WEEKOF ~\~i -- ~~~~~F~1 ____

guest speaker at ECCC

York Jets and New Orleans be– fore being named head coach in Cleveland in 1978. During his tenure with the Browns, Ru– tigliano was twice named AFC Coach of the Year by United Press International, and was se– lected NFL Coach of the Year in 1980 after leading Cleveland to an 11-5 rL-<:ord and the AFC Central Div1sion title. He left the Browns during the 1984 sea– son and became a color commen– tator for ESPN and NBC from 1985-1988. Rutigliano was chosen head See ECCC on page SA

tral junior College. Rutigliano was a standout member of the Warrior football and basket– ball teams prior to continuing his athletic career at the Uni– versity of Tennessee, which woo the national football championship in 1952. Rutigliano began his coach– ing career oo the high school level in New York City in 1956, and later served on the staffs at the University of Connecticut and Umversity of Maryland. He entered the pro ranks in 1967, serving as an assistant at Denver, New England, New

Football Sam Ru–

speak ·o tho> stu– at East Ce.1tral t\ College during a assembly program led Tuesday, December the Decatur campus. Ru-· ,., ho has guided the Uruversity football smce 1989, will begin at 10:45 a.m. in

ootball coach at Liber~ U~i­ erSit) m LynChburg, Vtrglf~ta, li) 19~9, where he is completing his 40th year in coaching . In addition to his coaching career, Rutigliano .has authored several publicatwns, . eluding the 1986 Pro Football ~outing ;~eport, and his auto– biography titled: P~essure. He also remams m great de– mand as a speaker throughout the entire western world. H e conducts coaching clinics as far away as Australia and Italy and 1 s in constant demand as a motivational speaker through– out the United States. 1n ecognition of Rutigliano's career as a successful coach and thlete he was selected to the Central Community Col– • thletic Hall of Fame for "~ recognized during bo=.EOJ:~Lg activities held in H ,, ever, due to a conflict involving


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