WEEKOF __ =-~~--~9 _______

tral Diamond amptonship ts not only a tribute to Clark reali?es he needs to r.:place 199 squad but also to the many several key players from last year's utstandmg players who have 32-22 squad who have smce moved e ped build a winning program on to compett: at the !it?nior college here at East Central," Clark said. level. Among those former standouts Oark, now in hts 12th season at are Dan Gressett of Lake, and Chris East Ce"ltral has not had a losing Tullos of Union, and slugger Greg ea-;on smce 1988. He's had four Wood of Newton County, all now at trat~h seasons with 30 or more the University ofWest Alabama. w.-ms. three stratght years in the play- But Clark satd this year's squad, f, and bad..-to-back years in the which featureslO sophomores and 17 tate 'frnals. But the veteran coach freshmen, is also loaded with talent su.; the upcoming season is a crucial and the desire to win. Obviously the tndicator of the program's success. top returnee ts pitcher/first baseman "lhi' IS a big year for us, simply Jason Willis of Neshoba Central. becau5e people wtll be looking at us Willis posted a 9-3 mar k on the more than in the past. So for us, the mound last season in addihon to his que-:>tton is, \\ tll we be able to take .331 batting averagt: and 13 home the next ::.tep and be competitive for runs. Willis was selected All-Region ,a mte title this year or wilt we sHp a 23, All-State and the South divt.,Jon's •ch and JU't be an average pro- most valuable player. He was draft- gram,.. ed in the 24th round by the New


Having outstanding pitching has been a trademark of Clark's teams through the years lie has always had at least two outstanding hurlers each season. T h is

Clark said another kc\ n11 mht:r of the pttchmg staff, Ken .rcgory of Oak Grove, La, r<'cently had surg• ry .lnd will miss. the entir(• ~eao;on Everyone else is at lOO"o and th re~nt \\ilrm weather has resulted tn many days outstde on llw pract1cc field. "Fortunately at this pomt, \~C are not dealing wtt sort' cum~. leg etc. bec,ntse of the cxet'llt•nt weather Cl.lndttion. Everyone is e:.gcr to be tn the sea...on, Clark Satd Clark will learn more ,,bout the 1999 version ot East C•·ntral Com– munity Colleg•· baseball \\hen the Diamond Warrtors face Central Alabama in a threL•-gamr: scnes 111 Alt:xandcr City.A 2 p.m mgle wn test is scheduled saturday, '' tth dou ble header action set to bcgm at I p.m. Sunday. !East Central begm home actton on \\ edncsda), Fcbru ary 17 .1gamst Holmes Commllluty College. The single contest g<'IS undenvay at I p.m at Chns Ga\ IV MemonJI Field.

l bn~ht spots, mduc :; the addttton of many younc o~thletic e der-. But tt al come.- d n to ·dun~ and ..omeone', sot to step up and beat teams liJ..e Gulf Coast, Hfud jones etc., on the roarl tf we ~ to be "uccessful TI!IIe will

n o ~xcep­

tion. In addition to WilHs, Clark satd freshman Allen BucJ..Iey of Brandon should have an "outstanding career" at East Central. Clark said Buckley "throws very hard and has a .r;eally good curve."

APPEARED I m those guys will be ..



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