ECCC Policies & Procedures
Admissions Committee (Ad-hoc) To regularly evaluate the college’s admissions requirements and policies, to make recommendations for changes as needed, and to handle special problems in admissions.
Beauty Pageant Committee
To coordinate the beauty pageant activities.
Budget Committee To work with the President and Vice President for Business Operations in developing the College budget. Constitution Committee To generate an activity to promote campus awareness of “significant” aspects of the U. S. Constitution with the intent that students, along with campus personnel, will develop not only an appreciation of the document, but also appreciate its transferability to their daily lives. ( in conjunction with National Constitution Day ). Curriculum Committee To study and make recommendations concerning curriculum change and improvement. Discipline Committee (Ad-hoc) To meet on call, to consider major disciplinary problems, and to recommend action in keeping with the best interest of the College. eLearning Committee To provide assistance to the Dean of eLearning regarding the organization and operation of eLearning Education at the College.
Emergency Preparedness Committee (Ad-hoc)
To evaluate and coordinate the College’s response to emergency situations.
Faculty/Staff Development Committee To plan staff development programs and activities for the College in association with the Vice President for Instruction.
Financial Aid Appeals Committee (Ad-hoc)
To hear appeals of students regarding financial aid.
Homecoming Committee To assume the responsibility for the overall coordination of the homecoming activities. Learning Resources Committee To assist the Vice President for Instruction and Librarian in the selection of references and materials and to make recommendations concerning general operation and efficient use of all library resources. Literacy Committee (Ad-hoc) To coordinate, advise, and recommend activities for the college’s ABE/HSE programs.
Recruitment and Retention Committee (Ad-hoc)
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