WEEKOF __ \ 0~-~\~\ _-Cf1 __ ~---

l ~~~~~0~~~ ~~~;, ~~?~:. ~~~~0~ ~~. 'Hall' Ward LB. Bullock and Richard Orleans Saints before he became the college, have four children. Several reunion groups will Clad, ha\·e been named to the head coach of "the Cleveland Clark, who teaches machine also meet on Friday, October 15. East Central Community College Brown<;. At Cleveland, he was shop technology, wa... fir-.t The Class of 1949 will hos t an Athletic Hall of Fame and twice named AFC Coach of the employed at the college in 1969. informal gathering from 6 to 10 Instructors of the Year. Year and was selected as NFL He later left for a job in the pri- p.m. at the Days Inn conference Rutigliano, who has served as Coach of the Year in 1980. vate sector. room in Newton. The 1948 and head football coach at Liberty Rutigliano was chosen coach at but returned 1950 class members are also Uni\·ers1ty in Liberty University in Lynchburg, the following invited to attend. Graduates Lynchb ur g, Va., where he is """ year. He is from the classes of 1957, 1958 Virginia since now in hi<> 11th now in hi" and 1959 will gather at 6:30p.m. 1989, attended season. 29th year as at the Decattu Methodis t N e w t o n Ward was a instructor. Church. C o Ll n t y <;tandout ha If- R e u n i o n For more information regard- Agricu I tura I back and defen- g r o u p s ing Homecoming '99, contact the High School, o:;ive back for the scheduled to meet include mem- Office of then a pa rt of "1955 and 56 bers of all c!a·N~.., ending in "9" Development .----===--....., East Cen tral Warrior football with special recognition planned and Alumni Junior College, from 1950 to teams. After Ward graduated, he for the 19-!9 cJa..,..,; atletic career at member.., pf rhe Ac' cenh, the C L' n t r a I high school senior was a stand- Louisiana College. College's show choir; thL' !965, Comm unity out member of the Warrior foot- He later joined the U.S. Navy. 1966 and 1967 lootball team...; College, P. 0. ball and basketball teams. He He retired from active duty in and member-, of the Cia-.... ot Box 129, continued his athletic career at 1990. 1937. The C.ollege'.., Alumni Band Decatur, Miss. the University of Tcnnesc;ec, Bullock, who teaches com- will aga1n be tl'atured perfonn- 39327, Ph 635- which won the nationa l champi- pouter "cienl:e, hac; been ere; during haHtune ceremonie., 2111, ext. 323 onship in 1952. employed with the college since of the Warrior fL1otball game, ..,et or call toll free, 1-877-C0-2-

Rutigliano coached pro foot- 1989.

to begin at 2:30p.m. again'>t divi- ECCC (1-877-462-3222), ext. 323.

Bullock and his wife, Ann, who sion foe }one.., Lount) Junior

ball at Denver, New England,





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