ECCC Policies & Procedures
General Statement of the Function : The Director of Intramurals/Women’s Fast Pitch Softball Coach is responsible to the Vice President for Student Services in all activities of the Intramural Sports Program and as Softball Coach is responsible to the Athletic Director.
Duties and Responsibilities :
1. General a. Supervises all persons working in the Intramural Sports Program and with the women’s fast pitch softball program; b. Insures maximum participation and equal opportunity to participate by all students without regard to race or sex;
c. Anticipates requirements and recommends budgets for all related functions; d. Performs other duties as directed by the Vice President for Student Services.
2. Intramural Sports a. Organizes student teams to participate in all major sports and any other team sport where enough interest is demonstrated by the students; b. Schedules games to coincide with major sports in season; c. Insures adequate facilities and equipment are available for conducting programmed intramural sports; d. Secures officials to officiate intramural events; e. advises student governing boards (composed of team coaches) on league rules necessary to insure an energetic, impartial league function; f. Performs day-to-day supervision of the Intramural Program. 3. Extramural Sports a. Organizes events with other Intramural Directors in the area to participate in all major sports in season; b. Coordinates rules in each sport, so that teams and officials are not placed at a disadvantage; c. Secures officials and scorekeepers for campus intramural events.
Revised 3/14/00)
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