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Honor Students At ECJC Include Countians Included on the President's List at East Central Junior College for the first nine weeks grading period are Paula Simmons, acadenTics, and .Albert Whitebead, voca- tional. Included on the honor roll are Linda Diane Bennett, Deb– ra Crowell, Beth Fulcher, Linda McAdory, Vicki Sulli- van, Holland Wright, Albert Moore, Paul Palmer, in aca- demics. l Vocational students on the . honor roll are John Alexan– der, Dennie Burroughs, Bil– ly Gene Evans, Robert Gre– gory, James McAdory, Floyd Triplett, John Wright. President's List requires o 4.0 average and honor roll a 3.0 average. 1

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On President's List At ECJC Scott county students making honor roll at East Central.Junior College .for first semester .are Patricia Johnson President' s List; David French, Marshall Beard 1 Harold Hollingsworth, and Clark Measels, dean's list; Charles Crenshaw, Gloria Daniels, Lynn Gardner Jonathan Harrell, Dian~ Logan, Carol Sessums, Mary Jane Carpenter, Diane Crapps, Carol Crapps, Cheryl Hatch, George Herrington, Elizabeth Link, Martha Pace, Mary Lynn Bagley, Paul Tadlock, Ellis Walker, honorable mention. President's List requires a 4.0 average; dean's list, 3.5 or above and honorable mention 3.0 or above. -----0-- The students from Scott County on the East Central Junior College Honor Roll for the first nine weeks, first semester 1970-71 are as follows: Vocational students with a 4 point average are Harold J . Gomillion and Bobby D. Mc– Daniel ; students with a 3.50 average are L i n d a Diane Bennett, Sandra Measels, Sa_ndra_Raye Smiley, Fresh– men; Janice Gatewood Benjamin S. Patrick, Kenneth J . Pettigrew, Sophomores· students with a 3 point averag~ are Mary Jane Carpenter, Stephen R. Kaskie, Betty Lou Lindsay, Jon~ P. Mahaffey, Elizabeth L~t! Mapp, Sam Rogers, Gleda Watson, Brenda Wolf, fr~shmen; Bobbie Joe Franklin, Gwen Hardin Debbie Harvey, William R'. McMullan, Robert Rogers. Billie Watson, sophomores; William W. Fisher, Durwood Earl Knowles, Vocational ltudmtl. SCOTT STUDENTS ON HONOR ROLL AT EAST CENTRAL

Scott county students making the honor roll at East Central Junior College for the first grading period are Marshall Beard, Harold , Hollingsworth, Clark Measels, Sandra Measels, David French, Patricia Johnson, Joe Madden, Carol Sessums, Charles Walker, Freddie Bagley, Susan Diane Crapps, Carol Ann Crapps, Gloria Daniels, Cheryl Hatch, James May, Martha Pace, Lynn . Rhodes, dean's list; ' Tracey Arinder, Charles Crenshaw, Lynn Gardner, Jonathan Harrell, Diane Logan and Paul Tadlock, honorable mention. Dean's list requires a 3.5 average while honorable mention requires a 3.0 average. t East Central Junior College has r eleased its first semester sum– mer school honor roll. Seven New ton County stud ents attained ' these honors. President's List re– quires a 4.00 average ; Dea n's List carries a 3.50 average; and I Honor able l\Ien tion is a 3.00 aver- . age. Freshmen making the P resi– dent's List are J oan Blackburn , N ancy J ean Johnson, Roberta Wheeler, Rhonda Yarbrough and ! Sheila Shimfessel. Lynda Massey, Cherry Scoggin and Beth Tucker · are on the Dean' s List, and Les- 1 lie Kuykendall , Pam Newell , Vickie Rushing and J anet Smith on Honorable Mention . Sophomores earning honor list– ings are Belinda Boyd, Dewayne Knight, Peggy Jo Tucker and Lee Valenti ne , President's List ; Rita Et hridge, Mary Terrell and Barbara Sue Ware, b ean 's Li5t; Keith Everett, D91ina ... Mabry, Jennifer Nelson, Sheila Waiters and David Wright ·Horlorabie M_cntion. ·-· - ' · COUNTY STUDENTS ATTAIN HONORS LISTINGS ECJC


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14-Stadeits Make ECJC Ho1or Roll

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Fourteen Neshoba County Students attending East Central Junior College have merited places on the first semester honor roll there. They were classified as fol– .lows by Frank Rives, registrar: Distinction (3,50 average)-– Helen V. Slaughter, Janet E. Walton, and Robert W. Smith. Honorable Mention (3.0aver– age)--Carol Jean Eldridge, Marsha Lynn Howle, Linda June Jackson, Donna Jean Mccraw, Christi J. Mills, Frankie J. Moore, Debbie Lynn Nowell, Janice Carol Thomas, Emily Ann Truhett, Marylin G. Bur– row, and Edward F. Hendon.


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