
r County Students To Graduate At E. Central t

Scott Students To Graduate At E.CJ.C. Named East Central Junior College will award diplomas and _certificates to one of the largest graduating classes in t.he history of the institution announced Dr. Charles Wright, college president. The exer– cises will begin at 8:00 p.m. on Friday, May 12, in the Huff Memorial Auditorium. John C. Stennis, United States Senator will be the address speaker for the commencement program. B. J. Tucker, Academic Dean will make the presentation of candidates for degree cer– tificates and Dr. Wright will make the presentations. Those from Scott county to receive degrees are: Freddie Jerome Bagley, Stanley Steve Bounds, Joe N. Brown, W. Ralph Brown, Jr., Charles Lloyd Calvery, Mary Jane Carpenter, Sandra Lee Measells, Jinuny McMillan, Betty Lynn Nester, Carol Ann Crapps, Susan Diane Crapps, Richard Mins Creel, Martha Ann Pace, Johnny B. Emmons, Robert E. Porter; Thomas Truitt Posey, l Sharon (Powell) Rigby, Clyde Wayne Risher, Sam William Rogers, Rodney Emory Graham, Cheryl Ann Hatch, Harold Lee Hollingsworth, Stephen Regis Kaskie, Jeff Stephen Shaw, Ronnie A. Shoemaker, John David Kennedy, Elizabeth Ann Link, James Morris May, Jr., Glenda Avise Watson. Those from Scott to receive Vo-tech certificates are: Mary Lynn Bagley, Deborah Rae Bates, Patsy Lynn Burkes, Shannon A. Burns, Barbara " Gail Croxton, Mary Elizabeth Mahaffey, Tena Connie Pace; Pamela Lynn Parker, Pamela Regina Puckett, Mike D. Sharp, Ann Smith, MarvUi Thames, Jennifer Lynn Thompson, Linda Gwyn Tolbert, Wanda Kay West– berry. I ____o

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37 receive degrees at 'ECJC Tbircy-seven studentspart– icipated in graduatioo exer– cises at East Centr81 Junior College recently. Receiving the associated. arts degree were Jackie Bee– land, Johnnie Wayne Comans, Richard L. Gilmer, Linda Fa.ye McAdory, GeorgeVar– dman Moore, Jr•• AJi,.AMariA Morgan, Kathy .Parker, Miltai Dean Richardsoo, Gary Lynn Tune, Barry Ward and Paul Clifton Welch. Vocational students who re– ceived certificates include Eddie Alexander, JolmAtch– ley, Dwayne Burkes, Dennis BurrOughs, Edward Cleve– land, Glynn Cook, BillyEaves, Charles Eaves~; Ernest Fer– gusoo, . C~ce Harris, Larry Henry, Mark Jordan, Durwood Knowles, Jimmy Madden, Bobby McDaniel, Rooald McMillan, Omer Parks, WarrenRi~hmood, Or– ace Sherrod, Gary Spears, Willie Walls, Felix Wash, Jr. Johnnie Wilson, and Jolm B: Wright. Brenda Thorne received an intensive business certificate. 23 Countians Will Graduate At East Central . Twenty three Leake coun– ti ans are among the 175 to graduate at East Central Jun- 10r College in ceremonies sche. dule.d at 8 p. m. Friday, May ~ 2 • m Huff Memorial Auditor. 1um. Certification in intensive busi– ness will be presented to : Judy Clark, Sherrianne p Horne, Deborah June Ray and Karen Van Wye. Associate in Arts Degree will be awarded to: Terry Lamar Beckham, Mic– hael Frank Erwards, Wanda Fowler, Glenda H. Fulcher J ames Hudgins, Cecil Ray Jor'. dan, Percy L. Kea , William Travis Kelly, Scotty H. McDon– ald, Linda Carolyn Murphy, Bobby Mack Phillips, Alvin La. velle Purvis Jr., Tommy Lynn Roberts, Charlie Dale Roland Wanda Lynn Rushing, Patrici~ Ann Shepard, Elizabeth Slay Sandr~ Gail Waggoner, Sherrl R. Whmnery.

Thirty-one Nesh°bba County students will be among 175 to graduate at commencement ex– ercises at East Central Junior College at Decatur on May 22. ~ The ceremony will be at 8 p.m. in Huff Memorial Audi– torium. Six county students will re– ceive certificates for com– pletion of the Intensive Busi– ness program and 25 will re– ceive Associates in Arts de– grees. The graduates are: . Intensive Business--Sherri . Lee Burkes, Frances J. Coats, Rebecca Gardner, Louise Hill, Nancy Elizabeth Keene and Karen Marie U!wis. Associate in Arts Degree-– Dwight Akins, Teddy Anthony, Jerrell Thad Bryan, Muylin Burrow, Genie Callahan, Ro– bert L. Cheatham, Joan Bre– land Clarke, Gwen Cumber– land, Jimmy Wayne Cumber– land, Timmy Horace Cumber– land, Jimmie Daniels, Howard :· Qell Duett, Sandra Nell Eakes, . W.ayne Goldman, Edward F. Hendon, Brenda Ann Jones, Troy U!roy K!ng, John L. Mc– Kee, Gjawan McKinion, David Keith Madison, Ted Marshall, Thomas Franklin Moore,Donna Jean Risher, Randy Tucker and George Burson Yates. - County Students Will Graduate At East Central Neshoba County students wha will receive associate degrees at East Central Junior College during the May 28 graduation ... include the following : • Raymond Caldwell , Randolph Clark, Wayne Cooksey, Mikey Cumberland , Phillip Duncan, Carol Eldridge , James Eth– ridge, John Fanning, Nancy Gardner, Larry Hardy, Dale Holley, Marsha Howle , Charles Hudson, Gary Matthews , Donna McCraw, Terry McKinnion , Frankie Moore , John Nowell , Johnny Pair, Pamela Penning– ton, James Sampsell , Virginia Slaughter, James Thaggard, Joe Tingie, Elizabeth Walton, Laurel Weir, Ernest Wilker– son, Thomas Williams and Tommv Woodward .

East Central Junior College will graduate 175 on May 22, 1970 at 8:00 p.m. in Huff Me– mo ri a 1 Auditorium. Twent;y– three will receive certificates and 152 will receive Associate in Arts Degree. Rev. R. Bernard Walton, Pas– tor of Main StreetUnited Metho– dist Church in Bay St. Louis, will deliver the ECJC bac– calaureate sermon Sunday evening May 17 at 8:00 p.m. in Huff Memorial Auditorium. Rev. Walton, a Neshoba Countian, is a graduateofECJC and served as president of his graduating class. Before com– ing to ECJC he graduated from Union High School. Scott count;y graduates are: Intensive Bu$iness - Donna Bates, Sherry i... Cooper, Sylvia Hamilton. Associate in Arts Degree - Bobby Allen, Marilyn Kay An– derson, Michael Allen Bagley, G 1 o r i a Boles Blount, IlonDt .Dianne·c:o~~ Troy Micheal Glaze, ErbertGfr. million, Gary Allen Gcirdori, Ha z el McDill Guthrie, John Morris Havard, Jr.; Dottie Horn, Glenda Kate Joiies, Charles Wayne Lasher, Betty Lynn Logan, Nona Butler Massey, Gary Mabry, Mary Ann McDonald, Bruce H. McMillari, Raymond McMillan, George E• Sholar, Deborah Joyce Tillmart, Gerald Wayne Tillman, Susan Elizabeth Vaughn, John Fred– rick Weeks. 115 Countians Candidates For ECJC Deg rees Leake county students who will receive degrees at the May 28 graduation at East Central Junior College include the fol· lowing, Stanley Adams, William Barham, Ernie Chennault, Paul Cook, Wanda Comans, Jerry Cooper, Karen Cooper, Bren· da Ellis, Kay Harrell, Tommy I ones, Bily Lindsey, Faye Moore, Jerry Moore, Lynda Truesdale, Gwen Watkins. Intensive business certificates will be awarded to Hilda Gil– more, Janice Joiner and Carol Poole.

Intensive business students include Glenda Cumberland, Nancy Edwards, Kathy Frank– lin, Linda Herrington, Janice Pike , Jenny Rea, Margaret Savell , Dewanda Smith and Dar– lene Thrash .

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