2002 ECCC Newspaper Clippings
,- WEEK OF // f-eb 6)l
ECCC geared up for s By Marty Stamper staff wnter WARRIOR FACTS
DECATUR - Last spring was not a happy one for the East Central Community Col– lege baseball team. :Sot only did the Warriors go 19-27 on the diamond. but 14-vear War– rior head coach Jamie Clark was slowly losing his battle with an inoperable brain tumor as well. The Warriors hope this spring is a much more enjoy– able one. ECCC opens its season today at Livingston, Ala. with a single game with Shelton State. First pitch is set for 5 p.m. "Coming off a losing season. we're trying to tum it around," said new head coach jake Yarborough, a former player and assistant coach under Clark. "A lot of things went wrong last year. Everything went wrong ... coach Clark passing away and having a poor year. ''We're trying to get back on a winning tradition. 1 feel pretty good about a number of the freshmen we've brought in. We have a lot more depth this year than we had last year. We've got a lot more guys competing for positions, which makes them all work harder." Adam McCurdy and Chad Loper are expected to see time at ftrst base with Jake Nester and Dee Hornesburger (.233, 9 2B, 12 RBis in 2001) battling for the second base position. At shortstop are Nester and Josh Chaney (.289, 4 2B, 4 3B, 13 RBis) with Justin Darby slat– ed to start at third base. Top outfielders are Timothy Fieber, Lewis Bradford (.289, 6 2B, 8 HR, 27 RBls), J arrod · Vaughn, and William Mars. Joey Holcomb gets the nod behind the plate.· The pitching staff consists of Jason Wooten (4-3, 2.44 ERA), Aaron Gisler, Corey Blackwell (0-1, 4.62), Chris Comans (2-2, 4.34), Brian Spillers, Alex Shep– hard, Nick Singleton, Corey Amis (2-6, 4.40), Michael
Head Coach: Jake Yarborough, firsr ~ear Assistant Coach: Patrick Robey 2001: 19-27 overall, 9-15 MACJC South Otvision Starters Return/Lost: 7/4 Key retu rnees : Josh Chaney (SS). Lewis Bradford (OF), Dee Hornesburger (2B),Jason Wooten (P), Chris Comans (P), Corey Amis (P), Corey Blackwell (P) Completing the roster are ]ason.Massey (2B), Daniel Rus– sell (2B-OF), Will Baskin (C), Mike Kulbeth (C), Paul Brown (OF), Jamie Ellington (INF), Ty Culpepper (1B-C) , and Tyler Rogers (lB-0 F) . ''We're real excited about get– ting out there and playing against other competition instead of practicing and scrim– maging," Yarborough said. "Depth is our biggest strength. We have more speed than we had last year. Pitching is still in the air. We've always had a good pitching staff here and I feel like we've got a lot of guys that we can put on the bump. They'll get out there and compete and throw strikes. "Hitting-wise, offense is a big question. We've got to put run support up and give our guys a chance on the mound. Our defense is pretty solid, but the run s upport is what we're going to have to do this year." ECCC scored only 200 runs in 2001, an average of 4.3 per game. TheWarriors had a 3.74 team ERA lasl spring, but were ham– pered by an anemic .269 team batting average. Bradford swiped 12 bases in 16 attempts, while Hornesburg– er had nine steals in 15 tries. Chaney was 12 of 13. Chaney also had a .936 field– ing percentage at third base, while Hornesburger had a .951 percentage at second base. Holifield, Vaughn, Loper, Darby, and Mars.
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Scott County Diamond Warriors
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_t DECATUR-These student-athletes from Scott County are members of the East Central Community College basebaB team for the 2002 campaign. Seated from left are short stop second baseman Jake Nester of lake. outfielde-r Paul BrO\\ n of Forest and second baseman Jason Massey of lake. Standmg from left are pttcher Jason Wooten of lake. pitcher Alex Shepard of Sebastopol. tlrst baseman pitcher Adam McCurdy 01 Morton and outfielder lewis Bradford of Scott Central. The Diamond \\'arriors are led by first- 1 ear head coach Jake Yarborough. (EC Photo) ECCC Hosts Second Annual Busi ess, Education & Health Expo DECATUR-Area employers in catton Buildmg. w11l exceed last industries to market their com– search of potential employees year's numbers. ··we had a great panics to prospective employ– should mark their calendars for response for our first Expo and ees. Companies are also able to Tuesday, March 26, 2002, ~hen we hope to have even more par- target students who have spe– East Central Community Col- ticipation this year," said Sylv1a cific skills needed for employ– lege holds its second annual Bush, event organizer who ment and can meet with those Business, Education and serves as work-based learning students while visiting their Healthcare Expo on the Deca- coordinator at the College's booths. In add1tion, participants tur campus. Workforce Development Center. have an opportunity to publicize College officials anticipate that She encourages compames to their products and services - at interest in the event. schedu1ed pamc1pare n thJ!) year's event. no cost, since there is no charge from 9 a.m. to noor- .n the ..The E'po pro,·ides an excelfent for exhibit space:· Bush said. APPEAREl Brackeen-Wood Phys1cal Edu- oppor.umt) for bu::.i" se and Bush said there were 60 partici- LAKE MES~t:l't\JL-I'-..---------- NESH< pants ,,h ,e '"'" h"'') s' s SCOTT COUNTY TIMES NEWT )~ar. repr~~cmmg nd . n1~ to- UNION APPEAL cal busmesses and industries but MERIC N COUNT Y JOURNAL those m Jackson. Hattiesburg, WINSTO CLARI I Laurel. the Delta and other ar- SPIRIT OF MORTON
ea::. ofthe state. Approximately 670 ECCC students attended the Expo in search of employment nr t'thPr prfu,..."t'",...,..1 ,..---~- -·
Warriors o.utlast MCC, 15-14
By Jef f Byrd staff writer
There was a whole lot of runs, hits, home runs and errors on display in the final · game of the Rush Classic here Sunday evening at Scaggs Field. Visiting East Central and home-s~nding Meridian Com– munity College combined for 29 runs, 38 hits, seven home runs·and nine errors. But it was Warrior pitcher Aaron Gisler, ECCC's sixth pitcher of the game, who came in during the bottom of the ninth to get the game's final three outs preserving the War– riors' 15-14 win. . With the victory, East Cen– tral grabbed a share of the Rush Classic title with Jones Junior College. Both teams fin– ished the four-team round rabin with 2-1 records. Meridian, who made six .errors including one which led to seven unearned runs in the third, falls to 4-8. The Eagles did excite their fans by rallying– from a near run-rule twice, the last coming at 15-5 heading into the bottom of the eighth. They also hit four home runs. Still, that dido 't seem to matter to MCC coach Mike Federico. "1 don't know what to say. You could call it a great come– back, but I'm sorry...,'' Federico said before cutting his words short. East Central coach Jake -Yarborough was happy to see his team ans"'er in a tight situ– ation once ~ICC started putting pre-: ure on in the ninth. down just 15-12. "I would've liked for us to have finished it earlv, but we net>ded t be te--ted under pre;:;– sur~ T'> ... g..me ~a, a lot like
MCC's Adam Smith barely misses ECC's Paul Brown as Brown makes it to second.
the games yesterday (Sat– urday). It's been a long weekend," Yarborough said. "Today wa~ another wild game. If you llke lo see hits, this was the game. Both teams hit the ball really well." East Central erupted for seven runs in the third inning to erase a 1-0 MCC lead. All seven runs were unearned after a two-out error by MCC. The Warriors made it pay off getting a two-run triple by Tyler Rogers, a two-run homer by Adam McCurdy followed by another two-run homer by Lewis Bradford. MCC got two runs back in the third off a two-run shot by Billy Porter to make it 7-3. It went to 7-4 in the fourth when Adan1 Smith blasted a solo shot that went over the left-field light tower and halfway up the bern. East Central answered with three runs in the fifth off a :rin~ MCC gtarter Ju::.tin Ray-
born. He went five innings allowing 10 runs, only three earned, off 15 hits and no walks. William Mars, Dee Horns– burger and Josh Chaney all had RBI hits for ECCC in the fifth to . make it 10-4. The Warriors added two more in sixth off three MCC errors. A two-run homer by Chaney made it 14-4 East Central in the seventh. Brad McKee extended the game by driving in a run off a sac-fly in the bottom of the sev– enth to make it 14-5. East Central got the run back off MCC's sixth error of the game in the eighth. Then came the comeback. The Eagles scored seven runs off three Warrior pitchers. Chris Wright had a two-run homer. MCC'$ fourth of the day. Phillip Garrett and Jeff Knight provided further bench power with a pair of two-run
singles to help cut the deficit to 15-12. Justin Pounds then struck out the ECCC side in the ninth. Pounds struck out five in a sharp relief appearance. In the MCC ninth, Trave Hopkins reached on an error. Drew Van Sickle singled and Brian Page singled in pinch– runner Todd Doolittle to make· it 15-13. Yarborough went back to the pen to get Gisler. A sacrifice by Brent Towne moved Van Sickle and Page into scoring position. McKee then sent Van Sickle home for MCC's 14th run on a sacrifice fly to center. Page moved up a base. The game ended with a ground out to third base. East Central was led by Mike Kulbeth who wenlS-for-6. Justin Darby had three hits as did Chaney and Hornsburger. ECCC had 22 hits in all. MCC ended with 16 hits.
, , .... ...., , ' '"" -',.... LJC:.IVIUvl"u'-\ 1 ---------------- N E~ON RECORD~---------- MERIDIAN STAR._~----- CLARION-LEDGER___________
.:>vv 1 1 '-'-._ ... ... ···· - - --------- UNION APPEAL _ _ _____ _ WINSTON COUNTY JOURNAL_ ___ SPIRIT OF MORTON_ _ _____
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:....._..::.__ _____ ____,jl, Star Search J
Monday, February 25, 2002
I LOCAL SPORTS ECCC downs EMCC 3, q,an Satcher/staff writer =eo 2.! 2002
,•, ~a: a c fference a day makes. On Friday East Central Community -:s· ;o ... ones Junior College and East Mississippi took a big win over ·-e Eag es of Mendian Community College. ::- Sa:..Jraa; the results changed for both teams as East Central took a- 8· ~ extra- nning wtn over the Lions of East Mississippi in the seco-c cay of the Rush Classic at Scaggs Field on the campus of . e- c a- Community College. --e :.a" ors olew a 7-2 lead in the final two innings, but came back ·:: ::;_:a 'l.i .... on the board and take the win. :.e co.; o nave folded but we bounced back and pulled it through ," sac East Central coach Jake Yarborough . "It wasn't a really well ::; a_.ec ga,.,e bur there was a lot of pressure and we needed that sa·;. r th e year I think it wtll help us out later on down the road ." - re ~ ons took an early lead in the second inning when J.D . Harbour s!a--:ec the nntng with a single. Chase Spencer then hit what looked e a double-play ball but the pitcher fielded the ball and threw wild ;o secora a owtng the runner to move to third. Ashley Chism missed a sc~eeze Dun! to get Harbour tagged out, but Spencer hustled all ·-e .·. a, '·of"'"l '"rsr base to third base during the rundown. Chism --ace wO 'o' :he m1stake by grounding to second and getting the run - ·::: ~a"\e :-e score 1-0. Eas· Ce-:·a : ec ;ne game up tn the top of the third inning. Jake ~.es·e· ;o: o- .•, tr a smgle and stole second base. Ttmothy Fieber ::: :: ,•. e::: ,•, :- a ;;;-oundball to first base. The pttcher was late covenng a-c ·-e-w---e· oea; the toss to first. The pitcher then turned and ·-·e .·. ·-e :::a :-, '"'9 lO get the runner gotng home. Nester was safe at -o~e as ~-e :-·o.·. sa ed over the catcher's head and to the fence. --: --- : ec :-e ga-re • - 1 --e _ o-s :oo• ::>ac-< :re eao m the bottom ofthe thtrd . Wade :. - :a . ergo: 2 :-,\0-0ut Single and scored when Chad Carlson's fly to • g-· :.as c·o;:>;:>ec 'or a three-base error The Ltons stranded Perry at ;n,rd Dut too<. ;re 2-1 leaa
C.uestxo I '0 0esA Ours::r.l
East Central exploded for four runs in the fifth tnning . Nester reached on an error. Fteber followed with a single that scored Nester from
http: \\'\\ ,,·.meridianstar.com/meridianstar/myarticles.asp?P=484491 &S=584&PubiD=788... 2/25/2002
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s:::.o--: T: e· ~ogers followed with a high fly to left field. The ~.:.:e cer os: ~r e oall off of the bat and Roger ended up w1th an ~- ~s~a R3 •r p e Chad Loper knocked in Rogers with a double to -a· e ue sco•e ..l-2 Adam McCurdy s1ngled in Loper to give East :::-··a a 5-: eac after five innings of play. - - e ,\a·· o·s added another run in the sixth when Nester scored on a - : ::-1 Rogers They expanded their lead to 7-2 in the seventh -- -; .·. nen Dee Hornsburger doubled and stole th ird . The throw to ·- ·: .•.em nto the outfield and Hornsbu rger was able to score easily. ::as· • ss ss,ppi started a come back in the eighth by scoring four -~-s .·.- :a- :g; 2002 The Meridian Star All Rights Reserved. hnp : ''"" mendianstar.com meridianstar'myarticles.asp?P=484491 &S=584&PubiD=788... 2, 25. 2002 .\feriJt.1n l..tr Page I or:- ,..., Ti res ,..., Custom Wheels ~ Brakes ~ Shocks ~ ED CHANEY TIRE CENTER, INC. See Why We Were Voted Meridian 's BEST Tire Store --l Online from Eastern Mississippi- www.merid1anstar.com The Hendfan Star Search ] Monday, February 25, 2002 I LOCAL SPORTS Warriors outlast MCC, 15-14 3 ] .;e" Byrd/staff writer ~e:::> 25 2002 l"'e·e ..vas a whole lot of runs, hits, home runs and errors on display ~ tr~e fnal game of the Rush Classic here Sunday evening at Scaggs Fteld. ! s; ng East Central and home-standing Meridtan Community Co ege combtned for 29 runs, 38 hits. seven home runs and ntne e"'rors B...; ; .vas Warrior pitcher Aaron Gisler, ECCC's sixth pitcher of the game who came in during the bottom of the ninth to get the game's "~a :nree outs preserving the Warriors' 15-14 win . :. ;n the vtctory, East Central grabbed a share of the Rush Classic ·; e ,.., th Jones Junior College. Both teams fintshed the four-team ·ouno robtn wtth 2-1 records. r.1er1dtan . who made six errors including one which led to seven Jnearned runs in the third, falls to 4-8. The Eagles did excite their 'ans by rallying from a near run-rule twtce, the last coming at 15-5 '1ead1ng into the bottom of the eighth. They also hit four home runs . ·1 don't know what to say . You could call it a great comeback, but I'm sorry " Federico said before cutting his words short. East Central coach Jake Yarborough was happy to see hts team ans.ver 1n a ttght situation once MCC started putting pressure on in the n1rtn down JUSt 15-12. wou d \e iked for us to have finished it early, but we needed to be tes;eo under pressure This game was a lot like the games yesterday Satwrcay It's been a long weekend," Yarborough said. St I that didn't seem to matter to MCC coach Mike Federico. Contents !::no;~age:r.e:"I:S t. eddmg.. 1\n IV~...3ftC!. G:.~esltlOO!< Our Staff ~u tl :;(.llp!JOrls Our Ad.tcr.JSer.; Toaay was another wild game. If you like to see hits, this was the game Both teams hit the ball really well ." East Centra erupted for seven runs in the third inning to erase a 1-0 MCC lead . All seven runs were unearned after a two-out error by MCC. http://www.meridianstar.com/meridianstar/myarticles.asp?P=485147&S=584&PubiD=789.. . 2:25 2002 Page 2 of.3 Meridi an t..tr - - e :. a·· ~-s --a:e · pay off getting a two-run triple by Tyler Rogers, a ~t.o··-- -:)--e' !) 1 Adam McCurdy followed by another two-run -o--e·:. _e:. s Brad'ord . .':: ;:; ·.·.o ._... s ::>ack ,., the th1rd off a two-run shot by Billy Porter :: -a-: : --3 : :.e.,, to 7-4 1n the fourth when Adam Smith blasted :: sc o s-c· ·-a: .•.em over the left-field light tower and halfway up the =as· Ce'"~tra answered with three runs in the fifth off a tiring MCC s:a-.e· -.~ .. s:., Rayborn . He went five innings allowing 10 runs, only ·-·:e ea·"'ec of 15 hits and no walks . • a-- .'a·s Dee Hornsourger and Josh Chaney all had RBI hits for =:cc - :re '1fth to make 1t 10-4. The Warriors added two more in s • tr. c.:.: '~"'ree MCC errors. :... ·:. o-run homer by Chaney made it 14-4 East Central in the se. en:'"' 3·ac '·'cr Justin Pounds then struck out the ECCC side in the ninth. Pounds st•uct< out five in a sharp relief appearance. .... ;re MCC nmth. Trave Hopkins reached on an error. Drew Van S c-. e s1ngled and Brian Page s1ngled in pinch-runner Todd Doolittle :o rna> lr.e game ended with a ground out to third base. East Central was led by Mike Kulbeth who went 5-for-6. Justin Darby nad three hits as did Chaney and Hornsburger. ECCC had 22 hits in all MCC ended with 16 hits. Imp: \\\\\\ .mendianstar.com meridianstar'myarticles.asp?P=485 147&S=584&PubiD=789... 2 25 2002 2002 ECCC Diamond Girls Members of the East Central Communi1y College Do Gins for 2000-2001 tenn and their respef· tive high sc Is include (first row, from left) Ashley Holdiness, Noxapoter, Cynthia Fleming and Hailey Reynolds, both of Louisville; Brandi Bounds, West Lauderdale; Jernifer Walker and Elizabeth Johnson, both of Nashoba Central; and Whitney Harris, Newton Coun:y; (second raw from left) Rebecca Germany and do'r Edgar, both of Union; Jennifer Cuchens, New1on; Ked Ke"th, New!on County; leigh Ann Morrow, Enlerorise· and Apr• l'v\cAdory and Victoria Daniels, both of Neshoba Central; (third raw, from left) Corrie ~k ondl~kf.!!Sle~' 1 HeM'ngtetl," both of Leake Acqdemy; Hailey '/ifi!009,ner, Morton; Andrea Walker, Edinburg; Molly Addkison, Winston Academy; Becky Herrington, louisville; and Beth Pearson, Nonih Woiya; and (fourth row, from left) Cholundo Hudson and Jennifer Watkins, both of Philadelphia; Katy Bourland, Winston Academy; Kathy Jones, Nashoba Central; and Brandi Upton, Newton County Academy. Not pictured ore Jessica Eakes, Philoclelphia;Missy Suttle, Noxapater; laura Shook, New1on; and Whitney Westberry, Forest. Christi lee lewis serves as sponsor. APPEARED IN : LAKE MESSENGER_____________ SCOTT COUNTY TIMES___ ..,..,______ UNION APPEAL --------- WINSTON COUNTY JOURNAL_____ SPIRIT OF MORTON__________ CARTHAGINIAN_______ NESHOBADEMOCRAT_________ NEWTON RECORD____________ MERIDIAN STAR_______ CLARION-LEDGER___________ ing. I know Coach Clark would also be pleased,'' Yarborough said. In recognition of Clark's service to East Central, the College dedicated ''Jamie Clark Memorial Stadium" dunng a ceremony Mon– day, February 18, prior to the Diamond Warriors' first home game of the 2002 campaign. Clark's jersey was retired during the special program. His widow, Audrey Cl ark, threw out the first pitch to officiall y start East Central's double-header with East Mississippi Community College. The Diamond Warriors, who finished 19-27 in 2001 , should be much im– proved this season, ac– cording to their new head coach. "We had a great fall and practice has gone well. Players are a lot stronger this year, as indicated by various strength and con– ditioning tests. We are also a lot quicker. This team has more depth than last year; we are two-deep in every position . I thi nk we ' II provide more run suppo rt for our pitching staff, something we did not do last year. Overall, we should see a big im– provement from 200 !.This team is hungry to win; I can see it in their eyes," Yarborougb satd. Among top returnees this season include outfielder Lewis Bradford, a product of Scott Central High Schoo l; infielder Jos h Chaney ofNewtonCounty High School; and short- stop/outfielder Dee Hornesburger o f Noxapater. Bradford batted .289, hit eight home runs , six doubles and collected 27 RBls. His coach expects defensive player. He can pla)' s hortstop, second base or the outfield. He's the type guy you want to play in the middle of the defense. Last year hts fiel ding percentage at third base and behind the plate was .936, which ts very high. We're anticipat– ing another solid defen– sive performance from Josh, who will start at ei– ther third base or second base," Yarborough satd. Hornesburger hit .233 with nine doubles. He col– lected 12 RB Is and drew II walks. "Dee had a .951 fielding percentage last year at sec– ond base. He will also be positioned in the middle of the defense this year. He can also play outfield,'' Yarborough said. Adam McCurdy_of Mor– ton is also listed as a top returnee. "Adam is mainly a defen– sive player but we also ex– pect him to produce at the plate. He'll see some u...-.e at first base," Yarborough said. Regarding the pitching staff, Yarborough said he anti cipates another suc– cessful year from Jason Wooten of Lake. the team's top returnmg hurler. Wooten had a 2.44 ERA and posted a 4-3 record with one sa\e. His oppo– nents' batting average was .205. - "Jason is mainly a finesse pitcher. He's gained a little velocity this year, and he can change speeds to get the batte r out.·· Yarborough noted. Another returning ace is Corey Amis, a product of Newt on County High School. Amis was 2-6 in 2001 with a 4.4 ERA. He registered ~n -·-=1~.,... ...... ,.~ ;.,._ ~'l "\nA ") / nECATUR-For the first time mce the 1988 cam– p~~n. the East Central Commuruty College base– ball team ,~ il' take the field wtth a new leader at the helm. former assistant Jake Yarb-.rough now leads the Diamond Warriors, who \\ere guided by Jam ie Clark for 14 seasons until a bram tumor cut short his hfe last summer. Clark, who died at age 49, amassed a 365-302-l record at East Central. His 1998 Diamond Warriors captured the team's first state title. Although Coach Clark is no longer a part of ECCC baseball , hi s presence will be felt through Yarborough's leadership. "We obviousl y miss Coach Clark very much. Although he is not here, \\ e plan to continue what be established for the East Central baseball program, meac:ng that we basically do thmgs the old-fashioned way. We sui! ~onsider ourselves blue -collar ' workers; nothmg is given to us and \Ve have to work hard for what we get. I often re– mind players how impor– tant it is to out-work our opponents. So we try to in– still the same work ethic as Coach Clark, and will continue to follow hts style of coaching, which obviously proved to be successful," Yarborough said. Coach Clark also expected team members to do \\ell in academics. Yarborough said he intents to continue Clark's expectations for the team on the field and also in the classroom. "Our guys are expected to go to class and to present themselves well as mance. "Lewis continues to hit the ball well and I look for him to have another big year," Yarborough said. Chaney posted a .289 bat– ting average w ith four triples, four doubles and 13 RBls. He also walked 13 times. • ;•Josh. is an. outstanding just baseball players. Coach Clark stressed the importance of making good grades and made it a point to recognized play– ers who achieved at least a 3.0 grade point average. Speaking of grades, I'm especially pleased that the team has an overall 2.9 .GP A., uhich .is outstand- 3 innings. His opponents· batting a' erage was just .201. ··core) is basically a power pitcher; he's got velocity and a real good breaking ball. He has also developed an effective change-up. In addition, he is a lot bigger and stron- Continued on page 16 ~- '· ~ ·- --t'-- Page 16, Lake Messenger, March 6, 2002 . ger this year, and we ex- li s t is f reshman J a ke pect great things from him Nester, a freshman short– this spring." Yarborough stop/second baseman from said. Lake. . Central ; pitcher Ja son Wooten, second baseman Jacob Massey and short– stop/second baseman Jake Nester, all ofLake; second baseman/outfielder Daniel Russell , Newton County Acad e my; outfie lder Lewis Bradford, Scott Central ; third baseman/ second baseman Jos h Chaney, a nd pitchers Corey Am is and Michael Holifield, .all of Newton County; pitc her/second baseman Corey Blackwell, Nanih Waiya; pitcher/outfielder Brian Spillers, Mangham (La.) High Sc hool; catcher Mike Kulbeth, Westminister (La.) Acad– emy; pitc her Alex Shepard , Sebastopol; out– fie lder/ pitcher Jarrod Vaughn and first basem~n/ outfielder Tyler Rogers, both of Louisville; out– fie lder Paul Brown, For– est ; infielder Jamie E ll ington, Kosc iusko; third baseman/pitcher Jus– tin Darby, Union ; out– fi e lder/pitcher William Mars and first baseman/ ca tche r T y Cu lpepper, both of Philade lphia ; pitcher/outfielder/ first baseman Chad Lope r , Cha tom, A la.; pitcher Chris Comans, Newton; pitcher Nick Singleton, Robert E. Lee (Ala.) High Aaron ( 11 J,~, Sc hool; fi rst baseman/ 1\rk. Scott County J)ianBn 111 c Bri an C larkda le, "Jake was our leading hit– ter in the fall , posting a .419 batting average with two doubles and one home run. Other top hitters were Jarrod Vaughn of Louis– ville, Joey Holcomb of Lo– cust Fork High School in Alabama, Justin Darby of Union and Chad Loper of Chatom, Alabama ," he said. Serving as Yarborough 's assistant is Patrick Robey, a former coach and player at De lta State University. "Patnck has done an out– standing job fo r us. His primari ly responsibility is wu1 k•n g wi th in fielders hut he also helps in other areas. lie knows what it takes to wm, having been ,, J)a• t of wmn •ng program at I >SU," Ya1borough said. The complete 2002 roster includes t he fo ll owing: shortstop/out fielder Dec l lomesburger and catcher Wi II Baski n , bo th of Noxapater; o ut fielder Tommy Fieber, Neshoba Chris Comans o f Newton will also be a vital part o f th e pit c hing rot a t io n. Coman s posted a 4 .34 ERA. and his opponents' batt ing average was .265. He was 2-2 overa ll and had one save. ''Chris worked hard this fa ll and we are counting on him to have a success– ful season on the mound ," Yarborough said . Corey Blackwell ofNanih Waiya wi ll also be a key ingredient 111 the p1td11ng mix. "Corey's ERA last year was 4.62 and he lulllted opposing hitters to a 197 batting average . ll1 s record was 0- 1 bu t hi s three saves led the tcnm Corey has good cont1o l and keeps the ball down," Yarborough said. Yarborough also antiCI– pates a producti ve offen– s i ve pe r for 111 a nce, a nd mentioned severa l players who were effective 10 fall practice. 1\ t the top of the \~' arriors DECATUR--These s tudent uthii'! Cii li!ll ti East Central Communi ty Col l q.·~ It II!C ifn li I from left are short stop/second h11 •' iiHiil Jult Brown of Forest and second hu• 1111111 J (lbllll left are pitcher Jason WooiL'II of l ., al. ~, i!ll firs t baseman/ pitcher Adam 1\h;.Cuni Bradford o f Scott Central. lilt I •i ·•iiHHt!l coach Jake Yarborough . ( I·(' Jlfu ,l u l ECCC Outfielders 0.. ·elders on the East Central Commu~ity College baseball team for the 2002 campaign ore (seated from eC.. Dee Homsbvrger of Noxapater, Josh Chaney of Newton County, Daniel Russell of Newton CounrY Accx:Jel"".. and Jorrod Vaughn of louisville. Standing from left are Timothy Fieber of Neshobo Central, Lewis Brod1or-o o~ Scotr Central, Chad Loper of Chatom, Ala.; William Mars of Philadelphia and Paul Brown of fores• ,..~e Diamond Warriors are led by first year head coach Jake Yarborough. { APPEARED IN: LAKE MESSENGER_____________ SCOTT COUNTY TIMES_ ----'------ UNION APPEAL ____ ___ _ WINSTON COUNTY JOURNAL___ SPIRIT OF MORTON_'+-~ _________ l' CARTHAGINIAN_______ NESHOBA DEMOCRAT_____ NEWTON RECORD_______ MERIDIAN STAR_______ CLARION-LEDGER._______ ECCC Infielders ' j. I 'I ln~elders on the East Centra l Community College baseball team for the 2002 campaign are (seated from left short stop/second basema n Dee Hornsburger of Noxapater, short stop/second baseman Jake Nester of lake third baseman/second baseman Josh Chaney of Newton County, second baseman Joson Massey of lake and Jam;e Ellington of Kosciusko. Standing from left are first baseman Tyler Rogers of louisville, third base- man Justin Darby of Union, and first basemen Adam McCurdy of Morton and Chad leper of Chatom, Ala. APPEARED IN: LAKE MESSENGER___ ____ __ CARTHAGINIAN________ NESHOBA DEMOCRAT_____ NEWTON RECORD_______ MERIDIAN STAR,_______ CLARION-LEDGER.______ SCOTT COUNTY TIMES UNION APPEAL _________ WINSTON COUNTY JOURNAL_____ SPIRIT OF MORTON_______ _ 1- ~ u c let: z~~~~ <(WUt-C zCW(J)W - 0:: .....1 (!)<( Z• <(COZ<(Z ::r:OOcQ t-::r:l--o:: 0:: (/) 3: o::w <( <(WW-=:.....1 UZZ..:::;u u. 0 ~ w w 3: ECCC Hurlers .....1 <( z 0:: ::::» (/) w 0 a:::?! ~z wt- t-O >- zl- ··zt-~::::»0:: ~wzwoo c(J)=»a.u:?! w~Oo.zu. o:::?:u<( 0 o ~wl:zt-!:: a.~oo~~ D.<(UZ:;:o. <(....J(J)::J;:>(/) Pitchers on tho Cost Central Commun•ty College boscbolltcom for the 2002 compo•gn and their respective high schools 010 (seated from left) Jorrod Vaughn, louisville; Nick Singleton of Robert E. Leo High School, Montgomery, Ala, Aaron Gisler, Springdale (Ark.) High School; Brion Spillers, Mangham (Lo) High School; Michael Holifield, Newton County; and William Mars, Philadelphia. Standing from left a1e Jason Wooten, Lake; Corey Amis, Newton County: Alex Shepard, Sebastopol; Chris Comans, Newton; Corey Blackwell, Nanih Waiya; and Chad Loper, Chatom, Ala. DL-\...\10~L) WARRIORS - These student-athletes from :'\e,,-ton Cotmty are meiilbeis of the East Central Commu– nit} College baseball team for the 2002 campaign. Seated from 1~!t are t.\ird ba.seman.second baseman Josh Chaney and pttcher Michael Holifield, both of Newton County Htgh Sc..lmol and second baseman/outfielder Daniel Rus- ,. & " ' seu o. ne" "ton County Academy. Standing from left are pttcher Corey Anris of ~ewton County, pitcher Chris Co– ; ~ Nel'>iOZ: and third baseman/pitcher Justin Darby of l n1on. t.he Dlaillond Warriors are led by first year head coach Jake Yarborough. (EC Photo) APPEARED IN: LAKE MESSENGER_____________ SCOTT COUNTY TIMES_ _ ___ _ UNION APPEAL _ ___ ____ WINSTON COUNTY JOURNAL____ SPIRIT OF MORTON________ ___ CARTHAGINIAN_______ NESHOBA DEMOCRAT_____ NEWTON RECORD MERIDIAN STAR_______ CLARION-LEDGER_ ____ __ C2.. Pearl River swept East Cen tral in South Division doubleheader baseball action at Poplarville Saturday, w in- ning both by games 10-0 Marty via the 10-run Stamper rule. The sweep was highlight– ed by sophomore Jered Sala7ar's no-hitter in the first game. Salaza.~ a righthander from Lafayette, La., who recently signed with LSU after transferring to PRCC from Bossier Parish, pitched five perfect innings to tmprove to 4-1. He struck out four and walked only one. Chris Thompson (4-2) picked up the w in in the nightcap. The righthan-der pitched four innings, striking out three and walking only one. Neal Cannon relieved in the fifth. In the first game, PRCC finished off the Warriors in the second inning with a stx– run barrage, then added solo runs in the third and fou rth and a pair of runs in the fifth to end the game. The Wildcats finished the game with eight hits, all sin– gles. Jason Wooten was the los– ing pitcher in his two innings on the mound. He struck out two, walked one, and h it four batters before Alex Shephard relie\ ed in the third. Sheph.ud struck out one, w.•lked two, and .1lso hit four batters. In the nightcap, Pearl River put the Warriors av. ay in the first inning going up 3- 0, mcluding back-Lo-back home runs by Eric Adkins and Jeff Middlet(1n. PRCC then padded its lead with four more runs in the second. The Wildcats scored their final three runs in the bottom of the fourth. Thompson pitched three perfect innings before Lewis Bradford beat out a bunt sin– gle in the fourth for EC' s first hit of the afternoon. EC starter Aaron Gisler took the loss in going 1 2/3 innings, striking ou• hree and walkmg one. C 11ey Blackwell relieved in thL -.ec– ond, strikmg out two, walk– ing one, and hitting one bat– ter. Adkins paced PRCC'::. 11- hit attack with a home run and two singles, while Brett Harris had two singles. . Bradford, Joey Holcomb, and Jarrod Vaughn each had a singJc to account for EC's three Hits. ~~ ~~ill~ @(!)ffi)ffi)o @(!)l])@[B@ ~ &1UXD~ @nl)C9fficfkD[? ~ ~ Baseball Golf Tennis Baseball QAm OPPONENT S!Is ~ March 20 Copiah-Lincoln (OH) Home 2:00 March 20 Jones Tournament Hattiesburg TBA March 21 Hinds Home 2:00 March 23 Southwest (DH) Home 1:00 Softball Softball Tennis Baseball 1:00 Softball Tennis Baseball March 23 Copiah-Lincolo (DH) Home 11:00 1:30 March 25 Pearl River (DH) Away Away March 26 Hinds 2:00 March 27 Rockingham, N.C. (DH) Home 1 30 1:00 1:00 March 27 Gulf Coast (DH) March 28 Southwest March 29 Hinds (DH) Home Home Home Neshoba Democc:t____ Car•hc:gir. ia:-1_______ Scot~ County Ti;r.es____ I Newton Cct..nty ~j:;:ec; , ___ Spirit of i'Ylor-.on______ Meridian Star_______ \)\f'\\ c"' 1-\~rec~ _j;_ cn:Eccnr)> -o-znl>-o -z-o::::w\-o ;ocnO-fmm -f-fZ-fS:)> o 0 l>nm;o -nZ-oocnm s;n-occn° oO~zm z -nC -fZ .. ~zr - -0 1'\"' -,.. ( ·, llt ,d ( H lllllllllllt\- I u llt /'1 1 Ill ,, '"'· 17~. f HIIttttl ,,,,"'I 11\YII'j II •IIHlll,tlll 11 1 1 11 1111 tli•d IIIIi II VI I til\'' Ill• ll 'l llllfUI llill ft iUt lll\1 ll~t uuHh 2H l ttll l ll~\'' o u If"• """''"llul~t•IJ''"~ It .11 1 u.. ~, ,.,•. .,~ to .1 8 ·3 1 \'t'1nd. M I'Mll l,tll ww1 '"' J\ II I >l"t' l' I 1 Plt•t lltul f,,] lowi ng the 20()1 c.unp.algn '"'tl wu.t~ "·""''tl '"' fh.- 'I ~y lorsvillc/Ral cigh All Tou• n.lm('lll Tc.,m. jol111ng tf1c fut:!1~ Diamond Warrior at a recent signing ceremony • w~. (seated from left) his parents, Connie and joe· Mc.Miltan: and (standing from left) Tiger head baseball coa_ch Edc!i~ Pierce and ECCC assistant baseball coach Patrick:R.bbe¥- - ---- < Os:zzo !;mmm)> ;o~~~~ 5-0 0 :I:)> ~~z~G> rcn;ocz m-fm _ 0)>0~)> G'>;oO z m 1 ;o 0 ;o co $! , -f m m ;:::w\ 0 -n ~-.... ECCC DIAMOND WARRIORS: Above are members of the East Central Community College baseball team for the 2002 campaign. Kneeling from left are manager Jason Eaves, !'\anihWaiya; shortstop/outfielder Dee Homesburger and catcher Will Baskin, both of Noxapater; pitcher/outfielder Brian Spillers, Mangha:in (La.) High School; short– stoplsecond baseman Jake Nester, Lake; second baseman/outfielder Daniel Russell, Newton County Academy; outfielder/pitcher Jarrod Vaughn, Louisville; and Manager Charleene Foreman, Newton County. Seated from left are manager Brian Newell, Clarkdale; out– fielder Paul Brown, Forest; pitcher Jason Wooten, Lake; third baseman/second baseman Josh Chaney, Newton County; pitcher/second baseman Corey Blackwell, Nanih Waiya; second baseman Jason Mass~y, Lake; pitcher/third baseman Aaron Gisler, Springdale (AR) High School; and infielder Jamie Ellington, Kosciusko. Third row, from left, are Patrick Robey, assistant coach; pitcher Nick Singleton, Robert E. Lee (AL) High School; first base– man/outfielder Tyler Rogers, Louisville; catcher Mike Kulbeth, Westminister (LA) Acad– em}'i catcker Joey Holcomb, Locust Fork (AL) High School; pitcher Michael Holifield, e•wton County; outfielder Timothy Fieber, Neshoba Central; outfielder Lewis Bradford, Scott Central; and Kake Yarborough, head coach. Top row, from left, are out– fielder/pitcher William mars, Philadelphia; third baseman/pi tcher Justin Darby, Union; pitcher Alex Shepard, Sebastopol; pitcher/outfielder/first baseman Chad Loper, Chatom U High School· first baseman/pitcher Adam McCurdy, Morton; pitcher Chris Comans, ~ · and pitcher Corey Amis, Newton County. (EC Photo) APPEARED IN: LAKEMESSENGER______ ~~--- SCOTT COUNTY TIMES_ __ ----=---- UNION APPEAL ________ WINSTON COUNTY JOURNAL____ SPIRIT OF MORTON____________ CARTHAGINIAN_______ NESHOBA DEMOCRAT________ NEWTONRECORD~---------- MERIDIAN STAR_______ CLARION-LEDGER.__________ Photo by Travis Mitchell ;t,.e· ;- ... ~~e· Holley has signed to continue his -::aS! Cen··a Community College. Seated: Linda· ...........= ..,.,..-.,:.;,_ St:ir.a ng Guy Holley. APPEARED IN : LAKE MESSENGER______________ SCOTT COUNTY TIMES_________ UNION APPEAL ________________ WINSTON COUNTY JOURNAL_ _____ SPIRIT OF MORTON_______ CARTHAGINIAN_______ NESHOBA DEMOCRAT ----- N~~WTON RECORD_______ t H~RIDIAN STAR_______ Cl.ARION-LEDGER._______ Page 1 of2 Meridian Star ~ -. Adrertise I~ r•• iuctss II ~~ The Star East Mississ ippi Lady Lions eye first place, host role ~ ~::>..... s:.r repor.s ;..;y. .- 2002 --....:: Eas1M ss.ss1pp1 Lady L10ns are Sitting 1n first place in the IISSISS pp Junior College North Div1s1on standings. Coacn Pam Moore s team is 12-2 in league action. They head to '.' ssss pp1Delta for two games on Thursday. • .'Je re gong to finrsh no worse than second. Northeast is a game :let~ 'XI us and ltawamba is a game behind them," Moore said. "' i.'"'e Laay L1ons w in the North Division, they will earn the right to '"ost tne State and Region 23 Softball Tournament. The problem is, "'"' - ','a-. S:.a- ~ ECCC ~00Qi1 t-e http://www.meridianstar.commend.Janstar m~ arndes.asp??=-!99: 7::.&: S= 5 ~&?>-biD=S 10 I & .! l "' :-;~ Page 2 of2 Meridian Star The East Central CC Warrior baseball team is on a bad end of long shde. The Wamors dropped their 11th straight game on Monday mght falling to East Mississippi in the Judge' s Cup 4-3 on a bottom of the n1nth s1ngle by Josh Snider. East Central is now 9-24 on the season. It's last two losses have come on game-ending RBI hits. - Jeff Byrd Glaze known here Jones Junior College head baseball coach Bobby Glaze is in his 12th season with the Bobcats. He graduated from Newton High School in 1971 and played at now-defunct Clarke College in Newton before continuing his career at Mississippi College where he was selected Most Valuable Player. Glaze coached five years at Newton and 10 at R H Watkins High School in Laurel. His prep record for the 15 years was 184-152. -Marty Stamper Oswalt hurled Houston Astros pitcher Roy Oswalt pitched two years at Holmes Community College and appeared in the Region 23 Division I Tournament at Meridian Community College. - Marty Stamper Women staying put Salina, Kan., has been chosen to host the NJCAA Division I Women's Basketball National Championship three more years after its current contract expires in 2003. Bryan, Texas, and Northeastern Colorado also bid for the event. -Marty Stamper © 2002 The Meridian Star All Rights Reserved http://www.meridianstar.cornlmeridianstar myarticles.asp'JP=t99~ -:!&S=5S-1&:.PubiD=8 I01 & . ~ 17 0~ A ppi • Wednesday, May 15, 2002 Carey signs with ECCC Baseball Team Newton County's Robby Carey will continue his athleticlcareer as a member of the East Central Community College Diamond Warriors. Carey, a 5-foot-9, 150-pound catcher/outfielder/third baseman, batted .404 and hit 18 doubl es, two horne runs and one triple for the Cougars who finished the 2002 campaign with a 20-15 record. Carey also collected 38 RBis. Honors include his selection for the School of Hard Knocks Award, Golden Glove Award, Cougar Award, the .300 Club and AU-Star. Pictured with Carey are (standing from left) his parents, Donna and Robert Gregory of Decatur; Wyatt Tullos, Cougar head baseball coach; and Jake Yarborough, ECCC head baseball coach. (EC Photo) APPEARED IN: LAKE MESSENGER,______________ SCOTI COUNTY;?MES UNION APPEAL ....1. ~--------------- WINSTON COUNTY JOURNAL_______ SPIRIT OF MORTON_____________ CARTHAGINIAN_____________ NESHOBADEMOCRAT_________ NE~ONRECORD ____________ MERIDIAN STAR._____________ CLARION-LEDGER___________ l\ard nners C ntTal Community receh ed honors fol- are seated from left) Central, most valuable urger of ~oxapater, a}er, All-Region 23 from left are Joey most valuable defen– Ive player; Alex Shepard of Sebasto– pol, most improved; and Justin Darby of Union, "Exemplary Player of the Year." The Warriors fin– ished the 2002 sea– son with a 9-33 mark. (EC Photo) APPEARED IN: LAKE MESSENGER_____________ SCOTI COUNTY TIMES______ UNION APPEAL ~------- WINSTON COUNTY JOURNAL___ SPIRIT OF MORTON____________ CARTHAGINIAN_______ NESHOBA DEMOCRAT_____ NE~ONRECORD ___________ MERIDIAN STAR_______ CLARION-LEDGER_______ ).. ) ( SUBMITTED PHOTO TUNE SIGNS WITH ECCC Newton High School's Jeremy Tun~ reoemt) sJgned on to play baseball next season with the East Central Community Col ege Diamond Wamors. Tune, an outfielder, had an AII-Distict season this year at Newton. He also reaev-t:d t."le Trgers' Golden Glove Award. He is shown here during the sign1ng ceremony with h1s parems Debb e a"Xl Stweart Tune, and (standing from left) Tiger head baseball coach Edd•e P1erce anc ECCCass stant baseball coach Patrick Robey. Irons set as ECCC golf aoor prize A set ofTitleist 762 iron~ await£ one participant in the East Central CommunitY CoUe(!'e '' arrior Golf Classic scheduled for Saturday, June 22 on tlit: Azalea course at the award-win– ning Dancing Rabbit Golf Clubon the Pearl River Resor t near Philadelphia. The set of iron"- a $400value- h. lhe grand door prize for the event. sp '"" red br the ECCC Alumni Association and being held to raise :>eholar~hip funds for students plan- ning to attend the tv.o-year college in Decatur. Prizes will also • be awarded to the top three teams in the four-per-.on ,.,cramble, which gets underway at 9 a.m. with a shotgun -.tan. Registration begins at 8 a.m. on the Azalea cour..e. A trophy will also be awarded to the winning corporate team. Entry fee b $125 per person and includes green fee, golf cart. tournament T-shirt, a box lunch and the opporturuty to win additional door prizes. A reception AF for tournament sponsors and participants concludes the day's activities. LJ For more information contact Stacey Hollingsworth, 5 Office of Foundation and Alumni Relations, East Central f Community College, P. 0 . Box 129, Decatur, MS 38327, Ul Phone 635-2111 or call toll free, 1-877-462-3222, ext. 327. Her e-mail address is sholling@eccc.cc.ms.us. 'I' - school r eports 5 IKI I Ut' MUI'( I UN ---------------------- CARTHAGINIAN NESHOBADEMO~C-RA __T __________ NEWTON RECORD MERIDIAN STAR .-::::-.....----------- CLARION-LEDGER________ . East Central Comm baseball coach Jake now has signed lQ pi optimistic that the coming m will help "Our hittmg sh improved with th1 ern"'"', ough said "\\eh \e last year or h\O ofte \ ) are really gomg to str~o; with this bunch \\e ha\ t t t.! small stuff at the plated e The signees include f ur p a) ers who were invoh cd m :recent all t baseball games. Robby Carey of e'' ton Count} High is a catcher cooung m forth Wa~riors. Jacob Da\ ts ts expeded ECCC. to host cheerleading camp From special reports to tmprove the tC'am speed The Area cheerleaders will shortstop from BiloXl a o h1t have an opportunity to learn around .370 last season the latest cheers, chants and Michael Dunn IS expe ted •o dance routines by attending work out at third. He bat \ the annual East Central . ~00 last season with Pa g' u Community College Cheer- }tm Tally of Moore\ rl1e \\ ill1t P leader Camp scheduled July fully give the Warners anoth, r "-10 on the Decatur campus. sponsor, East Central Com· munity College, P. 0. Box 129, Decatur, MS 39327, Phone 635-2111 or call to ll free, 1-877-462-3222, ext. 310. Her email address is cunderwood@eccc.cc.ms.us. Instruction tor the three– day camp \\ill be provided from 8:.30 .1.m. to 3 p.m. by mcmbt>rs of the 2002-2003 ECCC Warrior chcerlcading squad . Cost IS $60 per p.uticipant. For more mformahon con– tact Carne Underwood, good arm. He wa.., 19.{) at Cia State Champion Moore' ille H Yarborough abo ha m ' talented player:.'' ithin the d t that he expect:> to help th t improve. Hunter Holly of Philadelp ra signed, as i~ Brent McMillan jeremy Tune of Newton Htgh outfielders Gabe SnO\\ and Kent Eiland of Louisville. Wes Turner ,md Jncob Towns both of Neshobcl Cenlr.1l, wiJl p oa for thCWarnors. Turner 1 shorhtop/pilchcr while Tt.lwnse will work al calchcr. Van Wilson, an oulfiddt•r fr m West Lauderdale is signed as wcl as Drew McGhee of Wall'r Vallev. Chris Middlelon is a right-handed pitcher ::;igncd from Vicksburg Destin Moore of Ko~ciusko 1s a fir~t baseman / outfielder while Jonathan Sigriss of Scott Central i~ al~o signed. Drew Kenna of Forest "ill work at third and fir~t. The lone out-of--;tate ignec 1:> Dexter Spellers from Louisiana. Along with improving hitttng, Yarborough expect:; the signecs to J heir, on defense. 'Our defense was solid last year, l but the new arms will juc;t impro\e--------– ~ on that," said Yarborough. "This is a good group, but the l question is how hard can they________ \ work," he said. "We arc really going•NAL to push ourselves in the off<;e<1stm. \ ------ ~ The fall is an important ttme and_________ we are going to work hard 1nd t, ke no shortcuts." CARTHAGINIAN_______ NESHOBADEMOCRAT_____ NE~ONRECORD~)C~----- MERIDIAN STAR._______ CLARION-LEDGER.______ WEEK OF }\>-\\.\ \ \ '2_()07., Forest High School slugger Drew Kenna will continue his athletic career as a nwmber of the East Central Commonitj; College Diamond Warriors. Kenna, a 6-2, 165-pound pitcher/infielder, batted .414 for the Bearcats this past season and had six home runs, eight doubles and two triples. He also scored 36 runs and collected 44 RBis in helping lead the Diamond Bearcats to the state playoffs and a 17-12 record. He was twice named to the AU-County and All-Division teams and was selected the Bearcats' most valuable player for the 2002 campaign. Shown with the baseball standout are (seated) his parents, Lynne and Joey Kenna of Forest, and (standing from left) Allan Atkison. FHS head base– ball coach, and Jake Yarborough, ECCC head baseball coach. The new Diamond Warrior is the grandson of Mr. and Mrs. James Chapman ofNewton. (ECCC photo) APPEARED IN : LAKE MESSENGER______________ SCOTT COUNTY TIMES___________ UNION APPEAL ________________ WINSTON COUNTY JOURNAL_______ SPIRIT OF MORTON___ _____ CARTHAGINIAN_ ______ NESHOBADEMOCRAT_______ NEWTON RECORD \t.. --~-------------- MERIDIAN STAR._______ CLARION-LEDGER.__________ East Central splits pair on the pitch Freshman midfielder John Theobald scored three goals and led East Central Community College to a 4-l victory over Itawamba Saturday afternoon in Decatur. Theobald's first goal came corner kick at the 38:11 mark. Freshman forward Ricky Archuleta was credited with an assist. Theobald's final goal came act ion. Jeremy Cunningham was credited with an assist. In last week's action, East Central fell 3-1 to Hinds on Sept. 11 in Raymond. Beau Theobald scored for East Central. The Warriors are scheduled on a free kick at the 31:40 mark and ,.. ·as aided by an assist from sophomore Johnathan Shoemaker. Freshman defender Chuck Holme scored the Warriors' final goal at the 1:30 mark. Ita,vamba s Daniel Tift scored his teams only goal at the 28: 17 mark in first half on a penalty kick at the 38:50 mark in the second half and tied the contest at 1-1. The Warriors, who improved to 2-1-1 under fourth-year head coach Kenneth Thompson. took the lead for good on Theobald s second goal, which came on a to travel to Pearl River on Saturday, Sept. 21, for a 1 p.m. match on the Poplarville cam– pus. East Central will be guests of Meridian Community College at 7 p.m. Wednesday, Sept. 25. APPEARED IN: LAKE MESSENGER______________ SCOTT COUNTY TIMES__________ UNION APPEAL --------------- WINSTON COUNTY JOURNAL_ _ _ SPIRIT OF MORTON_____________ CARTHAGIN IAN~ ~~~--------------- NESHOBADEMOCRAT_________ NE~ONRECORD ____ ~------ MERIDIAN STAR.____;;,____ CLARION-LEDGER.__________
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