2000 ECCC Newspaper Clippings
I EAST CENTRAL CC SIGNS PAIR: Alan Coats, a second.baseman from Newton County A?ademy, and Ctvit Comana, a pitcher from Newton H~gh School, have signed national letters of intent With East Central Community College.
ECCCDiamond Warrior Scholars These members of the East Central Community College baseball team were recently recognized for being named to the 1999 toll semester honor roll. which includes students who achieve a 3.0 or above grade point overage on at least 12 hours of coursework. Pictured ore (seated. from left) Chris Weems. New– ton. Lee Martin. Lake; Josh Hardy and Judson Nowell. both of Philadelphia; Amos Thomes. Newton; Clay Byars, Philadelphia; and Hal Thompson. West Point; (second row, from left) Turk Stovall, Neshobo Central; Kent Chamblee, Leake Academy; Justin Reed, Louisville; Chuck Welch, Morton; Brent Page and Justin Webb, both of Neshobo Central; and Jim Bob Stampley of Newton County Academy; and (back row, from left) Brad Farley, Tuscaloosa, Ala.; Patrick Ferris, Clinton; Allen Buckl~y. Brandon; Brandon Fish, Demopolis, Ala.; Nick Woods. West Jones; and Dan Munn, Newton County Academy. Weems received special recog– nition for maintaining a perfect 4.0 grade point average. The Diamond Warriors are led by Jamie Clark, head coach. and Neal Holliman. assistant coach.(EC photo)
Culpepper inks JVith East Central Lake High School sentor ,( ey Cu ce~s· nos signed a National Let– ter of Intent to play baseba •or -r.e ::as; Cewral Community College Diamond Warriors. Culpepper nos oeen a s·andout pitcher, throwing 113 strikeouts in 62 Innings p.•cnec -e averaged better than .300 at the plate. hitting nine home runs Cu oeooe· c so had fielding duties for the Diamond Hornets. He was o -ec o· -..,e sgning ~eremony by his parents Violet(seated left) and Ror. e C-.. oeoper(seated right) and standlng(from left) ECCC Baseoo Coach Jamie Clark. Lake High School Principal Randy Mar- n, end -Oi APPEARED IN: ... , LAKEMESSENGER____ ~-------- SCOTT COUNTY TIMES__.:.._________ UNION APPEAL ____ _____ WINSTON COUNTY JOURNAL_______ SPIRIT OF MORTON_____________ NEWTON MESSENGER CARTHAGINIAN________ _ _ NESH0 BA DEMOCRAT--;--------– NEWTON RECORD ~< ----~---------- MERIDIAN STAR CLARION-LEDGER ______ _ DiamondWa ·ors setto begin season r P a emme, La., and sopho- Am Thames, a 6', 179-pound ris(6'1", 203) of Clinton, who lut seven home rune, last year, ts "btg strong, fast, throws well, and will bt highly recruited." Ferris \\ill bat m the middle of the hneup. Sophomortc centerfielder Lee \1artin (5 11", 172 of lake, who played only ,, third of the season last year due to an tnjul) returns to his centt>rheld posttton Clark said that Martin, a ~wttch-htt ter with "good speed," wtll also pro– vtde much-needed defense tn the outfield. Right fit>ld will be manned by McDonald, when he is not nn th mound, or b) Toby Pinson (5'~ 1 201) of Little Rock. Starting at catcher wtll be -,opho. more Brad Farler (o',lbO) Tuscaloosa or freshman 1-:ns Moo (5'10", 187) of Taylorsville. Soph more Josh Hardy (5'10", 170) \ h has been hampered by tnjune ' also play a key role at catcher oro • fielder when he completes rehab 1 • tton and ts able to return to the I up. hardy started tn lett fteld season. Although Clark has bt en ple with the recent success of hts 0 mond Warrior squ.1ds over the few years, he -;tated it ltmc take the next step " "We've won a state champ onship, we've come in l>CCond Region 23, and tl is time to ~ h far we can really go. but we m first make the playoffs, and our p ers are obviously aware ot \\ ha have to do to recKh the next We feel good right now and ready to get the season Ul" den Clark satd. \\ nght·hander from Newton. Fresh– a jud O\\ell a 6', 161-pound ""'''u... ..,nder from Philadelphia, will closer rk 1 abo counting on fresh– hut ers David Ryan (6'5", 189) u ca oosa and Clay Byars (6', f Philadelphia, who have sus– a arm InJuries and probably t be m the lineup until spring ak \\ e will really need these do"''" the stretch and look for– .-d to thetr return to the mound," k a1d 0 er l>tarters include sophomore \\ebb (6 2" 205) of Phtladel– at ftrst base; sophomore Judd nborn ·(5'!\", 164) of Noxapater, nd ba...e; and sophomore Brent :;'10", 147) of Philadelphia, rt stop. Clcuk said Webb, who hit la~t ) car, "is a ~easoned ball er and \ l: expect hun to have a year." Sanborn, who batted .350 t season, is described by Clark as natural leclder" "Judd is also utck, athlet11.. and should provide real play al second." Clark regards ge a~ "one of the best-if not the ~ t· hort stop 10 the league." Clark said freshman Turk Stovall ~ 10", 157) of Phtladelphia and I :\lontc ~tigha~:.to \\'ill share duties at thmi base. Chuck Welch (5'8", 195) ot ~lorton 1::. expected to back-up Page at short stop. Clark said Spence Lattmer (5'9", 172) of Philadelphia ''til be the backup at second base. Clark .;atd hts outfield "should be mong the be .tin the juco league." Sophomore ldt ftelder Patrick Fer- eran ment four ron– parho?ated m th state tournament, Eas the state tJtle m 199 and the Diamond Warnor, -hared d - ~ion hon r:. wuh Gulf Coast b ing a 17-~ mark. EC firu•hed third the state tournament and \~ere run– ners-up for the Re~ton 23 champi– onship. Clark satd this vear ' t~am has all the weapons needed to compete tor another championshtp. "We feel good about the progres!'> the team has made at this point. We APPEARED IN : LAKE MESSENGER CARTHAGINIAN NESHOBA DEMO_C_R_A_T _ _ _ _ __ NEWTON RECORD MERIDIAN STAR --- --- CLARION-LEDGER ----------------- -------~------------- SCOTT COUNTY TIMES ----~------------- UNION APPEAL ___ _ ___ _ WINSTON COUNTY JOURNAL - -------- SPIRIT OF MORTON - -------------------- NEWTON MESSENGER arriors ulfCoast ina round • fllOp •e ml'n " at R p.m. l<'nge the t \ 1ctor .11 ~ Ft bruM\' 16. p m on Thur.,. b p n !S CfUbCd to cHl 1:)5-67 \\in d 1mpro\ ed to 1--7 m l.'rall and In dl\ 1510n pl.l) Otht>r P•'•nt m.lkcrs were :-..:1cole Cm, of I ake .1nd \l.ugo Portl'r ot l Twofrom Scott are DiamondWarriors Charlie Welch of Mo rtbn and Lee Martin of Lake ore members of the Warrior baseball team at Eosr Central Community College In Decatur. The Diamond Warriors ore led by head coach Jamie Clark and assistant Neal Hollimon. They beg1n season action Saturday. Februoryl9. against Faulkner State In Boy Minette, Alabama. Welch and Mortan ore JUSt two of 15 returnang players to the East Central Dia– mond Wor·ior squod.(EC Photo) AP~ IH; jol' LA CARTHAGINIAN_ _____ _ NESHOBA DEMOCRAT____ _ NEWTON RECORD______ MERIDIAN STAR CLARION-LEDGER _____ _ Copl'lcmd NAL_ _ _ _ upen111g round of tlw South Dis– tnct T :::c BASEBALL TE~'-t ME\IBERS - MembeiS of the East Cen- Commm--ty CoD~eo baseball team &om Newton County in- 1e (from ~e!- jb &~ ::.a.::npley of Hickory, Amos Thames ttnd i s Weems ~ cu . f!" ma; and Darjel Munn and Toby Pin>on, h of Little Rocl.:.. 1b.-e Di.a.mond Warriors are led by head coach tie Clark and a.s.:.-istz...; ~eal H olliman. They begin season ac– t Saturdar, FeL....-_u; 19, ag ainst Faulkner State ii\ ,jBay 1ette, Alabama . EC P".;wto) CHANEY JOINS DIAMOND WARRIORS - Newton County H igh ~chool standout . baseball player Josh Chaney has signed a na– tional letter of mtent with East Central Community College in J?ec~tur. Chaney, a 5'9, 170 pound infielder, is shown during the Stgmn~ ceremo~y with his parents, Brenda and Ricky Chaney (standmg) of Ltttle Rock, and Diamond Warrior head coach Jamie Clark. Chanev w ill also play football at East Central. (EC p h oto) APPEARED IN: CARTHAGINIAN____________ NESHOBA DEMOCRAT-::--------– NEWTONRECORD__ ~------ MERIDIAN STAR CLARION-LEDGER ___________ LAKE MESSENGER______________ SCOTT COUNTY TIMES_ _________ UNION APPEAL - --------------- WINSTON COUNTY JOURNAL._______ SPI RIT OF MORTON_____ _ _ __ NEWTON MESSENGER ~, WEEK OF ---=~-....:::u~.\ -·--=-~\ .....::'__ ECCC Briefs and 113 strikeouts in 62 innings in 1999. Newton County High School pitcher Corey Amis has signed a national letter of intent with East Central Community College. Amis posted a 9-2 record last year as the Cougars were the Class 3A state runner-up with a 24-12 record. Amis, seated, is shown (from left) with his parents Allen and Kim Amis of Decatur and East Central head baseball coach Jamie Clark. Amis will also p lay football at EC. APPEAR=D t LAKE .' ESSE GER_ _ _ _ _ _ _ SCOTT COU TY TI MES_ _____ UNIO AOPEAL _ _ __ ""--..:=;_______ WI NSTO\ COUNTY JOURNAL___ _ SP IRIT OF I ORTON___ _ _ _ _ CARTHAGINIAN_______ NESHOBADEMOCRAT______ NEWTON RECORD___ _____ MERIDIAN STAR CLARION-LEDGER ______ NEVfTO .'ESSENGER I :Ecce baseball edges Holmes in 13 innings ' , It took four extra innings, but it was worth it for East Central •Community College's baseball team as it outslugged Holmes :Community College 18-15, in 13 innings. • Judson Nowell was the winning pitcher in relief for the :Warriors. Brandon Fish started for ECCC on the mound. , At the plate for the Warriors, Toby Pinson had three singles •and a grand-slam home run. Judd Sanborn had a pair of home runs, while Josh Hardy, Justin Webb and Lee Martin each col– lected a pair ofsingles. ECCC 0-4) returns to action today at 1 p.m. in a doubleheader at home against Bevill State of Fayette, Ala. • .,.. --- - .1 -·tJ. <::=.___ 3:c:~ CcJn:y liiT eS____ ~ ' I viii State Alabama. "He had good stuff and he bat· lied through some errors. We made ~Oilltl silly errorH early in the game, but a t ' ' 1East Ce,ntral splits with the bottom of the seventh. Central errors. Only one of the threl) He started off Webb with a fastball a t r un s that E CCC starter Jayt!SOII the knees for a called strike, then made McDonald gave up in the game was nn his mistake. eam ed one. "You cou ld s ee it coming," East Central The Warriors made five errors ECCC head coach Jamie Cl a rk behind him, as McDonald jusl said of the curveball "We l each 4 4 gave up four hits. After Bevill our guys to always look fastball, • had tied the game at 3·3, th< but I knew it and he knew it. It Bears had runners on first and wa s just like we knew h e was Bevill State second with two outs, but ECCG going to throw a curveball and he reliever Jud Nowell came in to threw it right there." 3 8 strike out the next two hittcr·s to Webb said his eyes lit up when m end the threat. he s aw the pitch headed to t h e Webb's homer in the hoUom of' plate. the inning madP. Nowell (2-0) t.he "I had just let the best fastball winning pitcher for tht: second I had seen all day get by me," said Webb, time in lc:-;s than 24 hours. He pitched who now has two homers on the year . "I t he lnRl t hreonn l•t , who) hnn ttlt'f1lldV by Josh H a r rah a nd a pa ir of EaAt s ig n t'cl with llw t hllvllf'tiill' of Nc1rth By Austin Bishop The Mend1an Star DECATUR - When Jus tin We bb walked up to the plate in the bottom of the last inning with the game tied, he had one thing on his mind. "I was trying to end it with on e swing," the East Central Community College first baseman said . "I was just taking my hacks ." He hacked a hanging curveba ll over the left. field fence for a solo home run in the bottom of the seventh inning to hand East Centra l a 4-3 win over v isi ting Bevill (Ala.) State in the first game of a doubleheader. , Bevill bounced back to usc two four– run innings and six errors by th e Warriors to win the second game 8-4. Bevill had used an Eas t Central error to tie the game at 3-3 in t he top of the first and Bears' starter Ryan Roberts set down the first two Warriors he faced in r -, 1 for Bevill was u two-run t ri ple by Adrian Brown. Bevill used three singles and two ECCC errors to score the four runs in the top of the J seventh which eventually won lhe game. ~ Afte r lhc ftrst two ECCC hitters were = retired in lh e botlom of the s eventh, the : Warriors began a rally that included doubles ) by J udd Sanborn a nd Justin Reed. 1 East Cent ral had just five hits in the sec- 1 ond game, with no Warrior getting more than one. Next up for the 2-5 Warriors is a double- header against Central Alabama at home on Sa turday beginning at 2 p.m. Central and ECCC square off in a single game at 1 p.m. second hit and McDonald had a double to go with hi:; single. The Warriors bad eight hits in the opener j n an. Bevill scored four runs in the top of the seventh inning in the nightcap to take an 8- 2 lead a nd the held off a Wa rrior rally, as Bear n.•liever ,Justin Pate ended the game by stnking ou t nn East Central pinch hitter with l hl· ban<'s loaded . Mm·io 1\ltgliaclO put ECCC up 1-0 in the S(!contl wlu:n he <:ingled in Ferris, who had douhltl(l. 'l'h nt became 2-0 in the third when I lui 1'hompann walked stol e second and co1'Cd whel\ 1\t:vill made two errors on the nmc :piny. 'l'ht' Belli'S t.heu sco red four unear ned I'UllA in 1 he fim•l h Io go up 4 -2. The big blow -------- . East Central Continued from page 10 0::: w ze> oz t-W c:::cn ocn ~ w LL ~ on Sunday. o::~uc:x:aoz c:x:.::::.,_ L_L_o ww.,_Z.-!:::t- o..~oO~Q;;:S: o..c:x:uz>o..w WEEK OF _ _ >\.!...__~, ---!~.....:..\_-_t::........:....-'---- Diamond Warriors fall in series, split with Bevill game series two-to-one. A bases-loaded single in the bottom of the seventh inning by Brent Page drove in the winrung run for East Central's Diamond Warriors, who rallied for a 7-6 win over visting Central Alabama in the first game of a Saturday double– header. Judson Nowell collected his third win on the mound. Toby Pinson and Patrick ' Ferris added two hits each. The Diamond Warriors fell 11-5 in the nightcap in a rain– shortened six inning contest. Brandon Fish (0-2) took the loss, while Amos Thames relieved. Jayeson McDonald : knocked a double and a single : to lead EC at the plate. Central Alabama edged ' East Central Sunday after– noon, 4-3, to take the three- McDonald took the loss for EC, which dropped to 3-7 over– all. Mario Migliacio started and registered seven strong innings. McDonald led the Diamond Warriors at the plate with a triple and a single, while Ferris added a pair of doubles. At home Feb. 23, .Justin Webb solo homered with two outs in the bottom of the sev– enth to hand EC a 4-3 win over visiting Bevill State in the first game of a double-header. Nowell gained the win after relieving McDonald in the sev– enth . Bevill claimed the nightcap 8-4. McDonalq and Pinson had two hits each, while Migliacio started and tool<: the loss. APPEARED IN: CARTHAGINIAN_______ NESHOBA DEMOCRAT_____ NEWTON RECORD_____ _ MERIDIAN STAR CLARION-LEDGER ______ LAKE MESSENGER_____ _ __ SCOTT COUNTY TIMES____ _ _ UNION APPEAL _______ _ WINSTON COUNTY JOURNAL___ _ SPIRIT OF MORTON_ ___ _ _ _ NEWTON MESSENGER s After an 0-4 start to the 2 ·n column ~ red four times in the fourth nd e\enth frames of the night· p to ,..a)\'age a split. • EC 7. Central Alabama 6: The Warriors open ed a three– game ..;t:ries with the Trojans by ralh ing for a 7-6 win Saturday fiemoon in Decatur. Trailing 6·4 going into the bo tom of the seventh, EC got a d uble from Jayeson McDonald nd a mgle from Judd Sanborn t tart the come back . Josh H rdy "a~ hit by a pitch to load the ba:;~s. Patrick Ferriss sin· led m a pair of runs to tie the arne After a walk to Spence LntJmer, Brent Page's two-out ,mgle drove in the winning run. Jud:;on Nowell <3-0l got the wut m relief for EC, 3-5. McDonald had a double and a tnple while Ferriss had a triple t go \\ ith his single. Sanborn hna t1 puir of singles. season, the East Central C m– mumty College Warrior, found the win column when the returned to Decatur for 1 , week's baseball action. • EC 18, Holmes 15: Tob\ Pinson had a grand ,-lam and three singles to lead EC to the Feb. 22 \vin at Decatur. Judd Sanborn had a patr f homers for the Warrior... \\htle Josh Hardy, Justin Webb. and Lee Martin each had a pa1r singles. Spence Latimer had , two-run double. Jud:;on Nowell I 1·0) got the win in relief. EC improved to 14 • EC 4-4, Bevill State 3· : Justin Webb's two-out ,olo homer in the bottom of the ,p, · enth gave the Warriors the wm in Wednesday's opener at Decatur. The Fayette. Ala .. Bears APPEARED IN: CARTHAGINIAN____________ NESHOBA DEMOCRAT_..!._____ NEWTON RECORD__________ MERIDIAN STAR CLARION-LEDGER _ _________ LAKE MESSENGER____________ SCOTT COUNTY TIMES______ _ _ UNION APPEAL _ _ ___ ____ WINSTON COUNTY JOURNAL____ SPIRIT OF MORTON______ _ NEWTON MESSENGER Co ege caseball team from Neshoba County are, from left. cson ows • Brent Page, and Spence Latimer. APPEARED IN: LAKE MESSENGER.______________ SCOTT COUNTY TIMES.___________ UNION APPEAL _______________ WINSTON COUNTY JOURNAL._______ SPIRIT OF MORTON____________ NEWTON MESSENGER _________ CARTHAGINIAN_______ NESHOBA DEMOCRAT_____ NEWTON RECORD___ ___ _ MERIDIAN STAR _______ CLARION-LEDGER ___________ WEEK 0 F ___;_._ ______:,·~J_..!,.'--"--. _l -'-"- - - WARRIOR PITCHERS- Pitcher for the Warrior baseball team at ECCC in Decatur include (front row, from left) Jim Bob Stampley of Hickory, Derian Dotson of LouisviJJe, Judson Nowell of Philadelphia, Amos Thames of ' ewton and Jayeson McDonald of Tuscaloosa, Ala.; and (back row, from left) Monte Migliacio of Plaquemine, La; David Ryan of Tuscaloosa, Ala.; Allen Buckley of Brandon, Brandon Fish of Demopolis, Ala.; and Mario Migliacio of Plaquemine, La. The Diamond Warriors are led by head coach Jamie Clark and assis\ant Neal Holliman. APPEARED IN: CAR·THAGINIAN_ ___ ___ NESHOBA DEMOCRAT-=---------– NEWTONRECORD_~·~-- MERIDIAN STAR CLARION-LEDGER _______ LAKE MESSENGER_____________ SCOTT COUNTY TIMES_______ UNION APPEAL _______________ WINSTON COUNTY JOURNAL_______ SPIRIT OF MORTON_ _ _ ___ _ NEWTON MESSENGER ECCC baseball team announced Members of the 2000 E:N CentraJ C mmun ·~ College baseball team and their respective hometo\\n mdude Kn~ \1oorc. Taylor~ville; Lee Martin, Lake; Charlie \.\elch, M non. Judd anborn. Noxapater: Spence Latimer, Philadelphia: ...nJ Jun Bob tamplcy, Hic~ory: Josh Hardy, Brent Page.and Justin Stl all, all of Ph ladelphm Ju~tin Reed, Louisville: Hal Thompson. West Poi.,., and Brad F I ) and Ja)e~on McDonald. both of Tuscaloosa. AL: Patrick Fern Ch n Tob} Pinson, Little Rock: Nick Wooten, Soso: Chri' \\eems evv1 rt. D<:rian Dobon, Louisville; Judson Nowell. Philadelphia and Amo Thamc.:' Ne\\ton: and Manon Migliacio and Monte Miglia io, both of Pl.aquemme. LA.: Brandon Fish, Demopolis. AL: Daniel \lunn, LJUie Rock: Ju,un Webb, Philadelphia: David Ryan, Tuscaloo:.a. AL. and Allen Bu..kle), Brandon. The Diamond Warrio~ ae Jed b\ hea..;.. ~. h Jamie Clark and assistant Neal HoUiman. The begin o~ u ~.!luday. February 19, against Faulkner State inf Sa) \1ineue. AL. APPEARED IN: CARTHAGINIAN_______ NESHOBA DEMOCRAT_________ NEWTON RECORD_______ LAKE MESSENGER______________ SCOTT COUNTY TIMES_____ ___ UNION APPEAL ________________ WINSTON COUNTY JOURNAL-+-)<...:::.....___ _ SPIRIT OF MORTON_ ______ MERIDIAN STAR CLARION-LEDGER _______ NEWTON MESSENGER Heavy hitting Dianzond Warriors APPEARED IN: LAKEMESSENGER______ ~------ SCOTT COUNTY TIMES__ _.:...=-;<:_ _ _____ UNION APPEAL ________________ WINSTON COUNTY JOURNAL._ _____ SPIRIT OF MORTON____________ CARTHAGINIAN__________ NESHOBA DEMOCRAT_________ ----~r--------- MERIDIAN STAR _______ CLARION-LEDGER _______ NEWTON RECORD NEWTON MESSENGER Judson Nowell is 3-0 on the mound for the East Central Community College Warriors, 6-9. Included in last week's action was a 13-10 win over Linco.IJ'll!f:ra.iJ~-a -'6-2 ·loss to Delgado on Wednesday, a 6-5 win over Delgado on Thursday, and a weekend SR,Iit at North– west. EC lost Saturday's opener to the Rangers 4-2 before bounc– ing back to take the nightcap 2·0 as Monty M1ghacio tossed a no– hitter. The win over Delgado was EC's f1rst m seven meetings with the Dolphins since their first meeting in 1996 - = ..... ------ __ n ------ 'V·-c:·o- r ' -'. I I. . J .... ~ .... -.Ty 0!.,.P"f1C]__ CJ:: r 1 C;'l-L:: c ger ----- New ECCC baseball scoreboard A new baseball scoreboard helped usher in the 2000 campaign for the East Central Community College Diamond Warriors, thanks to:a generous donation by the Coca-Cola Bottling Company. Shown in front of the recent addition to Chris Gay IV Memorial Field are (kneeling from left) baseball team members Brent Page of Philadelphia, Judd Sanborn of Noxapater, David Ryan of Tuscaloosa, Ala.; Derian Dotson of Louisville, and Justin Webb, Turk Stovall and Spence Latimer, all of Philadelphia; and (standing from left) Diamond Girls Melissa Till of Pelahatchie and Huellen Nutt of Morton; Dr. Phil Sutphin, dean of instruction; Jim Albritton, area manager for the Mendlan Coca-Cola Bottling Company; Dr. Eddie M. Smith, ECCC president; Sammy Pace, athletic director/women·~ basketball head coach; Jamie Clark, head baseball coach; and Diamond Girls Ashley McDill of Decatur and Mandy Chaney of Philadelphia. APPEARED IN : LAKE MESSENGER____ ~-------- SCOTI COUNTY TIMES____:.'X..:.._____ UN ION APPEAL ---------------- WINSTON COUNTY JOURNAL_______ SP IRIT OF MORTON_________ NEWTON MESSENGER CARTHAGINIAN_________ NESHOBA DEMOCRAT~------ NEWTONRECORD~X~--- MERIDIAN STAR CLARION-LEDGER ______ 3 13 ;>.l'C'C: Diamond Warrior Infielders lnfeilders for the Warnor baseball team at East Central Community r,,IJegt m Decatur include (front ro\\, trom left) Spence Latimer and Justin Sto\ all both of Philadelphia; Charhe Welch of Morton, Judd Sanborn of 1\,>xapater and Brent Page ofPhtladelphta, and (back row, from left) Monte \11glta~.:to of Plaquemine, La. , Chns Weems of Newton, Justm Webb of '' tladdphta and Mario Mtgliacto ofPlaquemtne La. The Dtamond Warriors leJ b> head coach Jamie Clark and as:.tstant :-.cal llolltman They began a:.on a<.tton Saturday, Februa~ 19, agamst F uU ner State tn Bay Mmette, Ia (I (' Photo) SCOT ECCC OUTFIELDERS - Outfielders for the Warrior baseball team at East Central Commwt.ity UNI0 ~College in Decatur include (front row, from left) Patrick Ferriss of Clinton, Toby Pinsen of Little WI NSTRock, Nick Wooten of Soso, Derian Dotson of Louisville and Daniel Munn of Little Rock; and (back SPIR1• row, from left) Justin Reed of Louisville, Josh Hardy of Philadelphia, Lee Martin of Lake, Hal Thompson of West Point and Jayeson McDonald of Tuscaloosa, Alabama. The Diamond Warriors are NEWT led by head coach Jamie Clark and Assistant Neal Holliman. They began season action Saturday, February 19, against Faulkner State in Bay Minette, Ala. (EC Photo) WEEK OF _....:...3_\-=3~J.::::.:... ' ~c~o:!..._ _ _ Paula Merritt/The Meridian Star .. RD-HrTTlNG CONTEST - ECCC's Toby Pinson, bottom, is out at first base after a _ • field. P nson took a wide tum around first without knowing Three Rivers' ason Gwin was t railing behind him. The throw from the outfield came to Gwin at =10 Pins1on as tagged out. ECCC rallied in the ninth inning, however, to win 5-4. CCC ·rallies for victory fice fly by J osh Lashley to give Three Rivers a 2-11ead. Neither team provided a ny For Three Rivers, Burton h a d a double and a single , while Steven Matthews added a double. offense until the final inning of the game. Three Rivers extel'\d– ed the lead to 4-1 in the ninth. Lashley got on base thanks to a fielder's choice and later scored on a double by Steven East Central received a pro– ductive outing from starter Brandon Fish. Fish threw 5 213 innings, giv– i ng up only three hits and walki ng only one. H e also 5tnlck out five for the Diamond Warriors. 5 - been ha... ing ~ prob I!Iru, but be really .mpre <::ed us (Sunday}," said Clark. "I felt really good today," said Fish. "Our guys out of the bullpen pitched really good and I was glad that we won the game. ECCC received relief help from Brad Farley. He pitched three innings, and gave up three hits in relief for the Diamond Warriors and also added a strikeout in the pro– cess. Jud Nowell (4-0) picked up the win in relief for East Central. Matt Palmer dropped to 2-1 with the loss. Overall, East Central improved to 6-12 on the year --~ 'T"'h..... o Ri""'r" f<>ll t.n 4-fi on ------ i atthe\\ ' · ECCC Three R"-ers continued • anoiher t t e game that made: the dif- Diamond \\ arnOT3 wen t ference," sa1d ECCC Three frrvers into the bottom of the head coach Jamie 4 ninth with a big hill to climb. East Central Three Rivers provid- answered the call, bow- ed the first offense of ------ ever, with three sttaight APPE..!. = .=: Clark. "We also got _ _ _ great pitching." - .... .... LAKE 1 SC0 - ,.. ...... ..... ...... - the contest in the third single s t o load the :. = =: inning. UN IC bases. • J a yeson McDonald scored WI s- .... single and later scored on an for Eas t Central to cut the SPJ ...- RBI-double from Justin Three Rivers lead to 4-2. Brent Threlkeld to give Three Rivers Page then scored on a wild : a 1-0 advantage. pitch from Three Rivers starter • The Diamond Warriors Matt Palmer to trim the lead to mounted some offense in the 4-3. fifth inning, as Josh Hardy col- East Central finished its Aaron Burton smashed a lected a single and later scored climb to victory on a single on an RBI-single from Spence f rom Spen ce Latine r that T .. ~;"'.,.,. t.n t.iP. the szame 1-1. scored two runs and give East ~ . ., -=- WEEK OF _ .;,:,.."3 ____;_1 _i _· .:.,__. _ r _ , ___ ECCC BASEBALL TEAM- Mexiibers of the 2000 East Central Community College baseball team and their respective hometowns include (first row from left) Kris Moore, Taylorsville; Lee Martin, Lake; Charlie Welch, Morton; Judd Sanborn, Noxapater; Spence Latimer, Philadelphia; and Jim Bob Stampley, Hickory; (second row, from left) Josh Hardy, Brent Page and Justin Stovall, all of Philadelphia; Justin Reed, Louisville; Hal Thompson, West Point; and Brad Farley and Jayeson McDonald, both of Tuscaloosa, Ala.; (third row, from left) Patrick Ferriss, Clinton; Toby Pinson, Little Rock; Nick Wooten, Soso; Chris Weems, Newton, DeriantDotson, Louisville; Judson Nowell, Philadelphia and Amos Thames, Newton; and (back row, from left) Mario Migliacio and Monte Migliacio, both of Plaquemine, La.; Brandon Fish, Demopolis, Ala.; Daniel Munn, Little Rock; Justin Webb, Philadelphia; David Ryan, Tuscaloosa, Ala.; and Allen Buckley, Brandon. The Warriors are led by head coach Jamie Clark and assistant Neal Holliman. APPEARED IN: LAKE MESSENGER__________ SCOTI COUNTY TIMES.____ _ _ _ UN ION APPEAL _______________ WINSTON COUNTY JOURNAL.___ _ _ SPIRIT OF MORTON_______ NEWTON MESSENGER CARTHAGINIAN___________ NESHOBA DEMOCRAT---=-------– NEWTONRECORD__ ~--- MERIDIAN STAR CLARION-LEDGER ___________ WEEK OF __ :S ___;__\ 3.:....__:J:..:...:C=---· :::...:...::;.:{";_ _ _ Hit it here East Central Community Coll ege second baseman Brent Page waits for the batter to make contact during a recent game in Decatur. The Warriors lost both games of a doubleheader to North– west on Friday, 5-3 and 11-4, before rally1ng for four runs in the bot– tom of the ninth rnning to edge Three R1vers (Mo.) 5-4 on Sunday. The Warriors were 6-11 entering th1s week. APPEARED IN : LAKE MESSENGER._______ _ __ SCOTT COUNTY TIMES._ ______ UN ION APPEAL _______________ WINSTON COUNTY JOURNAL.___ _ SPIRIT OF MORTON_ ___________ NEWTON MESSENGER ________ CARTHAGINIAN_______ -=------ NESHOBADEMOCRAT__ ~--- NEWTON RECORD______ MERIDIAN STAR ___________ CLARION-LEDGER _ _________ 3- ~0- cQ WEEK OF East Central first baseman Justin Webb goes up for a high throw in Saturday's sweep of Jones l APPEARED IN: LAKE MESSENGER.______________ SCOTI COUNTY TIMES._______ CARTHAGINIAN._ _______ NESHOBADEMOCRAT~~--- UNION APPEAL ----- ----- NEWTON RECORD________ WINSTON COUNTY JOURNAL.______ MERIDIAN STAR ____________ SP IRIT OF MORTON.__________ CLARION-LEDGER ______ NEWTON MESSENGER _______ WEEKOF __ 3=--~~D~~-~DD~----- EC off to 3-1 start in South Division bad a single to go with his homer, while Latimer had a double to go with his single. Page and Kent Chamblee both had two singles. In the second game, EC was cruising with a 5-2 lead when Jason Rowland launched a tvmg three-run homer with one out in the top of the sixth. After a rain delay of approx– imately one hour, the Warriors got the next two Bobcats out and pushed across the winning run in the bottom of the sixth. Hardy and Kent Chamblee were hit by pitches . Justin Webb and Patrick Ferris drew two-out walks to plate courtesy runner Brad Farley with the go-ahead run. Allen Buckley set the Bob– cats down in order in the top of the seventh for the save. Judd Sanborn got the win in relief. Pinson had two singles and a double to drive in two runs for EC. Page and Chamblee both had a pair of singles. EC improved to 3-1 in the South Division and 10-12 over– all. Jones fell to 0-4 and 8-12. the bottom of the seventh to salvage a split. The Warriors got a ~in~le and a double from Kent Cham– blee, two singles from pence Latimer , and a double from Jayeson )1cDonald. Allen Buckley (0-2 took the loss despite allow:in!! only four hlts and three walk . He ~r:--lek out nine. EC'~ record went to -12, whlle F..:indE. went to 10-9 • EC 9-6. Jone 5-5: The V>a:~or5 5W~pt the Bobcats Sa:';!rcay in Decatur. In the cpe::.e:-, EC rallied from a 5-0 cefio; witu et~ht run in the Ocr...om of ;.he fifth mrung. In ..::.e comebac frame, EC go: a ~wo-run double from Brent P age , an RBI-double from Toby Pill50n, an RBI-sin· gle from Spence Latimer, and a two-run homer from Patrick Femss J osh Hardy was h1t by a pitch three time::. in the game. J ayeson McDonald got thp complete game win. ' P inson finished the game with a pair of doubles. Ferris :.RTY STAMPER at Spow Edi1or By £X. ...,.--- The Ea~i Central Commu– nit) Colleze Warriors opened S, uth Dh"Lillm play wi~ three \\"1:'' in four nm-es Wt week.. The Werrto:-<> were 10-12 overall enten.n2 r.::.ll we€k. • EC 6-2. Hilld..l 5-3: :-.::e Warrior· o~ned 5.-,.,;.•h Di'ri– sion play wnh a ~;:..: at P.ay- mond MlU"Ch 14 In the opener, EC !CO!"e'd five runs tn the ~op of the ;h!rc inrung to edge the Eagl~. Josh Hardv's three-run homer was the big blow in the lll.Oing. Bren: Page added an RBI -double. After Hinds closed to withm 5-4, Spence Latimer's sacnfice drove m the eventual winning run. Toby Pinson had two sin– gles and a double for EC. Monty Migliacio (2-2) got the win, going 6 2/3 innings and striking out eight. He gave up nine hits but did not sur– render any walks. In the nightcap, H inds snapped a 2-2 tie with a run in APPEARED IN: CARTHAGINIAN___ --:-r---- NESHOBA DEMOCRAT---~....-X~-- NEWTONRECORD___ ____ LAKE MESSENGER_____________ SCOTT COUNTY TIMES___________ UNION APPEAL - ---------- WINSTON COUNTY JOURNAL.____ SPIRIT OF MORTON______ _ MERIDIAN STAR CLARION-LEDGER _ ________ NEWTON MESSENGER WEEK OF ~6===-~--=~___:_ ~-=----=()() :::......::::;; __ ECWarriors sweep Jones 9·5,6·5 South D!\'ISIOn competition is .both of Philadelphia, and Kent tral with two hits apiece. c;ucce-... fully underway for the East Chamblee of Carthage. In nondivision action, the Dia– Central Community College Dia- In game two, which was ham- mond Warriors scored four runs in mond Wamors who swept a double- pered by a 45-minute rain delay, the bottom of the ninth to defeat vis– header trom Jones County Junior East Central scored the winning run iting Three Rivers {Missouri) S-4 on College on Saturday and split action in the bottom of the sixth. Sopho- Sunday, March 12. Freshman hurler with Hind!> Community College on more ace Judd Sanborn of Noxapater Brandon Fish of Demopolis, Ala., March14. gotthewinandimprovedhisrecord went 5 2/3 innings, and was East Central, led by veteran head to 2-0. Allen Buckley of Brandon relieved by sophomore Brad Fairly coach ]anue Clark, has won four of pitched a scoreless seventh inning to of Tuscaloosa and later Jud Nowell its last five contests to improve to 10- record his first save of the 2000 cam- of Philadelphia. Nowell was credit- 12 overall and 3-1 in league play. paign. Pinson led EC with three hits, ed with the win and saw his record In Saturday's matchups with tl;te with Page and Chamblee adding improve to 4-0. McDonald, Pinson visiting Bobcats, East Central won two hits each. and Latimer had two hits each to the first game by a 9-5 margin and Against Hinds, the Diamond lead EC at the plate. completed the sweep with a 6-5 Warriors posted a 6-5 win In game This week's schedule has the dia– score one but fell 3-2 in the nightcap. East mond Warriors playing all games on Sophomore hurler Jayeson Central used a five-run third inning the road. EC traveled to Gulf Coast McDonald of Tuscaloosa went the to rally for the win, with the key on Tuesday, March 21 for double– distance m game one, as he fanned blow coming from a three-run header action at 4 p.m. in six and allowed seven hits to homer by Josh hardy of Philadel- Poplarville, followed by a single improve his record to 2-3. The Bob- phia. Pinson led the EC offensive contest with Mississippi Delta at 2:30 cats had jumped out to a 5-0 lead in • attack with three hits. Freshman p.m. on Thursday, March 23 in the bottom of the fifth, but the dia- hurler Monte Migliacio of Plaquem- Moorhead. EC jou rneys to Pearl mond Warriors erupted for eight ine, La., was credited with the victo- River on Saturday March 25 in dou– runs in the bottom of the inning. Key ry, and his twin, Mario got the save. bleheader action that gets underway hits during the rally included a two- In the second game, Buckley got at 1 p.m. in Poplarville. The Dia– run homer by Patrick Ferriss of Clin- the loss although he had another mond Warriors end the week chal– ton and a double from Toby Pinson sta ndout performance on the lenging East Mississippi in a single of Little Rock. Ferris and Pinson mound, as he recorded nine strike- 1 game at 6 p.m. Monday, march 27 on each had two hits in the contest, as outs and allowed just four hits. the Scooba campus. did Spence Latimer and Brent Page, Latimer and Chamblee led East Cen- APPEARED IN : LAKE MESSENGER____ ~~------ SCOTT COUNTY TIMES__ ~--=------- UNION APPEAL -------------- WINSTON COUNTY JOURNAL,_______ SPIRIT OF MORTON_____________ NEWTON MESSENGER CARTHAGINIAN_____________ NESHOBADEMOCRAT_______ NEWTONRECORD~~~------ MERIDIAN STAR CLARION-LEDGER __________ WEEKOF _3~l~-~~\_00 _______ EC Warriors split division games improved to 5-3 in the South Division with Saturday's sweep at Poplarville. In the opener, the Warriors snapped a 1-1 tie with four runs in the top of the fourth inning. After P earl River closed to within 5-4 with three runs in the bottom of the fourth, EC tallied twice in the top of the fifth. Justin Webb had two dou– bles and a single to lead EC. Kent Chamblee and Jayeson McDonald both had a double, while Toby Pinson, Patrick Fer– ris, Judd Sanborn, and Chuck Welch each had a single. Brandon Fish (1-3) got the win in relief. Clay Hannaford (4-1) took the loss. Spence Latimer had a pair of singles in the second game as the Warriors completed the sweep. EC scored two runs in both the third and fourth frames. Monty Migliacio, Allen Buckley, and J udson Nowell combined for a three-hitter with Migliacio (3-3) going five innings for the win. Chamblee, Webb, and Brent Page each had a single for EC, 12-15. Pearl River fell to 16-12-1 overall and 4-2 in league play. South Division Standings (Through March 26) S ns F.d tor ng twice at Gulf ce at Mississippi East Central Com– College Warriors nded to take a pair of Dt\-:t on games at Pearl ... urday afternoon. EC as 5-3 in the division 12-15 0'\erall entering this • Gulf Coast 3-7, EC 2-1: i\"arnors fell to 3-3 in the Dh"lSlon and 10-14 over– they were swept on -1 at Perkinston. the opener, LSU signee Ro) Col"C'Oran (5-2) struck out 1 even innings for the B-....'""'6"'· EC led 2-0 after scoring m the top of the fourth. ·to-back homers by LSUt Trae Duncan and l Redmond pulled Gulf :-en. The Warriors got a single a d a double from Jayeson McDonald and a single apiece and Gulf Coast 5-1 4-2 4-2 5-3 2-5 2-6 Copiah-Lincoln Pearl River East Central Hinds Jones Southwest 1-4 Alec Gibson combined to strike out 17 Warriors. EC got a single apiece from Webb, Kent Chamblee, Toby Pinson, and Lee Martin. Allen Buckley (0-3) took the loss. Gulf Coast improved to 19-8 overall and 5-1 in the division. • Miss. Delta 16, EC 4: The Trojans scored five runs in the second and third innings in run-ruling the Warriors in five innings Thursday at Moor– head. EC got a single and a dou– ble from Kent Chamblee, two singles from Spence Latimer, and a single apiece from Amos Thames and Judd Sanborn. Brad Farley took the loss. EC fell to 10-15 as Delta l upped its mal'k to 8-15. • EC 7-5, Pearl River 4-1: The Warriors snapped a three– game losing streak and Ju tm Webb and Brent Monty Migliacio (2-3) e ln~:o. the nightcap, LSU signee Bu er, Joe Rankin, and APPEARED IN: LAKE lESSENGER______________ SCOTT COU TY TIMES.______ _ UN I0 APPEAL - -------------- WINSTO COUNTY JOURNAL.____ SP IRIT OF MORTON_ ___________ CARTHAGINIAN____----:-;--- NESHOBA DEMOCRAT_-L.....;,;,______ NEWTON RECORD_______ MERIDIAN STAR CLARION-LEDGER _ _________ NEWTO MESSENGER o-Lin sweeps Eas Richard Dark ------ --- Meridian Star DECATUR With 21 games left in the season, Jamie Clark fee ls his East Central Community College Warriors are not a very good baseball team. They certain ly didn't do much to disprove that school of thought Wednesday evening by dropping a doubleheader to the Copiah-Lincoln Community College Wolves, 6-5 in the rain- delayed ------- opener and Co-Lin 11-8 in the 6 11 nightcap. • callin~ ~rd for the Warriors of ECCC both of the conteHLH UH Warrior pitching failed to um;wcr the call. "(Allen) Buckley was nil over the place tonight, and r thought we left (Jud) Nowell in a few pitches too long. We're not Lhe kind of team l.hat is good enough to win close games ifwe don't do the little things right," Clark said. Although the Warrior ski p– per refused to buy into the notion after game one, a pletho– ra of errors that seemed to be aided by poor field conditions at Chris Gay Memorial Field went a long way toward deciding the final outcome. After initial starter Monty l\1igliacio struggled early, giving '·'P two runs on four hits in the fia 'i'l. anning, brother Mario came not be ing oblc to hold lcadH lute in clmw games held up in Paula Merritt/The Meridian Star A MIGHTY CUT - East Central Patrick Ferriss smashes an RBI-double ;to center field while Copi£th-Lincoln catcher Breck Honea watches. Ferriss was thrown out at third trying to stretch the do~uble to a triple. back lo finll tu (•nd tho inning, tho Wolv<•» hnd ~~ivl'n 111> thret' runA <•II t w o 1Jit8 fllld thrc" e rrw L~O~zti~~ ECC.C on lh1 I.~< Itard. to make some noi~e of their own. Mer Chuck Welch took third on a pa ir of Co-Lin throwing errors, center fielder Brent Page blas ted nn RBl d9uble l C) got to his aid and settled down the Wolfpack bats somewhat to get ECCC (13-15, 5-5) in position to compete. Down 4 -0 in the third, it would be time for the Warriors Toby Pin sort then popped a single, hut the ~·omedy of errors conlilllwd. fin• tho Wolves and by the tinw Co · bin Rlartcr Nick SmiU1 got .hu;t'i" Webb to bloop L 4UZ- ~ W _] C/) ::::> 3:: C/) z I .. ~ . ..~ • CCC iamond Warriors sweep Pearl .River t Central Community College clai~ed a double– of Carthage and Jayeson McDonald of Tuscaloosa, dou– bles each. In the nightcap, the Diamond Warriors posted a 5-1 deciston, with Migliacio (3-3) picking up the win. In doubleheader action scheduled this week, East Central hosts Copiah-Lincoln at 3 p.m. Wednesday, and entertains Southwest at 1 p.m. Saturday. The Diamond Warriors host Bishop State at 3 p.m., April3. header weep O\ cr homestanding Pearl River Communi– t) Co egc on Saturday, which lifted the Diamond War– n rs t a 12-15 overall record and a 5-3 mark in South 01\ on actton. EC took the first game by a score of 7-4, as freshman hur cr Brandon Fish of Demopolis, Ala., improved his record to 1-3. leading hitters for East Central were Justin \\ebb of Philadelphia, two doubles, and Kent Chamblee APPEARED IN: LAKE MESSENGER.____ ~~------ SCOTT COUNTY TlMES______;;.;_______ UN ION APPEAL _______________ WINSTON COUNTY JOURNAL._______ SPIRIT OF MORTON_ ________ NEWTON MESSENGER CARTHAGINIAN_______ NESHOBA DEMOCRAT_ ____ _ NEWTON RECORD____ _ _ MERIDIAN STAR CLARION-LEDGER __________ WEEK OF -~_L_-- ~ 6-~00::::....__::_ __ Ecce Diamond VVarriors Post 2-1 Win over Southwest Sophomore sluggers Toby In the first game, Co-Lin Pinson of Little Rock and Justin jumped out to a 4-0 lead and Webb of Philadelphia had held oo for a 6-5 win. Mario RBI's for East Central Conunu- Migliacio (0-3) of Plaquemine, nity College as the Diamond La., took the loss. Brent Page of Warriors claimed a 2-1 decision Philadelphia led EC at the over visiting Southwest Missis- plate with two hits. sippi Community College in the The Wolves took the nigh t– first game of a Saturday after- cap by an 11-8 score. Judd Now– noon doubleheader. ell (4-1) of Philadelphia was Sophomore hurler Jayeson the losing pitcher. Pinson and McDonald of Tuscaloosa went Kent Chamblee of Carthage the distance for EC, which im- had two hits each to lead th e proved to 14-17 overall and 6-5 Diamond Warriors. in South Division achon. In games scheduled this McDonald scattered five hits in week, East Central has two the seven-inning matchup, and home games scheduled oo improved his record to 3-3. Wednesday, April 5 - a 1 p.m. The second contest was matchup with Holmes Commu– rained out and will be resched- nity College followed by a 5 uled if needed to determine p.m. contest with Mississippi South Division standings. Delta. The Diamond Warriors In other games last week, will host Hinds oo Saturday, the Diamond Warriors dropped April 8, with doubleheader ac– a doubleheader to visiting tion scheduled to start at 1 p.m. Copiah-LincoJn on March 29. at Chris Gay Mekoriai Field. APPEARED IN: CARTHAGINIAN_____________ NESHOBADEMOCRAT________ NEWTONRECORD~~~------ MERIDIAN STAR CLARION-LEDGER ----------- LAKE MESSENGER______________ SCOTT COUNTY TIMES,_ _________ UNION APPEAL --------------- WINSTON COUNTY JOURNAL___ SPIRIT OF MORTON_____________ NEWTON MESSENGER South Division Standings (Through April 2) enabled the Warriors to take Saturday's opener at Decatur. Pinson's two-bagger scored Kent Chamblee who went all the way to third base on a two– base throwing error on his bunt single. The second game was rained out with Southwest leading 3-2 in the top of the third. It will be made up at a later date if it effects postsea– son play for either team. In the opener, EC took a 1- 0 lead in the bottom of the first inning as Pinson singled, stole second, and scored on a single by Justin Webb. EC's only other hit was a single by Chamblee. Southwest knotted the game at 1-1 with a run in the top of the second. J ayeson McDonald (3-3) got the complete game win, strik– ing out three while walking two and allowing five hits. In the rain-suspended sec– ond game, Southwest scor ed single runs in the first, third, and fourth frames. EC closed to within 3-2 with a pair of runs in the bot– tom of the fourth. Pinson led off with a double. Webb 1 reached on an error and McDonald walked to load the bases. A wild pitch plated Pin– son with Webb scoring on Judd Sanborn's sacrifice fly. Pinson's double was EC's only hit off Jeremiah Watson. Southwest had runners at first and second with no outs when the game was halted due to rain. EC improved to 14-17. Gulf Coast 7-1 6-2 6-5 4-4 2-5 2-6 2-6 Copiah-Lincoln baseball action "'tll a fifth- J;ast Central game suspended d~ to $4tur- Pearl River day's ram Southwest L , , Ente r in1 Uai"'"'e~, •*b• W a rrtora were A-I ~ t,ll~~. MACJC South Df~•i4tP ·•od 14-17 overall. • EC 18, J:a.ilt~ · Hinds Jones 11 ;.l•.' ~ • apiece from Toby Pinson and ~: · ,Joah Hardy, and a single from 11: The W amort 13-15 while tlt• • tO~ Kent Chamblee. P.l't'YeH tO . •• Mario Migliacio (0-3) took 13-13 in the th~· -~-«~JI~lf the loss in a six-inning relief hour March 27 Cd ' t•f~ ~ffort. ba. .. . ~ •' · r ·. EC j umped out to a 4-0 lead Justin Webb )(i.L •l' RBI· in the first inning of the night– single and a twm~\able-tO ' ~P with Stovall's bases loaded drive in t h r ee· r.· r;r :Ec.'•. double ~lating three runs. Toby Pinson baa cloulea Co-Lin drew even at 8-8 on and th r ee Rl3It • Jay•aon a two-run pinch-hit homer by McDonald aM X.. ~ee Breck Honea in the top of the both had a aintle aJI1l & dou· sixt h and went up 9-8 in the ble. ' . • · frame wh en Edison Lee Jim Abraham.... m B·for~ . walked , took second on a with a homer fur lut lfiai.: botched pickoff attempt, went sippi. Derek Whltferd aleo had to third on a sacrifice bunt, three hits while .Andy Ray and scored on a wild pitch. had a home~. · The Wolves added a pair of • Copi•h·~~•la •·11, insurance runs in the top of EC 5·8: The WJt'!Vra c:lropped the seventh. doubleheader at'' tur. . lossm rehef. both game~ pf,=l)··~•y's J ?dd s_anborn (2-1) took the In the ol*)'* 1 1J. Mou, EC got a two-run doubl e ton doubled' ~~4';' · .f- 1 ~ i from Jayeson McDo~ald, an single by Joe~~ .,...aiJft1 ·. t,o~. ~!-double f;om Pat.nck Fer- snap a 5-5 de Ji ""'t,p nss, and a smgl~ ap1ece fr?m of the seventh! · . •:., ~ " • Brent Page, Justm Webb, Ntck The Wurion'' ~~~ Wooten, and Spence Latimer. run to third,bUI~ 'tkl,'~'Out EC fell to 13-17 overall and in the bottO!D o(' · ·~·. lt-5 in the South Division. Co- but were unable to · · ;~. :'": •· ·Lin improved to 20-9 and 6-2. EC got an JUl · ·trem ·• • EC 2, Southwest 1: Toby Bren t Pare, a , .... bl' 'tr~· Pinaon's one-out double in the Justin Sto"!lll•. ~l;l}b~ ~ttom of the sixth inn ing ""- -- ..... APPEARED IN: LAKE MESSENGER.______________ CARTHAGINIAN_ __--:;,.....______ NESHOBA DEMOCRA T__:.K~--- SCOTT COUNTY TIMES______ _ _ UNION APPEAL--------- NEWTONRECORD__________ WINSTON COUNTY JOURNAL._____ MERIDIAN STAR SPIRIT OF MORTON_____________ CLARION-LEDGER _________ NEWTON MESSENGER WEEKOF __ ~ -~\ ~0_-~QU~--- uts the broom to Hinds Delta, 14-15. South Division Standings (Through April 9) By MRTY STAMPER lkirz:D<:rat Sp rt Eduor The Ea t Central Commu– n i t) College Warriors won three of the r four baseball game-. )a,.t \\eek, including a South Divi::.ion sweep of Hinds on Saturday. to improve to 17- 18 overall and 8-5 in the divi– sion. • Bishop State at EC, ppd.: The April 3 doublehead– er at Decatur was rained out and has been rescheduled for May 2 at 3 p.m. • EC 20, Holmes 17: After spotting Holmes a 7-1 lead after an inning and a half, the Warriors scored nine runs in the bottom of the third to take a 12-7 lead in Wednesday's slugfest at Decatur. The highlight of the nine– run frame was a grand slam to right field b} Toby Pinson that put EC up 12-7. Holmes tallied three runs in the top of the seventh to take a 15-14 lead but EC scored six runs in the bottom of seventh for the win. Daniel Munn had a two-run single and an RBI-single for EC, 15-17. Jayeson McDonald had two singles and a triple. Spence Latimer and Kent Chamblee each had a pair of REI-singles Kris Moore had a pair of singles and two RBis. Monty Migliacio had two sin– gles. Amos Thames {1-1) got the • EC 3-14, Hinds 1-4: EC improved to 8-5 in the South Division and 17-18 overall with Saturday's sweep at Decatur. In the opener, the Warriors broke up a scoreless battle with a run in the bottom of the fourth. Toby Pinson, Justin Webb, and Patrick Ferris each had a single to load the bases and Judd Sanborn drew a walk to force in a run. Div. 11-3 1 Gulf Coast 2 Copiah-Lincoln .1 East Central 8-2 8-5 8-6 4-9 3-9 3-11 2 Pearl River 1 Southwest 2 Hinds 1 Jones 1 = Division I 2 = Division II while the Warriors had 15. EC added a pair of insur- • Mississippi Delta 15, ance runs in the fifth. Kent EC 9: In Wednesday's second Chamblee and Brent Page game at Decatur, North Alaba- both had a single with Pinson rna signee Jayeson McDonald following with an RBI-single. had a rough start as the Tro- Ferris plated the second run jans tallied 12 earned runs on with a sacrifice. five hits, four walks, three hit Pinson, Webb , and Page batsmen, and a passed ball in each had two singles for EC. just one inning of work. Monty Migliacio (4-3 ) Delta added three more allowed only three hits in get– runs in the top of the second ting the complete game win. off Mississippi State signee He struck out four, walked Allen Buckley to take a 15-0 one, and hit four batters. lead before the Warriors began Hinds' only run came on a to peck away. solo homer by ?? Purvis in the EC scored five times in the top of the seventh. bottom of the fifth and got a In the second game, EC two-run homer from Justin spotted the Eagles a 3-0 lead Webb in the fifth inning and a in the top of t he first inning two-run shot from Brent Page before crossing the plate six in the sixth to close to within t.imes in the bottom of the first. 15-9. EC's key hit in the first was Meanwhile, Mario Migliacio a two-run double by Kris (two innings), Monty Migliacio Moore. In the frame, the War– (two innings ), and Judson riors had five hits. Nowell (three innings) com- Webb added a two-run dou– bined fo r seven shutout ble in the third to give the frames. Warriors a 9-3 lead. McDonald (3- 4) took the Chamblee added a two-run loss. single in the fourth as the Justin Stovall had four sin- Warriors stretched out to an gles for EC, 15-18. Webb also 11-4lead. had a single to go with his Three more runs in the fifth homer. Justin Reed and Hal., ended the game on the run Thompson both had two sin- rule. win with 2 113 innings of relief. He struck out five and allowed two hits and no walks. Brad Russell had a two-run APPEAl homer and a three-run blast for Holmes, 15-17. Robert Fel– LAKE M ton hit for the cycle and had SCOTT five R.Bis. Todd Fowler had two smgles and a two-run UNION ; homer. WINSTC, Holmes banged out 21 hits 1.. VVVI'I I t -- - ---- gles, while Kent Chamblee Mario Migliacio (1-3) got _____ added a double. the complete game win, strik- Nick Gray had a two-run ing out seven and walking ----– double and a two-run single for four. He allowed fOt,J.IjJNt~tJ ·~ CLARION-LEDGER ______ SPIRIT OF MORTON_______ NEWTON MESSENGER.
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