ECCC Policies & Procedures
A. Program strengths B. Program opportunities C. Program weaknesses D. Program challenges E. Evaluation of budget needs F. Recommendations G. Vision for the Future: Where should the program be, and what is preventing it from getting there? The components outlined above are to be compiled by the program coordinator (with indicated sections provided by the Office of IR & E) and submitted to the Office of the Vice President for Instruction under the signatures of the program coordinator, division chair (if applicable) and appropriate Dean or Director (if applicable). Submissions may be staggered and scheduled during the designated review year at the discretion of the Vice President for Instruction. Of course it is understood that not all components listed above will be applicable to certain programs. For instance, gateway completions will not pertain to non-credit programs such as Workforce Development. Or, a component may be interpreted in the context of the program in question. For example, the term "transfer rates" for the ABE/HSE program may be interpreted as GED completers gaining admission to ECCC or another college. The Vice President for Institutional Research & Effectiveness (IR & E) is to reasonably discern the applicability and appropriateness of measures for different types of programs.
The Vice President for Instruction will lead in the compilation of a document providing feedback and recommendations to the program signatories after the completion of analysis of the program review package. At the Vice President for Instruction's discretion analysis may include results of reviews by councils or committees and the President. Feedback should also contain an analysis of any accreditation standards or substantive change issues from the SACSCOC Liaison.
Feedback reports will be presented to the Board of Trustees.
(Revised 6/14/16; Revised 8/9/16)
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