
p,u,-c;· ._._ .', ,.!(. r,., Scott Students Q n H 0 n 0 r R 0 11

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1/1/10 Hardin, Marsha Ho 1vard, Charles Lasher, Deborah Tlll-

man, and Susan Vaughn. Vocational or parttin e stu- dents, Harold Gomillion and

Page Three Caldwell, Larry Hardy, Marsha Howle, Linda June Jackson .Emily Ann Truhett, Maril~ Burrow, Roger Smith, Ernest Wilkerson, Ronald Cole,Arthur and Johnnie Wilson,

A t East Cent raI

Local Students Named To ECJC Honor Roll Fourteen Neshobl. County students have been named to the honor roll at East Central Junior College for the first nine week grading period of the second semester. With a 4,00 average and meriting Special Distinction was Joe Thompson. With a 3,50 quality point average (Dis– tinction) were Gary Matthews, Helen Virginia Slaughter and Charles Cooksey. Receiving Hooorable Mention (3.00 QPA) were Raymond Earl

Bobby Knowles maintair ·ed honw Two Scott countians, both orable mention gradea'i arages.


freshmen at East Central Junior College achieved special dis- tinction honors for the first nine week grading period of the - second semester, according to announcement from the office of the registrar, Frank Rives, They were Marcia Beard and Janie Faith Gunn who main– tained 4.00 grade point aver– ages for the semester to attain this honor. Freshman Debbie Harvey and Sophomores Hazel Guthrie Dottie Horn, Nona Butle; _Massey and Gerald Tillman maintained 3.50 averages for Distinction rating. Achieving honorable mention (3.00 average), were freshmen Joe Lee Anthony, Elizabeth Ed– wards, Kathy Ezelle, Janice Gatewood and Billie Watson· Sophomores Donna Coward: Laree Erbert Gomillion, Gwen

"'I . I ' • &,N,VrV. ?1'} i...::l:..« .,W/ .4 < I ' ' , ECJC Honor Roll Students I nclude.J/i '7i0 Ten From Winston First semester honor roll students at East Central Junior College include a number from Winston County. Among the freshmen listed for honors under "Distinction- 3.50 average" were Debbie Crowell and Paula Jean Sim– mons. Sophomores gettinghonorable mention were: Beverly Chan– cellor, Sandra Elaine Hill, Joe Haywood Hodge, Sandra Dianne Holder, Virginia D. Mitchell, and Deb'Orah Norwood. Listed for honors in voca– tional and part time courses were Bobby Gerald Ryles, and Albert Lee Whitehead. r '

Winston County students who made honor roll at ECJC for the first nine weeks grading period of the second semester are Al– bert Whitehead, Debbie Crowell, f-1\, Paula · Simmons, Joe Hodge, ' L Charles Chambliss andDeborah ,, · Norwood. VJJ Al':i" 1 ..... , 1": vfr·'<

22 Countians On Honor Roll At East Central Leake County students making the honor roll at East ~entral Junior College for the first gradin~ period are : Ray Perry, Pr~s1dent's List; Mitsy Jones Bailey, David Weaver, Janet Barham, Jerry Johnson, Judy Wooten, Dean's List· Barry Bailey, Larry King' Kathy Lindsay, Carol Poole' Cheryl Thornton , Richard Ballenger , Gary Beckham James .Blocker, Sue Collier: Stephame Cook, Evelyn Foster, Wanda Kuntz, Suzanne LeCren Joseph Donald, George Nelson' Amy Peoples, Honorabl~ Mention. President's List requires a 4.0 average; Dean's List a 3.5 and Honorable Mention a 3.0 average.

WEDNESDAY, APRIL 28, 1tf1 Stewart. Honor Roll includes Marshall Beard, Bob Brooks, Mary Jane Carpenter, Carol Crapps, Jimmy Jones, Beth Mapp, Melinda Nanney, Robert Rigby, Sandra Smiley, Brenda Wolf, Bobby Franklin, Ronnie Noblin, Kenneth Pettigrew, Linda Wicker, academic students. Vocational students on tionor roll are John Atchley, Glenn Harmon, andMitchell Sanders. Inclusion on the President's List requires a 4.0 average; Dean's List, 3.5 and Honor Roll, 3.0 average. ---0---

Scott Students On Honor Roll At East Central Scott County students making the President's List"at East Central Junior College for the first nine weeks grading period include Janice Gatewood, academic student; and Bobby McDaniel and David Robinson, vocational. Included on Dean's List are Freddie Bagley, Sandra Measels, Martha Pace, Gwyn Hardin, Charlene Harrison, Joanne Miles, Melinda

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