



Che r y l Hatcd Is Ms j or e t t e

I n ECJC Band Cheryl Hatch, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. nfcclain Hatch of Forest, has been selected as a majorette with the East Cen- tral Junior College MarchinB Band. Miss Hatch graduated from Forest High School with honors in 1970. She was a member of the Future Business Leadersof America, the Beta Club and the Forest High School Band. She served as head majorette during her senior year and was a member of the chorus,

Wanda Comans, daughter oi Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Comans >f Sebastopol, has been elected rrice president of the ECJC Players a t East Central Ju- nior College. A graduate of Sebastopol Higt School, Miss Comans was reci. pient of the chorus award an was named most mischieviour and friendliest girl. At East Central, Miss Co- 1 mans is a member of the Pe Club and is serving as vic president of the Student Edu.

Margaret Warren, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Horace War- ren of Forest, has been elected secretary of the ECJC Players at East Central.Junior College. A graduate of Forest High School, Miss Warren was a member of the Band Council, e nWorette and a member of the Future Business Leaders of America. She was also a member of the Future Home makers of America. After graduation, Miss War- ren plans to attend Mississippi State University.

Sessions New President Of ECJC Class

- 1 ,L&/&q Paul Simmons President Of EC JC Alumni - - At a business meeting of East Central Junior College Alumni Association during Homecoming weekend at ECJC, Paul Simmons was elected president of the alumni group. Jim McKay was elected vice- president from Winston Coun- ty. Other newly elected officers are Don Howington, vice-pres- ident; Mrs. Thomas W. Thrash, secretary and treasurer; and county vice-presidents - Olen Nicholson, Leake County; John Risher, Neshoba; Carl Cooper, Newton County; Doyle Mc- Mi~llan Scott Countv. 1'

Morton Girl Is Editor Of ECJC Annual

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Mickey Sessions of Forest a s been elected president of the sophomore class of East Central Junior College, O t h e r o f f i c e r s include Tommy Jones, Sebastopol, vice president; Barbara Sue Ezell, Decatur, secretary; CindyCor- nelius, New Ca r l i s 1e, Ohio, treausrer; Joe LeeAnthony, Se- bastopol, SAE representative; and DebbieHarvey, Forest, SBA representations. Sessions participates in nu- merous activities at East Cen- tral. He served as president of the freshman class. Jones is treasurer of Phi Theta Kappa, scholastic honor- ary; vice president of the Bap- tist Student Union; active in in- tramural basketball, a nd re- ceived the Sophomore c l a s s scholarship. Anthony is a member of the s P i r i t committee and after graduation he plans to attend Miss. State University and ma- jor in political science.

Susan Shoemaker, daughterof Mr. and Mrs. WillieShoemaker of Morton, has been named editor of the Wo-He-Lo, col- lege annual, at East Central Junior College. A sophomore, Miss Shoe- maker is social chairman for the B a p t i s t Student Union, manager of the 1969-70 basket- ball team, treasurer of the Wo- men's Council and secretary of the Student Education Associa- tion. A graduate of Morton Atten- dance Center, Miss Shoemaker was active in the Junior Gard- en Club, the Beta Club, Fu- ture Homemakers of America, and The Pep Club.

Miss Hanrey is a member of tist Student Union, and a Phi Theta Kappa, the Student her of the volleyball, b Education Association,the Bap- ball and tennis teams - - - - - --

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