
AT EAST CENTRAL JC -F h w B •d renc ' ar r1 e I is an inSP.iration to her stu- dents. Mrs . Rowell's c~smopoli- populal .. As Teacher tan background causes her stu– dents to learn, effortlessly, An. en ::han~ing Frenoh accent being adored by millions, be- about the human aspects of and a gracious m.anner have J cause she said " It was really French while they are working endeared Mrs. Ehzabeth Ro- I . ' with their verbs. well, French instructor at East an mner struggle to make the She is sponsor of the French Central Junior College in De- decision that would carry me Club, Le cercle Francais. The catur, to all those who know away from my Maman and my monthly meetings are actually her. country." cultural exchanges. The Four thousand miles sepa- . . . French-born teacher constantly i:ates Mrs. Rowel~ from her na- T~e ~ulti-lingual war ~ride delights members with stories hve hometmvn m Normandy, arrived 1.n Newton on !April 17, of all phases of French life. ~ranee ..Romance played a ~a- 1~6. W?1le a !~en~ger, she had Several times during the JOr part ID her move to Amen~a lived w~th fam1.l!es m England to year, members enjoy movies and to her current home m learn the Engh~h language. She their teacher made in France. Newton. I had travelled m Belgm~. She '·This is to help fulfill the wish During World War II, she led 1would ~at home, now~ m New- for better relations with French the exciting life of !Jransiator for t~n, Miss., U. S. A. Smee that speaking countries and also to the Army Exchange service in time,. she has seen much of supplement the two - year Paris. She also worked as a America. program of French offered at translator for the Coco-Cola Co. Maintainng a close relation- ECJC," Mrs. Rmvell said. in Rouen. In a chateau, on a ship with her family members The films give the inside nearby hill, just outside Rouen, in F1'ance, she, her mother and story on French families, cities, a company of American forces sisters correspond weekly. She and customs. Students see things was stationed. Chaptivated by has also been back to visit as they actually exist. Sidewalk so charmin" a French made- them. cafes loom colorfully across the moiselle, th~ commanding offi- Two years ago. her son Chris, screen. Things such as the SJ?eC· cer of the company invited her crut.sbanding Newton aithlete, now tacular Normandy Festival to a dance at the chaiteau. at Millsaps, toured Monte Oarlo, on St. John's Day come to have It was Auoust 1945. The I the Pyrenees and Monaco." meaning to them as they watch dance was a gala ' event where I w~ile ,!!1 Monaco '_',, M'fs. RoweH beautifu~ floats and see citizens, handsome, young American sol- said, :~ was Clms good fofltune ~lothed m Old Normandy re&a~­ diers were res1plendent in their to be ~eated n.ear the Royal Box 1a, give perfomrances. of ong1- 1 dress uniforms as they made an of Prmce Ramer a~d Princess nal .dances of the provmce. attempt to forget just hmv far Gra,ce at a co~~ert JD the Co\lrt Slides show the Pyrenees, be– they were from home. Mrs. of ~?e Pal.ace. From ~e tnp, tween France and Spain, in all Rowell recalled, "The dance was Chns brought back to his moth- their breathtaking beauty. In very nice. I met many of the er a blue . cloi~nneb ~acelet, this way, the students also be– young men hut there was one, decorated m si:lver, which she come acquainted with the Lour· though, who seemed to stand often wears. It b~a:s the cooats des." This is a Catholic shrine out." His name was Olen Row- of. ~s of .the citi~ along ~e where the Virgin Macy ap– ell and he was from Decatur, Ri;iera. It is .a ~ntunental link peared to Bernadette,'' Mrs. Miss. It was his heart she won to her early l!fe m France. Rowell said. "It is here that when he spoke to her and she For about five years, M~s. people come from everywhere answei;ed in _English. They ex- Rowell has been . tea~hmg to pray for a miracle or to have changed their wedding vows in 17ench at ~CJC. This dim~n- their faith renewed." an historic old church in Enver- s1on m her lrfe of ever-un~olding As its annual project, the club meu which was .famous by the drama began one mornmg as decorates a flo at for the home– legendary trek Joan of Arc I she a,nS1Wered the telepho~e coming parade. At Christmas, made through it. where~ she was employed m there is a party. The highlight of Evidently, she had not heard 1Newtory as a bookkeeper. The the year, though , is the spring the story that in America the I caller identi!ied himse~f as Dr. buffet, "A different theme is streets are paved with gold and C. V. Wright, president of used each year," the teacher everyone has an equal chance, ECJC. He was looking for a said; "Students combine their ~ ith a streak of luck, of striking French instructor and he had talents to really make this even rich, becoming a senator or heard of Mrs, Rowell. The con- a success." ··-·· . - -- .. . . '··- .-. _;,___ . ... . lservation resulted in her being named to the post. I A woman of many talents, she


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