Newspaper Clippings
East Central Baseball Team Gets Shaky Start
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pitcher. In the second game Rickey Hornesbuger of Noxapaterwas the winning pitcher . Hornesbuger , Terry Burns of Jonesboro, GA, and Todd Wall of Decatur scored two runs each. Wall hit one home run. After the Jones game, Freeman Horton, baseball coach said, " After losing several games our hard work paid off. I was well pleased with the effort and courage the guys showed today after losing the first game."
The East Central Junior College baseball team tra– veled to East Mississippi Junior College in Scooba on March 23 where they were defeated 5-3 in the first game and 2-1 in the second game. March 25 they tra– veled to Newton where Clark College defeated them 12-5 In the firs t game and 4-1 in the second. March 26 they traveled to Elllsvllle where they were defeated In the first game '0-10, and East Central defeated Jones In the second game 9-3. In the East Mississippi game Jim Kennamer of New Hope, AL was the los– Ing pitcher. Ricky Chesney of Little Rock hit a home run. In the second game Rickey Hornesburger of Noxapater was the losing pitcher. Hornesbuger went ten Innings , struck out seventeen batters, gave up five hits In a 2-1 losing cause. In the Clarke game George Gray of Lake was the losing pitcher. In the second game Jay Jones of Forest was the losing pitcher. Jim Kennamer hit a home run. The first game at Jones, Kennamer was the i0slng
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