·N.Y. Yankees sign ECCC pitcher Se,·er,11 members of the 1999 Ea"t centTal C

a membe of the ECCC baseball team has caught the attenti n of tne New York Yankees. Marcus Thames of Lou nl e as drafted followi ng the 1997 campaign and rompetts in the AA league. Since 1987, 12 mem– r ... of ti-e Dtamond Warriors squad have been drafted "T have signed wtth professional baseball o~aruzations. FCiur members of thts year's 1999 Diamond \\ arrior squad will continue their careers at fo r-year colleges. Those players include catcher Brodie Meadows of Brandon and outttelderlpitcher Chad Champion of Holt, Ala, who have signed with the university of '· l\labama; outfielde r I pitcher Joey Allen of Junction C1ty, Arkansas, now with the Umversit) of Arkan a' at \Ionticello; and second baseman Justin Chane\ of ~wton Count), who signed with Belhaven The 1999 Dtamond \'\ arriors placed third m the state tournament and f; 'lt-.hed runners-up in the Region 23 compt."'lttlon en route to a 2~27 record. Jamte Clark has sened a' head coach for the past12 years.

College b,,,eball team \\1ll continue thetr careers ether in the protcssio a) rank~ or'' tth four-year coli~'S. At th~ top ot the Ji.;t is pttcher I first ba"""ma Ja n Willis of Philaddphta who signed a contract the New York Yankees. Willis, a product of i'i:eshoba

Central high School, po.;ted a 10-5 rl.'cord for the Dtamond Warriors this past sea– son and recorded the most strikeouts (127)

among all 17 teams in Region 23. \\ iJh..., an All– Region and All-State selection for the second ron.."ff– utive vear, was drafted by the Yankees m the 2.;th round. He had earlier stgned with the Unt\C~JI\ ot \fi,sissippi but has decided to enter th~ pro sional ranks. Also t.lpped by the Yankees ts pitcht:r Alll'n Buckley of Brandon, who recently rompl ~J his freshman Sl'ason as a Diamonr.l Warrior. Buck– le), drafted in the 35th round, has dcCid~ to retum to l::.tst Central for his sophomore year. This past season marks the thtrd stratght


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