1999 ECCC Newspaper Clippings
WEEK OF __ ~----------
ECCC DIAMOND WARRIOR SCHOLARS- These members of th e defending state champion East Central Community College baseball team were recently recognized for achieving a 3.0 grade point average or abo,;e for the 1998 fall semester. Pictured are (first row, from left) Spence Latimer and Josh Hardy, both of Philadelphia; Chad Champion, Tuscaloosa, Ala.; Justin Chaney, Little Rock; Chris Weems, Newton; and Brodie Meadows, Brandon; (second row, fromleft) Brent Page, Philadelphia; Amos Thames, re'l\'ton; Unzy Gressett, Carthage; Joey Allen, Junction City, Ark.; Don Nance, Philadelphiai Jayesan icDonald, Tuscaloosa; Lee Martin, Lake; and Ken Barden, Madison; and (third row, from left) Justin Webb, Philadelphia; Dennis McDill, Madden; Jason Willis and Bo Burkes, both of Philadelphia; Allen Buckley, Brandon; and Patrick Ferris, Clinton. the Diamond Warriors, led by head coach Jamie Clark and assistant Neal Holliman, begin season action by traveling to Central Alabama in lexander City for a 2 p.m. contest an Saturday, February 13. (EC Photo)
WEEK OF----- ---
ECCC BASEBALL CO-CAPTAINS - Selected to serve as co– captains of the defending state champion East Central Community College baseball team during the 1999 campaign are (from left) infielder Justin Chaney of Newton county High chool, pitcher Jason Willis of Neshoba Central and catcher Brod1e Meadows of Brandon. Chaney, who started 19 games last season at Sk'ond or third base hit .292 with 14 RBI's and is considered one of the most improved players on this year's squad. \ 'illis was selected Most Valuable Player in the South Division during the 199S campaign, after posting a 9-3 record m the mound t111d hitting 13 home runs. he was drafted inthe 24th round by the ew Yonc )ankees and has signed with the University of fississippi for the 2000 season. 1eadows_, who returns as starting catcher, batted .328 nilh five home nms last year and is considered one of the top c.ttchers in the juco league. The standout student-athletes helped lead the 1998 Diamond Warriors to their first state championship and an overall record of 32 wins and 22 losses. East Central, led by head coach Jamie Clark and assistant ~ 'ea.l Holliman, begins seaso~ action by traveling to Central Alabama m Alennder City for a 2 p.m. contest on Saturday, February 13. (EC Photo)
ECCC DlM\10~"0 GIRLS - These students will serve as Diamond Girls during the 1999 baseball season at East Central Community College in Decatur. Pictured are (first row, from left) Laura Ming, Loui,,ille; Courtney Wilcher, Edinburg; Lori Darsey, Newton County Academv; Jenny Bounds, Scott Central; Jennifer Guyse, Newton and Ginger Moore, Noxapater; (second row, from left) Candi Butler, Danna Dye and Heather Warren, all of Morton; Marcie Wall, Scott Central; Jessice Guyse, Newton; Lisa Price< Leake Academy; and Bridgette Stamper, Newton County; (third row, from left) Allison ct Bailey, Nel\ion County; Katie Stokes, Nani h Waiya; Anunciata McElhenney, West Lauderdale; Carmen Germany, Union; Sonya Clearman, West Lauderdale; Heather Hamilton, Newton; and Whitney Jones, Union; and (back row, from left) Natalie Vowell, Winston Academy; Ashley McD.ll, Newton County; Corrine Chambliss and Amy Rogers, both of Louisville; and Amber Woods and Wendy Lingle both of Winston Academy. Lanette Hanna serves as sponsor. (EC Photo)
WEEK OF ______________
Local fac s ...
Submitted photo MOVING ON - After walking on as a member of the East ,....e.... ·a Corrmumty College baseball team last year, s '..1cD II, left, was awarded a scholarship. McDill, of rg, played his high school ball at Leake Academy. ng on with McDill is ECCC assi stant coach Neat . McDill is the son of Glenn and Barbara McDill.
Submitted photo LOOKING TO SEASON - Three former prep standouts from Tuscaloosa, Ala., are expected to play a key role this spring with East Central Community College's baseball team. From left, Jayeson McDonald (Tuscaloosa Co. High School); Chad Champion (Holt High School); and Brad Farley (Hillcrest-Tuscaloosa High School) .
WEEKOF __ =-~~--~9 _______
tral Diamond amptonship ts not only a tribute to Clark reali?es he needs to r.:place 199 squad but also to the many several key players from last year's utstandmg players who have 32-22 squad who have smce moved e ped build a winning program on to compett: at the !it?nior college here at East Central," Clark said. level. Among those former standouts Oark, now in hts 12th season at are Dan Gressett of Lake, and Chris East Ce"ltral has not had a losing Tullos of Union, and slugger Greg ea-;on smce 1988. He's had four Wood of Newton County, all now at trat~h seasons with 30 or more the University ofWest Alabama. w.-ms. three stratght years in the play- But Clark satd this year's squad, f, and bad..-to-back years in the which featureslO sophomores and 17 tate 'frnals. But the veteran coach freshmen, is also loaded with talent su.; the upcoming season is a crucial and the desire to win. Obviously the tndicator of the program's success. top returnee ts pitcher/first baseman "lhi' IS a big year for us, simply Jason Willis of Neshoba Central. becau5e people wtll be looking at us Willis posted a 9-3 mar k on the more than in the past. So for us, the mound last season in addihon to his que-:>tton is, \\ tll we be able to take .331 batting averagt: and 13 home the next ::.tep and be competitive for runs. Willis was selected All-Region ,a mte title this year or wilt we sHp a 23, All-State and the South divt.,Jon's •ch and JU't be an average pro- most valuable player. He was draft- gram,.. ed in the 24th round by the New
Having outstanding pitching has been a trademark of Clark's teams through the years lie has always had at least two outstanding hurlers each season. T h is
Clark said another kc\ n11 mht:r of the pttchmg staff, Ken .rcgory of Oak Grove, La, r<'cently had surg• ry .lnd will miss. the entir(• ~eao;on Everyone else is at lOO"o and th re~nt \\ilrm weather has resulted tn many days outstde on llw pract1cc field. "Fortunately at this pomt, \~C are not dealing wtt sort' cum~. leg etc. bec,ntse of the cxet'llt•nt weather Cl.lndttion. Everyone is e:.gcr to be tn the sea...on, Clark Satd Clark will learn more ,,bout the 1999 version ot East C•·ntral Com– munity Colleg•· baseball \\hen the Diamond Warrtors face Central Alabama in a threL•-gamr: scnes 111 Alt:xandcr City.A 2 p.m mgle wn test is scheduled saturday, '' tth dou ble header action set to bcgm at I p.m. Sunday. !East Central begm home actton on \\ edncsda), Fcbru ary 17 .1gamst Holmes Commllluty College. The single contest g<'IS undenvay at I p.m at Chns Ga\ IV MemonJI Field.
l bn~ht spots, mduc :; the addttton of many younc o~thletic e der-. But tt al come.- d n to ·dun~ and ..omeone', sot to step up and beat teams liJ..e Gulf Coast, Hfud jones etc., on the roarl tf we ~ to be "uccessful TI!IIe will
n o ~xcep
tion. In addition to WilHs, Clark satd freshman Allen BucJ..Iey of Brandon should have an "outstanding career" at East Central. Clark said Buckley "throws very hard and has a .r;eally good curve."
APPEARED I m those guys will be ..
WEEKOF __ ~~~q~/-C~-------
1999 ECCCDiamond Warriors e ·c.·· .;> ·e!: ... no ere =nemoer: o' ....e oe·eno!l'lg sra;e c."lompton East Central Commu- bas<;bo!l ·earn ndude -om - - ) ou'""'e!Ct:r !..ee Mar. n o• -0 ·e catcher Michael Shumaker of op Cho."':e Wela'1 o' 111xcn "'he Diamond Warriors beg,., season ploy ot 2 p.m. Saturday, 3 • o Singe con•es; ogo!!lS Can..,.o Alobomo 1n Alexonoer City. East Central starts home ean5Sdcy ~etxuory 17 no snge comest ogo1nst Holmes Community College.(Photo
cellon 01 1 p courtesy • ECCe)
WEEK OF ______ ~~~~---
ECCC Diamond Warriors Notch First Season Victory
ens were outscored 10-0 inthe second game. Champion and freshman Amos Thames of Newton shared ptiching duties. East Central began the three-– game series by falling 6-1 to the nationally ranked Trojans, the defending Region 22 champions. Sophomore hurler Jason Willi s oi Neshoba Central fanned seven and allowed three hits before being relieved after three innings of work.
A fifth-inning, bases-loaded double by sophomore Chad Champ1on of Holt, Ala., broke open a 5-5 tie and gave East Central Community College i ts first season vi-ctory 0\ er the \\ eekend, an s-c: decision over homesteadmg Central Ala – bama m Alexander City. The nondh on 1IIl came m the first game o! a Sunday after– ro:n d ub -header and fol - ed
East Central, 1-2, begins home action against Holmes Community College, 2, 1, in a single contest sched uled at 1 g p.m. Wednesday, February 17 '\ at Chris Gay IV Memorial Th defencimg state champi- Field on the Decatur campus: A-ctivities for Feb. 16-21 at ECCC \ ed. feb 17 MAqc South State Tournament, Ellisville ECCC Lady \-\'arnors vs. Co-Lin/ MS Gulf C. Winner- 2 p.m. \~edl!esdat Feb. 17- Baseball ECCC :9iarriond Warriors vs. Holmes At Decatur- 1 p .m. Thurs-day. Feb. 18 Fello~hip of Christian Athletes Rally - Huff Auditorium ? p.m. • Dr Darmy Lanier speaker Fnda Feo 19 DISttic '13and Clinic - Vickers Fine Arts Center & Huff Aud. >atyrda,v. feb 20- Baseba ll EGCQ Diamond \'\'arrior- vs. l\.W MS Community College 1 p.m. - D:>ub e-header - Chris Ga} IV Memorial Field EC~<: ~Clinic - Huff Auditorium & V1ckers Fine Arts All Ocr\~ Sunday. Feb 21 - Baseoall ECCC Diamond Y1 arnors \ 's. Calhoun Community College - -~ mr ..~.-.- .. -· T -
ECCCDiamond Wa"iors -cr:e tie are members of this year's East central community college bose– from letr)second baseman Spence Latimer and shortstop Brent Page, both e Meadows.Brandon; Shortstop Chuck Welch. Morton; Third baseman Jud '..:n:~r::.c ......r•-""~ •e Barden, Madison; and second baseman Josh Hardy. Philadelphia. (sec– ee Mort!n la> APPEARED IN: LAKE MESSENGER__________ SCOTI COUNTY TIMES______ UNION APPEAL - - - ---- WINSTON COUNTY JOURNAL___ CLARION-LEDGER_ ___ _ _ CARTHAGINIAN_____ _ _ NESHOBADEMOCRAT_______ NE~ONRECORD _____ _ _ MERIDIAN STAR_ ______ WEEK OF _ __,__-"-_.________ arriors Ready to Defend State Title Gressett, we've added guys who have reall improved from last year and expect contributions from the on the mound." In assessing the 1999 squa Clark said, "We are m athletic, I'm not sure about h01 powerful we are wtth out bat but we will be more aggressn on the bases. We've got severe bright spots, including th addition of many youn athletic infielders. But it a J comes down to pitching, an someone's got to step us and bee teams like Gulf Coast, Hind! Jones, etc., on the road if we ar to be successful. Time will te , who those guys will be." Having outstanding pitchin has been a trademark c Clark's teams through th years. He has always had a least two outstanding hurler each season. This year is n exception. In addition t~ Willis, Clark said freshma:J Allen Buckley of Brando1 should have an "outstandinJ career" at East Central. Clar) said Buckley "throws ven hard and has a really g curve." Clark said another ke member of the pitching sta ff Ken Gregory of Oak Grove, La. recently had surgery and wH miss the entire season Everyone else is at "H:X percent" and the recent warn weather has resulted in man days outside m the prachcE field. "Fortunately at thi. point, we are not dealing witr sore arms, legs, etc. because o! the excellent weathe1 condition. Everyone is eager tc begin the season," Clark stated throwing 90 _plus mile-an-hour fast balls and complements that strength with a good breaking ball, Clark added. "Although he is big and strong, Willis delivers his heat with a smooth motion which makes it even more difficult to hit. In addition to getting stronger physicallY., Willis is also tougher mentally and has become an even greater competitor," Clark said. Also expected to have another standout season is Brodie Meadows of Brandon, who Clark said is probably the top rated catcher 'in the division. "Brodie is stronger than last year and again should provide solid play behind the plate." Clark said returning ou tfielder/pitcher Chai:l Champion of Holt, Alabama who batted third in the lineup last season, has "looked good swinging the bat and will again be used on the mound." Second baseman Justin Chaney of Newton County, who split time as a starter last year, is also expected to have a good year. Chaney also serves as team co-c~tain with Champion and eadows. Fust baseman/pitcher Bo Burkes of Neshoba Central will t mos also play key roles m this was year's squad. Clark said be competitive for a e th , year or will be a notch and just be an e program?" realizes he needs to se\ era. key players t year's 32-22 squad \ e since moved m to -~:;>e-te at the senior college of Union, and slugger \\ood of Newton County, rn.,; at the University of Alabama· and infielders ~erkins of Louisville and Hardy of Philadelphia, a• Belhaven. Gressett was ea500 Tullos, 2-2 with sa\e~; and Wood set a record with 17 home runs season and 26 career ers. But Oark said this year's squad. which features 10 mores and 17 freshmen, is loaded with talent and at Ea:.t Cen losing had four stratg ~mm~~~ years in the P a} o to-back years m m the 24th round by Burkes, who suffered a season- )ork Yankees and has ending ankle injury early las t a national letter of year, is prob.ably the "most finals. But the \eteran said the upconung season tS a crucial mdicator of the mtent \ rtth the University of improved player" this year ~ IS lSStppt program's succe""· and has been one of the best has hitters this spring. He is also "This ts a big year for us, simply because people will be Oad: said Wi_llis. lmpro\ ed his conrutioryng and "much improved" on the mound. looking at us more than in the trength, and shoula have Clark said overall p itching past. So for us, the question is, another great }ea.:." A• 64, 206 depth should be improved from will we be able to taJ...e the next pounds, \\'illis has no problem last year. "Even though we lost LAKE ME55 ENGER.~___;;~---- scon COUNTY TIMES_ _ ___ ..,,.,... I I • •• - •• - -==--- ~-- -==- =============---- NESHOBADEMOCRAT________ NE~ONRECORD ___________ MERIDIAN STAR._______ UNION APPEAL _ _ _ _ _ _ _ WINSTON COUNTY JOURNAL._ _ _ CLARION-LEDGER_ _ _ ___ I t t: II: ~ 0 F ----:-----:- -------- ' ' -- EC beats Holmes, EMCC Communi!) College took win'> over Holmes -..nd Ea ... t M.,..,i~ ...ippi m •a.,· eek', ba ...eball - action, but fell - ...hart m tht:! ninth • mrun~ to v ~~: The Diamond Warrior~ of Ea-,t Central EC captured a 12--t win over ~ m Goodman on Feb. 23. BuckJey (1-0) lasted fiw n_ on the mound to get th.: Brodte Meadows had a two– mgle the fir.,l inning. Tht: amors -.cored four runs in the frame and Lee Martin aed a three-run double in the Th \\arriors hammered Ea<.t ,,•••,=-..,.,tppt 15-5 on Thursday m Scooba ja on Willi.,, Ju.,tin b Patnck Ferri'>s, and l.icha I Shumak~;r each had a erun for EC. \\Ilh-. (1-1) was the winning pHcher with Danny Rushing, Denni... ~lcDill, Joey Allen, and Chad Champion also seeing time on the mound. Faulkner State ot Bay 1inettt! Ala. e'>capcd with a 9-8 win in Decatur ~undav wht!n the \'\arnor:-. gave up six runs in the top of the n inth inning. Buckley wa~:. the starllng pitcher while Rushing (0- 1) look the loss. Leading hitter'> mduded Meadows with a double and two singles and Willi-; with two '>in--< gtes. Faulkner State 'unda) after– noon m Decatur. The \\arrior.. record stand a _:;on the young season. APPEAREJ LAKE', : ss: scon COv ~RTHAG I NIAN ____ _ _ _ :SHOBA DEMOCRAT____ _ :wTON RECORD_ _ ___ _ : RIDIAN STAR.___ ___ _ o~he~gger... UNIO AP D~.!.__ -----1 h ,t a,. ... WINSTO CO • teams m <1 split doubleheader today (Wednesday). Lincoln Trail of Illinois pro- vides the competi!lon at 11:30 a.m. with the traditionally ~trong Dolphins of Delgado in New Orleans mllim• in fnr" .1-~n .-. '" CLARIO -LEDGER WEEK OF2·~=--3~l~lEt-=-:9~--- vvan.ors. East Central added four runs in the second inning and outfielder Lee Martin of Dia n Warriors Rout Homes and E. M.C.C. Lake lifted the Warriors in the fourth inning with a two-out double which scored three runs. season. action against East East Centra captured a 12-4 In ctory Community Goodman. Allen Buckley (1-0) College, the Warriors woo 15-5 Brandon lasted fh:e innings by the ten run grace rule. The on the mound to receive the win Warriors totaled 18 hits for the the \'\amors day, with four Warriors Ca cher Brodie Meadows of hitting home runs for the first d a t\ o-run base hit . time this season. They included • mrun.g for the pitcher Jason Willis and first O\ er Holmes in Misstssippi Justin Neshoba . outfielder Patrick m Clinton and elder catcher Michael $l-.....,.-,aker of Forest. \'ffilis {1-1) was the ·s~~ pttcher and received e ·wm for the Warriors. He ,. ~ followed en the mound by · Da."l:) Rushing of Edinburg, Den..""US McDill of Leake Acacemy, Joey Allen of Junction Chad Champion of Tuscaloosa, Ala. The Warriors lost a 9-8 deaston Sunday afternoon in Decatur when Faulkner State .scored six runs in the ninth mrung. Buc) APPEARED I : Neshoba Central. In action this week, the Warriors face single games LAKE ','ESSE GER.___ sco CO ... TY TIMES Wednesday, March 3, against - - Lincoln Trail Community U ~ I 0 A? PEAL - - --- College at 11:30 a.m. and WI ST0 C0 UNTY J0 URN Delgado Community College at C LARJO ~L EDGER RTHAGINIAN_____ _ _ SHOBADEMOCRA)V---- - ~ONRECORD _____ _ _ .RIDIAN STAR._ ___ _ _ _ 4:30 p.~., a_t Ch~is Gay IV Memonal Fteld m Decatur. ECCC host Hinds in double- header action Saturdav. March WEEK OF ---'-"--3\1--'-\ \+---> ,0.~({ ___ ders on the defending state champion 1999 East Central Community Col– eeling from left) third baseman Jud Sanborn, Noxapater; shortstop nt'\ersity Christian); second baseman Spence Latimer, Philadelphia; eshoba Central; and (standing from left) second baseman Justin Chaney, bzse.man/pitchers Jason Willis and Bo Burkes, and first baseman/outfielder a Central; third baseman Chris Weems, Newton; and second baseman Josh Diamond Warriors are coached by Jamie Clark (head) and Neal Rolli- APPEARED IN: CARTHAGINIAN_____ _ _ NESHOBADEMOCRAT~; _______ NE~ONRECORD_/ ______ MERIDIAN STAR_____________ LAKE MESSENGER_____________ SCOTI COUNTY TIMES____ _ UNION APPEAL---- - - - WINSTON COUNTY JOURNAL_ _ _ CLARION-LEDGER______ '\ 'i WEEKOF ~~) 4 r~·~: ~) ~U~?~./~C,~Q~cL, __ and Willis, who added a smgle. · In three home games played earlier ' in the week, the Diamond Warriors fell 10-5 to Delgado Community College and posted a 1-0 win over Lincoln Trail Community College m March 3, and defeated nationally ranked and p reviously undefeated Itawamba Community College by an 8-3 margin on February 27. In the loss to Delgado, EC hitters were Meadows and Champion, two ~ts each, and Chaney and Weems who b oth had RBI singles. McDonald started m the mound for the Warriors and was relieved by Darmy Rushing of Edinburg and McD1ll. Joey Allen of Junction C ity, Arkansas was the winning pitcher agains t Lincoln Trail, as he farmed six and allowed juSt five h its. Leading hitters for East Central were Brad Farley of Jackson, Meadows and Willis. Farley wm the game with' a two-out bunt wh ich allowed Ferriss to score t h e game's only run. Meadows and Willb each slammed doubles that set up the one-run victory. ECCC D iamond Warriors Pound Hinds in D ivision Win rughtcap and crui~d to the easv wm. East Central Commwuty College earned its first divi:ilon' win in grand style O\ er the weekend as the Diamond Warriors poWlded 'lSthng Hinds Commwuty College by a 24-5 margin in the second game of a Saturday doubl~header The lop-s1ded ' tctory e' ened East Central's overall mark at 7-7 and d1vision record at 1-1. East Central had fallen 7·2 to the Eagles earlier m the da}· After sconng just two runs m the first game against Hind:>, the · Diamond Warnor::. exploded for 20 runs m 16 hits in the second inrung of the Leadmg hitters for East Central during the record· breaking stanza were freshman cente.rfielder Lee Martin of Lal APPEARED IN: CARTHAGINIAN NESHOBADEMO_C_RA _T _________ NEWTON RECORD MERIDIAN STAR ------- LAKE MESSENGER SCOTI COUNTY TIM._E_S_____ _ UNION APPEAL _ _ ___ _ _ WINSTON COUNTY JOURNAL ·--- - CLARION-LEDGER._ _ ___ _ y - WEEK OF ___ ... .:.......:...., ..;;.;." __ (._!,..r-+1--- - t 7-7 In the first contest, Jason Willie; of '\eshoba Central took the loss which evened his record at 2-2 Denni ~fcDill of Leake Academy and Jayseon McDonald of Tuscaloo'a camt! on m rehef. Leading hitter~ tor EC were Chaney with twc hit-. 1nd Wlllis, who added a smgle. In three home games played earlier in the \';eek, EC fell lO-S to Delgado and posted a 1-0 win over Lincoln Trail CC on March 3, and defeated nationally In Ct APPEARED IN: LAKE MESSENGER_____________ SCOTI COUNTY TlMES____,;.::___----- UNION APPEAL ___ __:._v_______ WINSTON COUNTY JOURNAL____ CLARION-LEDGER___________ CARTHAGINIAN___ ____ NESHOBADEMOCRAT____ __ NE~ONRECORD _________ MERIDIAN STAR___________ ECCC "amond 1 arriors Defea To an 'ed orthwest 1-1 of Brandon was challenge visiting Gulf Coast in a doubleheader that gets underway at 1 p.m. Saturday, March 20. the twin bill with Bevill was originally scheduled for March 14 in Louisville but was postponed due to weather conditions. The Diamond Warriors journey to Mississippi Delta m Monday, March 22 for a 1:30 p.m. doubleheader and host Pearl River in a twin bill scheduled to begin at 3 p .m. Wednesday, March 24. os:mg p1tcher. In other act:J.on last week, East Central lost a pair of one– run games to Faulkner State m March 10m Bay ~finette, Ala. The Diamond Warriors fell 3-2 m the fu:.t contest and dropped a 12-11 decision in the !'Iightcap. Leading hitters in the first contest were sophomores Brodie Meadows of Brandon a.~d Jason Willis of Neshoba Central who had singles each. Allen went the distance m the tilOlir'd. allowing seven hits through six innings. He also fanned four and walked one. East Central scored its runs in the first and sixth innings. Faulkner State tallied one run in the third and two in the SLXth. In the second game, East Central sluggers included Willis, home run and two :.mgles; freshman Spence Latimer of Philadelphia, home run; freshman Jud Sanborn of Noxapater, three singles; and freshman Lee Martin of Lake, two singles. Champion took the loss m the mound, although he allowed just one run in four innings pitched. The Diamond Warriors scored one run in the first, two in the third, one in the fourth, five in the fifth and two in the stxth. Faulkner tallied four in the first, one in the second, five in the third and one in the seventh. the game was tied 11 : 11 through six innings. APPEARED I LAKE MESSENGER___ SCOTI COUNTY TIMES_ _ UNION APPEAL ___ _ WINSTON COUNTY JOURNA CLARION-LEDGER___ G NIAN Several matchups a re scheduled this week, including ~RTHA I - - - - ----- - acoupleofmake-upgames. The .SHOBA DEMOCRAT_____ _ Diamond Warri~rs travel to WTON RECORD / Jones County Juruor College m · --!.......--- --- Tuesday, March 16, for a 3p.m. : RIDIAN STAR._________ doubleheader; entertain Three a single contest at 3 p.m. WEEK OF --~.!....1' ...:.._> _L.!;_1 :..______ Y2K WorkshopatECCC The East ECCC PITCHERS ·Pitcher.; on the defending state champion 1999 East Central Community College baseball team are (kneeling from left) Jud Sanborn, Noxapater; Jayeson McDonald, Tuscaloosa (Ala.) County; Danny Rushing, Edingburg; Amos Thames, Newton; and Joey Allen, Junction City, Ark.; and (standing from left) Chad Champion, Holt, Ala.; Dennis McDill, Edingburg; Allen Buckley, Bran– don; Bo Burkes, Neshoba Central; Wade Merchant, Hicks, La.; and Jason Willis, Neshoba Central. The Diamond Warnor.c; are coached by Jamie Clark (head) and Neal Holliman. (EC photo) APPEARED IN: LAKE MESSENGER.____________ SCOTT COUNTY TIMES.________ UNION APPEAL------------ WINSTON COUNTY JOURNAL._ _ _ CLARION-LEDGER._________ CARTHAGINIAN____________ NESHOBA DEMOCRAT___,____ NE~ONRECORD ___________ MERIDIAN STAR._ ______ _ ECCChammers Holme The Diamond Warrior' ot East Central Commumty College took wm~ over Holme' and ea't ;\1tssis– sippl m action thi' past..., eek. but fell short in the moth mning to Vl!>tting Faulkner State Commuruty College. The Warriors record ,tand:. at 4-5 on the young s.eason East Central captured a 12-4 vic– tory over Holme' 10 Goodman. Allen Buckley(Hl) of Brandon lasted five mmngc on the mound to recel\·e the wm for the Wamors. Catcher Brodte \1eadows of Bran– don had a two-run base hJt m the first mmng tor the Warriors. East Central added four runs m the sec– ond inning and outfielder Lee Mar– tin of lake lifted the Warriors in the fourth mrung wtth a two-out double which -.cored three runs. In actlon agamst East ~itsstssippi Community College, the Warnors won 15-5 by the ten run grace rule. The Warriors totaled 1 hits for the day, with four\\ amors hithng home runs for the first ttme th1s season. They included p1tcher Jason Willis and first baseman/outfielder Justin Webb of Clinton and mfle,Jerl catcher 1\.lichael Shumaker of Fore~!. Willis(l-1) was the starting pitch– er and received the win for the War– nors. He was followed on the mound by Danny Rushing of Edin· burg, Dennis McDill of Leake Acade– my, Joey Allen of junctwn City , Ark., and Chad Champ10n of Tuscaloosa, Ala. The Warriors lost a 9-8 dl•c•swn Sunday afternoon in Decatur when Faulkner State recorded stx runs in the ninth inning Buckley was the starting pitcher He was followed by Rushing(0-1), who took the loss for the Warriors. ' Leading hitters included Mead– ows, who had a double and two !>lO– gics, and Wilhs with two smgle.s. Other sluggers included mfielder Justm Chaney of Newton Count_}, Lee Martin of Lake, Bo Burkes of Neshoba Central, Ferris, and short stop Brent Page of Neshoba Central. In action this week, the Warrior face single games Wednesd.1y, March 3, agamst Lincoln Tratl Com– muntty College at 11:30 .t.m. and Delgado Community College at 4:30 p.m., at Chris Guy Field m Decatur. EECC hosts Hmds in double-header actiOn Saturday, March 6, at I p.m APPEARED IN: CARTHAGINIAN_ _____ _ NESHOBADEMOCRAT________ NE~ONRECORD __________ MERIDIAN STAR_ ______ LAKE MESSENGER____ ~/ _______ SCOTT COUNTY TIMES_.:V:..__.____ UNION APPEAL ----------- WINSTON COUNTY JOURNAL___ CLARION-LEDGER._________ a top rankedNOrthwest 9·5 East two in the sixth. In the second game, East Central sluggers mcluded Willis, home run and two singles; freshman Spence Latimer of Philadelphia, home run; fre:.hman Jud Sanborn of Noxapater, tlm. oe singles; and freshman Lee Mar– tin ot Lake, two smgles. Champion took the loss on the mound, although he allowed just ont> run in four innmgs pitched. The Diamond Warriors scored one run in the first, two in the third, one in the fourth, five in the fifth and two in the' s1xth. Faulkner tallied fuur in the first, one in the second, five m the th1rd, and one in the sev– enth. The game was tied 11-11 through six innings. Several matchups are scheduled this week, including a couple of make-up games. The Diamond War- riors traveled to Jones County Junior College on Tuesday, March 16 for a 3 p.m. doubleheader; entertain Three nvers in a single contest scheduled at 3 p.m. Wednesday, March 17; hosts Bevill State in doubleheader acbon beginning at 3 p.m. Thursday, March 18; and will challenge VlSiting Gulf Coast in a doubleheader that gets underway at 1 p.m. Saturday, March 20. The twin bill with Bevill was originally scheduled on March 14 in louisville but was postponed due to weather conditions. The Diamond Warriors journey to MissiSsippi Delta on monday, March 22 for a 1:30 p.m. doubleheader and host Pearl River in a twin bill sched– uled to begin at 3 p.m. Wednesday, March24. lege t a Q_~ Mississipr:-i U!:==::::::: the seconci ..a played :>larch _ The non improved ilie u-..a=:.:~' overall mark to standmg ~ers more hurler Den:: Academy ptcke.d lowmg three m.."' In addJtton to Champ1on and gles. East Centra game The Dia led at the plate b\ ~~~J;L~:z._;~.;::.:~~.aJerun. APPEARED I LAKEMESSENGER______ ~'----- SCOTI COUNTY TIMES_ ___ _ _ UNION APPEAL ______ _ _ WINSTON COUNTY JOURNAL,___ _ CLARION-LEDGER___ ___ _ CARTHAGINIAN___ _ ____ NESHOBADEMOCRAT________ NE~ONRECORD __________ MERIDIAN STAR,_ _______ WEEKOF ______ ~--~~U~J-_q~C~( -- ECCC DiamondWarriorsare winners OJ\ -.ion fo.., Copiah– ~""'tTt"1.1rtity ~olleges put the Buckley of Brandon, who fanned five, walked two and allowed four hits over four and a third innings, anct sophomore Chad Champion of Holt, Ala., who fannea one, walked one and allowed no hits during one and a third innings. Webb was the leading slugger for East Central, as h1s grand slam in the sixth put the game out of reach for th e homestanding Wolves. East Central took a pair of 2-1 decisions over v1sitmg Pearl River on Wednesday. March 24. Allen went the distance in game one as he struck out five, walked one and al lowed just four hits. Ru~hing and Champion shar~d pitchmg duties in the night cap. Rush– ing went lour mnings, allowing three hits and one walk. He fanned three. Champion pitched in relief and fanned five. walked one and allowed JUSt one hit over thre~.o innings. The D1amond Warriors also posted a nondivision 14- 13 win over visiting jackson State Community College (TN) on Thursday, March 25, and fell 9-7 to homestand– ing Mississippi Delta on Sunday, March 28. East Central won the shootout with JSU when sophomore Linzy Gres– sett of Carthage knocked in the winning run in the 13th inning. Sanborn (1-0) was the winning pitcher. Fresh man Amos Thames (0-3) took the loss against Delta Top hitters for EC were Ferriss, home run and two smgles; and Willis and Champion, two singles each. Games scheduled, this week include road games with Southwest (March 30) and Itawamba (April 2). The Dta– mond Warriors travel to Hinds on April6. tral C mmunity Col– to the playo ff chase t --3m division competi– ague-leading Bulldogs thb ,·eek's action. The and South divisions qual- Saturday, March 27, the ckunE~ a Q.J '' m in the first game - eas on m the mghtcap. r ason \\1 ~ (4-3) got the win in r e-.hoba Central High School and allo\ t·d four hits over five ~..t..nn.r.n> Dann} Ru~hmg of Edinburg com- un·~-.ru'" matchup by po::.hng three strikeouts 'dunng h1., two innings of work. East Centr.11 were freshman Brent Pa e t ba Central who blasted a three-run homer and added -mglt?, sophomore Joey Allen of junctt C Ark.. tnp e and ;;mgle; Willi~. two doubles and t\\0 "ln.! es -.ophomore Brodie Meadows of Bran– don, doub e and -m~ e and ophomore Justin Chaney of t'\e\~ ton Countv and fre, 'men Patrick Ferriss of Clmton, justm \\ t?bb of 1\:e..hoba Centarl and Judd Sanborn of 1'\oxap~ter: .;.m-;:Je-. t:ach In game h\O Ru-.hmg (1-1) was credited with a win a" he walkt?d one and allo\\·ed three hits over one and a third inmn~s. Alc;o on the mound were freshmen Allen APPEARED IN: CARTHAGINIAN________ NESHOBADEMOCRAT_______ NE~ONRECORD __________ MERIDIAN STAR______ LAKEMESSENGER______ +------ SCOTT COUNTY TIMES_---l\li-/ _ _ _ UNION APPEAL ------------- WINSTON COUNTY JOURNAL_ _ _ CLARION-LEDGER.____ _ _ _ East Ce gs way into play of ) Rushing of Edinburg n in relief, allowing ts mth thr ee strike- over Pearl River. Doubleheade· South Division t Lincoln and Pear. the defending s~ate we;~= Allen went the distance in game one , fanning five with one. walk and just four hits. Rush ing and Champion shared pitching duties in the second game. Rushing went four innings, allowing three hits and one walk with three strikeouts. Champion relieved, Ew Central Dtazr. riors back into th chase. East Central, i -3 m ~jE::::=~ play, is one game ... with the top two -cean-: ....__,.. ing for the state tour-~ Ma rch 27 , the Du,....... ~'-- Warrior s claimed a 9- game win, and a 9-5 secia:=::::.– game victory over Co-"lln.. Jason Willis got he one win with six stnkeo a llowed four hits over inniniZS. c ase Contacts for t he depa r t– ment are Carl Wilson, Ter ry Dixon, Ricky Lewis and Valar– ie Sam. Deadline for registration hit with fi ve three innings. has yet to be set . strikeout! The D.i3:I:::.Jld Warriors also oosted a 13 mnin,g, 14-13 win ~ver Jac CC, .March 25, when L10 Gresset of Cartha-::e &ore m the winnmg run. rn Ma.rcll 28, E-C dropped a 9-'i declSlO!l ~fic:s. Delta. CARTHAGINIAN_~c/ _____ NESHOBADEMOCRAT____________- NE~ONRECORD ________- MERIDIAN STAR_ _ ____ APPEARED IN: LAKE MESSENGER___________ SCOTT COUNTY TIMES_______ UNION APPEAL---- ---- WINSTON COUNTY JOURNAL___ CLARION-LEDGER____ ____ Willis no-hits Southwest 3y • ~ ~-y STAMPER Dmtot-1i .., Editor Page had a single and a double. Allen, Willis, and Jud Sanborn had two singles each while Champion had a double. EC had 13 hits in improving to 17-16 overall and 9-3 in the South Division. If ~ou·re no- !!Oing ;o win them all, make :>Ure ~ou vun the one, that count. ~ That -eem.~ to be the pattern the Ea,t Ca1tcal Commuruty Col- ;,._ · le2e ba,ebaH i<:am 15 following ""' 11 _ tht, !':pnng The Wamor., swept a South Dh,·lon d The doubleheader blankings were EC's first since Corey Taylor of Philadelphia and John Mark Williams silenced Jones in a pair in 1988. • Itawamba 6-8, E C 2-3: The Warriors dropped two in Fulton on Friday to fall to 17-18 overall. Joey Allen (3-3) took t he loss in the opener while Allen Buckley (4-4) was the loser in the nightcap. In the second game, Chad Champion hit his fifth homer of the season. EC hosts Mississippi Delta today at 4 p.m. in a single game and Jones on Satur day in a South Division doubleheader at 1 p.m. bl.,.~earler at Southwest to improve :.a 9-3 m league play. Gulf Coast leads at 10-2. Also in the playoff hunt are Jones (8-6), Copiah– Lincoln (I-5 1, and Hinds (6-8). EC then lost a non-division double dip at Itawamba on Fri– da• tO fall to 17-18 overall. • ECCC 11·8, Sou thwest 0 - 0: The Warriors improved their Jason v. 5 playoff hopes with the March 30 sweep at Summit. Pitching was the key as the Warnor- allowed no runs to t he Bears in 13 mninz,_ Ja-on Wtlh· (5-3 tossed a no-hitter in the opener . Wxlli- ·truck out 10 and walked only one. The shutout was the fourth in Willis' cAreer. ,etti.m! a ... chu •l record for the Neshoba Central ~ad The old record of three belonged to Jn,on \Vilkms . Chad Champion and Brodie Meadows both had a double and two smgles to lead EC's 13-hit attack Joey Allen had a single and a double while Justin Chaney had a pair of singles. Southwe,..t al:.o committed six errors. EC scored in each inning of the six-inning run-rule contest. ChampiOn 2-1) tO... sed a two-hit shutout in the mghtcap The Holt. Ala., native struck out 12 and walked only two Through 25 innings, Champion has a 0.36 ERA to lead Region 23. A four-run first inning was all the Warriors would need. Patrick Ferris had two doubles while Brent Brent Page trots home safely during a recent wtn over Pearl River. APPEARED IN: CARTHAGINIAN___ ---r/-- NESHOBADEMOCRAT__ /______ NE~ONRECORD _ _______ MERIDIAN STAR__________ LAKE MESSENGER_____________ SCOTT COUNTY TIMES_________ UNION APPEAL------------ WINSTON COUNTY JOURNAL,_____ CLARION-LEDGER____________ rls o-hitter; M c· m the playoff chase. As of Monday, the Bulldogs were 10-2 in the division, while the Diamond Warriors were one game back at 9-3. ECCC is 17-18 overall. Willis (5-3), a product of Neshoba Central, struck out 10 and walked one to record the first no-hitter for an ECCC pitcher since Kenny Estep of Bishop, La., did it against Three Rivers Community College m 1996. Estep is now a member of the Louisiana Tech pitching staff. Wi Also in the playoff picture are Jones Count) Junior College at 8-6, Copiah– Lincoln Community College at 7-5 and Hinds Community College at 6-8. The top two teams from the South and . ·onh Divisions qualify for the state ament, which this year is being by the South Division winner. For Willis, who earlier signed with Ole Miss and was drafted in the 24th round by the New York Yankees, the 11- 0 decision represents his fourth career shutout - a new ECCC record. Champion (2-1) a sophomore pitcher Paula MerrittThe Meridian S sti out at third base after trying to gain another base on a single by _ c a iofO crt· Obff' ~-3~~ eigh;nings of play. Holmes had scheduled to games for today's date. The Eagles' next contests will be Saturday and Sunday in Alexandria, La. They will play Galveston in a double– header 00 ~RtllfflAv onrl "' .,;~-1 ft -~- ECCC sfiuts out Sout west twicE and a double while Ju'>tin Chaney of '\Je\\ ton County had a pair of '>mgle'>. Southwe'>t also (Ommitted six errors. [C scored in each inning of the '>IX-innmg run-rule con– test Champion (2-1) tossed a two– hit o.,hutout in the nightca p. 1 he Holt, Al.1., nati\'e -;truck out 12 and walked only two. fhrough 25 inning-., ChampiOn hao., a 0.36 ERA to lead Rcgior1 23. \four-run tr-.t inning wao., all the Warriors would need to tame the Bear-.. Patrick Fc1 ns had two dou– ble-. while Bnmt Page ot "-reshoba Central h<1d a singll• and a dou– ble. Allen, \\'illi-.. EC had 13 hits in impro to 17-16 overall and 9-3 m South Di\t'>ion. The doubleheader blan were EC's first since C Taylor of Philadelphia and J Mark Williams of silenced Jones in a pair in o • Itawamba 6-8, EC 2-3: Warriors dropped two m Fu on Fridav to fall to 17-1 o zr Joey Allen (3-3) took <'lt." in the opener while A Buckley (-t-.t) was the lo-.cr m nightcap. In the second gamL C Champion hit his fifth hor->er the 'ieason. EC hosts Mississippt Del today at 4 p.m. in a single~, and Jones on Saturday in a Divio.,ion d oubleheader at 1 r Communi!\ C:>l e£ Southwest · befo re d......-.....--– pair to lta\\amb? m bao.,eball action. The Warrior-.. ~ South Divi..,ton : ~ header at South\\~· improvt> to 9-3 m lea play. Gulf C.oa-..t ea 10-2. Also tn the p a are Jones ( -6}, Coolc~.U::~ (7-5), and Hind, River and South\\c• 11. EC then lo-.t a - double dtp a~ Ita Friday to fall to.--> • ECCC 11- South The \'\ arrior-. ·mr" r---------~~----~~------------~----- East Central Community College sophomore Justin Chaney slides a.:.el) into third base during a recent sweep of Pearl Rinr. The \\arriorc; added South Division sweeps of Copiah- APPEAI Lincoln and Southwest to improve to 9-3 in the division. EC LAKE N" is 17-1 O\ erall. .RTHAGINIAN___ ___ NcSHOBADEMOCRAT_______ NE~ONRECORO ______ MERIDIAN STAR._ _____ SCOTT COUNTY T I MES~:.___-- UNION APPEAL --~---- WINSTON COUNTY JOURNAL___ CLARION-LEDGER.____ _ _ Warriors take over first place Anot lcr ...11nd )Ut perfor- York Yankee. has allowed only mance b\ Ea..,t Centrill Comm- one earned run. unity C "ile~e ... oh0rn"rc pitcher While the fir'lt game was a Ja'>on \\Jilt.... of ~esho.:oa Central pitcher< duel, the nightcap •Na!> a and clutch hntmg b\ \\ iJli., -,lugfest. Chancy drove in five and Ju ...tin Chane). of runs w ith two doubles and a Newton Count\ helped ~ 'ilngle. I li'> ba'te'>-clearing the Warrior... ...\, ccp ~..:... I double in the fourth }one... 2-1 and 17-12 11 extended CC's lead to 12-7. Saturda\ in Decatur. josh Hardy had two sin- The' outh 01\ 1.,10n gles and a triple. Ferris had a before taking a 6-1 win 1n the o.,e~ ond game. Willi-, (5--0 took the los" in the fir'>t game. Fern.., and Brent P.l);C each had a doub!L'. In the nightcap, the Warrior... '>COred three run.., in the top ot the second to take ,, -l-0 b11.i. justm \\ebb hod a doubk lor EC. Chad Champion (3-1) got the wins ~aH~ EC ...ole p -.-.e<>sion of '>ingle and a homer. Brodie ftr-.t p ce w1th a 12--l mark. Gulf Meadows added thrtoe singles. Coast ,.., 13-5 \\ hile JonL"' is 10-8. joey Allen had a double to go \ ~i' ... not onh to... ..,ed a one- with two single'> hitter, but hi' h\O·run homer in Danny Rushing (2-l) got the the bottom of the ..,ixth accounted w in with 4 2/3 inning<; of re lief. tor all of EC'-. run-. in thto opener. The '>Weep upped £C's O\ er- Patnck fern-.. had rl'ached on all record to 20-20. an t-rror prior to Willi.., bla'it to Earlier in the week, the 1\: th:enter. Warriors split a twinb11l at Hinds \\ tlh-. -.truck out 10 and and blew a 9-2 lead in losing to "alkcd t 'm upping Ius record Mississippi Delta. to th. II' ".., -.t 21 innmg<,, the At I lind<; on Apnl 6, the 2-lth-round draft pick. the New Warriors lost 4-2 in the op~ner win with a four-hit wmplete game. Followtng thl' win, hi., ERA wa., 0.56 in :r~ 1/1 inning., of work. In Wcdncsd;w's 13-12 Jo.,.., to Delta in Dccah.1r:the \V,lrnor..,Jl·d 9-2 through SC\ l'n innt 1c;.., bl• ml' shoddy defen'>l' .1nd dutch hit– ting by th~ TroJ.lll" pro iuccd II run'> in thl' final two mnmg~. Webb had ,, grand .,Jam lor the Warnors while Champron had a p ECCC shorts top Brent Page gets upended in Wednesday's game with Mississippi Delta. The Warriors swept Jones on Saturday to grab the lead in the South Division. .. APPEAF CARTHAGINIAN_ ___ ___ NESHOBADEMOCRAT_______ NE~ONRECORO _________ MERIDIAN STAR.________ LAKE MESSENGER___________ _ SCOTT COUNTY TIMES___,..---– UNION APPEAL _ _ .......__-:----- WINSTON COUNTY JOURNAL____ CLARION-LEDGER.__________ the East Central Community College Warriors this spring are from left in Chane} of Newton County, outfielder/pitcher Chad Champion of r-.t baseman Jason Willis of Neshoba Central, and catcher Brodie t::~m>!Otl. II four are sophomores. ws leads EC past River IO\\ ed by Jone~ (13-9), Copiah– Lmcoln (10-10), Hinds (8-12), Pearl River (6-14), and Southwest (4-1-l). ~ • Gulf Coast 6-7, EC 2-0: ~ <..ulf Cnast all but w rapped up the South Division ~~ -.flampJOn<>hip with the J pril 1 1 sweep at Pcrkm... ton. \ 22 and 12-6. Chad Champion 13-2) tooJ... the lo.,s in the opt>ncr. Chuck Butler to-;-.ed .1 no-lut– tcr for tlw Bulldog.., in the m ht– cap. • EC 11-8, Pearl RiH~r 1-5· was the Brodie :\lc.ldO\ ., .., for the \\arrior-. aturd Poplarville a.., thl'\ took tv. sion wins from the \'\ •I :1 Mcadow., had l\\(l m The Bulldogs improved to 23- .; Oh.'Tall a 'ld 15-5 in the South DavNon The \Varriorc; fell to 20- and <;ix RBI".,._ the W n the opener 111 llht fhl' 1 Leading 4-1. I::C put the ru ru on PRCC w1th ... e, e n run<. m top of the fifth . McadO\\'! h d grand slam 111 thL' b1; mnmg The Warnor-. -.nappt..'Ci tic in the top of the tim l \ h Patrick Fern'>, Meadow'> • nd Jac;on Willie;, h1t nm-.~Lll ll\c home! runs. ra11 ni four run... m t .., cnth to wmplek Meadows had a two-nm '>Ill., t in the winning rail\ Pearl River held a 'i-0 ,1th'4n-' tage through thrct inning.... Willis h,\d ,, twn-run 11llmer in the top of the fourth. Meadows continued lw ... career day with ,1 "inglc and " double. Sanborn had two dou blec;. joe} Allen (-1-fi) got tlw w1n in relief of (had Champion. Ua) Hannatord (1-h) took thL• ln-.... Juc;tin Chnn•" • ~ 1 CARTHAGINIAN___ ___ NESHOBADEMOCRAT_____ NE~ONRECORD _____________ MERIDIAN STAR____ ___ URNAL___ EC readiesfor State Tournament The Ea~t Central Commun t\ C F Perk111ston campus The Diamond \\ .unors meet Northwest. the top· eednl \forth team, at 3 p.m. Gulf Coa-.t and TI.JI\'dmba battle at 7 p.m. The double el immation tourna– ment continues through the week- nd, I\ tth games schedu led ill 11 am, 3 pm.m, and 7 p.m. on Satur– da\ Tht- championship matchup JS set for 1 p.m. Should a game seven be needed to determme the l>tate wmncr, that contest wiU be played thirty minutes following game s1x. All ECCC tournament games will be broadcast bv WSSI-FM(98.3) 111 Carth.tgt', fl•dtl;nng veteran broad– Cd"ter \1ike Goodwin. Ea~t Central alc;o qualified for the fo urth 'traight year tp compete in the Rl·gwn 23 Tournament sched– ult-d \fa1 7-9 at Meridian Communi– t) College. Tournament brackets will be announced next week. \g,1inst Southwest, East Central won 8-5 m the first game and fell 4-2 Ill the second contest, which went 10 tnnings. leading hHters for EC m the first match up ''ere Justin Chaney of v·ton County, two singles; and Brodl\: Meadows of Brandon, Justin \\ebb of 'eshoba Central and Jud nbom of 'oxapater, singles e,lch. In the second game, sluggers were Meadows, two smgles; Jason Willis of Neshoba Central, double; and Sanborn Webb, Jayeson McDon– ald of Tuscaloosa County and Joey Allen of Junction City, Ark., singles each. Danny Rushing(4-2) of Edinburg was the losing pitcher. Needing just one more victory to secure a spot in the state playoffs, East Central responded by scoring four runs in the bottom of the sev– enth to claim a 6-5 victory over Co– Lin in game one of doubleheader achon played' April 21 in Decatur. East Central also won the nightcap by a 10-9 margin. Rushing (4-1) was the winning pttche r 111 the first game a nd \Villis(S-4) came in relief to win the second matchup. Diamond Warrior sluggers dur– ing the first game were Sanborn, three singles; Chaney and Willis, two singles each; and Webb, single. Game two hitters were Patrick Fcms of Clinton, triple and two sin– gles; Allen and Sanborn, two singles each; Chad Champion of Holt, Ala., home run; Willis, Chaney and Chuck Welch of University Christian, sin– gles each. lege Ba-.eball program ha" re another mllc;;;tone. The pia bound Diamond \\amor, \\h year captured their fir-.t tate pionsh1p won a , hare ot the r f South Dins1on tatle folio weekend doubldteader '' tth Southwest th1s year·~ co-d!\ J-.;ton champc: both squads completed a n r 3} with 17-7 record~ Ea.,t Centra a e close to wmnmg the tttle outnght and being de~1gnated th., h t th , year·~ stak toumte) But a - -2 I , to the Bears m t?xtra mnmg-: of game two mpped tho,e thought.; an the bud. Ea~t Central "on the fir-t s me by an 8-5 margm. What madt t~te South\\e5t g me– crucial to the Diamond \\ amors was that Gulf Coast dropped a double– header to ''isiting Copiah-ltncoln the same day. Since the Bulldog, won three of their tour ~a me- \~ 1th East Central, Gulf Coa<:t wlll ~ne as site of this year's competition East Central, wh1ch completed the regular se.1son w1th a 25-23 mark, is makmg its th1rd tra1ght appearance in the sate tournament which gets underway I nda • on the CARTHAGINIAN______ NESHOBA DEMOCRAT____ NE~ONRECORO _____ MERIDIAN STAR______ APPEARED IN: LAKE MESSENGER.- - -:----– SCOTT COUNTY TIMES~::.____--- UNION APPEAL - ------ WINSTON COUNTY JOURNAL___ CLARION-LEDGER_ _____
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