Newspaper Clippings
Basketball Carnp Planned At ECJC East Central Junior Col· lege's annual Central Mts· sisslppl Basketball Camp for boys ages 10-18 will be held on the East Central Campus June 7-12. This camp Is sanctioned by the Mississippi High School Activities Association. He rma n Robinson, men's basketball coach at East Central and Malcolm Robinson, basketball coach at Edinburg High School will serve as directors for the camp. They will be assis ted by high school coaches from the area . Tuition for the camp is $75.00. This Includes board, room, instruction and insu· ranee. If one would like to commute, the tuition will be $45.00 , which wtll Include the noon meal each day. A non-refundable dep· osit of $20.00 Is to be sent with application forms to Coach Robinson at East Ce n tr al. High school coaches wlll have appli– cations. The deadline for regis– tration is June 1.
East Central Sets Baseball Schedztlt~
March 31, Pearl Rivet , Here; April 1, Clarke, Here; April 3, Gulf Coast, There; April 4, J ones, Here; Aprtr 6, Holmes, Here; April 7, P ea r l River, There; April 9, Scooba, Here; April 11, Gulf Coast, Here. SUBCRIBE TO THE TIMES
Freeman Horton, base– ball coach at East Central Jr. College, has released the baseball schedule for the r emainder of the season. All games are double headers a nd begin at 1: 00. The schedule is as follows: March 26, Jones, There;
LA! TIME$,_~7~--- RECORD....-:~L------- NE\NTON SCOTT COUNTY MERIDIAN STAR.____________ _ _ _______ UNlOf\J APPE,~L, CLARION-LEDGER_______ SPiRlT OF MORTON________ IMPACT_____________________ East Central Baseball Team Gets Shaky Start 1L0':/ ' I lt{fb/ • WEEl< OF pitcher. In the second game Rickey Hornesbuger of Noxapaterwas the winning pitcher . Hornesbuger , Terry Burns of Jonesboro, GA, and Todd Wall of Decatur scored two runs each. Wall hit one home run. After the Jones game, Freeman Horton, baseball coach said, " After losing several games our hard work paid off. I was well pleased with the effort and courage the guys showed today after losing the first game." The East Central Junior College baseball team tra– veled to East Mississippi Junior College in Scooba on March 23 where they were defeated 5-3 in the first game and 2-1 in the second game. March 25 they tra– veled to Newton where Clark College defeated them 12-5 In the firs t game and 4-1 in the second. March 26 they traveled to Elllsvllle where they were defeated In the first game '0-10, and East Central defeated Jones In the second game 9-3. In the East Mississippi game Jim Kennamer of New Hope, AL was the los– Ing pitcher. Ricky Chesney of Little Rock hit a home run. In the second game Rickey Hornesburger of Noxapater was the losing pitcher. Hornesbuger went ten Innings , struck out seventeen batters, gave up five hits In a 2-1 losing cause. In the Clarke game George Gray of Lake was the losing pitcher. In the second game Jay Jones of Forest was the losing pitcher. Jim Kennamer hit a home run. The first game at Jones, Kennamer was the i0slng APPEARED IN: Lt\l i'IESHOB.t\ DEMOCRAT ----- i'JE\NTON RECORD --- ---- MERIDIAN STAR - ----- - - CLARION-LEDGER ---- --- <0, ) tQ>\ 11? 11 WEEJ< OF I East Central Sweeps PRJC DECATUR- East Central Junior College, behind Jim Ken– namer's no-hitter in the second game, swept a pair of baseball games from visiting Pearl River here Tuesday, 2-1 and to-o. Kennamer struck out nine in his gem while Nelson Triplett pit– ched in with three hits and Jay Jones, Terry Burns, Kennamer, Ricky Chesney,, Randle Lee and David Gressett all had two hits for tile Warriors. In the opener, Ricky Hornsburger flred a 1-hitter as Jones slammed two hits including a game-winning triple. East Central is now set to host East Mississippi here Thursday at 1 p.m. in an important twinbill. Wednesday, Apr il 8, 1981 THE MERIDIAN STAR APPEARED IN: i'JESH08A DEMOCRr\T LAl SCOTT COUNTY TIMES______ v ------ NE\NTON RECORD MERIDIAN STAR_.....:v=::=~---- UN lON APPEAL ---------- SP!RIT OF MORTON________ CLARION-LEDGER______ IMPACT________________ EC.fC Btueball -"···-··-.!---··..···--··· ......,____.. The E ast Cen t ral Junior College baseball team defeated Pearl River Junior College at Popularville on March 31, 6-0 in the first game and 3·2 in the second game. J im Kennamer of New Hope, AL was the win· ning pitcher for the first game. Anthony P atterson took the lost. Kennamer pitched a shut-out and only gave up three hits. Kennamer, Randall Lee of Little Rock, Nelson Triplett of Louisville, and Hornesbuger and Todd Wall of Decatur scored for East Central. No errors were com– mited in either game. East C~ntral now has a 3- 1 division record. Bo b by Butler of Philadelphia had two hits each. Terry Burns of Jonesboro , GA scor ed two runs. Jay Jones of Forest, Lee, Tr iplett and Butler scored one run each. In the second game Rickey Hornesbuger of Noxapater was t he winning pitcher . Clark Breland took the lost. Hornesbuger gave up five hits and two runs. Steve Thomas of Union bad two hits. Jay Jones, RickeY ~---~- APPE.~RED IN: Lt,i i'IESHOBA D~iVIOCRAT -------- NE\NTON RECORD ~ IVIERJDIAN STAR ·-------------- CLP,RION-LEDGER l LL J ,Oudtl(-'/fGY--_--,-/- OF~; I I 'L 148t WEE'< GCJC Beats ECJC Twice DECATUR - East Central J unior College ended its baseball season on a sour note here Saturday, dropping both games of a twinbill to Gulf Coast. The Bulldogs took the first game, 12-6, and blanked the War – riors, 7-o, in the nightcap For East Central, Nelson Triplett and Todd Wall had two hits each in the opener and Jim Kennamer hit his fourth horner of the season, but to no avail. John Barham suffered the pitching loss for the Warriors. Jay Jones was the losing pitcher in the second game as ECJC was limited to only three nits. East Central ended 8-17 overall and 5-7 in the division. Sunday, Aprill2, 1981 Ll\! i'JESHOB.t\ DEMOCRAT ---- ~ ~- _- SCOTI COUNTY Tli'-t1-:S ___ _-\=z=====·= Ui\llON APPE,I\L ----------------- SPIRIT OF MORTON -------- JMPACT ---------------------- NEWTON RECORD MERIDIAN STAR v/ CLP,RION-LEDGER ------- ECJC Baseball Ends With 8 -15 Record The East Central Junior College baseba)l team lost their final game of the season on April 11 to Gulf Coast Jr. College 12-6 in the first game and 7-0 in the second. John Barham of Philadelphia was the losing pitcher in the first game. Nelson Triplett of Louisville and Todd Wall of Decatur had two hits each. Jim Kennamer of New Hope. Ala. hit his fourth home run of the season. Tnplett scored two run.. Jay Jones of Forest, Terry Burns of Jonesboro, Ga., Rickey Homesbuger of Noxapater and Kennamer scored one run each. Jay Jones was the losing pitcher in the second game. Jones, Hornes– buger and Bobby Butler of Philadelphia had one hit each. The Warriors finish the season with a 5-7 division record and a 8-15 over-an record. :The Newton Record, April 22.& 19_81 APPEARED IN: i'JESHOBA DEMOCRAT NEWTON RECORD /---::---- Lt\l IVIERIDIAN STAR._______ CLARION-LEDGER ------------- IMPACT_ __________________ 14, tt16t f{yt7 J WEE:< OF 48-The Newton Record, AprU ll, 1981 ,, ...A.t ECJC's '80-'81 Baseball Team and Sandra Edwards of Philadelphia; third rO\\ - Randell Lee of Little Rock, Todd Wall of Decatur, John Barham of Ph1ladelphia, Coach Freeman Hor ton, Steve Thoma' of Union, Bobby Butler of Philadelphia and Rickey Chesney of Lit – tle Rock. Warriors fi nished with an 8-15 over-all record. The East Central Jr. College baseball team and bat girls for the '80-'8 1 season are: {seated, left ~o right - Terry Burns of Jonesboro, Ga., Dav1d Gressett of Chunky, Jay Jones of Forest; second row - Tina Tumbling of Newton, Kent Moore of Waynesboro, Jim Kennamer of New Hope, Ala., Jerry Holt of Hickory, Nelson Triplett of Louisville, Rickey Hornesburger of Noxapater APPEARED IN: U\! i'JESHOBA D~iVlO C R;\T --- -- NEWTON RECORD /" ---'"----- MERIDIAN STAR ----- -- CLP,RION-LEDGER --- - - -- MOST VALUABLE Rickey Hornesbuger of Noxapater, son of Mr. and Mrs. D.C. Hornesbuger of Noxapater , r eceived tbe Most Valua ble Bas eball Player Award for his par– ticipation as a member of the East Central Junior College baseball team. WIN~TON COUNTY JOURNAL, TUESDAY, !\lAY 26, 1981 APPEARED li'J: i'IESHOBA DEIVIOCR;.\T________ L.L\l NEWTON RECORD --------- MERIDIAN STAR._______ _________ UNION APPE.~L. CLP,RlON-LEDGER_ ______ S?:RlT OF MORTON________ liVIPACT______________ J ECJC football schedule Ken Pouncey, head foot– ball coach at East Central Junior College has released · the 1981 football schedule as follows: Hinds, Raymond: Oct. 24-– Jones, Ellisville; Oct. 31-– Southwest, Decatur; Nov. 7-– East Miss., Decatur. •Denotes Thursday night games. •Sept. 3-- Holmes, Good– man; •Sept. 10--Co-Lin, De– catur; • Sept. 17 Northwest, Senatobia; Sept. 26-- Gulf Coast, Pascagoula; Oct. 3-– Pearl River. Decatur; Oct. 10-- ltawamba (Homecom– ing). Decatur; • oct. 15-- Coach Pouncey has called for all Warrior football team members to report to the gym Thursday, August 13 at 6:00p.m. for Training Camp. Practice will begin at 8:00 a.m. August 14. THE UNIONAPPEAL, UNION, MJSSJSSIPPit _wEDNESDAY, AUGUST 12, 1981 APPE.D..Rt:D IN: ~ ...,3~1C......---- U-\l SCOTT COUNTY TIMES_........:.../ ____ i'JEWTON RECORD__ oV ---~~------- UNIOi'l,~PPLO..l MERIDiAN STAR_______ SPIHlT 0~ MORTON_______ _ CLD,RION-LEDGER_______ IMPACT____________________ • WINSTON COUNTY JOURNAL, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 1. 1181 WARRIOR MEMBERS-Eas t Central Junior College will open the 1981 rootball !>eason with a game against the Bulldogs of Holmes Junior College at Goodman on Thursday, Sept. 3. Warrior team members from Winston County are, Charlie Triplett. Anthony Cunningham, David Rt>ynold.... and Paul Ret'd. Standing, Benard Lee, Tony Eddie Goss, Willie Gates, Jesse Hudson, and manager, Derek Clark. Not pictured is manager, Doug Hubbard. Thursday, Sept. 10 tbe Warriors will h~.!__!!le Wolves of Copiah-Lincoln Junior College at Warrior Field at 7:30. - APPE.~REDIN: NESHOSA DEMOCRJ.\T ----- NEWTON RECORD ~ scan COUNTY TIM~S ------- UNION APPU~L ---------------- SP!HlT OF MORTON ------~- IMPACT MERIDIAN STAR CLP,RION-LEDGER 14& I v1 t:. :< o;: Sfe±ctrtYv J-.1 ' I ECJC Falls To Holmes, 10-7 GOODMA~ 1 l'PI 1 - Holmes Junior College whipped East Cen– trall0-7 Thursdav night in the sea on-opening game for both teams. Holmes pushed across its lone touchdown with 47 seconds remain– ing in the first half on a 15-yard pass from Thomas Trussell to Rickie Martin. The point was added by Steve Aydelott. Aydelott also connected on a 10-yard field goal in the third quarter for the Bulldogs. East Central was blanked unhl the fourth penod when Jim Ken– namer scored on a one-vard ruu and Todd Wall kicked the extra point. - Friday, Scptembet· 4. 1 9~1 TilE 1\IFBIJ_>I \ • ~· '\H I APPE.~RED IN: ltd v:::: ~J ESHOB.A DEMOCRAT \._/--~- scon COUNTY TIMES NE\NTON RECORD ,~PPL~L Uf\JION / ~/I ERlDlAN STAR ---=------ SPJHJT Oi= MORTON ------- - IMPACT ---------------- JC At Home, EMJC On Road ull Slate In JC Conference Tonight Coahoma vs . Northeast at Booneville, Hinds at Mississippi Delta, Holmes at Senatobia against Ray Poole's Northwest squad and Gulf Coast at Summit pfaying Southwest. The Saturday night game pits Jones of EllisvilJe against Pearl River at Watkins Stadium in Laurel. "We played a real good foot– ball team last week," said Pouncey assessing his Warriors' 10-7 loss to powerful Holmes at Goodman. ' 'And, we'll be playing another fine team at home this week. Co– Lin is one of the better teams in the state. They have probably more speed than any team we'll face this season. Great wide receivers and a quarterback who can do it all." Pouncey was SpP.aking of the Wolves' talented signal caller, Bryan Fine, a transfer from In– diana whose passes stood Nor– theast on its ear, 36-14, last week. Having played on Thursday last week, Pouncey scouted the Wolves. ''I would say they game, plus linebackers Bob Yarbrough and Raymond Alley and nose guard Andy Johns for thei r contributions against Holmes. EMJC is one of three North teams which stands 1-0, but 0-0 in divis ion results. The others are Holmes and Itawamba. Nor– theast, Mississippi Delta, Nor– thwest and Coahoma are all o-1. In the South, Co-Lin, Gulf Coast, Jones and Pearl River all sport 1-0 overall marks while Hinds and Southwest, along with East Central, are winless after one week of play. East Mississippi had a hard– fought battle against Southwest a week ago and head coach Ran– dle Bradberry expects another tough one Thursday. Itawamba looked good in win– mng last week and the Indians w1Jl have the added advantage of playing before their home fans. By RAY NARRO Star Sports Writer ek No . 2 of the 1981 issippi Junior College foot– campaign comes up early ost of the state's teams . re is only one game slated turday while the rest of the plays Thursday night, in– g some interesting mat– . in both North and South ion play. p and talented Copiah– oln of Wesson invades tur for a Thursday evening e with Ken Pouncey's East al Warriors for the lone in the immediate Meri– a rea. t Mississippi of Scooba, from a 15-7 win over west last Thursday night .oba. travels to Fulton to 1 unpredictable Itawamba t:-:>- North Division contest. t r Thursday night games d the JuCo circuit find THE :\IERIDIA~ STAR _ _ _ Thursday. September 10, 1981 APPE.~RED 11\J: LPd i'JESHOBA DEMOCRAT ----- NE'WTON RECORD - - - ---- ____ ~ IVIERIDIAN STAR --.:-. CLARION-LEDGER ------- IMPACT ------------------ 6A-The Newton Record, September 16, 1981 -- f Parker Scores First TD For ECJC and Early Clemons (63). In the fourth quarter, Wayne Baucum made two TO's and Tod Wall kicked the extra points to bring the Warriors out on top. The Warriors, now 1-1, will travel to Nor– thwest Junior College on September I 7. The next home game will be October 3. Ronnie Parker (46) scored the first TD for East Central Junior College during the last minute of the first half in the Warriors first home game against the Wolves of Co-Lin on September 10. Warriors defeated the Wolves 20-17. Blockers on the play were Joe Douglas (81), Ken Wallace (51), APPE..(\RED IN : Ltd ~IESriOB.A DEMOCR,t\T ~ v-- ~ scon COUNTY Tlfv1ES i'JEWTON RECORD UNION APPE,~L ~ MERIDIAN STAR ----- -- CLP,RlON-LEDGER ------- SP!HIT OF MORTON - --- ---- IMPACT ------------ ·Juco Roundup East Central . Falls To NWJC, 26-7 SENATOBIA Fa·idav. Set•lembea· IM. amu TilE MEIUDIAN STAH APPE.~RcD li'l: LC\i{i.: Mr:SSHJGER - - - - ---- SCO"!';" CO.JNIY T:M::S ------ Ui\lO 'I .~.P?::.\L ------------------ SPi;~ 1 7 Of= ~;lO'HC 1 --------------- i'JESHOS.L\ O::MOCP.AT ---- Ct..;,R. c: !-LECGE q --------- l~JlPfl.CT ------- ,..~ 1} l /~ Gulf Coast ·still Unbeaten BY l 'nited Press lntemational Gulf Coast, the defending state junior college champion, cruised to an easy 23-3 victory ~over East Mississippi at Colum– bus Saturday night to remain undefeated on the 1981 season. Quarterback Zach Nelson tossed a pair of touchdown passes to lead Gulf Coast to the \'ictorv. Gulf Coast is now 3-0. Pearl River. 2-0-1, trounced winless Coahoma 54-0 in Poplar– ville as Llo} d Henry rushed for 127 yards on just five carr ies. Coahoma is 0-3. Quarterback Simmie Cooley . ran for one touchdown and 'Pass– ed for another. while Elijah Bell returned a kickoff 100 vards to lead Jones to a 47-21 victory over Northeast Saturday night. Mike l\loore's 34-yard pass in– terception return for a touchdown got Jones on the board early and the Bobcats never looked back. Jones IS 2-0-1. while Northeast 1s 1 2 Three players scored for Copiah-Lincoln to lead the Wol\'es to a 21-13 \'ictorv O\'er Holmes. · Co-Lin, 2-1. scored on a four– yard run by Charles Tra\ ill ion. a one-yard plunge by Kendall Covington and a 23-yard scamper by Brian Fme. Holmes. 2-1. got its scores on two touchdown pass receptions by Roger Totten In AOrth Division actiOn Thursday night. Delta defeated previously unbeaten Itawamba 35-14. Delta and Itawamba are both 2-1 ~orthwest downed East Cen– tral 26-7 Thursday night. Both are 1-2. And in South Di\·isJOn play Thursday Southwest nipped Hinds 1-1-13. Southwest is 1-2. v. bile Hinds faUs to 0-3. Monday, September 21, 19Sl TilE ~IERIDIAN STAR Lt,: ________ . ::?.!::::.~: j STAR UNlOi'J .~PPE.u.L __________ -------- S?lRiT OF i\;lORTON 'f\f.~ACT ---------------- ECJC Stuns . No. 1 3 Pearl River By JASO~ BIRD Sports Correspondent ball away on their own 19-yard line. I Two plays later, Lance Lar– son, following a sack, fired 30 yards to Steve Dees for the score. Larson's pass for two points was incomplete. Pearl River, not content to sit on its 12-7 halftime lead. took the second half opening kickoff and drove 77 yards for another score. Donnie Lewis capped the march on a two-yard run. Lar– son's pass for two points again fell incomplete. On the Warriors ensuing possession. ECJC marched back, going 80 yards for the TD. Hazelwood hit tight end Joe Douglas for 10 yards on the score. Halfback Dale Reese threw to Tony Baker for the two– point conversion. Things stayed that way until the Warriors game-winning drive late in the fourth period. East Central, 2-3 , hosts ltawamba for Homcoeming next week, while the 3-1-1 Wildcats, ranked 13th nationally, celebrate Homecoming against Mississippi Gulf Coast, ranked fifth naitonally in the junior col– lege poll. DECATUR - Micah Hazelwood threw 42 yards to Bruce McGee with 1:37 remain– ing in the game to lift East Cen– tral Junior College to a 21-18 come-from-behind victory over nationally-ranked Pearl River here Saturday night. The Warrior defense held on fourth-and-one at their own 40 with just over two minutes re– maining to give ECJC the start of its winning drive. Todd Wall's extra point at– tempt fa iled. The Wilrlcats ~ ">n the board first, mi
Sunday, October ·1, 1!)81 'filE MERIDI,\N STAH APPE.0..;;::o li'J: i'iESJ-lOBJ.\ D::MOCR.:\T ----- i'lEWIOi'l P.i:CO::\C ------ r/JER:DiAN STAR ----!~---- ClJ..\RJ Oi\J- LEDGER SCOTT COUNT'f Tii'.-ES SPJF\lT OF MORT0:4 -------- 1\.olP~.CT -------- By RAY ~ARRO Star Sports \Vritea· theast, Southwest blank Coahoma. 41-0, and Nor– thwest and Co-Lin battle to a to-aJJ standoff. Pouncey's Warriors as a result of that come– from-behmd '"'in over PRJC, now hold down the rwmerup spot in the South with the 2-1 chart, but Pearl River can get right back into the thick of things with a win over Gulf Coast East Central's Micah Hazelwood threw for three touchdowns a week ago to whip the heavily-favored Wildcats. His final TD toss went for 45 yards to Bruce McGee in th~ fourth period to pull out the win. " It was a total team effort and came after our bovs worked real hard to get ready for the game," said the Warrior mentor. Pouncey will either start Hazelwood or J1m Kennemer in his " two quarterback" setup this. week while Mike Bellew is likely to open at fullback. Ronnie Parker at tailback and Dale Reese at flanker Up front. East Central will have McGee or Tony Baker at split end, Earlv Clemons at left tackle, Scott Qwesenberry at left ~uard. Ken Wallace at center. Paul Tatum at nght guard, M1ke Mason at right tackle and Joe Douglass at tight end. Defensive specialists include Jerry GaUaspie and Fred Lyons at ends ; Kyle Callahan and Paul Reed at tackles, Lamar Cheatham at nose guard; Bob Yarbrough, Raymond Alley and Jessie Judson at linebacker and Eddie Goss, Jay Jones and Bernard Lee in the secondary. Coach Ken Pouncey's East Central Junior Col– lege Warriors, fresh from a stunning 21-18 upset of nationally-ranked (No. 13J Pearl River at Decatur Jast weekend, host the Itawamba In– dians Saturday night. The Warriors, now holding down second place in the South Division standings with a 2-1 mark 12-3 overall). hope to use the Indians as a spr– ingboard to a vastly improved season. "We could probably turn the whole season around with a win over Pearl River ," said Pouncey before last week's game. As it turned out, his predic,tion could be right Itawamba. however, won't roll over and play dead. The Indians dropped a one-sided game (3G-7> to powerful Holmes last week and are out to atone for their poor showing. In other games Saturday evening in the Mississippi JC loop, East Mississippi travels to Booneville to provide Nor theast with its homecoming opposition; Northwest is at winless Coahoma: COJliah-Lincoln journeys to Hinds and South leader Gulf Coast 12-0l is at Pearl River Cl-1-ll In Thursday night's actiOn, unbeaten Holmes (4-0 ) defeated previously unbeaten Mississippi D~lta 14-9 and J ones bombed Southwest, 48-14. Other scores last week saw Mississippi Delta hand fifth-ranked Gulf Coast its first 1981 loss, 25-21, Jones get past East M~ssissippi, 21-13, Hinds win its first witll a 14-7 victory over Nor- THE MERIDIAN STAR Friday, October 9, 1981 -.~· :1.::·. :::.:c.c=::_______ •. :=- : ;· s- -::.__ ~=----- Ui\ilOi"l f-..p;::;:.:.:.___,/.._ _ ____ o;: r·:R-:-C.________ :;:::~- II\/ PACT______ ~------ Scalp ECJC, 23-15 Bv JASO~ BIRD Star Correspondent DECATliR- The surpr isingly-tough Itawamba Indians made off wiU1 a 23-15 upset of East Central's Warriors in an intra– division Mississippi Junior College football game here Saturday 'mght . The loss left Coach Ken Pouncey's Warriors with a 2-4 record overall. but they still held second place in the South Division with a 2-1 divison mark. The visiting Indians. who spoiled the ECJC homecoming with their wm, got on the board first. In the opening quarter, lta\\amba's Ronnie Hatchett ran back a Warrior punt 55 yards for a touchdown. Hatchett's run gave the Indians a 7-0 first-period lead and they never rehnguished it. In the second quarter, Itawamba began a series at its own 29 which culminated in a field goal of 30 yards and a 10-0 lead. Ricky Barnes booted the fielder for the Indians. which came JUSt before the half. J<:ast Centr a l got the ball back with 32 seconds before intermis– , 10n and scored a quick TD. Starting from the Indian 13, followmg an Itawamba fumble. the Wamors punched it in when quarterback Micah Hazelwood hit flank<'r Bruce McGee from 10 yards out. Todd Wall's conversion kick cut the Tribe's margin to 10-7 at the half. There was no scoring in the third stanza at all , but the Indians added to their lead by getting 13 in the final period. The vis1tors' next score came with just under four minutes left m the game. Larry Cox returned a punt 40 yards to the EC 49 and. from there. Itawamba drove it home. The TD came on a 30-yard run by Anthony Pass up the middle. The Indians put it out of reach with 2:22 left in the game when Tim Field bolted up the middle from 34 yards out for a TD. The score came moments after East Central attempted to maintain possession of the ball on a fourth-and-10 from its own 34. The Warriors. with Jim Kennamer throwing on every down, camP back to score on a 45-yard shot to Dale Reese with 1:33 r«-maining Kennamer threw to tight end Joe Douglas for the two-point con– version. but the scoring was over for the evening. The Warriors take on Hinds at Raymond Thursday night for their next action. I THE \ 1ERII)IAN STAH Sunday. October 11, HI!U ' l'. ~~ 7 :\ l :- :;: c-- - ~ r - ,... -r ;, _ 1.~ :_ -~c,' ~ C t"'. ------- J j "",/': 5 ------ ~:E51-l0SJ\ DH;rOCRAT ----- ~JE'WTol:--J O'=CO"' ...... lo L 1 -<.~1 - ----- c::-,-,...,......., r·" ,,._,( - ..., ..... '""' J ._ J \.. :\ J CL;,RJON-LEDG ER ------- ECJC Warriors Defeat Hinds Eagles pass from J im Kennamer of New Hope. AL. The extra point attempt failed. The score at the end of the th1rd quarter was 21-13. Then early in the fourth quarter Kennamer hit Bruce McGee of Newton for a TO. Kennamer then kept the ball for a two-point conversion to tie the score at 21. In the last minutes of the game Lamar Cheatham of Philadelphia fell on a Hinds fumble on the one yard line. Tod Wall's filed goal gave East Central the tic breaking points. The Warriors will be on the road October 24 when they travel to Ellisville to play rival Jones Junior College. It will be Homecoming at Jones. The Warrior band will perform pre-game at 7:15. This will be the last road trip for the Warriors. The last two games. October 31 and November 7, will be played in Decatur. Game time is 7:30. East Central Junior College Warriors defeated the ,Eagles of Hinds Junior College on October IS in Raymond, 24-21. East Central now holding a 3-1 Division Record, went itJto the Hinds game tied with Gulf Coast Jumor College for first place in South Divis1on standings. Enrly m the fitft quarter, Micah Ha7IC\\OOd of Morrow, Ga. threw a 30 yar4 pass to Tony Baker of Louisville for a TD. Tod Wall of Decatur then kicked the PAT to give East Central a 7-0 lead. What started as East Central's game soon changed in the second 'JUarter when Hinds scored two fDs to leave tl1e score at half-time 12-7, Hinds. Hmds came back in the third quarter to scored another TO and Field Goal to boost the1r lead 21-7. Then half wa) through the third quarter, Roome Parker of Decatur. scored a TO for the Warriors on a l.C,J(E !VJES5ci'!GER ------- SCOT; COUNTY Tli\E5 r'"='HO'':l '' c - il .... ~ '-·-· .: /IOCR.;-; ----- ------ r:EV!TON RECORD U~llON .~PPE~L ------- ------- eel,,_ o- ..), ''' 1 f\ ~~'!)J /1 .. ..:.>. .-.N STAR r MORTO~J -- CU\RlON-LEDGE?. lYJPACT -- < r- .:.: • v . -"-.L...;::'-----..:........____:::..____ Field Goal Lifts • ECJC To Victory Hinds came back in the third quarter to score another TD and field goal to boost their lead 21-7. Then halfway through the third quarter, Ronnie Parker of Decatur, scored a TD for the Warriors on a pass from Jim Kennamer of New Hope, AL. The extra point attempt fa lied . The score at the end of the third quarter was 21-13. Then early in the fourth quarter Kennamer hit Bruce McGee of Newton for a TD. Kennamer then kept the ball for a two-point con– version to tie the score at 21. In the last minutes of the game Lamar Cheatham of Philadelphia fell on a Hinds fumble on the one yard Une. Tod Wall's field goal gave East Central the tle break- East Central Junior Col· lege Warriors defeated the Eagles of Hinds Junior Col· lege on October 15 in Ray– mond, 24-21. East Central now holding a 3-1 Division Record, went into the Hinds game tied with Gulf Coast Junior College tor first place In South Division standings. Early in the tlrstquarter, Micah Hazlewood of Mor– row, GA threw a 30 yard pass to Tony Baker of Louisville for a TD. Tod Wall of Decatur then kicked the PATtoglveEast Central a 7-0 lead. What started as East Central's game soon changed in the second quar– ter when Hinds scored two TDs to leave the score at halt-time 12-7, Hinds. ing points. The Warriors wUl be on the road October 24 when they travel to Elllsvme to play rival Jones Junior Col· lege. It wUl be Homecom– Ing at Jones. The Warrior band wlll perform pre– game at 7: 15. This will be the last road trip for the Warriors. Wednesday, October 21, 1981 ~.ESi-iC :3.~ D::MOCR;\T --=----- rJ:· 1 /TON s::coRD ----------- 1\.=~lDlAN STAR --------------- CLARIOi\l-LEDGER ---------- 1~/.PACT --------------------------- ---~--- Tough Games For ECJC, EMJC B~ R.\\.~:\RRO Star Sports Writer Coahoma at Scoooa Jast \\ eek. 1s up to 2-2 in division results and in a ··must win" situa tion H-12, in an interdiVISIOnaJ con– test last week and is now 6-1 overall. The Bulldogs are rank– ed nth in the nat10n and have an explosh·e offense to go with a stingy defense. East :\lississippi now stands at 3-t for all games after getting off to a dismal 1-4 start. Coach Ken Pouncey's East Central Warrio;-s knocked off Hinds, 24-21 a week ago to earn their berth on top of the South standi11gs al3·1. Jones, by \'irtue or a crucial come-from-behind 28-23 win over Gulf Coast, held onto a tie for second place with Pearl River at 2-1 1 in the Sovth. T\\ o :\1endian area junior col– lege football teams are takir;g on division heavyweights Saturday as Week :-Jo 8 takes the spothgh· in the :\lissJssippi Juco circuit. At EllisviJle, South DiviSIOn leader East Central of Decatur takes on Sim Cooley's Jones Bobcats and at Goodinan. East Mississippi's Lions will try to ex– ~end a two-game winning streak against :".iorth leader Holmes. 1 Holmes stands at 4-0 in :\•1rth results while East Mississippi. fresh from a 44~0 whipping of In fact. Coach Randall Bradberrv s L10ns have outscored their last t\\ o op– ponents by the lopsided margin of 73-o. "I just hope we keep it up," sighed Bradberry as h1s team left the field last week. "We need to go to Goodman and whip Holmes and come back here for homecoming the next week and beat Del· a and we'll bE' 1r the ti– tle picture." Holmes edged Pearl R1ver, THE MERIDIAN STAR Friday, October 2t, l98J LJ,;.:~ M~SS::.iJGc?. -------- sco-:-r cot' i'iTY Tlr/:s_ __,...o:----- f\1 ::R:DiA;\1 STAR_ _ ______ _ l:vlr..:.CT____________ ". -- ~~ Jones Downs East Central, 33·10 By JASON BffiD Star Correspondent ELLISVILLE - The Jones Junior College Bobcats lived up to the~ No. 13 ranking in the nation here Saturday night with an easier-than-expected 33·10 win over South Division leader East Central. TheWarnors, who went into the game leading the division with a 3-1 record, thus fell to 3-2 in loop results and 3-5 overall. Jones took over the top spot with a 3-1-1 record in the South. With 4:14 left in the opening quarter, the Bobcats scored on David Martin's 6-yard run and Chip Gieger booted the extra point. Jones came back with 12 seconds remaining in the period when quarterback Simmy Cooley shot a 50-yard scoring pass to Eligah Bell and Jeff Jones tacked on the PAT. East Central's Todd Wall reduced the margin by three with an 18-yard field goal at the 11 :15 juncture before intermission, but Jones' Leo Shelby raced 13 yards to cap another Bobcat drive. The PAT failed, but Jones was up by 20-3 just before halftime. East Central roared back as if to make a game of it moments later. Warrior quarterback Jim Kennamer passed five yards to Tony Baker for an ECJC touchdown and Wall reduced it to 20-10 with his PAT boot. However, Jones stood the crowd on its collective feet by mar– ching 80 yards with the next kickoff to score. Jt ~'Amf' wh-. rwPi2er caught a 41-vard pass from Cooley and it was up to 26-10 at the half. Jo!les iced the win with 11:05 left in the game as Jim Phillips r~n m from one yard out to cap another Bobcat drive and this hme, Jeff Jones booted the extra point for the final margin. THE HERIDIAN STAR Sunday , Octob er 25 , 1981 U\l\E ~~~!:SSDJGc::\ ------- - SCOTT COUNTYTJi'/iES ------ U~JlOi"J .~PFE.~L - ----------- SPi;~·"7" o;: i\1C?.TOP..i -------- ~;~SnCSt .. D::i'JJOCRA7 --- - - i'lE'WTOi'·l RECORD ----:----- v ---- - - - ~1JER:DlAN STAR C!.),~!Oi\l- LEDGER ------- l:vJP .\CT ------~- EC football tryouts begin March 6th Spring training for the 1981 -82 football team at East Central Jr. College began January 26 and will end March 1. Thirt) -three Fresh– men are out for training, working on basiC fundamen– tals. They traveled to Delta Jr. College on Febr~ary 5 for the first of two !ltnmmages with Delta. Ken Pouncey is head foot– ball coach for the Warriors. David Bradberry coaches ~he offensive and defenstve backs and freeman Horton coaches ~fensive ends and linebacks. Coach Pouncey stated that March 6 has been set aside for high school football try· outs. Seniors from the Dt~trict who are interested tn attending East Central wiJI be on campus on this date for a workout. February 11 , 1 981 , UNION APPEAL AFFEAR::D iN: U\: i'JESHOSJ\ DEMOCRAT v --~----- " rJEWTON RECORD / J ------~------------ Ui\llOi'J Ai-=PE.L\L ~J1ERIDiAN STJ).R ---------------- C!Y,:\ION-LEDGER ·--------------- 1 I SPlRlT o;: MORTON ------------------ IMPACT ---------------------------- Receive Letter Jackets These East Central Junior College sophomore football players recei"Ved their letter jackets recen– tly. The jackets were presented by Coach Ken Pouncey to: front (left to right) Danny Johnson of Morton, Billy Johnson of Newton, and Grover Coleman of Louisville. (second) Johnny Shields of LouisviJie, James Mitchel of Hickory, Jerry Bran– tley of Walnut Grove, and Bennie Moore of Noxapater. December 24, 1980, The Newton Record - A:::FEARfD IN: \/ i''ESH08A D!.:MOCR;.\T L.l\i NEWTON RECORD_ __J.v:::::.__ _ __ SCOTT COL'NTY TlM::S._____ MERIDIAN STM<.________ Ui'l:O:"J Ai'Pc.~L __________ SPlRlT Ol= 1'110RTON______ CLP.RION-LEDGER_______ IMPACT ---- -------------- \ ltECEJVE LE'ITER JACKETS··Ken POUDeey, head football coach at East Central Junior College presented letter jackets to the Sophomore football players at the close of the season. Members of the team receiving jackets wete: (front Left to Right) Andy Johns of Dothan, AL, Raymond Alley of Forest Park , GA, Dean LeBlanc of Philadelphia, Tod Wall of Decatur, Bob Posey of Philadelphia, David Reynolds of Louisville, and Ronnie Parj(er of Decatur. (second row) Joe Douglas of Newnan, GA, Eddie Go88 of Louisville, Fredrick Lyons of Philadelphia, Sammy Breland of Philadelphia, Bob Yarborough of Rex, GA, Joey Sharp of Union, and Marcus Evans of Newton. (Third row) Wayne Baucum of Deeatur, Dave Doby of Hickory, Bruce McGee of Newton, Tony Baker of Louisville, Scott Quisenberry of Enterprise, AL, Jim Kennamer of New Hope, AL, Jesse Hudson of Noxapater, Jerry Galaspy of Union, Randall Lee of Beulah Hubbard. Early Clemons of Philadelphia, Anthony Cunningham of Louf8vllle, and Micah Hazelwood ofMorrow, GA. TBEIJNION APPEAL, UNION, MISSISSIPPI, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER2,1981 ,a, •• .,.....,.... - ,.........,.,._.-..,. ·-- ... -.--..-_.__..~~- I J, :::3:::.:; . .:::::? ----------------"< E ~. sco;r CD~'i'ITY Ti ·,r:s ------ ~-=·I, !Ci'l RECO~D ------ SF!Hl-:- Oi= iVlORJ'ml ------- lM?A.CT CU:,R ION· LEDGER ---------- '/_(f. /dt;e I WHKOF t\)\.JAf! t)'i' ECJC ALL STATE According to Ken Pouncey, bead football coach at East Central Junior College, Blll)' Johnson, son of Mrs. Ruthie Mae Johnson, Newton, has been named to the Mississippi Jr. College All-State team. Johnlon a 8'2" 262 pound defensive tackle is a Sophomore at East Central. Two other sophomores were named as honorable mention members, Jerry Brantley, son of Mrs. Mary Brantley of Walnut Grove and Jamea Mlte~ell, son of Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Mltcbell of Wckory. Johnson and Brantley were also selected to play in the Mississippi Jr. College All-Star game. The All-Star game will be played on Thanksgiving Day at Hlncla JUDior College in Raymond. Coachin1 the South team will be Bill Buckner from Hlnda. Coac:hlng the Nort4 will be Mike Eaton from Itawamba Jr. College. Game time is 2 p.m. '1HE HOME } 1AK Elt - Nov. 26, 1980 Al'FEARED IN: Lt~i l'JESHOB;:\ DEMOCR;\T ----- i'JE'NTON RECORD ------ r1JcRlDIAN STAR ------- CU.\RlON-LEDGER ------- SPlRJT OF MORTON -------- IMPACT_____________________ 1\ C. \ \U\ (\\ ( v l THE MERIDIAN STAR Sunday, November 8, 1981 Area Roundup EMJC Whips ECJC By JASO:\' BIRD Star Correspondent DECATUR- A pair of Meridian High products teamed up in the closing minutes here Saturday night to spark East MiSSISSippi Junior College to a 31-27 come-from-behind victory over archrival East Central. With 1:55left on the scoreboard clock, quarter– back Ed Smith rifled a 34-yard touchdown pass to wide receiver Eric Willis to pr ovide the game– winning heroics in the regular-season finale for both teams. Smith completed 15 of 27 passes for 230 yards to spa rk the Lions. Although the loss was heartbreaking for coach Ken Pouncey's East Central team, they received some good news following the of£ensive shootout. Copiah-Lincoln had just ~efeated Gulf. ~o~st 41-14, which landed the Warnors a South DIVISIOn playoff berth against Holmes. Both teams battled on equal terms in the open– ing quarter, scoring a touchdown apiece. EMJC drew first blood midway in the quarter when running back Danny James bolted up the middle for 88 yards and a touchdown. Jerry Hallmark added the extra point. East Central tied the game late in the stanza when running back Ronnie Parker scored on a 5-yard touchdown run to conclude a 70-yard drive. East Central took the lead midway in the second qua rter when quarterback Jeff Kennamer fired a 12-yard scoring aerial to Parker. Todd Wall's PAT g~e the Warnors a 14-7 lead . he 10ns pulled within four points <14-10) late m the quar ter when Hallmark booted a 30-yard field goal. E_MJ opened the second half with a bang as Sm1th tossed a 39-yard touchdown pass to William Bell. Hallmark's extra point id the Lions on top 17-14. ' East Central countered with 13 points to take a 27-17 lead into the final quarter on the strength of touchdown passes of 30 and 25 yards from Ken– namer to Bruce McGee and Tony Baker respectively. The '.Yarriors failed on a two-point conversion on the frrst TO and elected to boot an extra point following the second score In a wild fourth quarter, the Lions clawed the Warriors on the strength of a 1-yard plunge by former School st~n~out Bobby Myers with 9:10 remammg to pull w1thm three points (27-24 ) . The s.tage was then set for East Mississippi's dramatic last-chance drive to win the game. "The season was disappointing, but when you win a game like this, it does your team some good," said East Mississippi coach Randall Bradberry.'' The LIOns concluded the season with a 4-6 marK. ~ast Central ends the regular season with an ideo– heal mark. -- --- j ..... -- -- •• SCOTT C(L'NTf TF'ii:::S ------- ';;''.'lOll F.ECO~!J .. ~ \I::P.JCI.C..N STAR / IMPP ... CT ----------------------- t ,. Warriors Meet Lions East Central Junior College Warriors under the coaching staff of Ken Pouncey, David Bradberry and Freeman Horton will host the Lions of East Mississippi Junior College November 7 at 7:30 in Warrior Field. Sophomores playing in this last game of the season are: Dale Reese of Hickory, David Reyno lds of Louisville, Tod Wall of Decatur, Jay Jones of Forest, Bruce McGee of Newton, Marcus Evans of Newton, and Anthony Cunningham of Louisville. (second row) Bob Yarbrough of Rex, GA, Bob . Posey of Philadelphia, Micah Hazlewood o f Morrow GA, Jim Kennamer of New Hope AL, Ronnie Parker · of Decatur, Randall Lee o f Beulah Hubbard, Joey Sharp of Union, Sammy Breland of Philadelphia, and Raymond Alley of Forest Park, GA. (Third row) Coach Horton, Scott Quisenberry of Enter– prise AL, Joe Douglas o f Newnan GA, Tony Baker of Louisville, Jesse Hudson of Noxapater, Eddie Ooss of Louisville, Early Clemons of Philadelphia, Jerry Oalaspy of Union, Fredrick Lyons of Philadelphia , ,r.nd Dave Doby of Hickory. Game time is · J(). ·--::-:,--– . -· ·-- Ui\Jl001,0..PPE,!\ L ·------------------ r. ~~ lDlt..i\ S7.~R ·------- _________________________ ~~~PACT East Central defeats SOuthwest 29 to 19 East Central Junior Coll– ege Warriors defeated the Bears of Southwest Junior College 29-19 on Halloween night. Bruce Magee of Newton scored on a 10 yard pass from Micah Hazlewood of Mor- row, GA. Tony Baker of Louisville scored two TO's on passes from Hazlewood. and Marcus Evans of Newton scored on a 20 yard pass from Hazlewood. Tod Wall of Decatur ticked three of the extra points and Bob Posey of Philadelphia scored on a two-point conversion for the Warriors. The Warriors take on the Lions of East Mississippi ! unior ~ollege this Saturday m Wam or Field . This will be the last scheduled game for the Warriors. Game time is 7:30. THE UNION APPEAL, UNION, MISSISSIPPI, 39365, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 1981 L/1:<;: ~ll':SSDJGER - - ------ SCOTT C!JL:r:TY TIMES ------,..:...__ C~.~'~'O; 1-~E DG E?\ ------ 11\~PACT ------- BEST DEFENSfVE BACK J esse Hudson of Noxapater was honor ed by being named Best Defensive Back at East Central Junior College' s annual athletic banquet by Ken Pouncey, bead football coach WI NSTflN COUNTY .JOURNAl•. FRIJlAV. MAY 15. 1981 i'lESHOBt\ D:MOCR;.\T ------ i'~::\NTON R::COR:J --------- ~_,,~?.lDiAi'l STAR ---------- SC07J C~L'NTY Tli';1~S _______ UNiOi'J ,~PP::.SL ·------------- s:::;;~,) o;: ,'~C~TON ---------------- li''l~PACT --------------------------- ------ Ll While at Philadelphia High School hewas awarded many athletic and scholastic hon– ors. He was All-Conference football in '79-80 and again tn •8()-81; Head Hunter Award in 1979-80; most valuable player on defense 1~1; MVP in baseball 1979-80; is in Who's Who Among American High School Students in junior and senior year; m Who's Who Among Future Business Leaders of America. He was elected Mr. Philadelphia High andwas on the Superintendent's List, mamtaining a 95-100 average. Ken is the grandsOn of Mr. and Mrs. Herman Freeny of the Standing Pine commun– ity and Mrs. Maggie Wallace ofCarthage. KENWALLACE Ken Wallace Signs With ECJC Ken Wall son ofM ace, 17-year-old r. ar.dMrs H \Yallace of Philad~l hi~ywood s1gned fo ~ P a, has ship at ~~t ~ball scholar- College. He al ntral ~unior scholastic scho~;h%~1ved a . ..-..:.-..~ •.:0 li'!: A'=~"""~r:r\--- i"iC:Si-lOS!; DEi'JlOrR ·'T "' \~--"\ ----- i';::VFIOi'l RECORD ------ rv.::::.JDl~.i'l STAH ... , '~10 \...c..r•K N-LEDGER ------ - ~~n- .)L..J I I G)IJj\J-,.,-,1:-~ ~ -~ • , I o~.:.) ------ UNlOP! ~ -:;~-::, 1 t 1; ,... "-·'-' - _,, .-. • 0~ 1\ln'"'::;- - >~ 'IVn i LII C:Djl''- I"JJl';.cr ------- SIGNS WITH ECJC..Ken Pouncey , h.... .Jeo&ball eoaeh at East Central Jr. College, has aoa-.Nd.&be llgnlag of Phil Smith (seated), a Senior at ~r HighSchool, with the 1981-82 Warrior ~team. Smith U. &he 110n of Mr. and Mrs. GenW Smitlt. Pidared wttla Smith is his high school coaell , Kenny Clarke. ,:..r;:::.~.:=.::c r~J: .~:::;:::: . .:.~ ~ ----~------------ L'' '8il • ::R'Dl.!\N ST~.R - ---- --- CL ',~I Cli\] - LF. DGER ------- 0 -. ... ~ r- ' .-,-I-------------- Signs WithECJC Leake Academy Rebel Ricky Bobo signs a football scho larship with East Central Junior C9llege. Ricky become~ the 50th athlete in four sports to sign college scholarships under Leake Academy Coach larry Therrell. Ricky is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Bobo of Edinburg . APFE.~?.cD 1~1: i':ESHOS:\ DEMOCR;'..T L.!\l --------- ~ ..::P.lDIAi'l STAR ·-------- CLJ'.RIOI•!-LEDGER ------- Tigers Sign With ECJC These Carthage seniors have received riors next fall are (I to r) David Coleman, football scholarships at East Central Junior Eddie Dean and Scott Miley. College. Signing up to play with the War- L~,: Ll.:F.J!)JAN STAR - - ----- SPlRll Or: MORTON CLD,~lON-L!:DGER ------- ------------------ IMPACT East Central Sigqs: Little J(en Pouncey. bead fOOlball c:oach at East Central Jr. CoUe~, bas announced the signing of .David Little. a senior at Newton !ijgh School to a 2-year football scholarship. Little is a six foot. one inch 216 pound tackle. He is the .an of Mr. and Mrs. Carlton Little of Newton. U\i ", ... ,, ·o-" o- .r... r. ::;., ::lVJOCRt\T ---- i'i:''J'JTOi'J .RECOHD I ------ Ll::F.lDlAN STAR ------ C, "~'0'1 Lt: - ..-- .~. ''·· ~DGtR ------- Football .... Six from Union and Decatur sign at EC I at Union High School. Ken Pouncey. head foot– ball coach at East Central Junior College, Decatur, has announced the signing of four Union and two Decatur youths to athletic football scholarships. Signing with the Warriors are Jeff Breland, Scott Grif– ·ftn, Mike Hawthorne, and Joe Alan Killens, all of Union, and Alan Perry and Phil Smith, both from Deca– tur. Breland, a 6'2" . 170 pound defensive back and punter, is the son of Mrs. Elizabeth Pitts. Griffin is a 6', 180 pound running back, and is the son of Mr. and Mrs. E.V. Griffin. Haw– thorne, son of Mr. and Mrs. Dave Hawthorne, is a 6'2", 195 pound center. IC~. a 6'2W' tight e.. ,~ 205 pounds &Dd • tbe lOll of Mr. and Mrs. Rupert IQIIens. AD four are outaandtng seniQrS Decatur signees are Alan Perry, a 6 foot: 210 pound offensive lineman, son ofM1 and Mrs. Allen Perry. and Phil Smith, a b foot, 215 pound fullback I defensive end, son of Mr. and Mrs. J erry Smith. Bmh are also outstanding seniors at Deca– tur High School. "Each of the5e students come to us with high recom· mendations from their school administrators." Pouncey said, "and ~ e are really happy to have them join our squad.'' --0-· ALAN PEltRY ofDecalu llpa willa BMt Centr.l Food.lil CoMia Ke:PoueeJ. ::·,-.::·.:-::corD_______ SCOTT COl rlTY TI~.'::S ..::/!!.------- ________ ~;;H.~~L. ___ ::=.::-L:.; ST~R ________ r. Ui'l ;c; l .. OF MCRTO~i SFll~lT
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