
" ) c::; ' <.._/..,I f / ECJC Honor Roll Released

ECJC Honor Roll Is Announced For This Area Frank Rives, Registrar at East Central Junior College in Decatur, announces the foll– owing Newton Councy students who are on honor roll for the first nine week grading period of the second semester. (4.00 - Special Distinction) Freshmen-Jacquelyn Edw– ards, Dorothy Rowzee; Voca– tional & Part Time-Jerry Graham. (3,50 - Distinction) Fresh– men-Betcye G. Barnett, Wanda Blackwell, Hilda Edwards, Barbara Ezelle, Nancy Gar– dner, Wanda Harris, Dianne Hollingsworth, Deborah Mc– Elhenney, Birdie Nell McMu– llan; Sophomore-Joan Clarke Joyce Freeman, Teresa Hef-' lin, Glenda McMullan, David Rives, .Jesse Smith, Janet Stampley; Vocational & Part Time-Agnes Faye Anderson Elisabeth Rowell, ' (3,00 - Honorable Mention) Freshmen-Andrew Brantley, Lawrence Land, Linda Lewis, Gary McDill, Cris Jack Mor– gan, Deborah Pearson, Dwayne Shoemaker, Jerry Taylor, Robert Terrell, Betty K. Wagner, Ronald White· Sophomore-Audrey . Boggan°, Nancy Charlotte Blass, Fred M. Brashier, Kenneth Allen Brown, James Hansford, Lee Ann Hollingsworth, Bill Idom, Gary Thorne, John Vance; Vo– cational & Part Time-Sonya Ezelle, Wendell .Jones, Omer Parks, Gary Spears. The following students from Neshoba County were listed on the Honor Roll: (4,00 - Special Distinction) Vocational & Part Time-Joe Thompson. (3.50 ·- Distinction) Fresh– men-Gary Matthews, Helen Virginia Slaughter; Sophom– ores-Charles Cooksey, (3.00 - Honorable Mention) Freshmen-Raymond Earl Caldwell, Larry Hardy, Mar– sha Howle, Linda June Jack– son, Emily Ann Truhett· Sophomores-Marylin Burrow: Roger Smith, Ernest Wilk– erson; Vocational & Part Time-Ronald Cole Arthur Johnnie Wilson. ~ ,, . . '"' r ' ,'.-vi .. //__,, 1 \ ~ \._ ) lj " >t "i c:;-..

The following is a listing of Newton councy students who are attending East Central Junior College and made the honor roll for the First Sem– ester of the 1969-70 regular session, it was announced by Frank Rives, Registrar: 4,00 Special Distinction-– (Freshmen) Nancy Carol Gar– dner, Jacquelyn Edwards, El– isabeth Rowell, Jerry Lane Taylor, (Sophomores) Joyce Ann Freeman, Frank David Rives, (Vocational & Part Time) Dorothy Rowzee; 3,50 Distinction--(Fresh– men) Wanda Gayle Blackwell, Hilda Edwards, Barbara Sue Ezelle, Dianne Hollingsworth, Birdie Nell McMullan, CSoP– homores) Nancy Charlotte Blass, Audrey M. Boggan, Joan Breland, Eleanor Sonya Weaver, Ronald Mack White, Charles v. Wright; 3,00 Honorable Mention-– (Freshmen) Joyce Ann Bar– ber, Kenneth Allen Brown, Wanda Kay Brown, Benny F. Buggs, Alton Lee Comans, Al– len Lee Harrison, Jo Lynn Holley, Tommy Gene Jolly, Linda Gai! Lewis, Gary Thom– as McDill, Deborah McElhe– nney, Jesse Monroe Moore, Deborah Ruth Pearson, DuWa– yne Shoemaker, Robert Scott Terrell, Kitcy Wagrier, Sammy Wayne Hatcher, Lee Ann Hollingsworth, Glenda McMullan, Patsy Ann Nester, Wanda Lynn Rushing, Jesse Lee Smith, Dewayne Talbert, John Vance, Donald Ray Wal– ton, (Vocational & PartTime) Jerry Ra~ Graham, Garnett Hawkins, Brenda McMullan, Making the honor roll for Neshoba Councy are: . 3,50 Distinction--(Fresh– men) Helen V. Slaughter, Janet E. Walton, (Sopho– mores) Robert W. Smith; 3,00 Honorable Mention-– (Freshmen) Carol Jean El– dridge, Marsha Lynn Howle, Linda June Jackson, Donna Jean Mccraw, Christi. J, Mills, Frankie L. Moore, De– bbie Lynn Nowell, Janice Ca– rol Thomas, Emily Ann Tru– hett, (Sophomores) Mary– lin G, Burrow, Edward F. Hendoo. Charles Waggoner, (Sophom– ores) Agnes Faye Anderson, Linda Kay Blount, Nanell Evans, Frances Everett, '




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