ECCC Policies & Procedures
Policy No: 303
Policy Contact: President
East Central Community College (ECCC) full-time faculty and staff members are involved in institutional governance through their service on various councils and/or committees. Service on these councils and/or committees provides employees with the opportunity for input in the development of college policies and procedures and for recommendations that may result in administrative action. The Executive Council will be led by the College President and will meet several times each term for the purpose of ensuring communications between and among divisions and to consider recommendations for administrative action. College-wide councils (Instructional, Finance, Student Services, and Public Information) will meet periodically throughout each term as determined by the Vice President assigned to lead each council. It is anticipated that committees will meet at least once per term unless they are designated as ad hoc committees. Ad hoc committees will meet when circumstances warrant the need.
ECCC’s council and committee governance structure will consist of the following councils and committees:
Executive Council To review, coordinate, and evaluate the activities of the College as well as recommendations received from college councils and committees. This council also serves as the SACSCOC Leadership Committee to assist in the on-going planning and evaluation activities of the College and to coordinate the completion of the Compliance Certification for the SACSCOC reaffirmation process.
Instructional Council
To coordinate the overall educational program of the College.
Finance Council
To coordinate the overall financial program of the College.
Student Services Council
To coordinate the overall student services programs of the College.
Public Information Council To advise and assist the Office of Public Information in presenting the College to its various publics through a variety of media. Institutional Research & Effectiveness Council To advise on matters related to data access and organization; presentation of and access to college reports and information including outcomes, benchmarks, and surveys; organization and review of the college’s strategic plan; and configuration of Compliance Assist . Athletic Advisory Council (Ad-hoc) To promote the principles of teamwork, cooperation, and the enhancement of individual physical and intellectual skills through collegiate study and intercollegiate competition.
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