
Winstead To Be Honored-

East Central J&or Callme served on the board of trustees will o b o n e its .nul Home- I of the college from 1936 to 1943. coming Saturday, h t ob e r 25, In 1942 -Mr. Winstead was to be honored will be elected to serve in the U. S. 1949. 1959, and 1969 Congress, a post which he held I classes. *stifddor for Ua day for twenty-two years. At p e s - will include a ~ ~ ~ a d e throluPh I ent Mr. Winstead is serving ~ecatur at aoo &a, atxi as Commissioner of Public Weifam in Eulississippi.


business met.hg at 5:OO p.m. in the libpm, an alumni ban- quet at 6:Wp.m. in thecafeteria and a footbll game against Pearl River with the Ipores- entation of the Homecoming Queen and her court at hall- A 1 u m a i JIssociation Pres- ident Bdaston MeWm bas ant tlmlnced that Arthur Winstead will be honored at the alumni banquet as the college's Alum- nus d the Year; Mr. Winstead attended East eeatral Junior College, thm Newton C O W Argicultural High School from 1922 thouj$ 1926. He later

Homeeomdng Queen Deborah Pierce will be crowned at half- time of the football game by East Central PresidentCharles Wright, The Queen's Court in- cludes Maid of HonorNona But- ler, Sop h Q m or e MaidsDottie W m , Patty Hatcher and Patsy Nester, and Freshman Maids Karen Cooper, Paula Hollings- worth, and Debbie Pearson. Mr. McMullan invites all East Central Junior College alumni and friends to attend as many of the.day9s a c t i v i t i e s a s possible. -

SCOTT STUDENTS are members of the court for Homecoming Saturday, October 25, at East Central Junior College. This Homecoming court will be recognized in pre-game ceremonies: front row, from left, Queen Deborah Pierce of Decatur with Maid of Honor Nona Butler of Lake; I second row, Paula Hollingsworth of Forest, Debbie Pearson of Lake and Karen Cooper of Carth- , age, freshman maids; and third row, Dottie Horn of Forest, Patsy Nester of Lake, and Betky t c h e r of Louisville, sophomore maids.

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