Newspaper Clippings
Marty Ferrell, Walnut Grove; Isaac Blalock, Decatur; (back row, left to right) Tt,omas Russell, Oakdale,LA; Luke Parkes, Nanlh WaJya; Paul Scelfo, New Iberia, LA; Mike Giss, Newton; Keitb Henry, Mobile, AL; JuiJus Ferrell, Walnut Grove; Keith Jordan, LouisvUie; and Wes Knight, Philadelphia. In comparing this year's squad with the previous year's team, Head Coach A.J. Kilpatrick believes East Central will be stronger and more experienc· ed defensively. The experieoce of a returning quarterback and running backs, as well as a strong offensive line, should help the Warriors move tbe baD, be stated. Assisting Kilpatrick with the coaching responsibilities are Freeman Horton and Greg Jefcoat, a newcomer to the coacbinJ staff.
After two weeks of pre-season practice, the East Cen– tral Junior College Football team has been narrowed to 45 players. The team will have 23 returning lettermen witb freshmen rounding out the number. The Warriors meet Coahoma for the season opener September 3 at Warrior field , Decatur. Game time is 7:30 p.m. Returning let– termen on the squad are; (front , left to right) Loyce Har– dy, Newton; Percy Johnson , Harvey, LA; Harry HaD, Noxapater; Stacy Powell, Gretna, LA; Mike Spence, Newto11; David Gallaspy, Decatur; Grant Abercrombie, Centerville, AL; (second row, left to right) AI Walker, Newton; Albert (Bo) Evans, Hickory; Wayne Suttle, Centerville, AL; Anthony Brown, Louisville; Arthur McMillan. Newton; Leroy Bowden, Centerville, AL;
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