ECCC Policies & Procedures
General Statement of the Function : The Cheerleader Sponsor reports directly to the Dean of Athletics. His/her duties include supervising the cheerleading squad and recruiting/training members of the squad.
Duties and Responsibilities :
1. Conduct and supervise regular practice sessions; 2. Requisition supplies as needed; 3. Maintain the cheerleading budget; 4. Make travel arrangements for off-campus athletic events; 5. Conduct approved fund-raisers as needed; 6. Distribute uniforms; 7. Conduct try-outs during the Spring semester; 8. Keep accurate records of disciplinary actions; 9. Keep attendance and grade report information; 10. Arrange cheerleading scholarships with the Financial Aid Office; and 11. Perform other duties as assigned.
(Revised 6/8/10)
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