
It will also solicit iri– formation which will identify by catagories of Unemployed and Under-Employed the con– centrations of workers supply in terms of availabilicy and suitabilicy for speci,fic types of industrial employment ii:i::d information for use in deve1- . oping training programs need– ed to prepare potential workers who now lack acc– eptable skills for entry into gainful industrial employ– ment. The Mississippi Employment Securicy Commission and the R. & D Center will tabulate and publish the survey result by Beats and Counties. The Area Cooney Chairman will be responsible for amassing complete forms and transmi– tting for tabulation, MESC will print sufficient copies of the survey result for use by all interested parties. The 12 County steering committee is composed of T, T. Martin, Vice President, GM&O Railroad, Meridian, Mississippi; Lee Wood, Vice President, Mississippi Power Company, Gulfport, Miss– issippi; Tom Maynor, Execu– tive Director, Meridian Indus– trial Foundation, M&ridian, Mississippi; Gerald Moore, Executive Director, Mid– Mississippi Development Dis– trict, Newton, Mississippi; Robert Holyfield, Executive Director, South EastMississ– ippi Industrial Council, Ell– isville, Mississippi; Les Nu– comb, Executive Director, So– uthern Mississippi Economic ; District, Hattiesburg, Missi– ssippi; Colbert Crowe, Ex– ecutive Director, East Cen– tral Economic District, New– ton, Mississippi,




·12 County Labor Survey . To Be Held February 27-28 Dr, C. V, Wright, President • of East Central Junior Coll– which heads up the survey in mation on labor supplies which the 12 counties, released Mon- may be used in the location day a fact sheet concerning · of basic industries (1000 to the survey's aims and mec- 2500 in size) and smaller hanics. (satellite) industries (300-500 The survey area will cover in size) for the next several Newton, Forrest, Greene, years. Jasper, Jones, Kemper, La- Registration points will be mar, Lauderdale, Neshoba, determined by each of the Co- Perry and Wayne Counties. unty committees and sub- Registration times will be mitted to the steering comm- Friday, February 27, from ittee at the 'kick-off meet- 3 p,m, to 7 p,m. and Sat- ing which will be held Feb- urday, February 28, from 8 ruary 10 at 2 p.m. at the Mem- a,m, to l p.m. orial Library Auditorium, The purpose of the survey Jones Junior College, Ellis- will be to provide a one-time, ville, Miss. comprehensive manpower At each predetermined re- survey to provide those gistration point two inter- Counties in east centralMiss- viewers will be recruited by issippi with accurate infor- the County Committee. The _ _____ __________:_:_ __________ Mississippi State Employment ege, has been named to the temporary Newton County chairmanship for the upcom– ing manpower survey. "There will be a Newton County public meeting to dis– cuss ways-and means of mak– ing the survey successful in this area at the Fine Arts Building on the campus at ECJC Tuesday, January 27th at 2 p.m.," said Dr. Wright, "and we are urging everyone interested in this undertaking :· _.. to attend and offer their ad– vice and counsel in order to make it the most authentic possible." The steering committee,

Service will train those re– cruited to complete survey Corms. A standardized form will be supplied to each County Chairman in sufficient num– bers to complete the regis– tration·in each county. The steering committee is urging that all those who are interested in employment at any location within the Survey Area whether unemployed or employed at this time. The survey is expected to provide authentic and compre– hensive information tabulated ~ -; in a format readily usable in answering questions posed by industrial prospects about the acquired and potential sk– ills of the Unemployed and Under-Employed (those now employed below highest skill level) who would apply for work if an industry is estab– lished at any location within the survey area.


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