ECCC Policies & Procedures
100 The Policies & Procedures Manual (Combine 1.1 & 1.2) 100.1 Evaluation & Revision of the Policies and Procedures Manual ( 101 History of the College (1.3) 102 District Legal Status ( 103 Accreditation & Affiliations (1.4) 104 Memberships (1.5) 105 Non-Discrimination (1.6) 106 Affirmative Action Plan (1.7) 107 Public Records Review Policy (1.8) 108 Title IX and Section 504 Regulations – Self-Evaluation Plan (1.9) 109 Firearms, Guns, and Weapons on Campus (1.10) 110 Code of Conduct – Participation in Title IV Loan Program ( SECTION II: INSTITUTIONAL PLANNING & EFFECTIVENESS 202 Strategic Planning (3.1) 202.1 Substantive Change 202.3 Definition of Educational Program 203 Strategic Planning Process (3.2) 204 Major Maintenance Planning System (3.3) 205 Institutional Research (3.4) 206 Educational Program Evaluation (4.8) 207 Facilities Planning ( SECTION III: COLLEGE ORGANIZATION & ADMINISTRATION 300 Board of Trustees (6.1.1) 300.1 Philosophy of the Board of Trustees ( 300.2 General Powers & Duties of the Board of Trustees ( 300.3 General Policies of the Board of Trustees ( 200 Vision Statement & Mission Statement (2.1) 201 Core Values & Institutional Commitments (2.2)
300.3.1 Policies and Procedures for Naming Campus Buildings and Facilities ( 300.4 The Board of Trustee’s Responsibilities and Authority in Delegating Authority ( 300.5 State Statute Governing the Selection of Board of Trustees; Terms; Compensation (
300.6 Organization of the Board of Trustees ( 300.6.1 Committees of the Board of Trustees ( 300.7 Officers of the Board of Trustees ( 300.7.1 Chairman ( 300.7.2 Vice-Chairman ( 300.7.3 Secretary (
300.8 Official Meetings and Membership of the Board of Trustees ( 300.8.1 References for Conducting Board of Trustees Meetings ( 300.8.2 Executive Sessions ( 300.9 Dismissal of Members of the Board of Trustees ( 300.10 Attorney for the Board of Trustees ( 300.11 Nepotism ( 300.12 Members of the Board of Trustees (
301 President of the College 301.1 Selection and Definition of Authority and Responsibilities of the President ( 301.2 State Statutes Pertaining to the Powers and Duties of the Community College President ( 302 Organizational Chart ( 303 Council and Committee Governance Structure ( 304 Service on College Councils/Committees (4.7.13) 305 East Central Community College Foundation, Inc. ( 305.1 Position Statement Regarding Foundations ( 305.2 East Central Community College Foundation Inc., Fund-Raising ( 305.3 Endowments ( 306 East Central Community College Alumni Association Outstanding Instructor of the Year (Combined & 4.7.19) 307 Emergency Procedures (Combined & 308 Safety Policy ( 309 Emergency or Bad Weather Closings ( SECTION IV: COLLEGE INSTRUCTIONAL PROGRAM 400 Admission Requirements (Combine 4.1 & 400.1 Admission of Academic and Technical Students (4.1.1) 400.2 Admission of Associate Degree Nursing Students ( 400.3 Admission of Practical Nursing Students ( 400.4 Admission of Licensed Practical Nurse to Associate Degree Nursing Bridge Program ( 400.5 Admission of Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) Basic Students ( 400.6 Admission of Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) Paramedic Students ( 400.7 Admission of Surgical Technology Students ( 400.8 Admission of Transfer Students (4.1.2) 400.8.1 Transfer Credits ( 400.9 Admission of Career Students (4.1.3) 400.10 Admission of Continuing Education Students (4.1.4) 400.11 Admission of International Students (4.1.5) 400.12 Special Admission (4.1.6) 400.12.1 Dual Credit - Academic ( 400.12.2 Dual Enrollment - Academic ( 400.13 Admission of Veterans and In-State Residency Status (4.1.7) 400.13.1 Benefits for Veterans ( 400.13.2 Selective Service ( 400.13.3 U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA): Transfer Credit – Traditional and Non- Traditional ( 400.13.4 Monitoring Academic Progress for Veterans or Eligible Persons Receiving Educational Benefits Under One of the Various U.S. Dept. of Veterans Affairs (VA) Programs ( 400.14 Admission of Part-time Students (4.1.9) 400.15 Admission of Warrior Path to Success (WPS) Students 400.16 Transfer Transient Admission 400.17 Admission of Non-Degree Seeking Students 400.18 Vaccinations & Immunizations 401 Advanced Placement/Credit by Examination (4.1.10) 401.1 Articulated Credit for Career and Technical Programs ( 401.2 Advanced Placement Examination ( 401.3 College Level Examination Program (CLEP) and DDST Subject Standardized Test (formerly known as DANTES) ( 401.4 Experiential Learning Challenge Examination Policy ( 402 Curriculum (4.3) 402.1 Academic Programs of Study (4.3.1) 402.2 Academic Core Curriculum ( 402.3 College-Level Competencies for Associate of Arts or Associate of Science ( 402.4 Technical Programs of Study (4.3.2) 3
402.5 Technical Core Curriculum ( 402.6 College-Level Competencies for Associate of Applied Science ( 402.7 Career Programs of Study (4.3.3) 402.8 ABE/HSE and Special Interest Classes (4.3.4) 402.9 Business and Industry Training or Retraining (4.3.5) 402.10 Curriculum Review and Revision ( 402.10.1 Curriculum Additions, Changes, or Deletions Between Planned Reviews ( 403 Instruction (4.4) 403.1 Course Syllabi (4.4.1) 403.1.1 Evaluation and Revision of Course Syllabi ( 403.2 Textbooks (4.5.7) 403.2.1 Policy on Textbook Selection ( 403.3 Academic Evening Classes (4.6.5)
403.4 eLearning Education (4.6.6) 403.5 Intellectual Property ( 404 Grades (4.5) 404.1 Grading Procedure (4.5.1)
404.1.1 Students’ Right to View Work 404.2 Grading System (4.5.2, 4.5.3, & into one)
404.3 Change in Grade (4.5.4) 404.3.1 Contesting Final Grades 404.4 Repeat Courses ( 404.5 Academic Forgiveness (4.2.3) 404.6 Honor Roll (4.5.5) 404.7 Academic/Career/Technical Probation and Suspension ( 404.8 Academic Dishonesty 405 Classification of Students ( 406 Absentee Policy ( 406.1 Class Tardiness 407 Withdrawal from College ( 407.1 Withdrawal from College (As a Result of Active Military Status) ( 408 Withdrawal from a Course (
409 Course Changes ( 410 Honors Program (4.5.6) 410.1 Honors Program Eligibility ( 410.2 Establishment of the Honors Council ( 411 Career –Technical - Education Plan of Operation (4.5.9)
411.1 Career-Technical Safety ( 411.2 Career-Technical Inventory (
411.3 Career-Technical Equipment Purchase ( 411.4 Career-Technical Live Work Policy ( 411.4.1 Career-Technical Live Work Policy for the Collision Repair Technology Program (
411.5 Career-Technical Student Organization Sponsorships ( 411.6 Career-Technical Word Processing and Duplicating ( 412 Continuing Education, Extension and Special Activities (4.6) 412.1 Contractual Relationships (4.6.1) 412.2 Off-Campus Classes (4.6.2)
412.3 Career - Technical Adult Evening Classes (4.6.3) 412.4 Other Continuing Education Courses (4.6.4) 412.5 Adult Career Class Fees or Charges ( 413 Completion Requirements (4.2) 413.1 Requirements for Degrees (4.2.1) 413.2 Requirements for Certificates (4.2.2) 413.3 Student Participation in Graduation (4.7.17) 413.4 Reverse Transfer Policy ( 414 Definition of Credit Hour
415 Auditing a Course
SECTION V: COLLEGE EDUCATIONAL & INSTRUCTIONAL SUPPORT SERVICES 500 Educational Support Services (5.1) 501 Library (5.2) 501.1 Services of the Library (5.2.1) 501.2 Staff of the Library (5.2.3) 501.3 Library Hours ( 501.4 Circulation ( 501.5 Periodicals, Reference, & Reserve Materials ( 501.6 Memorabilia/Archival Collection ( 501.7 Institutional Relationships (5.2.4) 501.8 Policy on Copyright Law, Mutilation of Materials, Challenged Materials, and Privacy ( 501.9 Library Security System ( 501.10 Library Evaluation Techniques (5.2.5) 502 Audio Visual Resources ( 503 Technologies and Electronic Resources ( 504 Collections (5.2.2) 505 Instructional Support Services (5.3) 506 Instructional Support Services and Student Development Services for Off-Campus Classes (5.3.1) 507 The Success Center (5.3.2) SECTION VI: COLLEGE FINANCIAL & OTHER ADMINISTRATIVE RESOURCES 601.2 Matriculation Fees ( 601.3 Room and Board Fees ( 601.4 Other Fees ( 601.5 Refunds of Tuition, Room, and Board Fees (Combined & 601.6 Student Accounts Receivable Collections Procedures ( 602 Accounting and Reporting ( 603 Inventory Control ( 604 Investment of Funds ( 605 Financial Procedures Required for All College Sponsored Activities ( 606 Reserve Funds to Operate and to Maintain Facilities at the Philadelphia-Neshoba County Career- Tech Center ( 607 Purchasing Procedures ( 608 Payroll ( 609 Nationally Funded Grants and Contracts ( 610 Transportation and Travel ( 600 Budgets ( 601 Revenue ( 601.1 Student Fees and Refunds (
610.2 Use of College-Owned Vehicles by Outside Groups ( 611 Usage of Cellular Phones Owned by the College ( 612 Calendar of Activities ( 613 Care and Use of Facilities and Equipment (
614 Use of College Physical Plant Facilities for Non-College Activities (Combined & 615 Extended Use of College Use of Physical Plant Facilities by Outside Groups ( 616 Non-Student Use of Activity Center ( 617 Cost Reduction Program ( 618 Maintenance Request Procedure ( 619 Student Housing Policy (
620 Tobacco-Free Policy ( 621 Information Technology (5.4) 621.1 Network Security (5.4.1)
621.2 Database Security (5.4.2) 621.3 Acceptable Use of College Computer Resources and Networks (5.4.3) 621.4 Social Media Policy ( 621.5 Disaster Recovery – Information Technology (5.4.4 & 6.1.7) 621.7 Archiving for E-Discovery (5.4.6) 622 Food Services ( 623 Mail Service (4.7.14) 624 Public Information ( 625 Word Processing and Duplicating (4.5.8)
625.1 Central Duplicating ( 626 Institutional Records ( 627 Procedures for Documenting Information Relating to Potential General Liability Claims ( SECTION VII: COLLEGE HUMAN RESOURCES/PERSONNEL 700 Personnel Classifications ( 701 Appointments and Employment Procedures for Administrators ( 702 Appointments and Employment Procedures for Faculty (Combine & 703 Appointments and Employment Procedures for Non-Teaching Professional Staff and Administrative Support Staff ( 704 Appointments and Employment Procedures for Non-Teaching Institutional Support Staff (Hourly Personnel) ( 705 Appointments and Employment Procedures for Part-Time/Adjunct Faculty and Part-time Employees ( 711 Contracted Employee Due Process Procedures for Adverse Employment Actions ( 712 Non-Contracted Employee Grievance Procedures for Adverse Employment Actions ( 713 Employee Grievance and Complaint Procedures (Combined & 714 Employee Code of Ethics ( 715 Employee Social Life (Combined & 716 Personal Finances ( 717 Conflict of Interest (Combined & 718 Political Activities ( 719 Candidates for Public Office ( 720 Public Appearances ( 721 Employee Leave (Combined 4.7.6 & 721.1 Leave Records ( 721.2 Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993 ( 722 Holidays ( 723 Confidentiality of Personnel Records ( 724 Salary Deductions ( 725 Insurance ( 726 Policy on College-Owned Housing ( 726.1 Required College-Owned Housing for Specified Personnel ( 706 Promotion and Transfers ( 707 Recruitment of Personnel ( 708 Employment Interviewing Chart ( 709 Contracts, Salary Records, Salaries, and Educational Updates ( 709.1 Advanced Study for Pay Purposes – Non-Faculty 710 Termination of Service (
727 Professional Development Opportunities ( 728 Orientation of Newly Appointed Personnel ( 729 I.D. Cards (4.7.11) 730 Supervision of Personnel ( 731 Performance Evaluations and Re-Employment Procedures ( 732 Non-Institutional Employees ( 733 Employee Tuition Waiver Policy (Combined &
734 Retirement ( 735 Employee Work Schedules ( 735.1 Overtime/Compensatory Time 736 Participation on Accreditation Committees ( 737 Employee Participation in Graduation (4.7.17) 738 Employee Health Policies Relevant to Aids ( 739 Employee Policies Relative to a Drug Free Workplace ( 740 Sexual Harassment ( 740.1 Sexual Misconduct 741 Faculty (4.7) 741.1 Selection of the Faculty (4.7.1) 741.2 Academic Preparation of the Faculty ( 741.3 Organization of the Faculty (Combined 4.7.2 & 741.4 Faculty Work Schedule (Combined & 741.5 Faculty Load (4.7.8) 741.6 Faculty Office Assignments (Combined 4.7.9 & 741.7 Academic and Career-Technical Faculty Salary Schedule ( 741.7.1 Nursing Faculty Salary Schedule 741.8 Faculty Development (4.7.4) 741.8.1 Faculty Membership in Professional Organizations ( 741.9 Faculty Meetings ( 741.10 Division Meetings of the Faculty ( 741.11 Association of Faculty, Staff, and Administration (AFSA) ( 741.12 Faculty Statement of Academic Freedom ( 741.13 Faculty Research and Service to the Support District (4.7.18) 741.14 Advanced Study for Pay Purposes - Faculty ( 741.15 Faculty Tenure (Combined & 741.16 Faculty Evaluation (4.7.5) 741.17 Faculty Evaluation of the Administration ( 741.18 Faculty Advisement of Students (4.7.7)
741.19 Faculty Sponsorship of Student Activities (4.7.16) 741.20 Faculty Involvement in Student Orientation ( 741.21 Faculty Involvement With Student Recruitment (4.7.12) 741.22 Faculty Responsibility in Student Discipline (4.7.15) 741.23 Faculty Lounges (4.7.10) 742 General Policies Related to Full-time Hourly Personnel ( 743 Employment of Employee’s Relative(s) SECTION VIII: COLLEGE STUDENT SERVICES AND DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM 800 Student Development Resources (5.5.1) 801 Recruitment of Students ( 802 Summer Orientation Program ( 803 Counseling and Guidance ( 804 Advisement ( 805 Financial Aid Programs ( 805.1 Financial Aid and Payment Policy for Tuition, Room, and Board ( 806 Student Activities ( 807 Intercollegiate Athletics ( 807.1 Athletic Department Drug Testing Procedures (
808 Intramural Sports ( 809 Student Publications ( 810 Student Body Association ( 810.1 Constitution and By-Laws of the Student Body Association ( 811 Student Organizations ( 811.1 Warrior Corps (
811.2 Fundraising Activities by Clubs and Organizations ( 812 Student Elections ( 813 Student Honors ( 814 Student Identification Card (
815 Student Housing Policies and Procedures ( 815.1 Withdrawal from the Residence Hall ( 816 Student Records ( 816.1 Notice of College Policy and Student Rights under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) ( 816.2 Student Transcript Requests 817 Students with Disabilities ( 818 Campus Police Force ( 819 Parking ( 820 Student Regulations ( 820.1 Class Ratings of Student Offenses ( 821 Student Disciplinary Procedures and Due Process ( 821.1 Student Discipline Procedures for the College Discipline Committee ( 822 Student Complaint Procedures (
822.1 Student Grievance Procedures ( 823 Drug and Alcohol Abuse Prevention ( 825 Summer Camps (
APPENDIX A – College Forms
A.1 Admissions Application A.2 Bomb Threat Procedures A.4 Career-Technical Live Work Request Form A.5 Donation of Library Materials A.6 Employment Application
A.7 Administrative Employment Contract A.8 Faculty-Teacher Employment Contract A.9. Staff Salary Record A.10 Staff Salary Record (Hourly) A.11 Employment Interviewing Chart A.12 Internal Facility Arrangements Form A.13 Use of College Facilities Agreement/Indemnity Agreement A.14 Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA) Form A.15 Organizational Chart A.16 Housing Application A.17 Academic & Career-Technical Faculty Salary Scale A.18 Nursing Faculty Salary Scale A.19 Library Reconsideration Request Form A.20 Part-Time/Special Employment Agreement
APPENDIX B – Administrative Personnel Job Descriptions
B.1 President (6.2.1) B.2 Vice President for Instruction (6.2.2)
B.3 Vice President for Business Operations (6.2.3) B.4 Vice President for Student Services (6.2.4) B.5 Associate Vice President for Public Information (6.2.10) B.6 Dean of Healthcare Education (4.9.8) B.7 Dean of Workforce Education and Development (5.6.30) B.8 Dean of eLearning Education (5.6.36) B.9 Vice President for Institutional Research & Effectiveness (6.2.19)
B.10 Dean of Information Technology (5.6.26) B.11 Dean of Personnel Services & Athletics (6.2.8) B.12 Dean of Learning Resources (5.6.2) B.13 Superintendent of the Physical Plant (6.2.9)
APPENDIX C – Instructional Personnel
C.1 Teaching Faculty - Academic (4.9.2) C.2 Teaching Faculty – Career-Technical Education (4.9.7) C.3 Division Chairpersons (4.9.1) C.4 Instructor for EMT Technology Course (4.9.9) C.5 Director/Instructor for Surgical Technology Program (4.9.10) C.6 Instructor for Surgical Technology Program ( C.7 Nursing Faculty (4.9.11) C.9. Director of Bands/Instructor (5.6.21) C.10 Assistant Band Director/Instructor (5.6.22) C.11 Secondary Student Services Coordinator – Philadelphia-Neshoba County Career-Technical Center APPENDIX D – Non-Teaching Professional Staff Job Descriptions D.1 Academic Counselor (Position I) (5.6.4) D.2 Instructional Counselor (5.6.3)
D.3 Administrative Assistant to the President (6.2.17) D.5 Assistant Director of Admissions and Records ( D.6 Assistant Director of Financial Aid (Loans) (5.6.8) D.7 Assistant Director of Financial Aid (Work-Study) (5.6.9) D.8 Assistant Inter-Collegiate Coaches ( D.9 Assistant to the Associate Vice President for Public Information (6.2.11) D.10 Associate Director for Information Technology (5.6.27) D.11 Basic Skills Specialist (5.6.33) D.12 Business Office Accountant (Position I) (6.2.12) D.13 Business Office Accountant (Position II) (6.2.13) D.14 Campus Police Chief (5.6.15) D.15 Career Center Director/Recruiter (5.6.23) D.17 Dean of Students ( D.18 Director of Philadelphia-Neshoba County Career-Technical Center (4.9.4) D.19 Director of ABE/HSE (6.2.6) D.20 Director of Admissions and Records (6.2.5) D.21 Director of Alumni Relations and the Foundation D.22 Director of Financial Aid (5.6.7) D.23 Director of Housing/Student Activities ( D.24 Director of the Small Business Development Center (5.6.31)
D.25 Success Center/Testing Coordinator (5.6.19) D.26 Director of Career &Technical Education (6.2.7) D.27 Director of Workforce Development (4.9.5) D.28 eLearning Coordinator ( D.29 Guidance Counselor for Career-Technical Instruction, Philadelphia-Neshoba County Career-Tech Center (5.6.6) D.30 Information Technology Technical Specialist (Combined 5.6.28 & 5.6.38) D.31 Inter-Collegiate Coaches (5.6.1) D.32 Librarian 1 (5.6.3) D.33 Network Administrator (5.6.29) D.34 Personal Development Specialist/Site Coordinator (5.6.34) D.35 Publications Coordinator (6.2.22)
D.37 WIOA Workforce Coordinator-Computer Instructor - TDWDB D.38 Workforce Development - Advanced Skills Trainer (5.6.40)
D.39 Workforce Development – Site Coordinator/Advanced Skills Trainer ( D.40 Workforce Development Coordinators ( D.41 Sports Information/Communications Specialist (5.6.37) D.42 Information Technology Software Support Specialist D.43 Director of the Success Center, Testing & Continuing Education D.44 Director of Human Resources D.45 Student Recruiter/Enrollment Specialist
APPENDIX E – Non-Teaching Administrative Support Staff Job Descriptions
E.1 Administrative Assistant to the Vice President for Instruction (6.2.18) E.2 Administrative Assistant for eLearning (6.2.20)
E.3 Administrative Assistant to the Dean of Personnel Services & Athletics (6.2.21) E.4 Administrative Assistant for Career & Technical Education Division (6.2.27) E.5 Administrative Assistant to Faculty (6.2.28) E.6 Administrative Assistant for Office of Healthcare Education (6.2.29) E.7 Administrative Assistant for the Library (6.2.30) E.8 Administrative Assistant to the Superintendent of Physical Plant (6.2.31) E.9 Administrative Assistant to the Director of the Philadelphia-Neshoba County Career/Technical Center (PNCCTC) (6.2.32) E.10 Administrative Assistant to the Associate Vice President for Public Information (6.2.33) E.11 Administrative Assistant to the Vice President for Student Services E.12 Administrative Assistant for ECCC Small Business Development Center (6.2.34) E.13 Administrative Assistant for Workforce Development Center (6.2.35) E.14 Administrative Assistant to the Director of Financial Aid (5.6.10) E.15 Administrative Assistant – WFD/ITT Center (6.2.26) E.16 Admissions and Records Clerk – Application Specialist (6.2.25) E.17 Admissions & Records Clerk - Veterans Affairs (VA) Enrollment Services E.18 Admissions & Records Clerk – Transcript Specialist E.19 Assistant to the Director of Financial Aid (Scholarships & Off-Campus Aid) ( E.21 Business Office Clerk - Accounts Payable (6.2.14) E.22 Business Office Clerk – Accounts Receivable (6.2.15) E.23 Business Office Clerk – Payroll E.24 Business Office Clerk – Purchasing E.25 Administrative Assistant to the Director of Human Resources APPENDIX F - Non-Teaching Institutional Support Staff – Hourly Personnel Job Descriptions
F.1 Assistant Chief of Police F.2 Campus Police Officer (5.6.39) F.3 Campus Police Dispatcher F.4 Security Officers (6.6.17) F.5 Childcare Attendant (5.6.45) F.6 Childcare Lead Teacher (5.6.44) F.7 Dormitory Supervisors (5.6.18) F.8 Bookstore Manager
*Custodial *Groundskeeper *Maintenance (* Job Descriptions to be presented at future Board of Trustees Meetings for approval ) APPENDIX G – Grant Personnel Job Descriptions G.1 ABE Instructor/Trainer
G.2 Transition Specialist/Data Manager G.5 Healthcare-Advanced Skills Trainer (5.6.41) G.6 Electrical Technology Instructor (9-Month) TAACCCT Grant G.7 Electrical Technology Instructor/Facilitator/Technology Assistant (9-Month) – TAACCCT Grant G.8 Navigator (12-Month) – TAACCCT Grant G.9 Center Operations & Data Coordinator (12-Month) – TAACCCT Grant G.10 WIOA Workforce Coordinator/Computer Instructor-Twin Districts Workforce Area G.11 Basic Computer Instructor – Twin Districts Workforce Area G.12 Adult Basic Education Instructor – MI-BEST
G.13 Navigator – MI-BEST G.14 Wellness Coordinator G.15 Coaching & Professional Development Specialist - Early Childhood Academy G.16 Resource & Referral Center Associate – Early Childhood Academy G.17 Navigator (12-Month) – Families First Grant APPENDIX H – Miscellaneous Job Descriptions H.1 Activity and Fitness Center Director (5.6.13) H.2 Assistant Director of Intramural Sports and Student Activities (5.6.14) H.4 Athletic Advisor/Assistant Coach ( H.5 Centralettes Coordinator
H.6 Cheerleader Sponsor (5.6.24) H.7 Director of Intramurals (5.6.12) H.8 Student Recruiter (Summer) (5.6.20)
NOTE: Numbers in parenthesis after each item represent the previous policy number(s) prior to the reorganization of the Policies and Procedures Manual approved by the ECCC Board of Trustees on November 12, 2013.
Policy No: 100
Policy Contact: President
Policy Title: THE POLICIES AND PROCEDURES MANUAL This Policies and Procedures Manual is the official compilation of all policies and procedures that have been adopted by the Board of Trustees to provide the basis for the governance of East Central Community College. East Central Community College recognizes the fact that any educational institution, in order to disseminate information, provide continuity, and establish policy, should have available to the administration, faculty, staff, and support personnel a policies and procedures manual. Therefore, this Policies and Procedures Manual for East Central Community College is the result of study, effort, and input from all divisions of the institution. Each section of the manual was prepared with careful attention being given to the present and future implications of the document and also with the realization that time and circumstance will necessitate periodic revision. This Policies and Procedures Manual was compiled, not as a static document, but as a guide to be used for the operation and improvement of life, work, and study at East Central Community College. Included in the manual, among other things, are definitions of the parameters of responsibility of the Board of Trustees; duties and responsibilities of the administrative officers and professional personnel; patterns of institutional organization; statements governing employment security; statements governing due process; and other institutional policies and procedures that affect the faculty, the administrative staff, and other personnel.
This manual shall be reviewed and revised on a timely basis.
(Revised 11/12/13; Reviewed 6/14/16)
Policy No: 100.1 Policy Contact: President Policy Title: EVALUATION AND REVISION OF THE POLICIES AND PROCEDURES MANUAL The official Policies and Procedures Manual for East Central Community College was formally adopted and approved for release by the Board of Trustees on September 13, 1988. The policies and procedures contained in the manual will be reviewed and evaluated for accuracy and appropriateness on a continuous basis and the manual will be published and maintained electronically on the College’s website. All revisions of existing policies and procedures, the addition of new policies and procedures, and/or the deletion of policies and procedures will be approved by the Board of Trustees prior to the implementation of such changes. A complete administrative evaluation and revision of the Policies and Procedures Manual shall be completed every five (5) years. (2010, 2015, 2020, etc.)
(Revised 6/8/10; Revised 6/14/16)
Policy No: 101
Policy Contact: President
In 1928 the Legislature of the State of Mississippi adopted the first basic laws for the organization and operation of Mississippi public junior colleges. East Central Junior College opened its doors to a freshman class of twenty students for the first regular session in September of 1928. Originally, the College occupied three buildings that were a part of the Newton County Agricultural High School which had been organized in 1914. The Agricultural High School was located on property belonging to the Decatur Municipal School District, which had been created in 1912. The upper high school grades that comprised the Newton County Agricultural High School were a part of the College until 1958 when they moved to the Decatur Attendance Center. During the College’s first year of operation two counties supported the institution: Newton (fall of 1928) and Neshoba (spring of 1929). In the fall of 1930 Scott County closed its agriculture high school and transferred its county support to East Central. Also, in the fall of 1931 Leake County Junior College was closed and its trustees and students joined the East Central Junior College district. Winston County began its involvement with the College in 1935. With the consolidation and support of its five-county district, the College began to grow in all areas and became one of the institutions in the Mississippi Junior College System. From its beginning in three buildings with two instructors, Mrs. Stella Newsome and Mr. Robert Marshall, the College has grown significantly. By the year 2015, the College physical plant consists of 150 acres with over thirty (30) instructional and service buildings, resident halls, and athletic facilities/fields with an additional eleven faculty houses with a market value of over $85 million. In addition, the College employs over 240 full- and part-time personnel and operates with a budget of over $44 million. Eight (8) presidents have served the institution since its founding. In the beginning there was only one curriculum - Liberal Arts. However, in 1945 a serious effort was made to provide vocational programs and after World War II five full-time, non-credit programs were offered. During the early sixties the College’s vocational and technical programs were expanded as funds permitted and by the early seventies the College offered eight vocational programs and three technical programs. In 1988, the College’s name was changed to reflect the expanded role of the College in the five-county district. At the turn of the century East Central Community College provided instruction in over 140 university transfer programs, thirteen technical programs, four vocational programs, six secondary vocational programs in Neshoba County, ABE/GED® programs in all five support counties, and non-credit business and industrial training opportunities in all five support counties. Many of these instructional programs, services, and activities continue today. East Central Community College earned initial accreditation from the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools in 1939 and has had its accreditation reaffirmed each decade since. Today the College holds membership in The American Association of Community Colleges (AACC), The Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC), The Mississippi Association of Colleges (MAC), and the Mississippi Association of Community and Junior Colleges (MACJC).
(Revised 7/27/10; Revised 6/14/16)
Policy No: 102
Policy Contact: President
Section 37-29-31, Mississippi Code of 1972
There are hereby created the following junior college districts comprising the entire counties therein named and having boundaries coinciding with the external boundaries thereof, each of which shall be separate juristic entities and bodies politic and corporate: (a) East Central Junior College District shall be comprised of the counties of Leake, Neshoba, Newton, Scott, and Winston.
(Reviewed 6/14/16)
Policy No: 103
Policy Contact: Vice President for Instruction
East Central Community College is accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC) to award the Associate Degree. Contact the Commission on Colleges at 1866 Southern Lane, Decatur, Georgia 30033-4097 or call 404-679-4500 for questions about the accreditation of East Central Community College.
ECCC also holds accreditation in the areas listed below for the Healthcare programs:
Associate Degree Nursing – Mississippi State Institutions of Higher Learning, Board of Trustees (IHL), and Accreditation Commission for Education in Nursing (ACEN), formerly NLNAC, 3343 Peachtree Road NE, Suite 500, Atlanta, GA 30326, Telephone 404-975-5000. EMT/Paramedic – Committee on Accreditation of Educational Programs for EMS Professionals (CoAEMSP), 4101 W. Green Oaks Blvd. Ste 605-599, Arlington, TX, Telephone 817-330-0080.
Practical Nursing – Mississippi Community College Board (MCCB), Jackson, MS 39350.
Surgical Technology – Accreditation Review Committee on Education in Surgical Technology, 6 West Dry Creek, Suite 210, Littleton, CO, 80120-8031, Telephone 303-694-9262.
(Edited 7/27/10; Revised 3/19/13; Edited 1/15/14; Reviewed 12/15/15)
Policy No: 104
Policy Contact: President
East Central Community College (ECCC) is an active member of the American Association of Community Colleges (AACC), the Association of Community College Trustees (ACCT), the Mississippi Association of Community and Junior Colleges (MACJC), the Mississippi Association of Colleges (MAC), the Mississippi Community College Foundation (MCCF), the Southern Association of Colleges with Associate Degrees (SACAD), the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC), and the Mississippi Commission on College Accreditation (MCCA).
(Revised 6/14/16)
Policy No: 105
Policy Contact: Vice President for Student Services
East Central Community College does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, age, or qualified disability. The College is in compliance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Age Discrimination in Employment Act (ADEA) of 1967, Title IX of the Educational Amendments of 1972 to the Higher Education Act, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, and the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990. The Vice President for Instruction and the Vice President for Student Services have been designated as the administrators to receive and investigate complaints and carry out responsibilities in conformity with the afore-stated acts and their amendments. The following “long” and “short” policy statements shall be included, as appropriate, in college publications and in various advertisements and other public information releases that are made by the college: East Central Community College does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, age, or qualified disability in its educational programs and activities, employment practices, or admissions processes. The following persons have been designated to handle inquiries regarding the non-discrimination policies of East Central Community College: Inquiries regarding compliance with Title VI, ADEA, and Title IX are coordinated by Dr. Teresa Houston, Vice President for Instruction, Walter Arno Vincent Administration Building, Room 171, Post Office Box 129, Decatur, MS 39327, Phone: 601-635-6202, Fax: 601-635-4011, Inquiries regarding compliance with Section 504 and ADA are coordinated by Dr. Randall Lee, Vice President of Student Services, Eddie M. Smith Student Union, Room 201, Post Office Box 129, Decatur, MS 39327, Phone: 601-635-6375, Fax: 601-635-3247, Long Statement
Short Statements
East Central Community College is an equal educational and employment opportunity provider. or EEO/Title VI/ADEA/ Title IX/Section 504/ADA Institution
General Guidelines
The long statement is recommended for use on all publications except when space is limited due to the size of the communication space. The following provides general guidelines on the use of the long and short non-discrimination statements
Short Statements
Long Statement
Recruitment Materials (small pieces such as mini-view books, financial aid brochures, program brochures, print ads, postcards, direct mail pieces, posters, etc.) Recruitment Materials (large materials such as large view books, etc.)
General Advertising (Print ads, posters, flyers, etc.)
Official College Reports (Business Plan, Profile, Annual Reports, etc.) College Publications (Catalog, Magazines, Handbooks, Student Newspaper, etc.) Admissions Materials (Applications, financial aid materials, checklists, etc.)
Employment Package for Potential Employees
(Revised 3/19/13; Edited 1/7/16)
Policy No: 106
Policy Contact: President
A complete Affirmative Action Plan for East Central Community College was adopted and approved by the Board of Trustees and the Federal Court of the Northern District of Mississippi in 1975. Copies of this plan are on file in the office of the President.
(Reviewed 6/14/16)
Policy No: 107
Policy Contact: President
Mississippi law (Sections 25-61-1, et seq ., Mississippi Code of 1972) requires that public entities, which includes East Central Community College (ECCC), provide access to or copies of the public records of ECCC in response to a written request. Further, Mississippi law allows each public entity to develop “reasonable written procedures” concerning the cost, time, place, and method of access to these records. Therefore, the purpose of this policy is to establish the procedures by which ECCC will respond to valid requests for public records. All requests to inspect, copy, or obtain reproductions of “public records,” as defined by Section 25-61-3 of the Mississippi Code of 1972, as held by the ECCC District shall be made in writing to the President, East Central Community College District, clearly indicating the date, specific record requested and the name and address of the individual and/or organization requesting the record. Upon receipt, the President and the College’s legal counsel will review the request for compliance with this policy and the laws of the state of Mississippi. If the written request for public records constitutes an appropriate request requiring a response and it is determined that the ECCC District has within its possession and/or control the record(s) identified in the request, the President shall authorize appropriate personnel of the community college to either make the requested public record available during regular business hours or to produce a copy of the record within fourteen (14) working days from the date the request was received, or shall issue a written denial stating the specific reasons for the denial. A reasonable fee shall be charged to cover the actual cost of searching for the record. Also, a fee of $.20 per page will be charged for copy machine reproductions. Other costs for hand-copying, postage, and other actual expenses involved shall be charged to the requestor as appropriate. All fees shall be payable prior to examining or receiving copies of the public record. Any delay in the receipt of these fees may result in an extension of the fourteen (14) day time limit specified above. If it is determined that an exemption applies to the record(s) requested, the President shall issue a written denial to the requestor stating the specific reason(s) for the denial. Copies of any denials of requests shall be maintained by the President for at least three (3) years.
(Revised 6/14/16)
Policy No: 108
Policy Contact: Vice President for Business Operations
In the spring semester of every third year (2010, 2013, 2016), East Central Community College will complete an institutional self-evaluation of its current policies and practices and their effects concerning admission of students, treatment of students, and employment of both instructional and non-instructional personnel in regard to the requirements of Title IX, Section 504, and the Americans with Disabilities Act. The evaluation will identify any policies and practices which do not meet regulation requirements. Modification of policies and plans for any required remediation will be made. Full documentation will be kept on file for a minimum of the three years as required by federal regulation. The Director of Personnel Services is responsible for organizing the evaluation process and maintaining the evaluation file. The Vice President for Instruction and the Vice President for Student Services will assist with the appointment and supervision of appropriate study committees and will assist in the review of all evaluation data. The Dean of Personnel Services/Athletics, the Vice President for Instruction, and the Vice President for Student Services will assure that all units of the College have been involved in the evaluation process.
Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972. (Sex equity) Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. (Handicapped) Americans with Disabilities Act of 1992.
(Revised 6/8/10)
Policy No: 109
Policy Contact: Vice President for Student Services
Policy Title: FIREARMS, GUNS, AND WEAPONS ON CAMPUS The Board of Trustees of East Central Community College recognizes that the possession of pistols, firearms, guns, or other weapons in any form on college premises or at college functions by persons other than duly authorized law enforcement officials creates unreasonable and unwarranted risk of injury or death to the College's employees, students, visitors, and guests. Furthermore, the possession of pistols, firearms, guns, or other weapons in any form on college premises or at college functions by persons other than duly authorized law enforcement officials creates an unreasonable and unwarranted risk of damage to properties of the College, the College's employees, students, visitors, and guests. Because of such risks and dangers, the Board hereby prohibits the possession of pistols, firearms, guns, or other weapons in any form by any person other than duly authorized law enforcement officials and the College's police force on the College's premises or at functions, regardless of whether any such person possesses a valid permit to carry such pistols, firearms, guns, or other weapons. This prohibition includes pistols, firearms, guns, or other weapons in any form in vehicles on college premises. “Weapons in any form” include, but are not limited to, any weapon prohibited by law, any firearm, knife, razor or razor blade (except solely for personal shaving) or other device designated to be used as a weapon, including devices for firing blank cartridges or charges, or of any incendiary or explosive device or of stink bombs, tear gas or other dangerous chemicals, pellet or BB guns, bows and arrows, martial arts weapons or any other dangerous weapons as determined by the administration of the college. It is not the intent of this policy to prohibit college employees occupying college-owned housing from storing personal, legal firearms in their residences. Therefore, “college premises” does not include the private residences of faculty or staff.
This policy shall be in full force and in affect as of the 10 th day of September, 2013.
(Added 9/10/13; Reviewed 4/12/16)
Policy No: 110
Policy Contact: Vice President for Student Services
Policy Title: CODE OF CONDUCT – PARTICIPATION IN TITLE IV PROGRAM As required by the Higher Education Opportunity Act of 2008 (HEOA, Section 493) for institutions participating in a Title IV loan program, East Central Community College has established the following code of conduct which applies to the officers, employees and agents of the institution. • East Central Community College will not participate in revenue-sharing arrangements with any lender. The HEOA defines “revenue-sharing arrangement” as any arrangement between an institution and a lender under which the lender makes Title IV loans to students attending the institution (or to the families of those students), the institution recommends the lender or the loan products of the lender and, in exchange, the lender pays a fee or provides other material benefits, including revenue or profit-sharing, to the institution or to its officers, employees or agents. • No officer or employee of East Central Community College’s financial aid office (or an employee or agent who otherwise has responsibilities with respect to educational loans) will solicit or accept any gift from a lender, guarantor or servicer of education loans. A “gift” is defined as any gratuity, favor, discount, entertainment, hospitality, loan or other item having monetary value of more than a de minimus amount. However, a gift does not include (1) a brochure, workshop or training using standard materials relating to a loan, default aversion or financial literacy, such as a brochure, workshop or training; (2) food, training or informational material provided as part of a training session designed to improve the service of a lender, guarantor or servicer if the training contributes to the professional development of the institution’s officer, employee or agent; (3) favorable terms and benefits on an education loan provided to a student employed by the institution if those terms and benefits are comparable to those provided to all students at the institution; (4) entrance and exit counseling as long as the institution’s staff are in control of the counseling and the counseling does not promote the services of a specific lender; (5) philanthropic contributions from a lender, guarantor or servicer that are unrelated to education loans or any contribution that is not made in exchange for advantage related to education loans, and; (6) State education grants, scholarships or financial aid funds administered by or on behalf of a State. • An officer or employee of East Central Community College’s financial aid office (or employee or agent who otherwise has responsibilities with respect to education loans) may not accept from a lender or an affiliate of any lender any fee, payment or other financial benefit as compensation for any type of consulting arrangement or contract to provide services to or on behalf of a lender relating to education loans. • No one at East Central Community College will steer borrowers to particular lenders or delay loan certifications. A first-time borrower will not have a loan assigned, through award packaging or other methods, to a particular lender. In addition, the institution will not refuse to certify or delay the certification of any loan based on the borrower’s selection of a particular lender or guaranty agency. • East Central Community College will not request or accept from any lender any offer of funds for private loans, including funds for an opportunity pool loan to students. in exchange for providing concessions or promises to the lender for a specific number of Title IV loans made, insured or guaranteed; a specified loan volume; or a preferred lender arrangement. An “opportunity pool loan” is defined as a private education loan made by a lender to a student (or the student’s family) that involves a payment by the institution to the lender for extending credit to the student.
• East Central Community College will not request or accept from any lender any assistance with call center staffing or financial aid office staffing, except that a lender may provide professional development training, educational counseling materials (as long as the materials identify the lender that assisted in preparing the materials) or staffing services on a short-term, nonrecurring basis during emergencies or disasters. • An employee of East Central Community College’s financial aid office (or employee who otherwise has responsibilities with respect to education loans or financial aid) who serves on an advisory board, commission or group established by a lender or guarantor (or a group of lenders or guarantors) will be prohibited from receiving anything of value from the lender, guarantor or group, except for reimbursement for reasonable expenses incurred by the employee for serving on the board.
(Added 5/19/09)
Policy No: 200
Policy Contact: Vice President for Institutional Research & Effectiveness
Vision Statement East Central Community College will be recognized nationally as a premier community college and locally as the preferred gateway to higher education and training for residents of east central Mississippi due to our focus on students and their success and our commitment to communities and their development.
(Revised 2/12/2013; Reaffirmed 6/10/14; Reaffirmed 6/9/15; Reaffirmed 6/14/16; Reaffirmed 6/13/17)
Mission Statement East Central Community College is a public, open-access, comprehensive, two-year institution of higher education that provides university transfer education, distance education opportunities, career-technical programs, workforce development services, and basic skills offerings to meet the educational and training needs of the residents of Leake, Neshoba, Newton, Scott, and Winston counties located in east central Mississippi. (Revised 10/10/06; Revised 9/14/10; Revised 2/12/13; Reaffirmed 6/10/14; Reaffirmed 6/9/15; Reaffirmed 6/14/16; Reaffirmed 6/13/17)
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