

Hall Of Fame Includes Two Scott Students Selected for the East Central Junior College Hall of Fame 1970-71 inclusion from Scott County was Debbie Harvey and Cris Morgan. Debbie Harvey is a physical education major from Forest. During her freshman year at East Central, she participated in the Student Education Association, publicity chair– man: Phi Theta Kappa, Tom– Tom Staff, Baptist Student Union, extramural volleyball and basketball teams and varsity tennis team. Debbie was elected team captain and outstanding •basketball player in Women's Intramurals. In extramural basketball, she made 11 junior college team and All Gulf Coast Junior College Team. She also par– ticipated in the May Day Program. During her sophomore year at East Central, Debbie is serving as social chairman of SEA, communication chair– man of Phi Theta Kappa, secretary and member of Baptist Student Union, sophomore chairman of the Women's council, sophomore ~p:en:ti:.of:_::= I

Miss Blackwell chosen to ECJC Hall of Fame Wanda Blackwell, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George J, Blackwell, Sr. of Union, is one of foor sophomores who have recently been selected for in– clusion in the 1970-71 Hall of Fame at East Central Junior College. The Hall of Fame is the highest honor awarded an East Central student. HallofFame members are selected by a special faculty committee from nominations received from faculty and students. Se– lections are made oo the basis of leadership, chara– cter and academic excellence. She is aphysical educati




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