
Registration Workers· Picked for Labor Check

'fne taoulated information will be used to provide a one– time comprehensive manpow– er survey to provide those counties in east central Mis– sissippi with accurate infor– mation which may be used in the location oC basic industries 0,000 to 2,500 in size) and smaller, satellite industries (300-500 in size) for the next several years. Registration times will be Friday, February 27, from 3 p, m, to 7 p, m. and Saturday, February 28, from 8 a. m. to Ip, m. Workers for the survey from 0, L. Newell oC E, C. J. c. Decatur, Miss. Beat One Court House, Decatur--David Rives, Charles Wright, Jr. Frank Gibbs Store--JudyGri– ffin, Mary Smith Beat Two Beulah Hubbard School--Betty Herrington, Charlotte Blass Union City Hall--Kathy Kenn– edy, Teresa Heflin --Clearman Store, Duffee-– Nanell Evans, Linda Blount Beat Three Community House, Cone– hatta--Debbie Pearson, Van Mitchell Reed Store--Faye Savell, Gwyn Hardin Beat Four City Hall, Newton--Larry Jordan, Kitty Waggoner B, N. Service Statioo, Law– rence--Sam Bounds, Glenn Dennis Crosby Store, Lake--Mary Carol Stroud, Patsy Nester Beat Five Hickory City Hall--Jan Mea– ders, Wayne Hatcher Chunky Cicy Hall--Bill Gri– ffis, Tim Barber Bradford Store--Don StamP– er, Bob Strebeck

"Everything is set nowand au plans have been made, we will just have to wait for Fri– day and Saturday to see how effective we will be," said Dr. C, V, Wright who is head– ing up the Newton CountyMan– power survey to be conducted this Friday and Saturday. "We have designated work– ers for each of the thirteen registration points in the County. We decided to use students from East Central Junior College because we knew that we had some from each community in the County and they would be available for instructions on filling out the necessary data from each participant," said Wright. Students at East Central and all high schools in the county will participate in the survey by filling out the labor survey form. The adminis– tration of each school will be res~sible for handling this phase oC the survey on Feb– ruary 23, 24, or 25. ------------~

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