2001 ECCC Newspaper Clippings
Darby inks with ECCC Justin Darby (front row middle), a 6-foot-3, 178-pound senior pitch– er/shortstop from Union High School signed a national letter-of– intent to play baseball at Eas t Cen tral Community College next year. As a junior, Darby batted .536 and hit 15 home runs with 46 RBis and scored 48 runs. On the mound, he was 4-5 with a 2.25 ERA. In one game in 2000, he had 10 RBis with two grand slams. In a 10-2 playoff– clinching win over Nanih Waiya, Darby had two homers and struck out 11. Darby, who will be a sixth– year starter this spring, was named All-Di\'ision 5-lA last year and was chosen t.:nion 's Best Offensive Player and team MVP. With Darby are {seated from left) his parents, Bertha and Jimmy Darby, and (standing) Union baseball coach Sidney W:huUey and ECCC assis– tant co.tch Jake )arborough.
" -----=---------------
Massey becotnes aDiamotu;l Warrior Lake High School senior Jason Massey has 51gned a National Letter of Intent to play baseball for the East Central Community College Diamond Womors Joining Jason at the signing were(seoted from left) Nona Massey and Jason; stand lng(from left) are East Central Coach Jamie Clark, Lake Coach Brian Goodman and Lake High School Principal Randy Mer. . Joson is the son of the late Carl Ray Massey.(Times staff photo by Josh Undsey)
WEEK OF - .:....j:..) k..:...J..JV~D_;__} --- (
AlexShepard u ill play for the Diamond Warriors Alex Shepard(seated, center) hcs gned c :::r. one Letter of Intent tb play baseball for the East Cen– tyraol Community College D amo d We r o s Jo r ng him at the signing were his parents. Kathy Shepard(seated, left) and Gera d Sheparo ( ea-~o r1ght); and standing(from left) Jonathan Jones. Sebastopol baseball coach Jam~e Cbrk.. ECCC head baseball coach, and Jake Yarbrough, ECCC assis– tant baseball coach(Tlmes staff photo by Davia Ho\alodns)
WEEK OF ~ {2/0(
The East Central Com–
muni ty Coilege ba cbaH team kicks off the 200 1 ..,ca– son Saturday afternoon at 1 p.m. at Decatur ~hen Be\ Ill (Ala.) State Communu\ College pay · a , ;,; 1 fo; a doubleheader.
Stovall set to r play big role for Warriors ·
By AUSTIN BISHOP Sports Editor
ECCC Schedule
OECATLR - Former Ne!>hoba CemralH :.-..,School baseball standout Tmt tO\- - pla~ a major part in Easl Cemral Communi!) College's dri'~ to IJlltiO''e on l February - 2, Bevill (Ala.) State (DH), 1 p.m.; 14, Northwest (DH), 1 p.m.; at Sumiton (Ala.), (DH), Noon; 20, at Mississippi Delta, (DH), 1 p.m.; 23, at Meridi– an 1n Rush Classic, 3 p.m.; 24, vs. Jones in Rush Classic at MCC, Noon 25, vs. East Mississippi in Rush ClaSSIC at MCC, Noon. March - 1, Lincoln Trail (Ill.), 10 a rn 1 Delgado (La.), 4 p.m.: 5 vs MISSISSippi Delta at Choc.aw Certral High School, 5 p m: • 0 at Jones DH). 2 p.m.; 14 Three R vers Mo (DH). 1 p.m.: J5, Su- '00 Ala.). (DH). 1 p.m F Gtr' Coast DH). 1 p.m.; 20 Pear1 R1ver. (DH), 2 p.m.; 24, at Co-Lin, (DH), 1 p.m., 28, at Southwest, (DH), 4 p.m.; 31. at ltawamba, (DH), Noon. April ~- 3, at Hinds, (DH), 4 p.m.; 4, East Mississippi, 6 p.m. · 7, Jones, (DH), 1 p.m.; 10, at Gulf Coast (DH), 4 p.m.; 13, at Pearl River, (DH), 1 p.m.; 17, Co-Lin, (DH), 3 p.m.; 18, at Northwest, (DH), 1 p.m.; 21. Southwest, (DH), 1 p.m.; 23, ltawamba, (DH), 3 p.m.. 25, at Bevill (Ala.) State, (DH) 2 p m . 28, Hinds, (DH), 1 p.m the oraer. Clark said he was dtsappomted in last year's record, but felt that could be turned around. ''That's the worse record we have had since 1988,'' he said. "But there were a lot of reasons for that. One of them was we didn't h.it.'' Despite a shaky regular season. the Warriors came close to pulling a major upset in the postseason. They led Gulf Coast by rwo runs with just one out to go in the bonom of the last inning before the Bulldogs rallied to rake the win. APPEARED IN : CARTHAGINIAN.________ _ __ NESHOBA DEMOCRAT.,_)o _______ NEWTON RECORD ' ------------------- MERIDIAN STAR.____ ___ CLARION-LEDGER._ ____ _ LAKE MESSENGER___________ SCOTT COUNTY TIMES___ _____ UNION APPEAL ______ _ _ _ WINSTON COUNTY JOURNAL.___ _ _ SPIRIT OF MORTON_ _ _____ NEWTON MESSENGER Ec.cc then lost to ~tJssi,,ippi Dl!lta m lhe next game to be eliminat– ed from !he toumamenr. T~1e Warriors will be depending hcavdy 011 their pitching lhis season. The two ·'big"' keys in lhe pitching rotJ.LJon '' II bet in' \f "0 Mt':!liacio and b:Je !\ - - • ~ apbea jliL"bin~ ," Clar\: saJd. 'That ~om; to be one of our major •.trengtlli. And Mario and ~fonte obvi– Oll'.. J: pia) a preny big role m lhat. n e) are good. smart pitchers who ft'.>w hO\\ to use their defense and get und ball outs... The Warriors v.ill be counting on mores Da' 1d Ryan and Brandon round out lhe tarting rotation. 0. · said Fish. a left-bander. ~.~llv hold t.be kev to lhe sue– the ·pitching staff.' ;\e are looking for big things out for ' ure."' Clark said. Olhels bemg counted on to help on the pttctling mound are Core¥ Amis -h:n\n Soulier. Dustin Mage~. Chri~ ~.Corey Blackwell and Ja~on \\ ooten. Bauling for playing time at first b~e \\ill be ~lugging freshman Adam \1cCurdy and the Migliacio brothers. Stovall and Josh Thoms will be sharing time at second base and short– stop with freshman Dee Homsbun!er of 'Joxapater .:.~1'() ~ ..tt :.!1 le 21 ;han 0.., al third Chane) \\ill al~o share catching duties \\ith Kenny Stewart. "We will be exceptionally strong defensviely behind the plate."' Clark said. "We have two good catchers who can both get the job done. Over the course of the season we are going to need them both." Fom1er Leake Academy standout Kent Chamblee is penciled in to bat lead-off and play center field for tbe Warriors, while Hal Thompson and Louis Bradford will share time in right. Reed, Thompson and Soulier will all be vying for time in left. The Waniors open their season at home on Saturday when Bevill (Ala.) State Communit~Collcge pays a visit for a I p.m. doubleheader. ECCC will also take part in lhe Rush Cla... -.ic Feb. 23-25. WEEK 0 F ----1..d"+-1. fr--5'PI 61-\-, --- EC leans on heaters '· to lead freshmen With mairily fre-hmen on ips 23-man roster. Ea:,-r Central ~~tnmunuy llege bead base– southpaw Dustin Magee (6-1, 190), Shawn Soulier (6-1, 195); J ason Wooten (5-10, 160), Corey Blackwell (5-10, 160), Chris Comans (6-1, 190) and Corey Amis (6-0, 185). Top returning hitters include outfielder Kent Chamblee (5-11, 175) of Carthage, third baseman Justin Reed (59-185), second baseman Turk Stovall (5-11 , 163) and outfielder Hal Thompson (5-9, 165). Last year Chamblee appeared in 223 innings and batted .336 with six doubles and eight RBis. He also scored 22 runs. Reed posted a .409 batting average through 57 113 innings and had five doubles. Stovall batted .255 (122 innings) and Thompson had a .250 average through 41 innings. Clark said he is "especially pleased" with h is freshman players who include, in addi– tion to the Previously men– tioned pitch ers, shortstop/out– fielder Dee Hornsburger (5-8, 155), shortstop Josh Thoms (5- 9, 170), outfielder Lewis Bradford (6-1, 183), third base– man/catcher Josh Chaney (5- 10, 165), outfielder Ryan Renfrow (5-9, 175) of Sebastopol, outfielder Dwight Brannon (6-3, 210), catcher Kenny Stewart (6-3, 170); first baseman Adam McCurdy (6-3, 205) and outfielder Robert 7 Oswalt (6-1, 205). J ake Yarborough begins his first year as assistant coach . Managers are Jason Mangrum, Micah Weems and Amanda Nazary of Edinburg. ball coach Jamie Clark expects his p1tching staff- led by oph– omore twins Mario and Monte Migliac1o - to be the dominat– '1ng force on this year's squad. Clark, now m h1s 14th sea– i'On at the Warrior helm, also anticipates a "turnaround" from last year's team, which ~!finished 20-27 yet still quali– fied - for the fifth straight year - to compete in the Region 23 Tournament. A glimpse of just how effec– th·e the Diamond Warrior hurlers will be during the 2001 campaign will be evident on Saturday. Feb. 10. when East Central begins sea:.on action by hosting Be\ill State. in dou– ble-header action beginning at 1 p.m. on Chris Gay IV Memorial Field. Last year Monty (6-3, 195) osted a 5-5 mark and regis– ~red a team-best 2.74 earned n average. He also had 60 rik.eouts and allowed just 11 alks. Although Mario 6-4, 90) had a losing record on the mound, he had a respectable .86 ERA and fanned 50 bat– rs. Both are right-banders. Other returning hurlers ipclude southpaw Brandon ~sh (6-6, 195), and right-han– der David Ryan (6-5, 195). Fish posted a 2-4 record ~ d fanned 29 batters in just 113 innings of work. Ryan nly made a brief appearance lr the mound. Both players ad their seasons cut short due arm injuries but have since made a full recovery and will &turn to the pitching rotation. Freshman hurlers are APPEARED IN: LAKE MESSENGE SCOTT COUNTY. UNION APPEAL _ WINSTON COUNl SPIRIT OF MORT~ NEWTON MESSE ::..._________ Former Diamond Warrior RAT______ _ WEEK OF a)~b/ EastCentral DiamondWarriors will rely on a field of freshman talent for the 2001 season With mainly freshmen on his 23-man ro-ter, East Cen– tral Community College head baseball coach jamJe Oark expects his pitching staff- led by sophomore tw - 1-Urio and Monte Migliacio of Plaquemme, La -to be the domi– natmg force on this year's squad. Clark, now in his 14th season at the Diamc:nd \"a.mor helm, also anticipates a "turnaround• from last \""eat' team, which finished 20-27 ) et still qualified- ~the fifth straight year- to compete m the Region 23 Tour– nament. A glimpse of just how effect1ve the Da:oond Warrior hurlers will be dunng the :!001 campaign will be t>vident on Saturda) February 10, when Eac;t Central becins season action by hosting Bevill _tate Community College of FayeHe Ala m double header action beginntng at 1 p m on Chris Gay IV Memonal Fteld. Last year Monte (6-3, 195) posted a 5-5 mark and registered a team be<:t-2.74 earned run average. He also had 60 strikeouts an allowed just 11 walks. Although Mano 6- 4, 190) had a losing record on the mound. he had a respectable 3.86 ERA and fanned 50 batters. Both are right-hander-; Other returrung hurlers mclude ,outhpaw fanned 29 batters in JUSt 29 1/3 truungs of \ · Ryan only made a brief appearance on the mound 8oth play– ers had their sea.,ons cut short due to arm m unes but have since made a full recovery and wtll return to the pitching rotation. Freshman hurlers are southpa\\ Dustin McGee (6-1, 190) of Hickory, Shawn Soulier (6-1, 195) of 'ew Roads, Brandon Fish (6-6, 195) of Demopol " Ala and right-hander David Rvan (6-5, 195) of Tuscaloosa. Fish posted a 2-4 record and La ; Jason Wooten (5-10, 160) of Lake, Cort:y Blackwell (5-10, 160) of Nanih Waiya, Chrts Comans (6 1, 175) of :\ewton and Corey Amis (6-0, 185) of Decatur. Top returning hitters include outfielder Kent Ch,lm– blee (5-11, 175) of Carthage, thtrd baseman Justm Reed (5-9, 185) of Louisville, second ba :eman Turk Stovall (5- 11, 163) of Philadelphia and outfielder Hal Thomp– son (5-9, 165) of West Point Last year Chamblee appeared m 223 mmngs and batted .336 wtth six doubles and e1ght RBis. He also scored 22 runs. ReC'd postt•d a .409 batting average through 57 '1 /3 innings and had five doubles. Stovall bat– ted .255 (122 innings) and Thompson had a .250 average through 41 mnings. Clark said he is "especially pleased" with his freshmen players who indude, in addition to the previously mentioned pitchers, shortstop I out fielder Dee Hornsburger (5 ·8, 155) of Noxapater, shortstop Josh Thorn~ (59, 170) of t-.:ewton, outfielder Lewis Bradford (6-1, 183) of Htll~bon), third baseman/catcher Josh Chaney (5-10, 165) of Lit– tle Rock, outfielder Ryan Renfrow (5 9, l75 of Sebastopol, outfielder Dwight Bannon (6-3, 21 0) of Decatur, catcher Kenny Stewart (6-3, 170) of Citronelle, Ala.; first baseman Adam McCurdy (6-3, 205) ot Morton and outfielder.Robert Oswalt (6-1, 205) of Nanih Waiya. Former Diamond Warrior Jake Yarborough of Union begins his first year as assistant coach. Man.:tgers are Jason Mangrum of Kosciusko, Micah Weems of Lake and Amanda Nazary of Edinburg. In addition to the season opener with 13e"ill Stale February 10, The Diamond Warriors will be ,,t home February 14 against Northwest MissJssippt Commumty College before starting a five game road series. APPEARED IN : LAKE MESSENGER SCOTT COUNTY TIM-:-:E:-=S:--YJ:------- UNION APPEAL '1"'7 WINSTON COUN'=TY:-:-:J:-:=0-:-U:-:-R-N_A_L____ SPIRIT OF MORTON NEWTON MESSENG-=E=R---- -- CARTHAGINIAN NESH0 BA D EMO~C::-:R=-A:-:T=------ NEWTON RECORD MERIDIAN STAR ------ CLARION-LEDGER ------- Meridian Star Page 1 of3 0 11'1 0 11 ~lnd The ~=dian It It It Closs1f1eds Online from Eastern Mississippi - www.meridianst•r.com Ji ""'j rur ~asaaess an ~~ -l Star Search I Friday, February 09, 2001 I LOCAL SPORTS East Central swings into action By Austin Bishop/Special To The f md 3 Car ~ Online ••IIIII!!!••••••-~ Star Feb . 8,2001 * Home * News Stones DECATUR- Opponents of the East Central Community College baseball team will definitely be seerng double this year, and veteran ECCC head coach Jamie Clark hopes they hate every mtnute of it. * ~--- News Columns * l:::datonals ___ _. * Letters * LOCdl """"' I * Spans Columns * Scof'eboard * Lrlestyles -· * t'-nqagemerrls * Weddmg:; ~-----1 * .1\nnavcrsancs ---i * Obrtuane:. "Our pitching staff will definitely be built around the Migliacio boys," Clark said of twins Mario and Monte. The 6-foot-4 right-handers were keys to last year's team and are expected to be the big guns this time out. "Overall I am really pretty upbeat about our pitching," Clark said. 'That ts going to be our strength. And Mario and Monte obviously play a pretty big role in that. They are good, smart pitchers who know how to use their defense and get ground ball outs." The Warriors went 20-29 last year, which is something that irks Clark a little. "That's the worse record we had since 1 988," Clark said. "But there were a lot of reasons for that. One of them was we didn't hit." Despite the losing mark, ECCC qualified for the Region 23 tournament and came within an eyelash of beating Gulf Coast. one of the tournament favorites, in the first round . "We were ahead of them 6-4 and were one out away, but we just couldn't get it done," Clark satd. The next day ECCC fell to Mississippi Delta in a tight game and was eliminated. "I think this year's team is going to be a better hitting team than last year's," Clark said. "But we still are going to have to create some things. We won't have as much power as we have had in years past." While Clark said his Warriors would be wide-open on the base paths and wouldn't hesitate to steal bases or bunt the runners over, he also said they would have to be smart. * Educulion * Busmess * t:nterbanmenl * C.Jiendar * Cuer;tboolc * ~--- M•Cie Search --- * Info Oe:;k * ~-- OurSWif * Subscnpl~ * OurAdv~ * WebSite Dem~ _j * rhe Star Store_j http://www.meridianstar.com/meridian.../myarticles.asp?H= 1&S=584&P=347012&PubiD=603 2 9 0 I Page 2 of3 .teridian Star "We can't afford to be running into any outs," he said. "We need to be smart base runners and not give outs away." While Clark said the pitching staff could be the strength , he also said he is pleased with the freshman catching duo he has in Josh Chaney and Kenny Stewart. "We will be exceptionally strong defensively, and I like the way they handle the pitchers," he said. "With me I look at my catcher in terms of defense and anything offensively is a bonus." A couple pitchers Clark hopes those catchers are playing defense for often are left-hander Brandon Fish and right-hander David Ryan . Fish, a 6-foot-6 sophomore from Demopolis, Ala. , is coming off an injury-plagued year. "If we can get him back and he is strong, that will be a big, big plus for us," Clark said. "He really is a good pitcher and has some nice stuff." Two other guys being counted on heavily on the mound are Corey Amis of Newton County High School and Shawn Soulier from New Roads, La. Other pitchers on the squad are Jason Wooten, Dustin Magee, Corey Blackwell and Chris Comans. When they are not pitching, the Migliacio twins will be playing first base or seeing action at destgnated hitter. Also in the hunt for playing time at first is Adam McCurdy. "He has some power and I like the way he has swung the bat," Clark said. "He could play first or DH. We will try to get his bat in there somewhere." The middle infield will be made up of Neshoba Central's Turk Stovall and Newton High School's Josh Thoms. Stovall will likely start at second, with Thoms at short, but the two can be flip-flopped. "Those two, in addition to Dee Hornsburger who will see some time at shortstop, make us very solid up the middle defensively," Clark said. Justin Reed and Soulier will battle for time at third base, while Chaney may play some third as well when he is not behind the plate. Center field will be held down by one of last year's leading hitters, Kent Chamblee. Hal Thompson or Louis Bradford will play right, while Reed , Thompson or Soulier could play in left field. Others being counted on to provide depth for the Warriors, who compete in the MACJC's South Division , are Ryan Renfrow, Dwight Brannon and Robert Oswalt. Clark said his Warriors have another ambitious schedule this season. "The best teams we will play this year, in no particular order, will be Bevill (Ala .), Northwest, Meridian and Gulf Coast," Clark said. While Gulf Coast is a division foe and the Warriors won't face them until the Bulldogs pay a visit on March 17. ECCC doesn't wait long before they face the other three. http://www.meridianstar.com/meridian.../myarticles.asp?H=1&S=584&P=347012&PubiD=603 1 9 0 l .!ridian Star Page 3 of3 East Central opens the season Saturday, when Bevill pays a visit at 1 p.m. for a doubleheader, while Northwest is next with a Valentine's Day visit to Decatur for a doubleheader that also begins at 1 p.m. On Feb . 23-25 the Warriors take part in the Rush Classic at Scaggs Field on the campus of Meridian Community College where the Warriors will face MCC on Friday, Jones on Saturday and East Mississippi on Sunday. Another tough team that ECCC plays is Delgado of New Orleans, La., which pays a visit for a s1nge game on March 1 . "We are really looking forward to it," Clark sai.d. 'We think we can be competitive. If our pitching and defense can keep us in the game, we have a chance to win a few." © 2000 The Meridian Star All Rights Reserved. http://www.meridianstar.com/meridian.../myarticles.asp?H= l&S=584&P=347012&PubiD=603 2 9 01 WEEKOF ~~J)~~ ~)/~0_ 1 ______ Scott Count) DianzondWarriors APPEARED IN: LAKEMESSENGER__ ~---------- SCOTT COUNTY TIMES__:Y_____ UNION APPEAL ------------- WINSTON COUNTY JOURNAL_ ___ SPIRIT OF MORTON_______ NEWTON MESSENGER ________ CARTHAGINIAN_______ NESHOBADEMOCRAT_________ NEWTON RECORD___________ MERIDIAN STAR_______ CLARION-LEDGER.__________ WEEK OF "'""""'"d +-'-']/ ~ }~-=-~6} ___ ----------~--~~-- Pitching to play big role in EC's success With mainl\ on his Nanih Waiya, Chris Comans (6- 1, 190) of Newton, and Corey Amis (6-0, 185) of Decatur. Top returning hitters include outfielder Kent Chamblee (5-11, 175) of Leake Academy, thjrd baseman Justin Reed (5-9, 185) of Louisville, second baseman Turk Stovall (5-11; 163) of Neshoba Central, and outfielder Hal Thompson (5-9, 165) of West Point. Last year Chamblee appear– ed in 223 innings and batted .336 with six doubles and eight RBis. He also scored 22 runs. Reed posted a .409 batting average through 57 1 I 3 innings and had five doubles. Stovall batted .255 (122 innings) and Thompson had a .250 average through 41 innings. Oark said he is "especially 23-man ro::.ter. Eas! Cer..t:"al Community CoDe-:e i"liU.:: :Ja.se– ball coach Janue aa: ex~ his pitching staff - ec ~ s-Opho– more m·ins Ma.."'lO arc Monte Migliacio of Plaque::r-..u'\e La. - to– be the dominating force on this year's squad. Clark. nm-.· in his 1 ~th season at the Warrior helm, also antici– pates a "turnaround from last year's team, which finished 20- 27 yet still qualified -for the fifth straight year - to compete in the Region 23 Tournament. Last year Monte (6-3, 195) posted a 5-5 mark and registered a team-best 2.74 earned run average. He also had 60 strike– outs and allowed just 11 walks. Although Mario (6-4, 190) had a losing record on the this spring pleased with hie;.~~: play– ers who include ~r. adetti'~n to the previously mentioned p\tch– ers, shortstop outfielder Dee Homsburger (5-8, 155) of "oxa– pater, shortstop Josh Thoms 5-~, 170) of Newton, outfielder lev.'lS Bradford (6-1, 183) of Scott Central, third baseman! catcher Josh Chaney (5-10, 165} of Newton County, outfielder Ryan Renfrow (5-9, 175) of Sebastopol, outfielder Dwight Brannon \t>-3, 210) of Newton County, catcher Kenny Stewart {6-3, 170) of Citronelle, Ala.; fi~t baseman Adam McCurd~ (:>-3 :: -) of Morton and outfielGer Robert Oswalt' l6-l, 205 of ~anih Waiya. Former Diamond Warrior Jake Yarbo- Uruon begins his fus :~ as ~ tant coach. ' APPEARED IN: LAKE MESSENGER____________ SCOTT COUNTY TIMES______ UNION APPEAL _:_)(}~------ WINSTON COUNTY JOURNAL_ _____ SPIRIT OF MORTON____ _ _ _ "''"'" fHAGINIAN________ NESHOBADEMOCRAT_________ NEWTON RECORD___________ MERIDIAN STAR_________ CLARION-LEDGER.__________ EWTON MESSENGER WEEK OF ;:l.-1 ('1 I{)/ Photo by Aust1n Bishop Philadelphia High School pitcher/first baseman Caleb Breland, front row center, recently signed a schol– arship to play baseball for East Central Commun ty College next season. Pictured with Breland are his father Steve Breland, front row left. and hts mother Pam Breland. On the back row are PHS head base– ball coach Scott Hill and East Central asststant coach Jake Ya•brough APPEARED IN: LAKE MESSENGER SCOTT COUNTY TIM•-=-E_S _ _ _ _ _ _ UNION APPEAL WINSTON COUN·-=T:-::Y:--:J--:0-U_R_N_A_L _ _ _ _ SPIRIT OF MORTON NEWTON MESSENG-=E=R- - - --- CARTHAGINIAN NESHOBA DEMo=-c=-=RA=--T- )y ____ NEWTON RECORD 1 MERIDIAN STAR ----- - - CLARION-LEDGER ·----------------- Bradfo eason Win the 'e\enth inning gave East Central Community rurut) College and salvaged a split of the February sea.'On \\ m for East Central ( 1-3). which began the Sta!eC~mmunity College ofFayette. Ala., on Febru– bool ,w_ndout's gamewinning hit was freshman Kenny ~ dl'rd on a sacrifice bunr by sophomore Justin Reed ot Demo poll,. Ala.. was the winning pitcher. The Dia- EC DECATCR-F reshman College a 6-4 ''m O\ en , 14 doubleheader at Chns Ga_ Bradford's bla.-;t c<>Ire m the "" 200 l campaign b~ k 'l-IDg a ~lt'h!'"al'lol'r ary 10. Also scoring on the fOrmer Stewart ofCitronelle. A.la . \\ho eariterdO.l.Itl~'.:l of Louisville. Sophomore ..outhpa\\ B mond Warriors fell4-l m the fiN game' East Central returns to action on T uesda~. Fe"~ _ m doumebeader action that gets underv.:ay at I p.m. on the Mississippi Delta Communir:- Colle_..e cam;m m Moorhead. In other games this week. the Diamond Warnono. mil parunpate m the annual Rush Classic scheduled February 23-25 at Mendian Community College East Central begms wurnamem acuon b~ chal engmg MOC at3 p. m. Friday. The Diamond Warriors will take on Jones Countv Juninr roliPoP ~• nnnn lln.. n!P ~:w Mississippi Community College at noon Sunday. APPEARED IN: LAKEMESSENGER.~XP------------ SCOTT COUNTY TIMES__;______ _ UNION APPEAL ______ _ _ WINSTON COUNTY JOURNAL_ _ _ _ SPIRIT OF MORTON_______ CARTHAGINIAN_________ NESHOBA DEMOCRAT_____ ~----------------- MERIDIAN STAR.________ CLARION-LEDGER_______ NEWTON RECORD ?(. NEWTON MESSENGER wEEK oF ~[ lq[o 1 al so baiJ back opener arriors down aseball action Sofbomore ~outhpaw Brandon Fish ( J -0) of Demopo– \\3" the \\ inning p1tcher. Diamond Warriors fell 4-1 m lhe first game. Central returns to action on Tuesday. Feb. 20, in tb:i~le:ld4eT action that gets under way at I p.m. on the !=!'::::::iSq.pi De.. a Community College campus in Moor- ' r game~ this week, the Diamond Waniors will -:=:~:am lhe annual Rush Classic scheduled Feb. 23-25 Commumt)- College. Cm!ral begm tournament action by challenging p. m. Friday. The D1amond Warriors will take on 1 College at noon Saturday and will bat- .__........,.ppt C<>mmunity College at noon Sunday. standout's game-winnine of Citronelle. Ala.• \\00 on a sacrifice bunt b) sop!tlc:r.:~ APPEARED IN: LAKE MESSENGER______________ SCOTT COUNTY TIMES_________ UNION APPEAL ________ _ WINSTON COUNTY JOURNA ____ SPIRIT OF MORTON_ _________ NEWTON MESSENGER !~- AGI NIAN___-,--___ = s - OBA DEMOCRAT~Y~----- =:.· - o N RECORD ------------------- · =~ J IAN STAR________ - - ~ 0 -LEDGER ------------------- WEEK OF ~c1 ~~~ q ...!........- 1 d_{ __ APPEARED IN: LAKE MESSENGER____________ SCOTT COUNTY TIMES_ _____ UNION APPEAL - ----------- WINSTON COUNTY JOUR AL______ SPIRIT OF MORTON_______ CARTHAGINIAN_ _ _____ NESHOBA DEMOCRAT_____ NEWTONRECORD~------ MERIDIAN STAR._ ______ CLARION-LEDGER_ _____ NEWTON MESSENGER ECCC DIAMOND WARRIORS- Read) to be-;:.n the 2001 campaign are members of the East Central Community College ba eball team who include (kneeling from left) shortstop/outfielder Dee Homsbun:er of ~oupater, shortstop Josh Thoms of Newton, outfielder Hal Thompson of West Point. second baseman Turk Stovall of Philadelphia, third baseman Justin Reed of Louis,;Ue, outf elder Lewis Bradford of Forest and righ t– handed pitcher Jason Wooten of Lake; (middle row, from left) pitcher/outfielder Shawn Soulier of New Roads, La.; third ba--eman/catcher Josh Chaney of Little Rock, right– handed pitcher Corey Blackwell of :-\anih Wa;ya, outfielder Kent Chamblee of Carthage, left-handed pitcher/first baseman Dustin fagee of Hickory, right-handed pitcher Corey Antis of Decatur and outfielder R an Renfrow of Sebastopol; and (top row, from left) right-handed pitchers/first basemen \.lonte Migliacio and Mario Migliacio of Plaquemine, La.; first baseman Adam McCurd; .,: \.lorton. right-handed tpitcher David Ryan of Tuscaloosa, Ala.; second baseman Turk Sto,all of Philadelphia, catcher Kenny Stewart of Citronelle, Ala.; outfielder Dwight Brannon of Decatur and outfielder Robert Oswalt of Nanih Waiya. Managers are Jason Mangrum of Kosciusko, Micah Weems of lake and Amanda Nazary of Edinburg. Jamie Clar · is head coach and Jake Yarborough serves as assistant coach. (E Photo) APPEARED IN: LAKE MESSENGER______________ SCOTT COUNTY TIMES UNION APPEAL --------- WINSTON COUNTY JOURNAL ----- SPIRIT OF MORTON ----- --- - - - NEWTON MESSENGER CARTHAGINIAN NESHOBADEMO~C~RA~T~------- NEWTONRECORD~~ --------- MERIDIAN STAR C LARION-LEDGE=R----------- WEEK OF J. j ak?) 0) lE C· 6-5 n·in over El\IC n1ark 350th victory for Diamond'' arrior coach one for Diamond Warrior head Jairte Clark, '"ho notched his \l.lD ". fa t Central Clark has led prog ·am smce 1987. In addition to hts clutch hit– MJ~hn..to, a sophomore right– from Plaquemme. La., pitched en ~trong mmngs to earn his first m of me season for the 2-6 Diamond 10• s sl\lh-ummg homer scored lial Thompson of West T rl: Sto\ all of :--:eshoba :Inch :a' e EC a 4- ~ lead The Ltons ned the comest m the top of the ::.e\enth. but he Dt3lllonJ Wamors re– sponded "'Hh £\\ o runs tn the bottom of the inmng thanks to an RBI smgle h] Thompson and Sto,all's RBI double. Thompson led East Central at the plate'" tth three singles. Stovall and Jo~h Chane), a r\ewton County High School product, had two hits each. In other tournament acun, East Central fell 14-8 to Jones County Jumor College onSaturday and lost 12- 5 to host MCC on Friday night. The Dtamond Warno~s collected 15 hits aga nst :\..fendtan. with Thompson's fo r smgles leadmg the attack. Chaney and Dee IIomsburgerofLouisville had three hits each. East Central rerums to action thts Thursday \\hen the Dtamond War– nor!> host Lmcoln Trail at I0 a.m. and entertain Delgado at 4 p.m EC travels to :\1tsstsstppt Delta Commumty Col– lege on ~onday, ~arch 5 for a 5 p.m srngle contest on the ~oorhead cam– pus. I homer b) pH~her ~i hfted East Central Ccm:==:::– lege to a 6-5 \\ m o . stppi Commurllt) C a ftemoon 111 the fmal ch APPEARED IN: CARTHAGINIAN_ ______ NESHOBA DEMOCRAT______ NEWTON RECORD________ MERIDIAN STAR_______ CLARION-LEDGER____ ____ LAKE MESSENGER______________ SCOTT COUNTY TIMES_ _ _ _ _ UNION APPEAL ______________ WINSTON COUNTY JOURNAL_____ SPIRIT OF MORTON_J)~----- NEWTON MESSENGER WEEK OF ----'fX.£...J.-fl....!LLa {QSo..+-/ .=.....J... 6 } _ _ ( I Scott County Diamond Warriors These student athlete"> ;1 ~ , ount~ are members of the East Central Communny College baseb- t km r ~00 I From left are right-handed pitcher Jason\\'ooten ofLake. ouGieldet Le\\ ts Bradford ofScott Central, ftrst baseman Adam McCurdy of :V1onon an o tfieluer Ryan Renfrom of Sebastopol. The Diamond WarTiors beg n -.ompeauon n Santrday, February 10 by hosting Bevill State offayene. Ala. m doubleheader action starting at 1 p.m. on the Decatur campus ~ APPEARED IN: CARTHAGINIAN________ NESHOBADEMOCRAT_____ NEWTON RECORD______ MERIDIAN STAR______________ CLARION-LEDGER_____ _ LAKE MESSENGER______________ SCOTT COUNTY TIMES___________ UNION APPEAL ________________ WINSTON COUNTY JOURNAL_______ SPIRIT OF MORTON-1)9~---- NEWTON MESSENGER WEEK OF ~~-+--~~~ti}L.-::..-0 L- J __ Warriors start 2-6 A three-run homer b} Hor:nsburger had three hits each. East Central returns to action this Thursday when the Diamvnd Warriors host Lincoln 'I'Tai. at 10 a.m. and enrenam Delgado at 4 p.m. EC travel:: to Mississippi Delta on Monday. March 5, for a 5 p.m. .::ingle contest on the ~Ioorhead campus. EC wins with homer Freshman Lewis Bradford's two-run homer in the seventh inning gave East Central a 6-4 win over visiting Northwest and salvaged a split of the Feb. 14 double– header at Chris Gay IV Memorial Field. Bradford's blast came in the nightcap and marked the first season win for East Central (1-3), which began the 2001 campaign by losing a doubleheader to visiting Bevill State of Fayette, Ala., on Feb. 10. Also scoring on the former \Scott Central standout's game-winning hit was fresh– man Kenny Stewart, who ear– lier doubled and reached third on a sacrifice bunt by sopho– more Justin Reed. Sophomore southpaw Brandon Fish (1-0) was the winning pitcher. The Diamond Warriors fell 4-1 in the first game. pitcher Monte l\figliacio lifted East Central to a 6-5 \rnl ewer East Mississippi Sund afternoon in the final day competition in ihe ann Rush Classic held at l!endian Community Colle~e The victory at;.. marked a milestone fo!' D amond Warrior head coach Jamte Clark, who n ~ched his 350tb win at Ea.:,~ Central Clark bas led the EC program ,mce 19 / . In addition LD hi:; clutch hittmg, Migliacio. a ...opho– more ri~ht-hander. pitched :-e-\·en ...trong innings to earn hi, fir:,t \\in ot the season for the 2-6 Diamond Warriors. Jason Wooten picked up the Soph. Warrior save. Migliacio's sixth-inning Kent Chamblee of homer also scored Hal Carthage is in his final year Thompson and Turk Stovall, on the East Central dis– which gave EC a 4-3lead. mond. As a freshman, he The Lions tied the contest batted .336, with six dou– in the top of the seventh, but bles, eight RBis and also the Diamond Warriors scored 22 runs. responded with two runs in t he bottom of the inning thanks to an RBI single by Thompson and Stovall's RBI double. Thompson led East Central at the plate with tru·ee singles. Stovall and Josh Chaney had two hits each. In other tournament action, East Central fell 14-8 to Jones County Junior College on Saturday and lost 12-5 to host MCC on Friday night. The Diamond Warriors col– lected 15 hits against Meridian, with Thompson's four singles leading the attack. Chaney and Dee APPEARED IN: LAKE MESSENGER______________ SCOTT COUNTY TIMES_____ _ _ UNION APPEAL _______________ WINSTON COUNTY JOURNAL.____ SPIRIT OF MORTON_ _____ _ ' CARTHAGINIAN_.L,;.)(}=--------- NESHOBA DEMOCRAT___ _ _ NEWTON RECORD____ _ _ MERIDIAN STAR._______ CLARION-LEDGER_ ____ _ _ NEWTON MESSENGER ~:...-...,M .... eridian Star Page 1 of3 ? Question . ? ? YES or NO Cast ·' ? 0 ~ theWeek ? --- l ? YoyrVote ? ? ? ? Online from Eastern Mississippi - www.meridianstar.com Sta r Search I Tuesday February 27. 2001 I LOCAL SPORTS Eagles take first round win in Rush Classic By Aust1n Btshop Spec1a to ne Star Feb 24 , 2001 F ·1d .l Car ~ It's amazing how 'ar an • 1 -rul'l nmng will go toward making a team feel better about itset'. Contents *Home The Meridian Conmunity College Eagles picked up 11 runs on seven hits in tne bottom of the 'ourth inning Friday to rally for a come-from– behind 12-5 win over East Central Community College in the first round of the Rush Classtc betng played at MCC's Scaggs Field this year * News Column!> * t:diiOOJIS * ~-- Letters Jones County Jumor College used a 16-hit attack to take a 12-7 win over East Mississippi Community College in the day's first game. • Scoreooard * I 1le~l) les * l::f19J{Jemcots --· * Weddmg:. --· * Obllu.. me:.; * 1:-dUCJIIOO * Auzmc::.~ * t:ntert.mm~enl * Calendar --· Mend1an's bats struggled early against ECCC, as the Warriors jumped out to a 5-1 leao in picking up eight hits over their first four at bats. But then the Eagles woke up at the plate, knocking ECCC starter Cory Amis and reliever Brandon Fish (1-1) out of the game on the way to the big 11 -run 1nning. "We put some hit and runs on and when they exequted them it just started to snowball in the dugout and they all started to believe they could hit again," said MCC head coach Russ McNickle. "Hitting is contagious, just like bad fielding was the other night." * Ctas!af1eds * Cuestbook * Ari.IO... Seclrcll * Into Dezk * Our SWH * Ad~o~ert•w The win pushed MCC to 6-4 on the season , while East Central fell to 1-5. --- The ECCC Warriors are set to take on 3-4 Jones today at Noon in the Rush Classic. while MCC and East MissiSSIPPI (1 -4 ) are set to start at 3p.m. Meridian pitching coach Mike Federico said he was especially pleased with the effort of reliever Adam Smith (2-1 ), who went 3.1 innings in relief of starter Martin LaRocca. Smith gave up six hits, but struck out four, didn't walk anyone and allowed no runs. "That's what we expect out of guys like Adam and Curt (Mclellan) and Derek Gillaspy," Federico said . "We just want them to come out and throw strikes and give us a chance and get us back in the dugout." ---...; Sub:.cnphons __J * Our Ad11ert1ser.; I _.. * t3annt r Ad!.. * 1he ::~ar Store * http://www.meridianstar.com/meridia.../myarticles.asp?H=l &S=584&P=352318&PubiD=611 2/27/01 ridian Star Page 2 of3 "In junior college you are never out of any ballgame," he said. "We have just got to get those middle (relief) guys to stop the bleeding, get a big stop and get us 1n here and get some confidence with the bats." ECCC came out swing1ng the bats, going up 1-0 in the top of the first thanks to an RBI double by Monte Migliacio. The Eagles tied the game in the bottom of the inmng when Tyler Scarbrough drew a bases– loaded walk to force 1n Travis Garner who had walked to start the tnning East Central starter Amts wno walked three and hit one in the first inning , settled down to str·ke out the next two hitters. The Warnors caner gm bacl< to pick up two more runs in the second . The first came 0 11 an RB stngle by Hornsburger and the second came when Hornsburger s.v ped home on a double-steal play. ECCC stretched that out to 5-1 when the Warriors touched LaRocca for four s tng es and l'NO runs in the fourth. "Martin d dn t have n1s break1ng ball," McNickle said . "So they were sitting on the No. 1 p1tch and when you don't have other pitchers then it's easy to hit " The Eag es t ed the game at 5-5 quickly in the bottom of the fourth thanks to an RB doub'e by Garner and RBI singles off the bats of Rory Thornton Dusun Cliburn and Scarbrough.'Then the ECCC right fielder m sp1ayed a fly ball by Chris Knight, allowing two more runs to score and me Eagles to take the lead for good. Ternemc Thomas fo lowed that by smashing a triple to right-center, then me Eag1es used Singles by Garner and Thornton and a two-run tnple by Gray to go up 12-5. Garner finished the mght with three hits for MCC, while Hal Thompson had four s1ng1es to lead East Central. Josh Chaney and Hornsburger also had three h ts for the Warriors, who finished the night with 15 hits. · JONES 12. EMCC 7: The Bobcats scored four runs in the top of the eighth to answer an East Mississippi rally on the Wf'Y to their third win of the season The Bobcats had built a 7-2 lead, only to have EMCC cut it to 8-6 thanks to a two-run seventh inning. But JCJC answered with four in the top of the eighth. "That was the key to the ball game I think," said veteran Jones coach Bobby Glaze. "Just to go ahead and keep scoring and keep scoring ." Matt McAlpin ripped three singles and scored three runs to lead the Bobcats, while former Quitman High School standout Kyle Valentine (1 -0) picked up the win on the mound. Tyler Lowros picked up three hits and scored three runs to lead the Lions , while Josh Buckley had a double, single and drove in three runs. Steve Oglesby (0-2) took the loss on the mound for EMCC. http://www.meridianstar.com/meridia.../myarticles.asp?H=l &S=584&P=35231 8&PubiD=6ll 2/27/01 .ridian Star Page 2 of2 thtrd, EMCC scored a run in the top of the 'ourth to cut it to 13-1 . But the Eagles, now 7-4 on the year. h t for e1ght more in the bottom of the inning to go up 21-1 . Josh Ragg1o had a three-run double in that inning for Meridian. The Lions, now 1-5, scored four runs in the top of the sixth, with two of those coming off a homer by Josh Buckley. Brian Reed ( 1-0) ptcked up the wm on the mound for the Eagles, gtvtng up JUSt one run and r.vo hits tn five innings, while striking out six. While he was happy to ge: me wtn after getting no decisions in his two prevtous stans. deso ;e srrong outings, Reed said what he was real happy to see was r s teafT'Irnates hitting the ball at the plate. "I got some runs toea, a'ld I can pitch with a lead any day," the sophomore sa:d "'.':e .,a,en't been playing well lately, but it was good for the fans to see ...s "na 1 Y begin to get it together. We are going to be a r gnt t s .....s; eary n the season . When we put our pitching together v. ~ ou• .., ~ ng v.e w II be fine." • JO ES ·I! =ccc 8 SIX o fferent Bobcats hit homers for Jones, wh1ci"' evenec ;s •ecoro at 6-4 on the season with the win. C rt Ha,.,. s ec o" n :.ne oottom of the first with a homer for JCJC, vn e 'orn-e• o.... ~an -l1gh School standout Kyle Valentine belted a grand s am to :>ui we .v•'1ners up 5-2 after one inning of play . Crag B~.;sh Breu ·~cAiphtn, Josh Sullivan , Chris Butler all homered for Jones n me gare Mar o Laphand, who prepped for Quitman, had a two-run couo e 'o· i.Pe wmners Jones 1 urrtped out io an 11-3 lead before the Warriors began chipping away ECCC fe to 1-6 on me year with the loss. Today's act.on begins at Noon at Scaggs Field with East Central and East Mississippi squanng off. © 2001 The Meridian Star All R1ghts Reserved . http://www.meridianstar.com/meridia.../myru1icles.asp?H= l &S=584&P=352541 &PublD=611 2/27/01 Pa~P .J L~kP \tessenger. ' la:- - . : I ECCC Lad\- ,,~ arriors • Beam Region 23 ~c~ ill ·ake a 19-5 "I feel we are ready to play and it suits us fine to begin Region 23 against the state champions. Jones is obviously playing very good right now, and for us to win our defense has to play well. We should be okay offensively but we have to keep Jones from scoring a lot of points for us to be successful," Pace said. The East Central/Jones winner See "BASKETBALL" page 7 .osses attributed to East Cemral. The Lady Warriors posted a 7468 win February 8 m Ellisville and claimed an 83-68 victory January 16 in De– catur. Coach Sammy Pace said his team. which was nati"onally ranked throughout most of the season. is eager to hit the hard– - ood and take on the Lady Bob– cats. Face Jones To Tourne,~ • urn on the Missis– Slpp. ~campus m Clinton. 1be l.z_ 'Y arriors begin com– - _gamst state champion ~..:.nry Juruor College in a - ...... tip-offon Tuesday. The Lad_ Bo...".x::atsare22-7. with~\O ·ECCC Pitchers will mee< ;:he Co-Lm;.;ortheast victor ai 6 p.m. \\ ednesday. Fi– nals are scbetluled at 6 p .m. Thursda) Als( qual f) : for the Regic.n 23 T 'l~ the omen 's ilrnest ~hssis- the Consolation Bracket in the 1'1\lCAA Tournament and fin– ished seventh in the national juco poll. Pace APPEARED I : LAKE MESSE GER____ THAGINIAN --------------------- NESHOBADEMOCRAT_____ NEWTON RECORD_______ MERIDIAN STAR_______ CLARION-LEDGER_______ SCOTT COUNTY Tll.'..=S______ UNION APPEAL _ ________ WINSTON COU TY JOUR AL____ SPIRIT OF MORTO NEWTON MESSENGER -· DEC.-\ Tl.IR--Pnchers on the East Central Commumty College base– ball team for the 200 I campaign are (seated from left) Lewis Bradford ofScott Central, Corey Blackwell ofNanih Waiya, Shawn Soulier of ew Roads, La.; Turk Stovall of Phtladelphia, Jason Wooten ofLake and Dustin McGee ofHickory, and (standing from left) Corey Am is of Decatur, Cpris Comans of Newton, Brandon Fish ofDemopolis, Ala.; David Ryan ofTuscaloosa. Ala.; and twins ~fario Migliacio and Monte Mtghac o of Pt:tquemine. La. (EC Photo) WEEK OF ~3..!-/5-1- b_)___ Pitching To Play Major Role For ECCC Diamond Warriors ters in just 29 113 innings of work. Ryan only made a brief appearance on the mound. Both players bad their seasons cut short due to arm injuries but ha\e since made a full recovery and will return to the pitching rotation. Freshman hurlers are southpaw Dust in McGee (6-1,190) of Hickory. Shawn Soulier (6-1 , '195) ofNew Roads, La.; Jason Wooten (5-10,160) of La~e, Corey Blackwell (5-10, 160) of ~anih Wa1ya. Chris Comans (6- 1.190) of ~ev.ton and Corey \mis (6-0. I85) ofDecatur. Top Ietummg hitters mclude utfielder Kent Chamblee (5-11, -s) ofCarthage. third baseman Justm Reed (59-185) ot Louis– ' lie. econd baseman Turk Sto\'all (5-11.163) of Philadel– phia and outtidder Hal Thomp– 'on (5-9.165) of \Vest Point. La:.t ~ear Chamblee appeared m 223 mnmgs and batted .336 with s1x doubles and e1ght RBis. He also scored 22 runs. Reed posted a .409 batting average through 57 1/ 3 innings and had five doubles. Stovall batted .255 mamly ( 122 innings) and Thompson had a .250 average through 41 innings. Clark said he IS "espec1ally pleased" with his freshman play– ers who include, in additiOn to the previously mentioned pitch– ers, shortstop/outfielder Dee Hornsburger ( 5-8.155) of Noxapater , shortstop Josh Thoms (5-9,170) of Newton. outfielder Lewis Bradford (6-1 , 183) of Hillsboro, third baseman/catcher Josh Chane) (5-10. 165) of Little Rock. out– fielder Ryan Renfrow (5-9. I 75) ofSebastopol. outfielder Dwuilit Brannon (6-3. 210) of Decatur. catcher Kenny Stewart (6 3. 170) of Citronelle. Ala.: tirst baseman .\dam McCurdy (6-3, 205) of Morton and outfielder Robert OS\\ alt ( 6-1. 205) of Nanih Waiya. Forlner Diamond Warrior Jake Yarborough ofUnion begins h1s first year as assistant coach. Managers are Jason Mangrum ofKosciusko. M1cah Weems of Lake and Amanda Nazary of Edinburg. e the year·s P laquemtne dominatm-= squad . Clar ·.no~ the Warn ho ung Be,11J S eCommumt~ College of fa) en e. Ala., tn double-header acaon beginmng at l p m on Chris Gay IV Me– mona! F1eld. Last year Monty (6-3, 195) posted a 5-5 mark and registered a team-best 2.74 earned run av– erage. He also had 60 strikeouts and allowed JUSt II walks. Al– though Mario (6-4,190) had a losing record on the mound, he had a respectable 3.86 ERA and fanned 50 batters. Both are right-banders. Other returning hurlers include CARTHAGINIAN_______ NESHOBADEMOCRAT________ NEWTON RECORD__________ MERIDIAN STAR._________ CLARION-LEDGER._________ APPE LAKE SCOl southpaw Brandon Fish (6-6, ------ UNIOI 195) of Demopolis. Ala., and WINS' right-hander David Ryan (6-5, ~L _____ S p 1Rl' 195) ofTusca loosa. Fish posted NEWl '!}.; ~:~~~~~~~nned 29 bat- WEEK OF _..;..3 --'-) 5__._) ---+b \___ ECCC CATCHERS -Catchers on the East Central Conunwlity CoiJege baseball team for the 2001 campaign are (from left) fre~hmen Kenny Stewart of Citronelle, Ala. and Josh Chaney of Little Rock. The Diamond Warriors ·began competition on Saturday, February 10, hosting Bevill State of Fayette, Ala., in doubleheader action at 1 p.m. m the Decatur campus. (EC Photo) APPEARED IN: CARTHAGINIAN_ ______ NESHOBA DEMOCRAT_____ NEWTON RECORD X MERIDIAN STAR ...,., ........______ _ CLARION-LEDGER______ LAKE MESSENGER_____________ SCOTT COUNTY TIMES_____ UNION APPEAL _________ WINSTON COUNTY JOURNAL____ SPIRIT OF MORTON_ ___________ NEWTON MESSENGER _________ WEEK OF ~3~15~) b-+-\ ___ ECCC PITCHERS - Pitchers ro the East Central Community College baseball team for the 2001 campaign are, seated from left - Lewis Bradford of Scott Central, Corey Blackwell of Nanih Waiya, Shawn Soulier of New Roads, La.; Turk Stovall of Philadelphia, Jason Wooten of Lake and Dustin McGee of Hickory, and standing from left - Corey Amis of Decatur, Chris Comans of Newton, Brandon Fish of Demopolis, Ala.; David Ryan of Tuscaloosa, Ala.; and twins Mario Migliacio and Monte Migliacio of Plaquemine, La. APPEARED IN: LAKE MESSENGER_____ ________ SCOTT COUNTY TIMES__________ UNION APPEAL ________ WINSTON COUNTY JOURNAL______ SPIRIT OF MORTON_____ _ _ CARTHAGINIAN________ NESHOBADEMOCRAT_ _______ NEWTONRECORD~Xr---------- MERIDIAN STAR_______ CLARION-LEDGER ----------------- NEWTON MESSENGER ECCC eeps Lady Lions; Bobcat aseball team downs EMCC 3-2 By Rocky Higvinbotham The Menc;ar 5:a.r It took them a while to finall~ get a me under for EMCC, while Kathr ine Hinton took the loss on the hill. In Game Two, East Cen– tral led S-2 going into the bot– tom of the third before the Lady Lion>; rallied. In fact, EMCC was still down 8-6 when Casev took the hill late in the contest and tlie Lady Lions rallied with foul: tuns in the bottom ofthe sixth 1 Casey was charged with the loss, while Hinton t ook the win. Kayla Murphy had a single and double, while Gordon - a former Northeast Lauderdale standout_,__ had two singles. Ex-West Lauderdale star Randi Little also had two hits for EMCC, as did Jessica Vaughn and Shannon .Brown. • Next up: East Central visits Mississippi Delta on Thursday for a pair of games, while East Mississippi isn't scheduled to play again until next week. EMCC Baseball • Jones 3, EMCC 2: EMCC d ropped a h e art– breaker Tuesday when Jones' Jeff Rowland hit a three-run blast off of Lion reliever Steve Oglesby in the bottom of the eighth inning lifting the Bobcats out of a 2-0 hole. EMCC, which had led since taking a 1-0 lead in the first inning, couldn't fmd the answer in the ninth as it suf– fered the loss. their re pect t e belts, but E~-t Central and East Missi:-– sippi Communny College are now officiallv m the f~-t-pitch softball wadi!. EMCC bcb&.ed ECCC Mon– da,· in n d wblehender that w& a makeup of contests pre– vio~lv rainOO out: then East Central entertaint-d Scooba Tech Tue-day aft1 rnoon in Ikcatur.· The Monda) games were the tir-.t-ever fast-pitch con– test,; for both schools, while the Tue,:.day games saw fresh– man -,tandout Emily Casey of Union threw a pair of gems at the ,;s1ting Lady Lions, help– ing East Central to 5-2 and 9- 0 wins after splitting on Mon– dav. ·casey, in addition to allow– ing just the two runs , improved her mark to 3-1 with just one walk on the day. ~Emily di d a really good job,~ East Central ~oach Mike Anderson said. She only walked one batter in both games together. "To be honest, (EMCC) was putting the bat on the ball in the first game. We just made some great defensive plays. But in the second game, Emily really threw the ball well." APPEARED IN: CARTHAGINIAN,__ =----- -- NESHOBA DEMOCRAT_ ___ _ NEWTON RECORD___ _ _ _ __ MERIDIAN STAR_ _ ___ ____ CLARION-LEDGER______ _ LAKE MESSENGER.____________ SCOTT COUNTY TIMES.__________ UN1ON APPEAL --- --:-:::-:-:-::-:---- WINSTON COUNTY JOURNAL._ _____ 'lPIRIT OF MORTON_____ _ _ 'EWTON MESSENGER
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