Warriors finish third in state; regi nal begins Th1 By MARTY STAMPER Democrat Sports Eduor '~Viffirtr~ror ~ i'n ·,t~le re·gionals fourth. The Warrw•."·l :~H-23, went up 7-4 with three runs in the Htl(ll..

Jason Will is IH 11, "'the complete-game win , aiding his effor t w•l! • 1louble and a home run. He slruck out etghl t ml walked only two as the Rangers touched hlln fo r six runs a nd seven hits. .Justin Webb ,tl h.ul a double to go wilh a homer . Jud Sanbm•• nnd .Jus tin Cha ney both had doubles for II War·ri ors whi l e Brodie Meadows liad a hntu! EC' outhit Norl It\\~~~ 13 to seven with three Ranger homerH kcH ling th em i n the g ame. Northwest fell to •II • I Two of t he losses have been to the W arruu • Itawamba 1:1 to;c 4: J ason Willis a gain had a double and • I •1111' run for the Warriors in Saturday af~ernw_111'l luss to the hot-swinging Indtans who tmpnwr~ltn 35-16. Justin Webh, ll1 u1lie Me a dows, and Joey Allen each had a dooHI•h· for EC, 26-24. Chad Champu111 I I :11 look t.he loss, allowing six runs in jus t 1 1/fljnnings. • Gulf Coast 7, ~t ' 3: The Bulldogs extract– ed a measure of rP\'dll.:<' from last year's cham– pionship game In •• 1 nunaling the Warriors Sat– urday night. EC' li II '" :l6-25. Allen Buckley \:i t • 1c10k the loss, allowing five runs on just_ lhrn(l Qtll' through 4 2/3 innin~s. Dnnny Rushmg n•mt•l••l.ed the con test, allowmg two runs on thrN: hll • tu the Bulldogs, 37-16. Jason Willis r•11!••uued his hot tournament '' ith a home ru•• , .l .~s I Oth of t he season and t hird oflhe tounui •if, '' "We had a hnf(IJ ( twd and a great turnout of El Central JW•ill ..... EC coach Jami e Clark satd of Saturday 11i(l tl's contest. "Buckley thn·' rn•at for about five innings hul got irlt.o trouhlo •IIIII had to be pulled. But it was great seeing t. . " JHlcb well again , especial– lv since he'sjusl u 11 1 •·-.hman."

1998 - East Central 10, East Miss1ssipp1 0 Delgado 6, East Central 4 Meridian 3, East Central 1 (EC finished 32-22) 1997 - East Central 12, Gulf Coast 1 Mississippi Delta 12, East Central 8 Meridian 9, East Central 6 (EC finished 40-18) 1996 - Delgado 13, East Central 5 Holmes 5, East Central 3 (EC finished 31-21) Meridian (34-16) meeting Mississippi Delta (24- 22) at 7. The Warriors will turn to sophomore ace Jason Willis (9-4) agains t the Dolphins. He's 18- 7 in his two seasons at EC. Clark expects to go with Allen Buckley (3-4) in the second game. "Obviously we will use our bullpen as needed to win each game wh ich will be a determining factor on who will start the remaining games,·• Clark said. If EC beats Delgado, t he Warriors would play the Meridian-Delta Wlnner F riday at 7 p.m. A Delgado win would send the Warriors against the Gulf Coas t-Nort heast winner Friday at 4 p .m. EC's games in the tournament will be broad– cast on WSSI-FM (98.3) in Carthag('. • EC 8, Northwest 6: The Warl'iorHopened the tournament Friday afternoon wtlh a win over the nation's top-rankNI N,JCAA Division II team. EC tra il ed 4-1 afte r thn•e innings b<"ftH'<' drn wtn~ ••ven wtlh thn•<' rllllR in Ihe top of t ht•

The East Central Community College War– riors placed third in the MACJC s tate baseball l11urnament at Ken Farris Field~ " ' Perkins ton last weekend. After opening with a win over .,: , N.JCAA Division II top -ranked " " Northwes t on Friday , the Wa r - nors were eliminated with losses · l Itawamba game, we could not bunch our 1its together. In other words, we did not make uts when we ha d baserunners. Bu t then a gain, tawamba played as hot as a firecracker and has lone so over the past few week s." Eas t Central will be competing in the Region :l Division I Tournament t his week in Meridi– •n The Warriors, 26-25, open the six-team dou– ·''" climinatiuon tournament Thursday at 1 ) , Ill , aga ins t Delgado from New Orlea ns. The w11 I <~nms met in Decatur during the regular •··• '"" with the Dolphins ta king a 10-5 win on 1 m ·lt :I. EC ruul DPIJ.{ado arc becoming familiar oppo- 11111\lt in Ill• Ht'l' lOil '2~ <•vent. Delgado claimed a 1Wlii ! f!fi,~V('(••'I• •" ' • 1'\.fl victory in 1996. Fhl!fii!'l uv'••uthn' o•u•r•M h ,, .. Gulf Coast (38- r,n 11!11 Nn!l ht~~u··! NUu•lllr~i pp• .tt I p m and

Justin Webb had a home 6 win over Northwest Frid

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