

ECJC Plans Scholarship Foundation Plans are now underway for the formation of the ECJC Foundation to administer schol– arships for students planning to attend East Central Junior Col– lege. 'f1he formation of the Founda– tion is being considered hy the Alumni Association of East Cen- 1 ,tral Junior College. ~urU1er , plans will be made durmg the business session of the annual meetin11 of the Association dur– ing homecoming activities Oct. 16. All alumni of East Central Junior College are asked to be present at this meeting which will be held at 5: 15 p. m., Oct. 16, in the Fine Arts Center Aud– itorium. Other activities that alumni are asked to participate in in– clude the annual homecoming parade at 4:30 p. m., the alum– ni banquet at 6 p. m. and the Homecoming game with Holmes Junior College at 7:30 p.m. Special recognition will be given the classes of '31, '41, '51, '61 and '71. ,, Tickets for the banqu~t and game may be picked up. on Saturday afternoon, Oct. 16 at the Alumni registration desk.

,EC JE'i>1~nS' -- ~--;; !Dedication Of Neill Center DECATUR - An open house and dedication of the John Lam– bert Neill Wesley Foundation is planned Sunday afternoon at East Central Junior College, !school officials have announced. I The ceremonies will be held \in ECJC's Wesley Room at 3:30 lp.m., officials said. The rooms .' 1 are located over the Sullivan Student Center west of the school auditorium. Rev. Neill served the Wesley Foundation at ECJC from Sep– tember, 1958, to November, 1969. officials said. All former students and other interested friends who had been associated with Rev. Neill were invited to attend the event.

DR. C. V, WRIGHT Dr. Wright HeadsCounty Labor Survey Dr. Charles Wright, Pres– ident ~ East Central Junior College, was elected Newton Councy Chairman ~ the East Mississippi Manpower Survey to be held February 27-28, A group of approximatelY 25 interested participants re– presenting the Newton County Beard~ Supervisors, Newton and Union Chamber ~ Co– mmerce, Towns ci Decatur, Hickory and ChunkymetTues– day and discussed plans for the upcoming survey. Several sites which would be used as registratioo points were discussed. Since many ~ the points were private st– ores or other operations in the county permission will be sought from those individuals before the ~ full list can be released. ' Those present at the meet– ing voted to include in the survey all persons who were (1) unemployed and wished to find suitable occupations and (2) under-employed indi– viduals who felt that they were employed below their skill level and would apptyfor work if a new factory would locate 1. ln Newton Coo1nt.v.

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