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SCOTT COUMTY T IMES (Combined with progress Herald) Luke, Neshoba, Donna Kemp, EC JC Beauty Carthage; Cindy Cornelius, * New Carlisle, Ohio; Brenda Pageant Set Rhodes, Selby; Barbara Sue Ezelle, Decatur; Faye Smith, Louisville; Nancy Wall, December 10 Meridian; Sharon Wilkins. Watertown, Mass. direction of Mrs. Marian John Polk, program director Thornton, music instructor, of radio station WMSU, Hat- and Gilbert Sornmers, band tiesburg, will be the emcee. director. The set is being Twenty-six girls a r e entered designed by Jerry Crawford, in the pageant which is based an a r t student. Pagean t on the theme of "The Beautiful Director is Linda Iathem, Seventies." Contestants a r e public relat~onsdirector, and Ba r ba r a Bounds, Kitty Bruce Peterson, speech and Wagner, Newton; Pam Bray, drama instructor. Chunky; Deborah McElhen- Judges will be out-of-town ney, Decatur; Joyce Boxx, persons who will be announced Carol Crapps, Glenda patson, a t the pageant. Morton; Gwyn Hardin, Admission is free. East Central Junior College will hold its annual beauty pageant a t 8 p.m. Dec. 10 in Huff Memorial Auditorium. Music and entertainment for the pageant will be under the

[bast ~ e n f i a ! a 1 seauty Fete oesday Nignf DECATUR - East Central I((JuniorCollege will hold its an- nual Beau@ Pageant Tuesday at eight p.m. in the Huff Me- mor~alAuditorium. 1 The theme for this year's pageant is "The Parade of Roses." Contestants, according to pageant director Mrs. Ruth Hull and assistant director Mrs. Jessie Mae Everett are: Mari- lyn Anderson, Kathey Barrett, Donna Bates, Judi Boswell, Pan1 Chancellor, Cindy Corne- lius, Gwyn Hardin, Patty Hat- cher, Paula Hollingsworth. Dot- tie Horn, Cindy James, Glenda Jones, Susan Madden, Deborah McElhciiney, Benita Nanney, Debbie Pearson, D e b o r a h Pierce, Mary Carol Stroud, Sonya Weaver, and Sherri Whin-

S e b a s t o p o 1; Beth Mapp,,? Gwyn Tolbert, Linda Wicker,:? Forest; Betty Nester, ~ a r y : Carol Stroud, Debbie Pearson,'$ Lake. Others include Janis Bryan,:.. Gloria Hill, Sylvia Hill, Ginnyi Slaughter, Philadelphia; ~ a v &

WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 3,1969 1 ECJC Beauty I Contest Se t Tuesday Night assistant director Mrs. Jessie Mae Everett are: Mari1.m An- derson, Kathy Barett, -Donna Bates, JudiBoswell, Pam Chan- cellor, Cindy Cornelius, Gwyn Hardin, Patty Hatcher, Paula East Central Junior College Hollingsworth, Dottie . Ho r n, will hold its annual Beauty Pag- Cindy James, Glenda Jones, eant Tuesday, December 9, at Susan Madden, Deborah McEI- 8 o'cl henney , Benita Nanney, Debbie Memorial Auditorium. Pearson, Deborah Pierce, Mary The theme for this year's Carol Smud, Sonya Weaver, pageant is "The Parade of and Sherri Whinnery. I

r. and Mrs. Jimmy Bush om Bay Springs, Mrs. Joseph onald Fa11 from Bay Springs,

Pageant Contestants Vying for the title of Most Beautiful at East Central Junior College are these four lovely young ladies from Leake 1 County. They are, left to right, Janet Barham, Wanda Brooks, Cheryl Thornton, and Stephanie Cook. The sixth annual beauty pageant is scheduled for 7:30 p.m. January 13, 1972, in Huff Memorial Auditorium.

assistant director Mrs. Jessie to director Mrs. Ruth Hull and ,

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