

Scott Students Are Chosen At East Central Three Scott Comb' students have been elected officers of the freshman class at East Central Junior College. Those elected include Fred- Buford Calhoun of Forest, was elected president of the fresh- man class. While attending Forest High School, Bagley was elected Mr. Forest High and Most Valuable Back. A national merit semi- finalist, Bagley graduated a san honor student. Bagley is presently Serving as quarterback on the ECJC Warrior Team. Miss Weems, daughterof Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Weems of For- est, is also a graduate of For- est High. Shewas elected trea- surer of the freshman class. In high school, Miss Weems was a member of FCY, Future Homemakers of America, Fu- ture Bu s i n e s s Leaders of America, on the paper staff, Y-Teens, basketball, t r a c k , PAY and chorus, She plans to attend the Uni- versity of SouthernMississippi and major in art. Miss Nester, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Nester of Lake, was elected Student Body Association representative. While attending Lake High School, Miss Nester was vale- ditorian, homecoming q ue en, Most Beautiful, Miss LakeHigh School; editor of the annual and president of the Future Home- makers of America. She was also the recipient of numerous athletic awards. After graduation from East Central, Miss Nester plans to a t t e n d the Un i v e r s i t y of SouthernMississippi. .. - - - - - - -- .c: r die Bagley, Rita Weems, and >y IJe@.Nester,. , . .- ,-__- ui.4 - &fey, som of+*. anti S--&

Honor Students 'l *omScott Ar East Central . -sst Central Junior College or the first five weeks of ummer school are as follows: President's list, students ving a 4 point average; Card ,ee Sessums, freshman; iobbie Ruth Jones, Brenda ,ynn Marler, Sarah McDill, lebecca Lynn Walsh, ophomores. Dean's list, students having a 1.50; Katherine Ruth Greener, dartha Sharon Marler, Ed- vard J . Rhodes, freshman; Joe J. Brown, Mary Jane Car- )enter, Cheryle A. Hatch, ophomores. Honorable Mention, students .vith a 3.00 average; Susan Brown, Brenda Joyce Martin, Martha Jan Norton, Lauris G. Sessums, Jr., Johmy Smith, reshman; Richard Buford ustin, Jane h n Franklin, ieorge mo r e , J o h n Stuart, 'ranny Thompson, Robert Varren, Kathye Washington, ophomores. Part time students on the resident's list are Nana L. Iuff and Louise Sessums, both reshmen.

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