ECCC Policies & Procedures
A. Program Statement of Purpose. B. Evaluation of Relationship of Purpose with College Mission. II. PLANNING A. Most recent three years IE plans.
B. IE expected outcomes (including program level student learning outcomes) and results. C. Evaluation of implementation and effectiveness of the use of IE planning results for improvement. III. INSTRUCTION A. Most recent curriculum review. B. Verification of CIP. C. Listing of teaching sites. D. Listing of instructor qualifications. E. Course level Student Learning Outcomes - summary report provided by Office of IR & E of annual course student learning outcomes since last instructional program review. F. Highlights and samples of minutes from Craft Committee meeting over the most recent three years, or highlights/samples from Division meetings pertaining to the program. G. Student Evaluation of Instructor - summary report provided by the Office of IR&E from most recent three years. H. Textbook and supplemental materials evaluations (most recent). I. Most recent course syllabi. J. Program promotional materials. K. Articulation and partnership agreements with other institutions. L. Outside accreditor reports since the last instructional program review. M. Summary of articulation challenges or issues. IV. OUTPUTS (provided by the Office of IR&E, benchmarked when possible) A. Number of courses offered B. Number of sections made - traditional, MSVCC, dual credit, evening, etc. C. Number of faculty - full-time, adjunct, dual credit D. Student-to-Instructor, class size ratios V. OUTCOMES (provided by the Office of IR&E, benchmarked when possible) A. Enrollment - unduplicated, duplicated, credit type, credit hours, delivery, demographics, etc.
B. Course Completion C. Gateway Completion D. Program Completion E. Program Persistence from Fall to Spring F. Program Retention from Fall to Fall G. Industry certification, licensure pass rates, and/or state evaluations H. Transfer rates I. Employment/Placement J. Wage Gains K. Other VI. PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT & RECOGNITION A. Summary of highlights since the last instructional program review. VII. FINANCE (provided by the Office of IR&E) A. Budgeted vs. actual expenditures B. Revenues - FTP revenue and reimbursement formula, other revenues C. Return on Investment Analysis (ROI) VIII. INNOVATION
A. Technology - use; recent enhancements; opportunities going forward; needed resources. B. Pedagogical innovations, best practices - recent implementations; opportunities going forward; needed resources.
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