Newspaper Clippings
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David 1982 graduate of Decatur High School, has been selected to play in the 12th annual Mississippi Junior College All-Star football game which will be held Decem– be'r 3 in Tupelo. David, son of Mr. and Mrs Clinton Gallaspy of Decatur, is a sophomore at East Central Junior College majoring in Liberal Arts. At East Central, he was a wide receiver with the 1983 ream. Gallaspy, a
Arthur McMillan, a 1982 graduate of Newton High School has been selected to play in the 12th annual Mississippi Junior College All-Star football game which will be held Decem– ber 3 in Tupelo. Arthur, son of Mr. and Mrs. John W. McMillan of Newton, is a sophomore at East Central Junior College majoring in Physical EducatiOn. At East Central, he was a line backer with the 1983 team.
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