Newspaper Clippings
MORTON·PEI.ABATCHIE-fou:st AD\'EaTISER. Mertoa, ~Mlppl 39117
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AFrER TWO WEEKS OF PRE-SEASON PRACI'JCE the East Central Junior CoiJege FootbaiJ team has been narrowed lo 45 pia) ers. The team wiiJ have 23 returning lettermen with freshmen rounding out the number. The Warriors meet Coahoma for the season opener September 3 on the Warrior field. Game Ume Is 7:30p.m. In comparing this year's squad with the pre\>lous year's team,Head Coach A.J. Kilpatrick belleves East Central wiiJ be stronger and more experienced defensh·el). lbe experience of a returning quarterback and running backs, as weiJ as a strong offensl"e Une, should help the Warriors move the ball. Assisting Kilpatrick wltb coaching re ponslbllltles are Freeman Horton and Greg Jefcoat, a newcomer to the coaching staff. Kilpatrick comments, " We are real proud of the group of young men we have thJs )ear and look for good things to happen." Members of the ECJC squad from Scott Coun ty Include, kneeUng, left to right, Ted Marvin Moore of Lake; Victor Wamsley of Morton; and Herbert Rile) of Lake; atanclbtg, Charles Deering of Morton aud Lee Mitchell of Morton.
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