
182 will get degrees from ECJC Academic Dean Dr. Brad Tucker announced this week that graduation exercises at East Central Junior College will be held Friday, May 7, at the East Central football stadium. The invocation will be given by Rev. Gus Merritt, pastor of Clarke-Vi;nable Baptist Church of Decatur, followed by special music by the East Central Junior Col– lege Collegians and Choir. The guest speaker for the 53rd graduation program will be Rev. Hardy Benham, pastor of the First Baptist Church of Newton. Dr. B.J. Tucker will then present the 119 candidates 1 for associate degrees and the 63 candidates for certificates to Dr. Charles Wright, Presi– dent of East Central, and Frank Rives, Dean of Admis- · sions and Records, who will award the degrees. Rev. Riley E. Burton, Jr., pastor of the Decatur United Metho- . dist Church, will give the benediction. The Valedictorian and Sa– lutatorian of the graduating class will be recognized and presented with their awards. Ushers for the program will be Chris Clark, Graham Clarke, David Sheely and Phil Smith.

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In case of rain, the gradua- l tion will be held in Huff l Auditprium.


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