Scott County Diamond Warriors
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_t DECATUR-These student-athletes from Scott County are members of the East Central Community College basebaB team for the 2002 campaign. Seated from left are short stop second baseman Jake Nester of lake. outfielde-r Paul BrO\\ n of Forest and second baseman Jason Massey of lake. Standmg from left are pttcher Jason Wooten of lake. pitcher Alex Shepard of Sebastopol. tlrst baseman pitcher Adam McCurdy 01 Morton and outfielder lewis Bradford of Scott Central. The Diamond \\'arriors are led by first- 1 ear head coach Jake Yarborough. (EC Photo) ECCC Hosts Second Annual Busi ess, Education & Health Expo DECATUR-Area employers in catton Buildmg. w11l exceed last industries to market their com– search of potential employees year's numbers. ··we had a great panics to prospective employ– should mark their calendars for response for our first Expo and ees. Companies are also able to Tuesday, March 26, 2002, ~hen we hope to have even more par- target students who have spe– East Central Community Col- ticipation this year," said Sylv1a cific skills needed for employ– lege holds its second annual Bush, event organizer who ment and can meet with those Business, Education and serves as work-based learning students while visiting their Healthcare Expo on the Deca- coordinator at the College's booths. In add1tion, participants tur campus. Workforce Development Center. have an opportunity to publicize College officials anticipate that She encourages compames to their products and services - at interest in the event. schedu1ed pamc1pare n thJ!) year's event. no cost, since there is no charge from 9 a.m. to noor- .n the ..The E'po pro,·ides an excelfent for exhibit space:· Bush said. APPEAREl Brackeen-Wood Phys1cal Edu- oppor.umt) for bu::.i" se and Bush said there were 60 partici- LAKE MES~t:l't\JL-I'-..---------- NESH< pants ,,h ,e '"'" h"'') s' s SCOTT COUNTY TIMES NEWT )~ar. repr~~cmmg nd . n1~ to- UNION APPEAL cal busmesses and industries but MERIC N COUNT Y JOURNAL those m Jackson. Hattiesburg, WINSTO CLARI I Laurel. the Delta and other ar- SPIRIT OF MORTON
ea::. ofthe state. Approximately 670 ECCC students attended the Expo in search of employment nr t'thPr prfu,..."t'",...,..1 ,..---~- -·
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