ECCC Policies & Procedures
To assist the administration in promoting and implementing the recruitment and retention programs of the College. SACSCOC Quality Enhancement Plan Committee To coordinate the ongoing program of improvement for accreditation (Quality Enhancement Plan or QEP) and ensure that it fulfills its stated mission. Safety Committee To coordinate, advise, and recommend activities that promote a safe working and educational environment at the College. Scholarship Committee To promote excellence in academic achievement, to make recommendations in areas involving scholarly pursuits and to award available scholarship funds according to established policy. Student Activities Committee To coordinate and promote the student activities and intramural programs at the College. Technology Planning Committee (Ad-hoc) To provide support, expertise, and leadership in all functions involving electronic information, communications, and storage. Warrior Wellness Committee To plan, coordinate, and promote the implementation of health and wellness initiatives for students, faculty, staff, and constituents . The college may create other committees as needed. Each college committee should fulfill its role through discussion of issues related to the purpose of the committee. Each college committee may also consider recommendations to College administration that may result in administrative action. Approved committee recommendations will be presented to the appropriate council who will consider and act upon approved committee recommendations. If a recommendation is approved by the appropriate council, the recommendation will be presented for consideration to the Executive Council by the appropriate Vice President. Recommendations that result in administrative action are not considered approved until approved by the Executive Council. Minutes of council and committee meetings should be recorded each time a council or committee meets. The minutes should accurately reflect major points of discussion as well as recommendations acted upon by the council or committee. Upon approval of the minutes by the council or committee, the minutes should be uploaded to the College website using MyEC. Success Center Advisory Committee To coordinate, advise, and recommend activities for the College’s Success Center.
(See Governance Structure listed below)
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