

Decatur Homecoming Displays Complete Alumni Dedication I DECA1'UR - A large out for the Homemming pleted Pille k t 5 Building.

dedication of the recelltl~corn-

~~~t central Jun- dent a t the dedication m'as the

ior College Saturday.

Marshall, L. E . Oliburn, a re tired instructor a t the college. me Student Education Ass tion won the first place a for the best float, with the ley Foundation winning second place and the Body and Department capkuring t

psident Maston Mc- de a short dedication

the bullding dedica- mni association busi- g was held with Paul Louisville being dent. Other newly

Newsome Hall, was

and treasurer; and five county

Newton county; Doyle McMul- lan, Scott county; and Jim Mc- Kay. M"lnstcm county.

plaque and a certificate Alumni Banquet. Rep. d expressed appreciation

graduates and 1

mbnt. Queen D&orah Pierce dent body a s Q ~ ~ ~ ~ .

ler, Saphornom Maids Patsy

welComed the

adivitles then. shifted to

~ ~ t , t i ~ H~~ and Pati) edwessed appreciation fmp be- the football field for a game ~ ~ k h ~ ~ ; F~~~~~~~ Maids, ing e i e d ~ d to repesent thd stu- with Pearl River Junior College. h ffollingsworth, Debbie Pear- ! Prior tc the game, Prcsldent son 2nd Karen Cmwr, were *re- Wright 'mepled

a flag and a sented at halftime. &. wIight flagpole as a gift crowned the Queen, and newly to the collegc from Camp 332 of eleoted A 1 u m n j ~~~~~i~~~ !the Wmdmen of the World pres~dent.Paul Simmms, m- I Deborah Plercc and her sentpd her with a bmquet Maid of Honor Nonrr R1,4 rrraog.

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