– son, Charles Murrell and Lamar Burkes of Forest will complete on Individual levels at the State VICA Skill Olympics in Biloxi on April 2 and 3. State winners will represent Mississippi in the National VICA Skill Olympics in Atlanta this summer.

East Central Jr. College was selected for the second year by the State Vocatto- . nal Department of Jackson to host the 1981 District Five Secondary Vocational Industrial Clubs of America (VICA) Skill Olympics which was held February 13. · High school students from vocational centers in Ackerman, Collins, Colum– bus, Dekalb, Eupora, Forest, Laurel, Louisville, Raleigh, ~tarkville, and West Point competed in [ourteen different cate– gories. Five categories under the Leadership Division included: Extem– porous Speaking, Job Interview, Opening and Closing Ceremonies, Prepared Speech and Club Business Procedures. Nine categories under the Sklll Contest include: Architec– tural Drafting, Auto Mechanics, Bricklaying, rarpentry, Electricity,


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