2011 ECCC Newspaper Clippings
ECCC First-Pitch Dinner scheduled Feb. 4; features Mets official as speaker DECATUR -A Major League Baseball official will serve as guest speaker when East Central Community College holds its 2011 first-Pitch Dinner on the Decatur campus. Mac Seibert, regional superv1sor for the New York Mets, will
address Diamond Warrior fans and supporters at the annual program scheduled at 6:30 p.m. Feb. 4 in Mabry Memorial Cafeteria "We very much appreciate Mr. Seibert taking time to speak at our F1rst-P1tch Droner as we begin a new season; sa1d Neal Holliman, who enters his fifth year as head coach. Holliman is a long-time acquaintance of Seibert, who was responsible for draftmg two of Holliman's former Warriors - Donnie Tabb of
Philadelphia and ZeEricka Hall. Tabb, a 5-foot- 11, 205-pound outfielder/shortstop/pitcher, was selected in the 43rd round of the 2010 Major League Baseball Draft. Hall, a 6- foot, 175-pound outfielder, was drafted in the 29th round in 2009. Both are still members of the New York Mets organization. Seibert, a native of Pensacola, Fla., was a standout baseball player and coach prior to beginning hrs successful career in th& major leagues. He was a member of the 1984Tate High School baseball team, which captured state and national titles. Serbert was selected Florida Athlete of the Year following the championship season and was tapped by the Oakland Athletics in the 1984 Major League Baseball Draft. However, Seibert chose·to rnstead pursue his college educa– tion and athletic career at Jefferson Dav1s Community College, Unrversity of Miami and Jacksonville State University. His career at Jacksonville State included two NCAA World Series. In 1989, Seibert rece1ved NCAA All-American honors and was drafted by the Detroit Tigers, serving part of two seasons in their minor league system. After completing his degree, Seibert returned to Jefferson Davis Community College as a pitching coach and recruiting coordinator. He helped lead the 1994 baseball squad to state and regional championships and a berth in the Junior College World Series in Grand Junction, Colo. In the fall of 1994, Seibert returned to Major League Baseball as a scout with the Atlanta Braves and helped assemble "The Team of the Decade" with aWorld Series championship in 1995 and National League title in 1996 In 1998, Seibert moved west and spent two years with the Ari– zona Diamondbacks who in 2000 were crowned World Series Champions. The following year he was promoted to National Scouting Supervisor with the Tampa Bay Devil Rays. He spent seven years with Devil Rays and helped produce one of the best farm systems in baseball, resulting man Amencan League Championship and World Series appearance 10 2008. Seibert left Tampa Bay for the Pensacola Pelicans, where he served two years as manager pnor to accepting his current posi– tion With the NewYork Mets. T1ckets to the ECCC First-Pitch Dmner are $20 for adults and SlO for children 12 and under. Souvenrr D1amond Warnor 1tems w1ll also be available for pur– chase. To purchase F1rst-P1tch Dmner t1ckets. contact Holliman at 601-635-6374 or call toll free, 877-462-3222, ext. 374. Thee– mail address IS nholtiman@eccc.edu. -from school reports MERIDIAN STAR _....:..J_ '.;._f- _ ___
. II""~;!' JI WEEK OF
ECCC photo These area high school baseball standouts are shown signing national letters-of-intent to continue their careers at East Central Community College in Decatur. Joining the Warriors for 2011-12 are (seated from left) Ryan Shotts, an infielder/outfielder/pitcher from Louisville High School; pitcher Jamie Ball and pitcher/infielder Colby Maner, both of Morton; catcher Dustin Floyd, pitcher Robert Greer and pitcher/first baseman Caleb McKee, all of Nashoba Central; , infielder/outfielder Xzavier Franklin, Newton County; and outfielder/infielder Andrius Huddleson of Philadelphia. Standing from left are ECCC head baseball coach Neal Holliman and assistants Michael Avalon, Hunter Vick' and Jesus Aleman. The scholarship signing ceremony was held Jan. 18 in the Molly McGee Gold Room in Mabry Memorial Cafeteria.
CARTHAGINIAN------– NEWTON COUNTY APPEAL ---- SPIRIT OF MORTON ---------------------- MERIDIAN STAR _ 'J.....;:.__ ____
ECCC Baseball Program Offers Hitting/Pitching Clinics for Youth Area young base– ball players will have an opportunity to sharpen their hitting and pitching skills by participating in the annual Hitting and Pitching Indoors for Youth Clinic sched– uled during February at East Central Com– munity College m Decatur. "We are pleased to once again offer the hitting and pitching clinic to assist players in preparation for their upcoming sea– sons." said Neal Holli– man, ECCC head baseball coach. Holhman said instruction is designed for ages 6 to 12 and will be provid– ed by Diamond War– rior coaches and play– ers. Hitting instruction is offered from 6: 15 to 8:15p.m. each Thurs– day. The pitchmg clinic will be held Monday evenings, and partici– pants may choose, upon availabihty, between two sessions.
Shotts Inks ECOC Basebaft Scholarship Ryan Shotts (third from left), a standout baseball player at Louisville High School, Is shown signing a national letter d intent to continue his career at East Central Communi!)' College In Decatur. Shotts, a 6-1, 195-¢und infielder/outfielder pitcher, received Gold GloYe and husde awards at LHS. flE;o seat– ed (from left) are his parents. Char1es and Rhonda Shotts ct Louisville, and Wildcat head ~II ooach Justin Reed. Standi"' from left are ECOC head baseball coach Neal Holliman and assistants Michael Avalon, Hunter YO< and Jesus Aleman. The scholarship signing ceremonywas held Tuesday, Jan.18, 20111n the Molly McGee Gold Room In MatxyMemorial cafeteria at ECCC. {EC PhOO>)
The first session is scheduled from 6 to 7:15 p.m. followed by a second sess1on from 7:15 to 8:30p.m. Coach Holliman said players will be divided into groups for participation in batting practice, tee drills, soft toss, wiffle balls, bunting tech– niques and other hit– ting-related exercises. Pitchers will learn the fundamental steps of a delivery as well as t hrow a super– vised pen each week.
Participants will also be instructed in other aspects of pitching including arm care, pick moves and grips. Instruction will be provided in the Indoor Practice Facil– lty in Founders' Gym and the South Cam– pus Gymnasium. The mdoor facility includes two full– length cages, an area for bunting, a pitch– ing machine and sev– eral hitting stations. Cost is $100 for the Hitting Clinic and
$75 for the Pitching Clime. Participants can attend both clin– ics for $150. Fees include insurance and a camp T-shirt. Deadline to register is Friday, Jan . 28, 2011. For more informa– tion, contact Coach Neal Holliman (601- 635-6374) or Coach Michael Avalon (601- 635-6226). Their e– mail addresses are nholliman@eccc.edu a n d mavalon@eccc.edu.
4 record with a 4.47 ERA. He fanned 47 batters through 56 innings. He was a second team MACJC All-State selection fol– lowing the 2010 season. Mitchell has signed a national letter-of-intent to continue his career at Delta State University. Mann (6-3, 175) went 4-1 on the mound and posted a 6.50 ERA. He fanned 32 batters in 36 innings. Bryan saw limited action in 2010 due to an injury. Considered the squad's top returning relievers are right-ban– ders Cal Cossich and Tyler Dalton, who were both named to the MACJCAll-State Second Team. Cossich (6-1, 180) was a perfect 6-0 in 2010 and registered a 3.41 ERA. He fanned 40 batters in 31.2 innings. Dalton (5-10, 185) went 5-2 with a 4.53 ERA. He struck out 29 in 49.2 innings. Dalton recently signed a national letter-of-intent with Delta State University. Also expected to p{ay major
roles in llw upt•oming campaign include red-shirt fresh man Tyler Neal, a 6-2. 185-pound "Wi::-;llsc> ,·ouliruu!(>w e·ffot tfl tu lw r c:co~niZl:d a::~ otll' 1111111~ lop plti~IOIIIIS Ill lltl' nltliou unci to bt~ a eontcnder for pc•~l :;e:ason Slll'C('SS on a yearly lw11i~. 11 · lkgarding this year's squad, llolliru;ul said: "We have some quality players returning which will provtdc a good nucleus for sut·ccss, but there is a lot of room for newcomers to step in and fill necessary roles that were left vacant from a talented group of sophomoreR." East Central begins the 2011 season by hosting Jefferson Davis Community College of Brewton, Ala., in doubleheader acpon getting under way at 1 p.m. Wednesday. A nine-inning battle will be followed by a seven-inning matchup at the Clark/Gay Baseball Complex. Top returning starters include first baseman Richie Long and catcher/third baseman Charles Hill, third baseman Vincent Kortbawi, and catcher I outfielder Jeremy May of Uttle Rock. Long, a 6-1, 198-pound first baseman/outfielder, led the Warriors in hitting with a .U9 batting average, 14 home runs and 73 RBis. He also collected 17 doubles and scored 51 runs. Long was named to the All– Region23 and MACJC All-State squads and was selected EC's most valuable offensive player. He also earned NJCAADivi– sion II Player of the Week honors following his perform– posted a .700 batting average with one home run and six RBis. He also scored five runs. Long recently signed a national letter-of-intent to con– tinue his career at the Univer– sity ofWest Florida in Pen– sacola. Hill, a 5-foot-7, 175-pound catcher I second baseman, batted .307 with five home Sec WARRIORS on page 82-- ance during a four-game stretch in March, when he WARRIORS from page Bl runs, 16 doubles and two triples. He also collected 54 RBis and scored 49 runs. He received the squad's most improved player award for the 2010 season. Kortbawi, a 5-11, 175-pound third baseman, posted a .347 bat– ting average and had three home runs, 16 doubles and five triples. He also collected 49 RBis and scored 55 runs. He plans to continue his career. at the University ofAlabama– Huntsville. May, a 5-9, 170-pound utility player, missed the 2010 season due to injury but was an MACJC All-State selection his freshman season in 2009, when he batted .338 and belted two home runs, a triple and three doubles. He was also credited with 31 RBis. Top returning hurlers include Colton Mitchell, Pervis Mann and Bobby Bryan. Mitchell (6-1, 185) posted an 8- fcCCC BASEBALL Warriors • prepartng for another successful • campatgn from school reports DECATUR-Mer winning runner-up honors in the MACJC State BaseballTourna- I rncnl and finishing third in Rrgion 23 competition in 2010, I East Central Community Col– ll•ge's Warriors have their sights set on another suc– l'c•ssful campaign. The 2010 squad finished 39- .:w and was cankc·d as high as ltllhiulhc N.l< AJ\ poll chuuH~ Ihe c ' 1011 But how tl!r• 1Pa111 JH'r– I'Otlll' this season dc 111 nds on how \\c•lllhey come -I c( w D. D. Holliman together as a unit, according to fifth-year head coach Neal Holliman. "Development (of talent) and truly competing on a daily basis will be the keys to our success in 2011," said Hol– liman, whose first squad cap– tured the MACJC stale champi onship. "Our goal for 20 II is lh(• same as il is each yL•ar, and thai •~ to 111aximizc our team's poll·111 i al. I ) c( z ~ 0 ..... z z 0::: c( ::J 0 z 0 :1! - 0 en (!) z LL. z c( 0 <( ::c 0 ..... c ..... .... ~ 0:: ~ ~ <( w 0: w 0 z en :1! 0:: c( ..... z - 0 w 0::: <( w D. D. <( 1 _, ; {II WEEK OF / ECCC Diamond Warriors prepare for successful season After winning runner-up hon– for newcomers to tep in and fill necessary roles that were left vacant from a talented group .of sophomores." East Central begins the 2011 season by hosting Jefferson Da..is Community College of Brewton, Ala., in doubleheader action get– ting under way at 1 p.m. Wednes– day, Feb. 9. A nine--inning battle will be followed by a seven– inning matchup at the Clark/Gay Baseball Complex. Top returning starters include first baseman Richie Long and catcher/third baseman Charles Hill, both ofCarthage; third base-– man Vmcent Kortbawi of Moundville,AL; and catcher/out– fielder Jeremy May of Little Rock. Top returning hurlers include Colton Mitchell of Lake, Pervis Mann of Carthage and Bobby Bryan ofCrossett, Ark. Also expected to play major roles in the upcoming campaign include red-shirt freshman Tyler Neal, a 6-2, 185-pound outfielder See ECCC, page 10A ors in the MACJC State Baseball Tournament and finishing third in Region 23 competition in 2010, East Central Community Col– lege's Diamond Warriors have their sights set on another suc– cessful campaign. The 2010 squad finished 39- 20and was ranked as high as lOth in the NJCAA poll during season competition. But how the team performs this season depends on how well they come together as a unit, according to fifth-year bead coach Neal Holliman. "Development (oftalent) and truly competing on a daily basis will be the keys to our success in 2011," said Holliman, whose first squad captured the MACJC State Baseball Championship. "Our goal for 2011 is the same as it is each year, and that is to maximize our team's potential. We also continue our efforts to be recognized as one of the top pro– grams in the nation and to be a contender for post-season success on a yearly basis," said Holliman. Regarding this year's squad, Holliman said: ''We have some quality players returning which will provide a good nucleus for success, but there is a lot of room University in Memphis; Tanner Noakley, a 5-11, 155-pound infielder from Ocean Springs High School; Mitchell Wooten, a 5-11, 170-pounded right-handed pitcher from Edinburg High School~ Tyler Brant;· a r,~, 190- pound right-handed pitcher/out– fielder from Southaven High School and transfer fromthe Uni– versity of Southern Mississippi; and B.J. Martin, a 5-ll. 220- pound comer infielder from Franklinton, La. ; and Taylor Parks, a 5-8, 155-pound second baseman from Manchester Acad– emy; and Carlos Leal of Puerto Rico, a '5-11, 190-pound catcher and transfer from Broward Com– munity College mFlorida. Coach Holliman's staff includes assistants Michael Aval– on and Hunter Vick and graduate assistant Jesus Aleman, a former Diamond Warrior. Aleman was a team captain and member of the 2007 MACJC State Champi– onship squad ECCC Continued from page 9A from Edinburg; sophomores Jer– rod Myers, a 5-8, 165-pound out– fielder from JacksonSt. Andrews; and Darmaal Moore, a 5-8, 165- pound outfielder from Stone County High School in Wiggins. Among the 12 new Diamond Warriors are top prospects Kyle Moore, a 6-2, 205-pound infielder fromSouthaven High School and transfer from Christian Brothers APPEARED IN: NI;SHOBA DEMOCRAT -~-'---- SCOTT COUNTY TIMES _ _ _ _ WINSTON COUNTY JOURNAL__ CLARION-LEDGER------ CARTHAGINIAN - - ----- NEWTON COUNTY APPEAL ___ SPIRIT OF MORTON-------– MERIDIAN STAR------- ECCC DiamondWarriors preparing for another successful season th ree home runs, 16 doubles and five triples. He also collect– ed 49 RBis and scored 55 runs. Kortbawi 1s a former standout at Hale Coun– ty (Ala.) High School. He plans to continue his career at the Uni– versity of Alabama– Huntsville. May, a 5-9, 170- pound utility player, missed the 2010 season due to injw-y but was an MACJC All-State selection his freshman season in 2009, when he batted .338 and belt– ed two home runs, a triple and t hree dou– bles. He was also cred– ited with 31 RBis. Top returning hurlers include Colton Mitchell ofLake, Pervis Mann of Carthage and Bobby Bryan of Cros– sett, Ark. Mitchell (6-1, 185) posted an 8-4 record with a 4.47 ERA. He fanned 47 batters through 56 innings. He was a second team MACJCAll-State selec– tion following the 2010 season. Mitchell has signed a national letter of intent to continue his career at Delta State Univer– sity. Ma nn (6-3, 175) went 4-1 on t he mound and posted a 6.50 ERA. He fanned 32 batters in ~~; p.m. Wednesday, Feb. 9. A nine-inning battle will be followed by a seven-1nrung matchup at the Clark/Gay Base– ball Complex. Top returning s tarters include first baseman Richie Long and catcher/thll·d base– man Charles Hill, both of Carthage; t hud base– man Vincent Kortbawi of Moundville, AL; and catcher/outfielder Jere– my May of Little Rock. Long, a 6-1, 198- pound first baseman/outfielder, led the Diamond Warriors in hitting with a .419 batting average, 14 home runs and 73 RBis. He also collected 17 doubles and scored 51 runs. Long was named to the All– Region 23 and MACJC All-State squads a nd was selected EC's most valuable offensive play– er. He also earned NJ CAA Division II Player of the Week honors following his performance during a four-game stretch in March, when he posted a . 700 batting aver age w1th one home run and tHx RBls He a lso Hcored five runs. l .onK recently signed From press reports After winning run– ner-up honors in the MACJC State Baseball Tournament and fin– ishing third in Region 23 competition in 2010, East Central Commu- . nity College's Diamond Warriors have their sigh ts set on another successful campaign. The 2010 squad fin– IShed 39-20 and was ranked as high as lOth in the NJ CAA poll dur– mg season competition. But how the team per– forms this season depends on how well they come toget her as a unit , according to fifth– year head coach Neal Holliman. "Development (of tal– ent) and truly compet– ing on a daily basis will be the keys to our suc– cess in 2011," said Hol– lima n, whose first H(luad captured the MACJC State Baseball (;hampionship. "Our goal for 2011 is the same as it is C'ach y<'a r, and thnt tB to maximize our lcnm'R potent 1al We n I so <'On linuc our efforts lo be recognized as one of the top progr a ms in t ht• nnt1on and to he a con h•ndcr for poRt·fl<'llAOn t~ u cct~fiR on n yNl rly hnt!IH," fllliCI l fulflmnn 1~<'1{11 rd 'nv 1 tlw• y~ McAdoryTapped ~ ECCC Diamond Waniors Louisville High School baseball smndout David McAdory (seated center) is shown signinganation– al letter of intent to continue his career as a Diamond Warrior at East Central Community College In Decatur. McAdory, a 5-10, 170-pound catcher, batted .412 wrth two home runs, a triple and eight doubles in 2010. He received AJ~Divislon honors and was named the Wildcats' most valuable offen– sive player following the successful campaign. Also pictured are (seated from left) Justin Reed, Louisville head baseball coach, and Neal Holliman, ECCC he.'ld baseball season. Also attending McAdory's scholarship si~Jing ceremony included family members (smnding from left) Mrs. Mae McAdory {Vclndmother), Jonathan McAdory (brother) and Kristine and Paul McAdory (parents). The si~Jing ceremony was held Thursday, Jan. 27, 2011, in the Brackeen-Wood Physical Education Building. (EC Photo) pound right -handed p1tcher/outfielder from Soulhaven High School a nd transfer from the Univ<'rsit.y of Southern M ISHIAAippt; nnd B.J. Murt tn, n f) 11, 220- JIIIII IUI t'tlltWr tnfic)der lnu 11 l•'m n ltlllllon , La.; "'" ' ' l'11y lw Pu rkR, 11 5- H, I flf, pound H('('On d IH~ru• tu 111 lrom Mnn- . flhOt~l o•· Ac·mlmnv. nnd ,,. "· ... (/) Moore posted a .:'1~0 batting average antl collected a home r11n, triple and six doubh·~· He was also cretltl ttcl with 18 RBis He has fngnr cl 1 natlonaJ letter of llllt•lll to conti nut' !11~ <'ll rt•tlt nl tlw llntvt> nuty ul North Al11lwmu '" 1~·1" rt•nn• A•uu"f' t.l•• 12 ,-11, 0 3.41 ERA. He fanned 40 batter s in 31.2 innings. Dalton (5-10, 185) went 5-2 with a 4.53 ERA. He s truck out 29 in 49.2 innings. The Winston Acade– my product recently s1gned a national letter of intent with Dc lln Slate Univcrs1ly Alt-~o cx•wct.<'d to ulnv n nu ttona l letter of inl t-nl to <·ontin uc his ra n•c•r ut tlw Umv 'We lll:t~;-some quility players returning which will provide a good nucleus for suc– cess, but there is a lot of room for newcomers to step in and fill neces– sary roles that were left vacant from a talented group of sophomores." East Central begins the 2011 season by hosting J efferson Davis Community College of Brewton, Ala., in dou– bleheader action get– ting under way at 1 major roles in . the upcoming campaign include red-shirt fresh– man Tyler Neal, a 6-2, 185-pound outfielder from Edinburg; sopho– mores Jerrod Myers, a 5-8, 165-pound out– fielder from Jackson St. Andrews; and Darmaal Moore, a 5-8, 165- pound outfielder from Stone County High School in Wiggins. Myers batted had four doubles and col– lected 10 RBis. Pensacola. Hill, a 5-7, 175-pound catcher/second base– man, batted .307 with five homers, 16 doubles and two triples. He also collected 54 RBis and scored 49 runs. He received the s quad's most improved player award for the 2010 sea– son . He is also a Carthage product . Kortbawi, a 5-11, 175-pound t hird base– man, posted a .347 bat– ~ing average and had mnings. Bryan saw limited action in 2010 due to an ID)ury. Considered the squad's top returning relievers are right-ban– ders Cal Cossich of Ocean Springs and Tyler Dalton of Louisville, who were both named to t he MACJC AU-State Sec– ond Team. Cossich (6-1, 180) was a perfect 6-0 in 2010 and registered a Diamond Warriors are top prospect s Kyle Moore, a 6-2, 205- pound infielder from Southaven High School and transfer from Christ ian Brothers University in Mem– phis; Tanner Noakley, a 5-11, 155-pound infielder from Ocean Springs High School; Mitchell Wooten, a 5- 11, 170-pounded right– handed pitcher from Edinburg High School; Tyler Brant, a 6', 190- Carlos Leal of Puerto Rico, a 5-11, 190-pound catcher and transfer from Broward Commu– nity College in Florida. Coach Holliman's . staff includes assis– tants Michael Avalon and Hunter Vick and graduate assistant Jesus Aleman, a former Diamond Warrior. Ale– man was a team cap– tain and member of the 2007 MACJC State Championship squad. Soaring Eagle Paula Merritt/ The Meridian Star Meridian Community College's Darren Farmer IS congratulated by teammates after hitting a homerun scoring three against East Central Community College Saturday. Meridian extend w1n streak to seven games By Robby Atkinson Spectal to the Star Meridian Community College headed into the second day of the 2011 Rush Invitational Tournament looking to continue its impressive win– ning streak and the Eagles survived a huge scare. East Central provided plenty of drama in the second game of the day, J but MCC was able lo hold on for a 5-3 victory to extend its winning streak to seven games. ( ECCC took a 2-llead over Meridian heading into the bottom of the seventh inning, but the Eagles used two home runs to take the lead for good. Freshman right fielder Wade Wass and former West Lauderdale s tandout Darren Farmer provided the offensive spark in the inning for Meridian. "We give a lot of credit to East Cen– tral for playing such a hard game today," said MCC head coach Chris Curry. "I am proud of how we battled back late in the game after trailing and we need to olav a littl<> bett~>r df>fPn Paula Merritt/ The Meridian Star Merid1an Communrty College's Kenny Roberts breaks up the double play as East ~Antr~l r.nmm1aniht r""llan""'r- r'r. ...... t,..,... 11:11t ....-- - - ... '- - -- ' •• · • ·· MCC struck with the first run of the game with a solo home run from Brian Donohoe in the bottom of the third inning to give the Eagles the lead. ECCC answered right back with a long ball of its own to tie the game in the top of the fourth inning. Vince Kor:ba 1 brought tht: fir:.t run dCrus:. the plate on the solo home run over the wall for the Warrior... East Central (:?-2) would evcnutally take the lead in the top oi the seventh thanks to a throwm~ ,,rror by MCC. Tyler Brant reached base on a walk for the Warnors and Ia t:·r ..;cored in the inning en a •hr ~6n;:: rr r by the Eagies to gi\'e ECCC abner ...!-llead MCC snatched the lead away from in the .final round of the Rush Invi– tational Tournament against Wabash Valley at 1 p.m. at Scaggs Field. Wabash Valley 4 The Eagles picked up its second win over Wabash·Valley in the tour– nament despite making some costly errors early in the game. The Warriors scored four runs in the top ofthe second inning on four errors by the Eagles, but MCC was able to rebound for the three-run . victory. MCC scored first in the game with a pair of runs in the bottom of the first inning to take a 2-0 lead over Wabash Valley. One run scored on an RBI single by Nolan Thomas and the second r un scored on a throwing error by Wabash Valley.TheWarriors scored all of Meridian 7 East Central with the pair of home r uns to make the score 5-2. Wass smahsed a solo home run over the scoreboard in right field and Farmer added a three-run shot later in the inning to give Meridian the three-run lead See MCC on page D2----– its runs in the top of the second inning and took its only lead of the game 4-2.Three of the r uns scored on a missed fly ball with the bases loaded by Meridian and fourth run scored on an infield error by the Eagles. MCC came right back after the miscues and scored a pair of runs to tie the game at 4-4 in the bottom of the second inning. One run scored on an RBI single by Johnny Tolson and Roberts knocked in the second run on a single for the Eagles. Meridian added two more 'runs in the bottom of the fifth on a two-run home run byWass anq RobertS drove the final run ofthe game in with a sacrifice fly in the sixth inning. MCGended the game with eight hits andTolson led the charge with two'hits for Meridian. Chase Jordan (1-0) picked up the pitching win for Meridian by tossing four scoreless innings in relief. MCC from page Dl . ECCC added a run in the final inning on an RBI single by Jeremy May, but the Warriors would fall to the Eagles by a .final of 5-3. MCC (8-1) ended the game with nine hits and was led by Kenny Roberts with two hits and Donohoe collected a pair of hits in the vic– tory. Kortbawi led the way for ECCC with a pair of hits and D.ru-– mall Moore also collected a pair of hits in tne loss for the .Warriors. Former Enterprise standout Steven Taylor (1-1) picked up the pitching win in relief for Meridian and Tyler Dalton (0-1) was saddled with the pitching loss in relief for East Central. The Warriors also lost its final game of the day to Wabash Valley by a final score of 9- 7. Meridian returns to action today /"! ~111 WEEKOF_~-/ ~~\ ~~~----- ECCC to hold Cheer tryouts April 9 East Central Community College in Decatw will hold tryouts for th~ 2011-12 Cheerleadina Squad at 9 a.m. Saturday, April 9 in the Soutb Campus Gymnasium. Pre-tryout clinics are scheduled in the Soutl: Campus gym from 5 to 7 p.m. on the followin~ dates: February 15 and 22; March 8, 22 and 29 and April 5, 6 and 7. The April clinics arE mandatory for all participants. For more information contact cheer coach Shel ley Thoms at 601-635-5355. The e-mail addresf is shelleythomf:@yahoo.com. ECCC hosts invitational A full weekend of community college Receive ECCC Baseball Awards at First-Pitch Dinner These members of the 2011 East Central Community College baseball team received var– Ious honors at the annual First-Pitch Dinner held Friday, Feb. 4, in Mabry Memorial cafete– ria on the Decatur campus. From left are freshman outfielder Tyler Neal, a product of Edin– burg High School, winner of the prHeason competition, "Warrior Challenge,· and freshman pitcher Brock Ward of Louisville, credited with this year's slogan, •practice As If You Are the Worst; Play As If You Are the Best.• Also pictured are award winners from the 2010 season, utility player Chartes Hill, most Improved player and first baseman/pitcher Richie Long, most valuable offensive player, both of carthage. Longwas also named All-Region 23 and MACJC All-State. At right is sophomore third baseman Vincent Kortbawi, a product of Hale County High School in Moundville, Ala., winner of the annual Home Run Derby competition held dur– ing pre-season activities. Other award-winners from the 2010 season but not pictured include catcher/outfielder Quinn Stokes of carthage, All-Region 23, MACJC All-State and academic award; Infielder Allen Johnson of Leake Academy, most valuable pitcher; pitch– er/outfielder Ernie Triplett of Louisville, most valuable player, and infielder/outfielder Andre p.m . matchup betweer Andrew College anc Gulf Coast. Games schedule< Saturday includ1 Andrew College vs ECCC at 10 a.m. Baton Rouge Commu nity College an< Andrew College at : p.m.; Lincoln Lane Community College o Springfield, Illinois vs ECCC at 4 p.m.; ant Baton Rouge and Lin coin at 7 p.m. Admission is $10 fo all three days ofcomJ)E tition or $5 each day. baseball is on tap when the 2011 Rush Invita– tional gets under way Friday, Feb. 18, at the Clark/Gay Baseball Complex at East Cen– tral Community Col– lege in Decatur. Competition begins at noon Friday with Wallace State of Andalusia, Ala., taking on Mississippi Gulf Coast Community Col– lege. Wallace State and Andrew College of Cuthbert, Ga., battle at 3 p.m. followed by a 6 Yates of Grenada, most valuable defensive player. Johnson and Triplett are continuing their careers at Belhaven University and Delta State University, respectively. Diamond Warrior head coach Neal Holliman presented awards. Mac Seibert, regional supervisor with the New York Mets, was guest speaker. (EC Photo) APPEARED IN: NESHOBADEMOCRAT _____ CARTHAGINIAN------- NEWTON COUNTY APPEAL ___ SPIRIT OF MORTON----------– MERIDIAN STAR------- SCOTT COUNTY TIMES ----~;.___ WINSTON COUNTY JOURNAL j X CLARION-LEDGER--------- ECCC Diamond Warriors win both matchups in Rush tourney East Central Community Col– ECCC Continued from page 1OA Noakley of Ocean Springs also had a productive outing by pounding a double and a single. He was also credited with an RBI and scored a run. Vmcent Kortbawi continued his success at the plate with a first-inning home run, which gave EC the lead for good. Kort– bawi is a product ofHale County High School in Moundville, Ala. Other hitters were Jeremy May of Newton County, Richie Long of Carthage and B.J. Mar– tin, of Franklin High School in Mt Hermon, La., singles each. Southpaw Willard Bacon held Andrew College scoreless for 6 l/3 innings to earn the victory. Bacon allowed four hits fanned five batters. He ts a product of Choctaw Central High School. Right-hander Cal Cossich of Ocean Springs hurled the final 2 '))3 innings of the nine-inning battle and allowed.one earned run on two hits. He fanned three bat– ters. In the second contest, south– paw Pervis Mann of Carthage and right-bander Tyler Dalton of WtnSton Academy combined for seven strong innings in leading the Diamond Warriors to the one– run victory. Mann, who was credited with the win, allowed one earned run (borne run) on four hits. He fanned seven batters and walked three. Dalton pitched three score– less innings and allowed one hit He fanned four batters and walked one. Hitters for EC were Jerrod Myers of Jackson Saint Andrews, Darmaal Moore of Stone County and Martin, who had singles lege's baseball team improved to 5-3 on the young campaign after winning both mat.chups Saturday in the annual Rush Invitational held Feb. 18-20 at the Clark/Gay Baseball Complex on the Decatur campus. The Diamond Warriors posted a 5- l decision over Andrew Col– lege of Cuthbert, Ga., in the first game and followed with a 2-1 victory over Lincoln Land Com– munity College, located in Springfield, lllinois, in the night– cap. Tyler Brant of Southaven powered the EC offense in the opener with a home run, two sin– gles and two RBis. He also scored two runs. Also collecting three hits was Fred Hampton of Nanih Waiya, who belted a dou- • ble and two singles. Tanner each. Kortbawi was credited with an RBI and scored a run. Darmaal Moore also scored Other community college teams participating in the three– day competition includedWallace State- Hanceville (Ala.), Missis– sippi Gulf Coast, Southeastern (Iowa) and Baton Rouge. The Diamond Warriors travel to Shelton State Community Col– lege Wednesday, Feb. 23, in dou– bleheader action getting under way at 2 p.m. on the Tuscaloosa, Ala., campus. East Central hosts Northwest Mississippi Community College Saturday, Feb. 26. in doublehead– er competition. See ECCC, page 12A • APPEARED IN: NESHOBADEMOCRAT_v _______ SCOTT COUNTY TIMES _____ WINSTON COUNTY JOURNAL __ CLARION-LEDGER------ CARTHAGINIAN------- NEWTON COUNTY APPEAL ___ SPIRIT OF MORTON-------– MERIDIAN STAR------ Warriors sweep Fayette was credited with a dou- Kortbawi's two-run ble and two singles in the shot came in the fifth nine-inning battle. inning and tied the con- Carlos Leal had two test at 3-3. doubles and one RBI, EC scored the go– Charles Hill bad a double ahead run in the seventh and a inning when Hill's double s i n g 1e , scored Darmaal Moore T y I e r from second. B r a n t Moore recorded his had a second single earlier in double , the inning and stole sec- a n d ond, setting up Hill's J e rem y game-winning RBI. May of Other hitters were Newt o n Jeremy May and Brant, who had C o u n t y May singles each. had a Southpaw Bobby single. Bryan, right-hander Right-banders Tyler Mitchell Wooten, and Dalton and Joel McKee lefty Colton Mitchell were were on the mound for on the mound for EC. EC. Dalton allowed one Bryan a llowed three earned run on four hits earned runs on four bits through six innings and and fanned six. He also fanned two. McKee walked a batter. hurled three scoreless Wooten hurled a innings and fanned scoreless inning and three. allowed one hit. He also In the second contest, walked a batter. Mitchell Kortbawi belted a two- pitched two scoreless run homer and added a . innings, striking out four single to lead the EO and walking two as EC offense. improved to 9-5. East Central Com– munity College took a pair of baseball wins over Bevill from S t a t c combined Community reports College in Fayette, Ala., last week. Saturday's double- header with Itawamba was rained out and has been rescheduled for Thursday with a 2 p.m. start. ln other games this week, the Warriors, 9-5, were scheduled to host Tyler (Texas) in a dou– bleheader on Tuesday before going to Bossier City, La., on Saturday to take on Angelina (Texas) and Bossier Parish (La.). EC 5-4 Bevill-Fayette 1-3 Sophomores Richie Long and Vincent Kort– bawi helped lead the Warriors to pair of victo– ries over the Bears in Fayette, Ala.. on March 1. Long went 3-for-4 and drove in two runs. He APPEARED IN: NESHOBADEMOCRAT ________ CARTHAGINIAN------– NEWTON COUNTY APPEAL ____;'--- SCOTT COUNTY TIMES---– WINSTON COUNTY JOURNAL __ CLARION-LEDGER------ SPIRIT OF MORTON-------– MERIDIAN STAR------ Mitchell picks up win at ECCC Warrior baseball in full swing Wooten pitched the final ed a 5-4 decision and the inning an? fanned a batter. Warriors cruised by a 7-2 Wooten IS a product of margin. Lake High School. not as fortunate and fell 9-0 to the Lady Wolves. East Central hosted divi– sion foe Co-Lin Communi– ty College (13-7, 2-2) Tues– day, March 22. ECCC faJis at Gulf Coast In games held Wednes– day, March 16, the Dia– mond Warriors dropped a pair of contests to Missis– sippi GulfCoast Cooununi– ty College in Perkinston. The Bulldogs won the opener l-0 on Nick Boggs' walk-off homer in the eighth inning and held on for an 11-10 dedsion in the Warriors winning their MACJC All-Star Basketball respective singles matches Games Set March 28 at included Zac White of Union, who blanked C. ECCC . Macumber, 6-0, 6-0; Jason The state's top sopho– Loris of Moss Point, over more WCO basketball H. Herrington, 6-3, 6-0; pla~ers will have an oppor– Matt Griffin of Union over tunity to showcase their tal– M. Parkman, 7-5. 4-6, I-0 ents when the annual {11-9); Walt Stinson of MACJC All-Star Basket– Philadelphia over B. ball Games are held Moo– Williams, 6-3, 6-2; and day, March 28, at East Ceo– Josh Blackburn ofMorton tral Community College in over J. Lyon, 3-6, 6-4, 1-0 Decatur. (10-7). One match was for- Women's action begins feited. at 5 p.m. and will be fol– SPECIAL TO THE TIMES DECATUR- East Cen– tral Community College's Diamond Warriors grabbed a pair of wins over nation– ally ranked Hinds Commu– nity College Saturday at the Clark/Gay Baseball Com– plex in Decatur. Vmcent Kortbawi belted a two-run homer in the fourth inning and gave East Central the lead for good in an 8-3 victory in the open– er, and Kortbawi doubled and singled and drove in four Diamond Warriors in a 1 0-0 shutout in the nightcap to complete the sweep. He also scored twice. With the wins, East Cen– tral improved to 13-9 over– all and 2-2 in the MACJC South Division. Hinds, ranked 11th in the latest NJCAA Division II poll, fell to 14-6 and 1-3. Co/Jon MitcheO of Lake picked up the win for East Central, allowing five hits and two earned runs through six innings. Mitchell, a southpaw, also fanned two batters and walked one. Right-hander Mjtchell lowed by the men's contest at 7 p.m. in the Brackeen– Wood Physical Education Building. Admission is $5. ECCCWarrior NettersClip nightcap. In the second contest. Co-Un the Diamond Warriors scored six runs in the sixth J?e ~ Central.Com– inning to take a 9-7 lead but ~uruty 0 ~e men s ten- Gulf C ded · With victory over the Co iah- 0 ~ respon DIS team registered a 54 ECCC Softb II Sq dS a ua plits four runs m the bottom of Lincoln Community PCol- Decisions at Co-Un the frame to complete the lege Woh.es March 3 in East Central Community ColJege's softball team sweep. Wesson. Warriors winning their began MACJC South Divi– respective singles matches sion competition by split– included Matt Griffin of ting a doubleheader Union, who defeated M Wednesday, March 2 at Hart, 6-4, 7-5, (8-6); Walt Copiah-L~coln Communi– Stinson of Neshoba Cen- ty College m Wesson. tral, a 6-3, 6-1 winner over The Lady Diamond War– J. McLeod; and Josh riors took the opener by a Blackburn ofMorton, who 3-1 decision and fell 5-4 in beat C. Haley, 7-5, 6-2. extra innings in the night- The Lady Warriors were cap. ECCC netters sweep Holmes East Central Community College's tennis teams recorded victories over Holmes Community Col– lege Thursday, March 10 on the Goodman campus. The Lady Warriors post- APPEARED IN: CARTHAGINIAN------- NESHOBADEMOCRAT __ ~---- SCOTT COUNTY TIMES ___;_/ _____ WINSTON COUNTY JOURNAL __ CLARION-LEDGER --------------- NEWTON COUNTY APPEAL ___ SPIRIT OF MORTON-------– MERIDIAN STAR------- .--;)~ 1.1 WEEK OF .)L I ' I Signs letters of intent Neshoba Central High School baseball standouts recently signed letters of intent to continue their careers at East Central Community College in Decatur. Front row, trom lett, are Dustin Royd, catcher; Robert Greer, pitch– er/outfielder; and Caleb McKee, pitcher/first baseman. In back is Brian Jones head baseball coach at Neshoba Central. I • APPEARED IN: NESHOBA DEMOCRAT _ 'v_/_ _ SCOTT COUNTY TIMES---– WINSTON COUNTY JOURNAL __ CARTHAGINIAN----- -- NEWTON COUNTY APPEAL ___ SPIRIT OF MORTON-------– MERIDIAN STAR------ - CLARION-LEDGER------ Warriors take two from nationally-ranked Hinds By Marty Stamper . four hits in the opener with Tanner Noakley get– ting a double and Darmaal Moore, Charles Hill, and Tyler Brant each getting a single. Bobby Bryan took the loss despite allowing just three bits in seven innings. He walked one and struck out seven. The second game was the opposite of the open– er as the teams combit\ed for 24 hits and 21 rtms. EC bad 10 hits with B.J. Martin driving in three rtms with a single and a home rtm. Brant had a solo homer, Vmcent Kortbawi added a single and a dou– ble, and Richie Long had three singles. EC used a six-run sixth frame-to take a 9-7 lead, but the Bulldogs answered with four runs in the bottom of the sixth to go back on top 11-9. The Warriors used five pitchers in the loss as they fell to 11-9 overall and 0-2 in division action. EC 8-10 Hinds 3-0 TheWarriors bounced back to sweep Hinds Saturday at Decatur to improve to 13-9 overall and 2-2 in division play. Vincent Kortbawi's two-rtm homer in the fourth inning gave the Warriors the lead for good as they posted an 8- 3 win in the opener. EC tacked on four more runs in the fifth inning. Kortbawi also had a double. Jeremy May had a pair of singles. Charles Hill, Richie Long, B.J. Martin, and Tyler Brant each had a double. Hill also had two RBI. Colton Mitchell got the win as he allowed five hits and two earned runs in six innings. In the five-inning win in the second game, May had two singles and a double. Darmaal Moore added a double and a single, and Martin had a pair of singles. Moore and Hill also had two RBI apiece. Pervis :Mann got the win with four scoreless innings. He allowed two hits. Hinds, which was ranked No. 11 nationally, dropped to 14-6 and 1-3. Appeal Sports Editor It was feast or famine for the East Central Commtmity College Warriors last week as they dropped a MACJC South Division double– header at Mississippi Gulf Coast before coming back to Decatur to take a pair of games from Hinds. The Warriors entered this week with a 13-9 overall record and a 2-2 league mark. This week, the Warriors were scheduled to host Copiah-Lincoln on Tuesday, then go to Pearl River on Satur day. Gull Coast 1-11 EC 0-10 The Warriors dropped a pair of one-rtm games at Perkinston last Wednesday. Gulf Coast won the opener on Nick Boggs' walk-off homer in the bottom of the eighth inning. The Bulldogs posted an 11-10 win in the night– cap to complete the sweep. The Warriors had just APPEARED IN: NESHOBADEMOCRAT ____ SCOTT COUNTYTIMES---– WINSTON COUNTY JOURNAL__ CLARION-LEDGER------ CARTHAGINIAN-----+-– NEWTON COUNTY APPEAL __..·J__ SPIRIT OFMORTON-------– MERIDIANSTAR------- WEEK OF : ~l- ( ,, I ECCC baseball knocks ·off Co-Lin from school reports through two innings. He also fanned a batter. A three-run homer by In the second contest, Vincent Kortbawi and a EC exploded for six runs single blast from Richie in the third inning and Long powered East Central cruised to the easy victory. Community College's base- Hill helped ignite the ball team to an 8-4 decision scoring onslaught-when over Copiah-Uncoln Com- his double to right field munity College in the first scored Myers and Kort- game ofTuesday's double- bawi and gave EC a 3-1 header in Decatur, and the advantage. Brant and Dar- DiamondWarriors con- inaal Moore of Stone tinued their strong often- County followed with run- sive performance with a scoring doubles in the 10-1 victory in the nightcap inning and the route was to complete the sweep. on. East Central improved Kortbawi had another to 15-9 overall and 4-2 in strong performance at the the MACJC South Division plate by blasting his following the impressive second homer of the day. victories, which came on He also singled and scored the heels on of double- twice. header sweep (8-3, 10-0) of Hill, Brant and Moore visiting Hinds Community finished with doubles. Hill College Saturday. The Dia- was the top run producer mond Warriors are now with three RBis and scored alone in second place twice. Brant and Moore behind Gulf Coast's 4-0 also knocked in a run each mark. The Bulldogs are 11- and scored once. 11 overall. Next up for the Dia- Kortbawi, a sophomore mondWarriors is a clivi- infielder from Hale County sion doubleheader with High School in Pearl River Community Moundville, Ala, finished College scheduled Sat- with four RBis in the urday, March 26. The first opener. Long, a sophomore of two seven-inning battles first baseman and former gets under way at 1 p.m. on standout at Carthage High the Poplarville campus. School, also collected a ECCC hosts Jones double and scored twice. County Junior College Charles Hill also had a Wednesday, March 30. productive outing at the Doubleheader action plate, as the sophomore begins at 3 p.m. at the outfielder belted three sin- Clark/Gay Baseball Com- gles, knocked in a run and plex. scored twice. ECCC, Pearl River Split SouthpawWillard Softball Twinbill Tuesday on the Decatur campus. · Chelsea Jones belted two solo home runs and Abbie Joiner blasted a double and two ·singles to lead the LadyDiamond · Warriors in the first con– test Jones is a sophomore infielder from Enterprise High School and Joiner is a freshman outfielder I catcher from Neshoba Central. Joiner was also credited with an RBI and scored once. SummerAlexander also excelled at the plate by pounding a double and single. The Newton County High School product also knocked in a run. Taylor Bailey (7-2) tossed a three-hitter in the seven-inning contest to notch the victory. She fanned seven batters. In the second contest, EC rallied from a 4-1 deficit to tie the contest at 4-4 in the fifth inning but the LadyWildcats responded with two runs in the sixth and held on for the one-run victory. Buckley slapped two runs and collected four RBis to leadEC in the second matchup. begins at 1 p.m. on the Summit campus. The Lady Diamond Warriors battle Hinds Community College Wednesday, March 30. The twinbill gets under way at 3 p.m. on the Decatur campus. EMCC places fourth in MACJC golf event OLIVE BRANCH - The East Mississippi Commu– nity College men's golf teamElaced fourth at this week s MACJC golf event hosted by NorthwestMis– sissippi CC. The state's third junior college golf event of the spring cam– paign was completed Tuesday atWedgewood Golf Club in Olive Branch following Monday's opening-round action held at Southaven's North Creek Golf Course. After holding third– place honors with a 307 team score on Monday, head coach Dale Peay's EMCC lions shot a second-day 321 to finish 12 strokes behind third-place Copiah-Lincoln. Host NorthwestMississippi maintained its first-round lead to outdistance three– time defending NJCAA Region 23 champion Mis– sissippi Gulf Coast by 11 strokes (602-613). EMCC freshman Weston Wallace earned all-tournament honors for the second time in three spring events, finishing in AJso credited with mul– tiple hits were Watson, double and two singles; Joiner, three singles; and Nicholas, two singles. All three scored a run each and Nicholas knocked in a run. Brittany Pounders of Southeast Lauderdale con– tributed a single. ECCC (16-8, 3-4) travels to division foe Southwest Mississippi Community College Saturday, March 26. Doubleheader action a fourth-place tie with a two-day score of 148 (75- 73). The former North– west Rankin High School product also claimed all– tournament honors in his collegiate debut last month at the MGCCC– hosted event in Pass Christian. Bacon picked up the win, as be hurled three score- less innings and allowed three hits. Bacon is a tral High School. Right- bander Tyler Dalton was APPEJ product of ChoctawCen- After posting a 5-1 vic- tory in the opener. East Central Community Col- lege's softball team dropped a 6-5 decision in the second contest to split CARTI the starter and allowed two a doubleheader with Pearl earned runs on five hits River Community College NEWT V I 'I vvun 1 • ~· ' ...'"'.. ---- SPIRIT OF MORTON ---:.------- MERIDIAN STAR __ J.;;..._,.____ --- .. - - -·· .. . ····-- - - ---- WINSTON COUNTY JOURNAL __ CLARION-LEDGER------ WEEKOF __ ~_,_i~--(~~~ ----- ·Leake Warriors These Leake County athletes are members of the 2011 Diamond Warrior Baseball Team at East Central Community College in Decatur. Pictured from left are manager Jake Frasier, multi-purpose player Charles Hill, pitcher Pervis Mann, first baseman/pitcher Richie Long, all graduates of Carthage; outfielder Tyler Neal and pitcher Mitchell Wooten, both of Edinburg. Neal Holliman is head coach. (EC Photo) Leake Academy Layna Phillips (left) and Haelie Allen, both of Lena, are freshman members of the 2011 East Central Community College softball team. Phillips is an infield– er and Allen plays outfield. The Lady Diamond Warriors are led by head coach ScQtt Hill and assistant., Kristin Chaney. (EC Photo) products 10CRAT_____ YTIMES ____ NTY JOURNAL__ vLArtiUN·Lt:UuER - - ----- ............. .,cc ~ earl River split twinbill ' Ocean Springs, smgle~ each Noakley gave EC a 1- 0lead with his RBI sin– gle in the second inning, which scored Hill. Pearl River tied the game in the fifth frame . Southpaw Colton Mitchell of Lake was the winning pitcher, allowing one 1'\111 on five hits through 6 213 inningti. He fanned 11 batt Prs a nd walked one. H1ght-ha nde r Mitehell Wooten of Edinburg recorded the final out with a strike out . In the second contest, EC jumped out to a 1-0 lead in the third inning following Vincent Kort– bawi's run-scoring dou– ble. The Diamond War– riors added two more runs in the frame to take a 3-0 advantage. Pearl River rallied for a 4-3 advantage in the fourth inning but EC' reclauned t he lead at 5-4 m the top of the fifth after Kortbawi knocked in a run and later scored. The Wildcats tallied four runs in the sixth to grab the lead for good. Kortbawi led EC hit– ters with a double, ~in gle a nd two RBi s. He also scored twice. Kort– bawi is a product of Ha le County High School in Moundville, Ala. Richie Long of Carthage collected two singles and knocked in a run. Other hitters were Tyler Brant of Southaven, double and RBI; and Hill, Noakley and B.J. Martin, a product of Franklinton High School in Mt. Her– mon, La., singles each. Hill also scored twice and Martin scored a run. Right-hander Cal Cossich took the loss, allowing one earned run on two hits through Kyle Moore's sol home run in the top of the sewnth snapped a 1-1 tie and provided East: Central Commu– nity College's Diamond Warriors with a 2-1 vic– tory over Pearl River Coinmunity College Saturday in the fir::~t of two contests on the Poplarville campus. Pearl River rallied from a 3-0 deficit to poRt an 8-5 dcc:is ion in the second contest nnd ea rn a split of the MACJC South Div1sion doubleheader Following tbe Hplit, East Centra l's record stood at 16-10 ovet·all and 5-3 in league play, and Pearl Rlver, 16-8, 3-3. In a ddition to Moore, a product of Southaven High School, other EC hitters in the opener were J eremy May of Newt on County, two singles; an d Charles Hill of Cru:thage and Tanner Noakley of Winston County Diamond Warriors TheseWinston Countyathletes are members of the2011DiamondWarrior Baseball Team at fS: Central Community College in Decatur. Pictured from left are Tyler Dalton, Brock Wfltd, Evan Humphries, Fred HamJton and Scott Ming, all of LouisvDie. Dalton is a 5'10•, 1851b., sophomore right-handed pitcher/infielder and agraduate ofWinston kademy.Ward, a s·r, 185 1b., freshman right-handed hur1er, Humphries, a 6'3·, 200 lb., freshmanright-haooed pitcher, and Mi~ a sopho– more manager, are all products of Louisville High School. Hampton is a 5'10", 190 lb., freshman outtlekler and graduate of NanihWaiya High School. Neal Holliman serves as head coach.. Assistant coaches include Michael Avalon, Hunter VICk and Jesus Aleman. (EC Photo) Academy hurled 113 mning and allowed three earned runs on three hits. Southpaw Willard Bacon pitched the final 2/3 innings and allowed two hits. ECCC host s division foe Jones County Junior College Wednes– day, March 28. Double– header action gets under way at 3 p.m. at the Clark/Gay Baseball Complex. two innings. He also fanned a batter and walked two. Cossich is a product of Ocean Springs High School. Southpaw Pervis Mann of Carthage was the starter and allowed one earned run on no hits through three innings. He fanned three bat– ters and walked three. Right-hander Tyler Dalton of Winston The Diamond War– riors travel to South– west Mississippi Com– munity College Satur– day, Apri12. The twin– bill begins at 2 p.m. on the Summit campus. The ECCC baseball program is led by head coach Neal Holliman and assistants Michael Avalon, Hunter Vick and Jesus Aleman. ;: :(zo~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Cl. 4( w Cl. ~ 4( OZU).r:
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